Advances in Biological Chemistry, 2013, 3, 536-540 ABC Published Online December 2013 (
An experimental proposal for low order laboratory
animals’ extension of metabolic life
Mario Gosalvez*
Clínica and Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Spain
Received 6 September 2013; revised 18 October 2013; accepted 1 November 2013
Copyright © 2013 Mario Gosalvez. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Essential bibliography, with therein references in-
cluded, is presented owing to the contribution of the
author groups to Mitochondrial Filamentation, which
is a new emerging field of physiological energy me-
tabolism. These studies provide the first seed concept
for trials to extend the metabolic life, for a few days,
in low order laboratory mamma ls killed by electrocu-
tion, as a first type of accidental death. It is proposed,
essentially, to cool out the corpses very soon after
death at 12ºC - 14ºC and take advantage o f the effect
super magnetism to counteract the force of gravity to
install a net recurrent cycle of oxygen consumption
and oxygen production by filamented mitochondria
in all the organism tissues. Once the cause of death
had been corrected adequately, it is possible to try the
reanimation to experience the full life of the corpse
with highly sophisticated methodology.
Keywords: Metabolic Life; Transitory Physiological
Death; Cooling of Corpses; Super Magnetism;
Mitochondrial Filamentation; Clin ical and
Experimental Resuscitation Techniques
I would like to draw your attention to a possible tran-
sient state of death. I refer to physiological death, when
the heart stops beating, the blood no longer circulates
and settles and the EEG readings are flat. Depending on
body temperature after death, the duration in a state of
metabolic life will vary and complete reanimation is pos-
sible by means of greater or lesser sophistication in a
highly advanced hospital if the state of death has not
lasted longer than approximately two hours.
I ventured to suggest in Japan in 2008 [1] that we
could extend the duration of metabolic life for those pos-
sible transient corpses for more or less days, as long as
we took into account the wonderful capabilities of fila-
mented cellular mitochondria. We would then be able to
bring back many physiologically dead animals to life for
a few days, or even weeks, although, of course, in such
circumstances, they would suffer a significant loss of
body we ight if more than three weeks in this specia l physi-
ological death cold transitory slow m etabolic period.
We suggest that studies be carried out on laboratory
mammals which, if successful, could possibly be ex-
tended to babies who suffer infant death syndrome. With
some more years elapsing, if it is feasible, we could wi-
den the scope to include adults also with the adequate
legal and insurance safeguards. This could drive medi-
cine on that one step further with medical and surgical
capabilities uniting to vanquish physiological death in a
much greater number of cases than at present. In my
humble opinion for full complex organisms, deep freez-
ing cryogenics cannot afford lasting too longer coming
back to physiological life.
Nature with the different ways of hibernation has
solved the problem of suspending active life in very low
temperature slowing down metabolic activity. As I will
spell out that in the following text, my proposal is just
based on extending the time of metabolic time for as long
could be possible after physiological transitory death.
Our group has contributed to a greater physiological un-
derstanding of mitochondria, the cellular organelles with
double membrane in which cellular respiration takes
place associated with synthesis of adenosine triphosphate
which is the basic unit of energy metabolism.
Using a method of mitochondrial isolation with less
mechanical, thermal and chemical trauma, we discovered,
above all, that when the animal is at rest, that the mito-
chondria are recursively filamented radially in their outer
*Head, Experimental Bioc he mistry (1970- 2010).
M. Gosalvez / Advances in Biological Chemistry 3 (2013) 536-540 537
membrane by short filaments 25, 10 and 5 nanometres
thick. In hypoxia, filamented mitochondria produce a
greater amount of oxygen than they use up with bicar-
bonate present. Recent reviews of this emerging field and
its possible future applications are published openly on
line [2-8]. The references there in are sufficient to ex-
plain our expertise in this new field of the physiological
The net oxygen production by the filamented mito-
chondria is achieved in hypoxia in the presence of a me-
dium which fundamentally mimics the cytoplasm. In
hyperoxia, the oxygen consumption of those mitochon-
dria is much greater than the oxygen produced. Keeping
the oxygen concentration “in vitro”, at the physiological
level, an oscillation between oxygen consumption and
production can be achieved. If this oscillation could be
obtained “in vivo” at 14˚C it would probably lead to the
cellular metabolism being maintained for longer p eriods.
In my present opinion one month could be the limit in
organisms at their normality range in body weight.
We dare to think, perhaps, that by installing in the
laboratory animals, changed into transient corpses using
methods which simulate accidents, (I think first in artifi-
cial electrocution by high voltages), a consumption-
production oscillation of oxygen by filamented mito-
chondria of their tissues, the extension of metabolic life
could be achieved if everything is done right from the
outset at 14˚C.
This could possibly achieve the ex tension of the meta-
bolic life period of the animal corpse for many hours.
After even a few days in that state perhaps a complete
reanimation could be attempted using state-of-the art
clinical methods in the field of anaesthetic resuscitation.
How might that chronic oscillation of oxygen con-
sumption-production b e induced into the tissues of young
rabbits sacrificed by reversible accidents in order to ex-
tend the time which the corpse can be maintained with an
active metabolic rate?
I think that by submitting the animal to very intense
magnetic fields with different polarities, negative or
positive. Or, in other words, by simulating a decrease or
increase in the force of gravity. The simulation of a de-
crease in the force of gravity has already been tried on
rats, by levitating them in the cavity of a super-magnet.
Levitation is one of the things people like most about
super-magnetism. It is based on the simulation of de-
creasing the force of gravity by means of the counterac-
tion by very strong magnetic fields of the force of attrac-
tion of the Earth’s mass on the subject.
A decrease in the force of gravity increases mitochon-
drial filamentation and decreases motor activity. The
opposite occurs when the force of gravity is increased:
motor activity increases and mitochondrial filamentation
decreases. An increase of mitochondrial filamentation
raises oxygen production and a decrease of mitochon-
drial filamentation raises the amount of oxygen con-
sumed. We have observed these phenomena from meas-
urements on filamented mitochondrial on different motor
activities with different estimated values of the vertical
gravity exercised on Madrid. This was published in a
internal report of Spain´s National Centre of Medical and
Surgical research. The reasons for this dependency that
we proposed could be related through a concomitance of
mitochondrial filamentation-defilamentation-recurrent cy-
cles, of all the organism tissues with body number of
movements. This concomitance relationship that we
proposed perhaps would be regulated by the light varia-
tions and other irradiation and magnetic cycles of the
pineal gl a nd.
A negative-positive oscillatory cycle would therefore
have to be installed in the super-magnet, leading to the
simulation of a recurrent, chronic increase and decrease
of the force of gravity on the animal placed in a cold bag
in the cavity in which the desired magnetic changes are
This is now possible in the United States of America,
Japan and Germany, for instance, where the largest su-
per-magnets are found. But only on small mammals;
doubtless the smallest rabb its, recently weaned, would fit
into the largest super-magnet currently available. But, fo r
larger animals, such as a young sheep or a young mare, it
would neither be possible nor practicable to attempt it,
using that method of creating very strong magnetic fields
which are based on th e manufactu ring of huge solenoids.
Now is not the time or indeed the place, to articulate
my thinking on other ways of making strong magnetic
fields with much less bulky equipment capable of simu-
lating changes in the force of gravity in a large cavity.
However, it will suffice just to add that I believe that
different, inexpensive, ways can be tried out qu ite quick-
ly. Specially those based in our in invention of mega-
electric accumulators copying artificially mito- chondria
(generic patent pending) geared to circulate electricity
instead to electric power accumulation.
Following the not irreversible electrocution, as a first
example of “accidental death”, the interior spaces of the
animal corpse would have to be filled with suitable fluids:
the abdominal and pleural cavities, the complete alimen-
tary canal, etc. Then the corpse, duly sutured and shav ed,
would be placed as a liquid block in a liquid bag at 14˚C.
The composition of the internal and external fluids
would be a matter for experts in physiological biochem-
istry, but fo llowing a due trial and error process, with the
correct molecular nutritional and diffusion facilitator
additives, the predominant solids, liquids and gases in
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. Gosalvez / Advances in Biological Chemistry 3 (2013) 536-540
the makeup of these fluids could be listed sufficiently
accurately, in order to successfully attempt to maintain
the active metabolism at 14˚C.
At that temperature the membranes would not disinte-
grate, the cellular skeleton of contractile proteins, the
cytoskeleton, would be intact and, above all, as long as
enough intercellular oxygen is always present, the hy-
drolytic enzymes for proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
of the cytoplasmic vesicles would not be released. This is
what I think is essentially responsible for the necrosis or
putrification of tissues when there is insufficient oxygen
supply due to a deficiency of the blood circulation desta-
bilizing the membranes of the lysosomes.
The cold bag, with the animal corpse in a liquid block,
would rotate slowly on its longitudinal axis in conso-
nance with the super-magnetic oscillation. This will al-
low the low molecular weight components, with a nega-
tive or positive charge, to alternatively pass through the
membrane pores of the cellular tissues.
This point is also susceptible to trial and error, sup-
plementing it appropriately with membrane stabilizers
and electrophoretic diffusion modulators of one or other
sign. Evidently there would be the limitations, at the be-
ginning of the experimentation, of the size of the cavity
in which the strong magnetic fields are generated. When
we reach a capability to experiment on larger animals
this aspect could be addressed with the utmost perfection,
especially when possible on the tailed primate.
My contribution, as a consultant, in this endeavor,
which in some years’ time could perhaps assume a major
international dimension, would fundamentally be in the
subsequ en t stage: the for mati on in the anima l corpse, in a
liquid block, of a production-consumption oscillation of
oxygen by the mitochondria. I have a great familiarity,
always accompanied by an enormous respect, for those
tiny dancers of biological energy, whether they are naked,
or preferably more or less clothed with contractile fila-
I will try to pull together as concisely as possible what
my knowledge on mitochondria is, now that perhaps the
first stuttering new steps forward are being taken for life
in our society. I would say first of all that our science is
at such an early stage that what we know about fila-
mented mitochondria and their possible concatenation
with all the biological cycles is but a drop in the ocean.
The amplitude of the magnetic oscillatio n needed is in
no way as great as that needed to levitate or squash a rat.
We need a magnetic oscillation which can simulate varia-
tions in vertical gravity on the subject of the experiment,
ranging from the strongest to the weakest gravity force
known for any point on the planet. That is not difficult,
but for large animals, solenoids, huge magnetic coils,
will not be enough.
In addition to their amplitude the wavelength of the
oscillation should be precisely determined. To this end,
we could start with perfused organs, especially the liver
and lungs, at 14˚C, with a perfect monitoring system on
oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide, hydrogen ions,
potassium and sodium, at least both intracellular as well
as extracellular, during the period of oscillation. That
would enable the sequ ential destruction of the samples in
order to determine by electron microscopy the variable
degree of mitochondrial filamentation for each simulated
stimulated or decreased force of gravity. With that in
each organ, passing later to the laboratory animals of
different sizes, the required evaluation could be made of
the possible gravitational “tuning fork”, for the mito-
chondrial concatenation of all the physiological tissues of
the particularly chosen transitorily dead organism in the
experiment. In my humble opinion that concatenating
fork would reside in the “Triad Epiphysis-Hypotha- lam-
ic-Pituitary” possible mitochondrial inter relation system,
When that point has been reached, the temperature
would need to be gradually increased while the magnetic
oscillation as well as the corresponding oscillation of
oxygen production and consumption flattened out, until
reaching, after following all the required steps in order,
the moment to awaken the animal from its deep slumber.
In my modest opinion the critical point at which to begin
to wake up the superior animal, whose most intelligent
behavioral patterns would have been known before its
death, would occur when normal body temperature had
been maintained for 24 hours. On that day the oscillation
of oxygen production-consumption would be more or
less flat, depending on the nature of the experimental
subject. Almost daily weight loss due to the consumption
of endogenous nutrients would be faster owing to the rate
of metabolic activity, close to a temperature of 37˚C, in
superior mammals.
With the oscillation set up correctly, prior to reanima-
tion, the issue, on the one hand, would be in the induc-
tion of sufficient neuroendocrine secretion, especially in
the pineal and hypothalamus and, on the other, in rees-
tablishing heart rate, blood circulation and respiration.
This would first have to be done on the physiologi-
cally dead organism. Due techniques of artificial life
would be applied while stimulating the pineal gland us-
ing an adequate electromagnetic helmet capable of emit-
ting deep-u ltraviolet light. The effects of micro-magnetic
fields in the pineal gland are started now to be well
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known. On the other hand our unpublished preliminary
studies in detained-light and mitochondrial filamentation
in vitro”, presented to the First International Congress
of Electromagnetism celebrated in Madrid several years
ago do suggest the possib le utility of such stimulation on
pineal cell’s filamented mitochondria. This is a mito-
chondrial character that especially in some pineal cells it
is very resistant to low temperatures.
After a few hours in this state, external support aids
would be gradually reduced and subsequently small,
sharp interruptions would be made to gain autonomous
control. The return to a normal life of the superior animal
would be demonstrated if it behaved in approximately
the same way as before its transitory death. Only then if
after obtaining full successful trial results on a represen-
tative sample of adult apes, could we advance to the hu-
man baby.
With the addition of this research proposal, the methods
suggested to try to suspend partially or totally the phy-
siological life of complex organisms have a newly ar-
rived seed concept to the human imagination. It is placed
in the acute, o semi-chronic, time range. In my opinion to
extend the metabolic life for more than two months will
need very fatty organisms.
If this research, with the decades, will prov e to be us e-
ful, perhaps it will be later surpassed by unknown, at
present effective methods, of provoking chronic partial
suspension of metabolism for months or years at very
low temperatures. Thus is to say “Artificial Hibernation”.
In my modest opinion such methods are now far out of
It could be argued really many things, I am well aware,
working against the probability that our present sciences
could obtain in corpses a well all spread throughout all
the organism of metabolic activity extension for too long
times. In my opinion our first trials, until the methodolo-
gies were well perfected, must not intent physiological
death for most that 3 days, in animals, and one day in
sudden death babies when if it were possible to arrive as
a first end.
Let me suggest please, that this research proposal
could be considered as a first real international project, in
spite that some of the great scientific potencies of the
world could carry it all by them alone. An accrual of
research institutions, independently to the task, with in-
sufficient capability and concatenation, will yield surely
early macabre failures that could end hopes or give a
long retardation to a brighter future. By world science
true coordination duly passing to the human baby when
absolutely all would be very well controlled in high order
In the long term, the problems of this new endeavor I am
postulating need to be articulated now, calmly and sys-
tematically, with the help of everyone; there will be nu-
merous ones.
On obtaining the first successes, which I suspect may
come quite quickly using low order mammals and short
times of physiological death, many problems can be fo-
reseen whether matters are handled properly, such as,
blood dyscrasias and the loss of teeth, nails and hair.
The more complex subjects may require time to adapt
to their new life. However, I would expect that deep
memory will not be lost and the capability to gradually
piece the substance of the previous life together will be
recovered. In short, as for any new adventure of ideas,
bringing matters to a successful conclusion and in a
timely manner will fall, above all, on the younger gen-
eration. Enough time should be given, please, gener-
It only remains for me to pr offer advice on filamented
mitochondria, and that is for just a few more years until I
am overwhelmed by the new experts. Of course, I will
also ask for prudence and patience. Plus, of course, a
great care in all the experimental treatments: Of what
could result some day, in the more or less distant future,
transitory cadavers?
The author is very grateful to his personal friend, Mr. Andrew Guy, for
the translation of the text from Castilian Spanish into English.
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Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. Gosalvez / Advances in Biological Chemistry 3 (2013) 536-540
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
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