Open Access
Table 6.
Correlation of the parameters associated with the variables and characteristics of stockbrokers.
Corporate Equity Inventor y Volume of Transactions Market Share and Size
Total Contribution 34% −5% 26% −9%
Average Contributi on 23% 31% −7% 51%
Times Contributed 17% −12% 70% 31%
Average Contributi on in Buyer O f fers −2% 20% 14% 0%
Average Contributi on in Seller Off ers 68% 37% −1% 77%
Times Contributed Offer as Buyer 19% 6% 72% 86%
Times Contributed Offer as Seller −8% 42% 50% 87%
Finally, we observe that further and interesting research work
will eventually be developed toward new indicators that allow
the quality of information to be measured. This measurement
will involve the formulation of an index based on the items
proposed by Haat et al. (2006) and based on the index proposed
by Botosan (1997). In addition, this study can be expanded to
include other companies from the Chilean market, comprising
various industrial sectors.
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