Neuroscience & Medicine, 2013, 4, 277-279
Published Online December 2013 (
Open Access NM
Anterior Cerebral Infarction by Fronto-Basal Meningioma
Paul Macaire Ossou-Nguiet1*, Dieu Donné Gnonlonfoun2, Karen Obondzo-Aloba1,
Hugues Brieux Ekouélé-Mbaki1, Gilbert Fabrice Otiobanda3
1Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Brazzaville, Brazzaville, Congo; 2Department of Neurology, University Hospital
of Cotonou, Cotonou, Benin; 3Department of Intensive Care, University Hospital of Brazzaville, Brazzaville, Congo
Email: *
Received August 31st, 2013; revised September 25th, 2013; accepted October 23rd, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Paul Macaire Ossou-Nguiet et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The association between stroke and meningioma is rarely reported in the data. In most etiology classification, there is
no compressive cause. The association between meningioma and stroke is increasingly reported. We report a case of 52-
year-old woman, previously healthy, presented with sudden right hemiplegia with some transient mood disorders. The
CT-scan revealed acute left anterior cerebral artery infarction associated with fronto-basale meningioma infiltrating
both anterior cerebral arteries. She was treated by corticosteroid and rehabilitation, with partial recovery. No stroke pre-
vention was used before surgical treatment.
Keywords: Infarction; Anterior Cerebral Artery; Meningioma
1. Introduction
Mechanisms and causes of cerebral infarction are well
studied and documented in the literature, and usually two
mechanisms are identified: hemodynamics and throm-
botic or thromboembolic causes [1]. Compressive causes
by tumor are not reported in the main etiological classi-
fications as Trial of Org1017 2 in Acute Stroke Treatment
(TOAST) classification and ASCO (atherosclerosis, small
vessel disease, cardiac source, other causes) [2]. Men-
ingioma is the second most common primary brain tumor
with incidence rates of 3 to 13 cases per 100,000. That
incidence increases with female gender and age [3 ], an d i t
is the most common benign tumor in adult, which is usu-
ally manifested by slow progressive signs. The occur-
rence of stroke associated with meningioma is increas-
ingly reported, but there is no cohort study. We report a
case of sudden neurological deficit due to calloso-mar-
ginal branch of the anterior cerebral artery infarction as-
sociated with infiltrating fronto-basal meningioma.
2. Case
It was a patient of 52 years, with no particular history,
admitted to the neurology department for motor deficit of
the right side of the body. The examination revealed
some transient episodes of mood disorders without
headache or vomiting. Physical examination on admis-
sion noted a right hemiplegia predominantly on lower
limb and the presence of grasping reflexe, without other
elements of the frontal lobe involvement. The blood
pressure was 135/80 mmHg, regular heart without added
noise. The CT scan without injection showed a tumor
lesion isodensefrontobasale parenchyma associated with
infarction in calloso-marginal territory of the anterior
cerebral artery (Figures 1(A) and (B)). A secondary in-
jection revealed homogeneous contrast enhancement of
the lesion characteristic of meningioma. That tumor le-
sion infiltrates both anterior cerebral arteries (Figures
1(C) and (D)). Lipid and inflammatory balance, echocar-
diography, the 24 hours ECG-recording, and echo-Dop-
pler of the supra-aortic trunks founded no abnormalities.
It was not possible to make vascular exploration with
MRI or angiography. The possible tumor origin of the
infarct was selected. The treatment consisted to corticos-
teroid based on prednisolone 1 mg/kg associated with
and motor rehabilitation for 1 month, with partial recov-
ery, then the patient was transferred to neurosurgery de-
partment for surgical management, no stroke prevention
was conducted before surgery.
*Corresponding a uthor.
Anterior Cerebral Infarction by Fronto-Basal Meningioma
Figure 1. CT scan without injection (A), (B) and injection
(C), (D) showing a frontal meningioma infiltrating anterior
cerebral artery with infarction in the left calloso marginal
artery territory.
3. Discussion
We present the case of meningioma associated to ische-
mic stroke. The occurrence of stroke in patients with a
brain tumor has been described, vascular occlusion is
related to either direct compression or vascular infiltra-
tion by the tumor, or indirectly by coagulation disorders
[4,5]. Meningiomas are the most common benign tumors
in adults, and the para sagittal, fronto-basal or skull base
localizationare usual as our patient [6,7]. By their loca-
tion few cases of transient ischemic injury have been
reported, Komotar et al. [8] estimated to 0.19% the inci-
dence of meningioma related cerebral ischemia by ca-
rotid artery compression. The possible pathophysiologi-
cal mechanism in our case is vascular compression by
tumor infiltration, or vascular insufficiency as related in
literature [9,10]. Two cases of cerebral infarction by tu-
mor invasion of the internal carotid were reported by
Komotar et al. [8]. The offending mechanism is was
probably a combination of hypoperfusion and throm-
boembolism. Although common, the fronto-basal loca-
tion of meningioma is rarely reported as a cause of in-
farction in the anterior cerebral artery territory. However
Lévêque et al. [6], in their series of meningiomas of the
midline were found 32.7% of the infiltration of the ante-
rior cerebral artery. The anterior cerebral artery occlusion
directly due to meningioma was recently documented by
Masuoka et al., [9]. The management of our patient was
not optimal, due to the limitations of radiological explo-
rations and neurosurgery conditions in Congo. Without
others contraindications thrombolysis with rt-PA can be
used in acute stroke associated to meningioma [11,12]
and, in some cases endovascular treatment was used be-
fore tumor surgery [10]. In our case, partial recovery of
neurological impairment is due to steroid treatment and
early rehabilitation, because outcome depend on treat-
ment and early rehabilitation [13].
4. Conclusion
The fronto-basal meningioma is a rare cause of the ante-
rior cerebral infarction, although the compression me-
chanism is poorly reported due to the very slow evo-
lution and non-inv asive nature of th e tumor. The vascu lar
insufficiency and hemodynamic change are the most of-
fending mechanisms.
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