Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2011, 4, 86-94 doi:10.4236/jsea.2011.42010 Published Online February 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA An Agent-Based Framework f or Automated Testing of Web-Based Syst ems Samad Paydar, Mohsen Kahani Computer Engineering Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. Email:, Received November 15th, 2010; revised January 18th, 2011; accepted January 22nd, 2011. ABSTRACT Parallel to the considerable growth in applications of web-based systems, there are increasing demands for methods and tools to assure their quality. Testing these systems, due to their inherent co mplex ities a nd spec ial ch arac teristics, is complex, time-consuming and challenging. In this paper a novel multi-agent framework for automated testing of web- based systems is presented. The main design goals have been to develop an effective and flexible framework that sup- ports differen t types of te sts and utilize differen t sources of informa tion ab out the system unde r test to auto mate the test process. A prototype of the proposed framework has been implemented and is used to perform some experiments. The results are promising and prove the overall design of the framework. Keywords: Web Applicat i on, Web Service, Agent, Framework, Test, Test Script 1. Introduction In the last few years, web-based systems1 as a ne w genre of soft ware systems have found their way into many dif- ferent domains like education, entertainment, business, communication, a nd marketing. P arallel to this interest in development of web-based systems, many needs arise due to the importance of assessing the quality of these systems. Software testing is the tr a ditional mechanism for this purpose and i t has long been used in t he softwar e his- to r y. W eb -based systems, due to their special characteris- tics and inherent complexities are more difficult to test, compared to traditional software [1-4]. These complexi- ties increase the cost of testing web-based systems. Test automation is the main solution for reducing these costs. Considerable effort has been dedicated to the develop- ment of tools, techniques and methods that automate dif- ferent tasks in the testing process [1,5], but they are usually limited to one part or activity of the test process (e.g. test case generation, test execution). In addition to these limited solutions, some works have focused on presenting an integrated test framework that can be used to perform the whole test process with as much automa- tion as possible. The complexity of web-based systems dictates that a systematic test framework, which is suita- ble for their architecture, is needed rather than a set of in- dependent tools [1]. In this paper, an agent-based framework is presented for testing web-based systems and a prototype of this framework is developed. The main design goals have been to develop an effective a nd flexible system that un- like most of the existing test frameworks is capable of supporting different types of test with as much test auto- mation as possible. The framework is designed to be ca- pable of utilizing different sources of information about the System Under Test (SUT) in order to automate the test process. To meet these goals, the proposed framework is a mul- ti-agent system consisting of a set of agents. Different agents, collaborating with each other, perform the activi- ties involved in the test process. Therefore, one of the main issues in the design of the framework is the identi- fication and separation of different parties and roles that are involved in the test process. From this point of view, a reasonable design helps to improve the extendibility and flexibility of the framework. As will be discussed in Section 0, these goals are met in the design of the pro- posed framework. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly re- views the most related works. In Section 3, the design of the proposed framework is discussed in detail and its components are introduced. Section 4 briefly discusses the implementation of the prototype system. Section 5 1By w eb- based systems, we mean traditional web applications and also web-ser vi ce bas ed systems.
An Ag ent -Based Framewor k for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA discusses the evaluation of the proposed framework. Fi- nally, Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. Related Works In [6] a framework has been presented to automate test- ing of operational web-based s ystems. In thi s framework, user sessions are extracted from the web server logs dur- ing real user interactions. T his infor mation is the n used to generate a reduced set of test cases. Each test case consis- ts of a set of URLs and name-value pairs. These test cases are replayed against the system and system responses ar e recorded. Then, a fault-seeded version of the system is created and all test cases are rerun against this version. Results are captured and compared by the oracle with the previously recorded results, i.e. expected results. One of the main benefits of this framework is that the test suite evolves automatically as the operational profile of the ap- plication changes. This framework, despite its success in automating the test process to some extent, is focused only on user-session based testing of an operational sys- tem. Further, it is required that the source code o f the sys- tem is available and accessible. The white-box strategy clearly limits the applicability of the framework in real situations. Beside this work, in [7,8] session data have been used for web application testing. However, they have not pro- posed a new framework. In [9] a framework is developed focusing on testing web services. The main idea of this work is that a service should be accompanied by a testing service. The testing service that tests the original service, called functional service, can be provided either by the same vendor of the functional service, or by a third party. Therefore, the tes- ting framewor k is itself a servic e-oriented syste m. Despi- te its valuable insigh ts that present a good theoretical fra- mewo rk, this wo rk has only f ocused on web se rvices a nd there are many issues to be addressed before it can be considered as a complete framework for automatic testing of web based systems. In [10] authors present a model for developing soft- ware testing frameworks using agent-oriented software engine eri ng par adi gm. T he la yout o f t his fra mewo rk c on- sists of three sets of components: distributor age nts, test- ing agents, and cloning agents; each of which runs locally on di fferent machi nes in a net work. T he distributor agen- ts, at the topmost layer, are responsible for coordination activities and resource allocation of lower layers. Testing agents receive their assignments from their respective distributor agents, and are responsible for providing dif- ferent testing e nvironments. Testing age nts, based on the load of their task, select one or more cloning agent to de- legate the task to. The authors have concluded that al- though their experimented go als have been quite narrow, but it is quite powerful in reducing the test case genera- tion time and effort, and also testing effort and fault de- tection cost. In [11] a discussion is presented with some supporting examples on how a test specification based approach us- ing a language, such as TTCN-3, can be used to define the test case s at different le vels of abstractio n [12]. It has concluded that test specification at an abstract level is less volatile in the face of presentation and implementa- tion comple xities. T he main dr awback of t his appr oach is the high level o f sophist icati on nee ded in ter ms of und er- stand i ng TTCN-3 specification a nd also required effort to analyze and generate these specifications. Also, as these specifications are usually lengthy and they are created manually not a utomaticall y, they can become a source of failures, as well. In [13] a framework is disc ussed for testing sec urity of the web-based systems. The framework is developed to address two types of security attacks; SQL injection and XSS at tacks. T he main d rawb ack of thi s work i s its limi- ted scope, as it is only useful fo r se c urity testing. Kung introduces an agent-based framework for web application testing [14]. The agents are designed based on the Belief-De sire -Intention (BD I) mod e l of rationa l agent s. Each agent has belief, desire, and intention. The frame- work has been discussed at an abstract level. A set of abstract classes (e.g. Belief, Goal, Agent) are defined and it is said that in order to test a web application, specific test agent classes must be subclassed from the appropri- ate abstract classes. Therefore, the proposed frame-work provides just a high-level sketch of an agent-based frame- work for web application testing. No discussion is pre- sented from the implementation point of view. For ins- tance, it does not discuss how the action p lans ar e gener- ated, how test cases are defined. In [15] a multi-agent framework is introduced for data- flow testing of web applications. The proposed frame- work is based on the idea presented in [14] and it realizes the fr a mewor k d isc us s ed the re. A set o f tes ting a gents are developed for performing method level, object level, and object-cluster level data-flow tests on web applications. This work is focused only on data-flow testing and uses white-box strate gy. The fra mework is not fully automatic and test cases are generated manually or by the use of some automatic test case generation technique, but no special technique has been presented in [15]. A test harne ss is pro pose d in [16] for web applications. Here, test scripts are presented in an abstract test script language. Test harness analyzes the source code of the web application to determine which technologies are used in its development. It then selects a testin g tool capable of testing features specific to the detected technologies, con- verts the abstract test script to the required technology-
An Ag ent -Based Framework for Automated Testin g of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA spec ific ve rsio n which c an be run by the t oo l. It the n uses the testing tool to execute the test and stores the results. The proposed test harness does not provide any facility to automate generation of abstract test scripts. Webtest [17] is anot her test fra mewor k which i s based on the notion of hybrid testing, i.e. using both static and dynamic testing methods. Record-replay style is used as a static testing method, while model-based testing is used for dynamic testing. 3. The Proposed Framework The existing web application test frameworks have two main characteristics in common. First, all of them are somehow limited both in terms of the test strategy they use (white-box, black-box, gray-box) and the types of tests they are designed for. For instance, [6] addresses only white-box strategy and session-based test case gen- eration, while [13] is addresses only security tests. The second point is that, despite their differences, the way they finally execute a test is almost similar. In other words, regardless of whether a security test is being executed, or a functional test generated from TTCN-3 specifications, in both cases the test execution is performed by a set of HTTP interactions with the target system. Therefore, it can be concluded that it is possible to have a framework that supports different types of tests. The reason is that a test, whether a security test or a load test, finally is ex- ecuted in terms of a set of HTTP interactions with the SUT. So , if there is a for mal for mat for test specification, then it is possible to develop different modules, each of which generates the specification of a special type of test. In addition, a single module can be developed for execu- tion of all types o f tests. All that is neede d is that t he tests are represented in a format that the executer module un- derstands, and the executer module is able to behave like a web browser and perform HTTP-based interactions. The proposed framework relies on this point to support different test types. Our goal was to design a test framework for testing web applications. The main design goals were effective- ness and flexibility. By effectiveness we mean that the framework is useful for automated execution of different types of tests, such as functional, load, stress, security or regression test. By flexible we mean that the framework should be designed in a way that adding new functionali- ties can be achieved with some reasonable level of effort, i.e. the architecture of the framework is open to future changes and improvements. To meet these goals, it was decided to design a multi-agent architecture for the fra- mework. By analyzing the system from a more abstract point of view, different concepts (e.g. test script, test code ) and roles (e.g. test script generator, test executer) invol- ved in the test process were identified. In the proposed framework, different kinds of agents responsible for performing different tasks and playing different roles are defined. This separation of concerns is helpful in achieving the desired goals. As each agent is responsible for performing almost a single task, it reduces the complexities of implementing the agents and also enab le s ne w a ge nt s to be a dd e d i n t he f utur e. Ano t he r b e - nefit of using multi agent architecture is that different agents can be distributed across a network and provide a distributed fra mework for testing web -base d systems that are themselves in herentl y distrib uted. T his distributed ar - chitecture can increase the effectiveness of the fr amework because it facilitates some tests to be performed in a more actual style. The main drawback of using a multi-agent architecture for the framework is that it imposes some communication overhead because of the messages that must be transferred between different agents to perform their activities. In addition to the communication over- head, the definition of interfaces through which different agents collaborate with each other is important. The overall architecture of the framework and its parts are illustrated in Figure 1. Different parts of the system are discussed in the following sections. 3.1. Basic Terms In this section, some of the basic terms that are frequently used in the description of the framework are introduced. Test Script: A test is composed of a set of actions or steps (e.g. opening a web page, entering some values in the fields of the page, submitting the page…). Each ac- tion has a type (e.g. open, submit, fill, assertTitle) and it may require some parameters (e.g. the URL of the page to be opened). Therefore, having an appropriate set of actions defined, a test can be specified in a text file which we call it test script. It is worth mentioning that a test script contains test criteria and information needed to jud ge about t he test result. In other words, there is no se- parate part as a test oracle. Test Code: Test code is a piece of program written in a programmi ng language which is logically equivalent to a test script. A test code is generated by performing some transformations on a test script Test Case: Test cases are data items used in perform- ing different steps of the test. For instance in the login scenario presented earlier, the values used as the user- name and password are some test cases. 3.2. Test Runtime Environment Agent Test Runtime Environment (TRE) agent is the central part of the system. It communicates with other agents in order to manage the setup and execution of different acti- vities of the test p roc ess. T RE is also resp onsib le fo r pr o- viding suitable interfaces for the user. TRE uses Test
An Ag ent -Based Framewor k for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA Script Generator (TSG) agent for creating test scripts. When TSG has created the test script, it sends it to TRE. Receiving the test script from TSG, TRE passes it to a Test Code Generator (TCG) agent, which creates the test code fro m the test scrip t, co mpiles it and re turns t he co m- piled test code back to TRE. Then, TRE allocates some Test Executer (TE) agents for executing the test, and sends the compiled test code to them to be executed. TRE is also responsible for allocating a Dashboard agent and introducing it to the TE agents executing the test. TE agents communicate with the Dashboard agent to provide real-time information about the test process. 3.3. Test Script Generator Agent TSG agent is responsible for providing facilities through which the user can create a test script. Using TSG, the user can select how the test script is generated. There are two possible choices in the framework: using a Recorder agent, or using a Modeler agent. Based on the user’s cho- ice, TSG calls the recorder agent or the modeler agent to create a test script. These agents, after generating the test script, return it back to TSG. TSG enables the user to view the test script and to edit it if required. After all, TSG sends the test script to TRE and TRE continues the test process. 3.4. Test Code Generator Agent Test Code Generator (TCG) agent generating a test code fro m a test s cr ipt, co mp il e s it and se nd s the co mpil ed code to TRE. 3.5. Test Executer Agent A TE agent receives the executable code (generated by TCG agent) from the TRE. It then executes the received code. In addition, during the test execution, it is in com- munication with a Dashboard agent and sends the partial results to it. After the execution of the test is completed, the TE agent sends the total re sult to the TRE. I t is impor- tant to note that it is possible (and even sometimes re- quired) that multiple TE agents be involved in running a test. For instance, in case of load test, multiple agents can be created on different machines and execute the test from that machine to simulate concurrent users of the s y st em. Test Runtime Environment Agent Web Application/Web Service Test Code Generator Agent Database of the framework Fig ure 1. The archit ecture of the proposed framework.
An Ag ent -Based Framework for Automated Testin g of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA 3.6. Dashboard Agent When a TE agent is executing a test, it sends the partial result s of the test to a Dashboard agent. Dashboard agent uses such data to provide a real-time display of the test execution status and test results. 3.7. Result Analyzer Agent When the TRE receives the test results fro m TE agents, it sends them to a Result Analyzer agent to perform user- specified a nalysis on t hem. It is p ossible t hat differe nt ty- pes of Result Analyzer agents, with different capabilities, exist in the system. Such agents can create reports in dif- ferent formats and generate different kinds of graphs and tables presenting the test results in more comprehensible forms . 3.8. Recorder Agent Recorder agent is responsible for generating test scripts by re cord ing the user i ntera ctio ns with the SU T. I t provi- des a browser-like facility for the user to perform some interactions with the SUT and it captures these interac- tions as a test script. 3.9. Modeler Agent Modeler agent, which enables model-based testing, is used to generate a test script based on some formal or semi-formal model of the SUT. If such models are avail- able, they can be utilized to generate test scripts. Different types of Modeler agents can be implemented, each of which uses different source of information as a model to create the test script. We have identified these types of models or information sources: • Navigation model: The simplest case for a Modeler agent is to create a test script from the navigation model of the SUT. Navigation model represents a web application in terms of i ts co mpo si ng p a ge s a nd navigation links [18]. As an example, [18,19] are based on extracting the navigation model and using this model for testing a web application. • UML Diagrams: a modeler agent can use the UML diagrams of the SUT to create test scripts. Such test scripts can be used for functional tests for instance. Especially if OCL (Object Constraint Language) is used i n the UM L diagra ms to specif y restrictio ns on concepts of the system, they can improve the perfor - mance. • Session Data: session data can be used by a modeler agent to generate test scripts. • Ontology: Ontologies can also be used as a source of information to generate test cases required for a test script. For instance, in [13] a knowledge base is used to gener ate approp riate data for auto mated for m filling. Ontologies can be used in a similar way. Some ideas about ontology-based web application testing are presented in [20]. • Source code: in case that the source code of the sys- tem is available, it can be utilized to generate test scripts, for instance test scripts that cover all the ex- ecution paths. Techniques like Java annotations can be used to add use ful metadata to the source code to ease such test script or test case generation [21]. • Database of the SUT: Although it is not a model of the system, but the database can contain useful in- formation about the concepts and entities present in the SUT. • Security: A modeler agent for security testing gene- rates a model for the system from the perspective of evaluating its security. The result of this test provi- des some useful information about the degree of se- curity of t he syste m based on A S VS standa rd [22]. 4. Implemen ta ti o n A prototype of the proposed framework was implemented in Java. In this section some issues about the implemen- tation of this prototype are briefly discussed, since a com- prehensive discu ssio n of the imple mentat ion deta ils is be- yond the scope of this paper. JADE2 is used a s the under- lying infrastructure of the framework. It provides the es- sential services for developing a multi-agent system and hides many low level complexities and implementation details. TRE, TE, Dashboard, Result Analyzer, TSG, TCG and Modeler agents have been developed. A Recorder agent i s develo ped whic h uses Sel enium3. Selenium is an open source tool that provides the record ing functionalit y thro ugh a p lugin for Fire-fox browser. In the prototype system, the format of the test scripts was chosen to be the same as that of Selenium. A Sele- nium test scr ipt is a simple X HTML file, co ntaining a ta- ble. Each row of this table (except the first one) indicates one step of the test. Each step represents one action. The first row indic a te s the title of the test scr ipt (i.e. its na me). Other rows have three columns. The first column inclu- des the name of the action. Other two columns are used for the parameters of that action (e.g. the URL to be opened, the field name to be filled with the input value, the expected title) . Test scripts can be created manually or automatically by the framework. Since test scripts are simple text files, they later can be edited easily by human testers. In the current implementation of the framework, there are diffe- rent possibilit ies for creating a test script: Using recorder agent, and using modeler agent. Different types of mod- eler agents are implemented: based on navigation model, based on session data, based on both the navigation mod- 2http :// jad e.ti lab .c om/ 3
An Ag ent -Based Framewor k for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA el and the database of the SUT and also the notion of on- tologies. In addition, another modeler agent is developed for web service testing. A TCG agent is implemented which translates the test scripts into Java source code. The generated source code uses SeleniumHTMLUnit class (from the Selenium tool API) to simulate behavior of the browser. TCG compiles the generated Java class and sends the created .class file to the TRE. When a TE agent receives this compiled test code from the TRE agent. Then it creates a new object from the received .class file (using Java reflections). We call this object the test code object. Then is starts execu- tion of the test by calling the action methods on the test code object. Each action method executes one of the test steps. Dashboard agent receives the test results from TE agents during the test execution and generates diagrams representing number of failed and passed action. A sim- ple result analyzer agent is developed in the framework. Currently, in addition to computing the average number of failed steps among all executers, the result analyzer agent computes ‘functional adequacy’ and ‘accuracy to expectation’ defined based on ISO/IEC 9126 standard. In order to perform security tests, a modeler agent was implemented that focuses on generating test scripts for security tests. This Security agent uses w3af4, which is a P yth on-based tool. Based on the user configurations, Se- curity Agent cre ates a si mple t est scrip t. T his test script is defined using a set of new actions we added to actions defined by Selenium. These actions are specific to w3af, it means that TCG agent translates theses actions to spe- cific Java code which enables running w3af plugins from Java. Therefore, the generated test script, is finally trans- lated to a piece of Java code that when run, calls w3af with appropriate parameters to perform the desired test. However, the details of this translation phase are beyond the scope of this paper, and will be discussed in another paper. 5. Evaluation A comparison of the proposed framework with similar Table 1. Compariso n of different f ramew orks. Fra m ework Supported Test Types Test Strategy Inf ormation Sour ces M anu al Intervention Test Applicability Time Targe t Type Framework Arc hit ect ur e [6] R egres si on , uni t, functionality White-box (because fau l t injec tion is Performed on the code User session informa tion Medium (manual fault injection) Opera t ional phase W eb appli cations Non-Distributed [9] Functional White-box (in presence of a trusted third part y), gray-box WSDL d escription or sourc e code of th e web service Low (if test services are generated f r o m WSDL d escriptions), average (if test servi ces are written manually) After web services are published in the registry Web services Non-Distributed [11] Functional, uni t, integration White-box Req ui remen t docu m ents and information about internal structure of the system High (writing test procedures in TTCN-3 is m anual , time-consuming and complex) Whole l ifecycle Web appli cations Non-Distributed [13] Security Black-box public web interface Very lo w Opera tional phase Web appli cations Non-Distributed [15] Data-flow White-box Source c ode medium (manual t est case generation) Whole lifecycle Web appli cations Distributed [16] Functional, regression white-box source-c ode medium (generating abstrac t test scr ipt and test cases) Operational phase Web appli cations Non-Distributed [17] Functional, regression Black-box public web in terface lo w Operationa l phase Web appli cations Non-Distributed Proposed framework Functional, security, load, stress, performance All strategies (depending on the availab le sources) Source code, ontology, UML models, session data, public web interface low Op erational phas e Web applications (web servic es are po tenti ally supported) Distributed 4http :// w3af .so urcef org e. net / .
An Ag ent -Based Framework for Automated Testin g of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA works discussed in this paper is presented in Table 1. This comparison is performed based on these factors: • Supported Test Types: The more test types are supported by a test framework, the more powerful is that fr a mewo rk. • Test Strategy: Generally there are three test strate- gies. Black-box testing imposes the least require- ments for the test to be performed. It does not re- quire the source code or internal information about the SUT. White-box strategy is on the other end. It requires that the source code of the system to be available. Gray-box strate gy resid es in the midd le. It requires some information about the internal struc- ture of the system or its details, for instance the da- tabase structure, but not the source code. A frame- work that is limited to white-box strategy has less applicability than one that uses black-box strategy, because it may not be possible to ask the providers of a system to make the source code of the system accessible i n order to test the functio nality of public interface of the system. • Information Sources: This it em indicates the t ypes of information sources that are utilized by the fra- mework to automate the test process. A framework that is able to use different sources (e.g. UML mod- els, session information, source code…) is clearly more effective than a framework that works only in the presence of a single source. • Human Manual Intervention: The less human in- tervention is needed in the execution of a test pro- cess, the mor e e ffective is the underlying framework. • Test Applicabilit y Time: I n whi c h p ha se s of S D LC the fra me work c an b e use d? Is the fra mewor k appli- cab le only whe n the system is deployed or it can be used during the whole de velopment cycle? • Framework Architecture: As mentioned before, a distributed fra me work is mor e po werful and flexib le in the testing web applications, because it copes bet- ter with the characteristics of the se systems. • Target Type: What type of systems can be tested using the framework? Does it support web services or only traditional web application? Here, we concentrate on discussing the proposed fra- mework with regards to these factors. The framework supports functional, load, stress, security, and performa n - ce tests. All of these tests are possible through appropri- ate test scripts. For instance if a test script for assessing SQL injection is available (for instance using the idea presented in [13]) then this test script ca n be used to pe r- form a security test. Therefore, the main issue is how to represent the logic of a test in a test script. After such a test script is a vailable, it is executable. Fo rtunately, all of the test types mentioned above, can be represented in a Selenium test script, because they do not need anything more than a sequence of HTML interactions with the SUT. SeleniumHTMLUnit API declares methods for handling dynamic behavior of web pages, but these me- thods are not yet completely implemented. Our point of view is that our framewor k will be ca pable of testing dy- namic aspects of web pages (e.g. Ajax) if required such functionalit y is provided by Selenium. Currently the framework is used for performing some load, stress, functional, performance, and security tests. If a valid test script r epr esenting the lo gic of the test is a vai - lable, the test process can be performed automatically. Therefore, the main issue is the way a test script is gener- ated. As mentioned before, the framework provides facil- ities for automatic test script generation based on the user session logs and navigation model of the SUT. It also provides semi-automatic test script generation using the recorder agent. The framework supports all three test strategies. Based on the presence or absence of different information re- sources, different functionalities of the system might be available or unavailable. At least, the black-bo x s t r a t e g y i s available and the system requires no access to the inter- nals of the SUT. But if so me sources like user sessions or system models are available, the frame can well utilize them. The manual intervention in the framework is at an ac- ceptable low level. The framework provides automatic and semi-automatic facilities for creating test scripts. Af- ter a test script is created, it can be run automatically with little human intervention (e.g. specifying some parame- ters). Also as mentio ned in se ction 3 , the level of auto ma- tion gained by the framework is much more in case of distributed tests. The fra mework is useful in testin g o perational s ystems. Therefor e, it does not support tests like unit test a nd inte- gration test. Although some of these tests can be perfor- med by functional tests. The framework is a distributed one, consisting of dif- ferent agents collaborating with each other. As an example of how the framework possesses good flexibility, it is worth to mention an actual exper ience we made during the implementation of the prototype. First we had used TestGen4Web5 tool as the recorder facility in the framework. Therefore, the format of the test scripts was ba sed on what T estGen4 Web uses for its te st scrip ts, i.e. XML format. We had developed TCG agents for this kind of test script, and also we had developed the TE agents. After that, due to shortcoming we found in Test- Gen4Web, we decided to replace it with another tool, i.e. Selenium. This change would result in changing the for- mat of test scripts (which are an important entity in the 5http://developer.spikesource.c om/wiki/index.php/Projects:TestGen4Web
An Ag ent -Based Framewor k for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA fra mewor k), but fo rtunate ly this c hange was e asy to ha n- dle. The TCG and TSG agents needed to be modified, but the ot her age nts li ke TRE, and T E agents di d not. There- fore some functionality of the framework was modified with reasonable effort. Another example that proves the flexibility of the fra- mework is the capability of the system to test web ser- vices. In this case we used an op en source product named soapUI6. This tool takes a WSDL file as input and gene- rates a test script for testing the web service described by that WSDL file. Although this test script is different from the test scripts we had used in the system, but it has the same role and meaning. We created a special Modeler agent that takes a WSDL file as its information source and using soapUI API generates a test script. In fact, it is soapUI that generates a test script from the WSDL file. Then, the Mod eler transforms this test scrip t into the for- mat of our test scripts. This test script is then used like simple test scrip ts in t he system. Adding this functionality (i.e. the capability of testing web services) to the framework required developing a new kind of Modeler. This Modeler was then attached to the framework with no extra complexity. Of course it must be noted that it also required some new actions to be added to the set of actions that were possible in definition of a test script. Therefore, it required to add some new functionality in the TCG agent to implement these new actions. 6. Conclusions In this paper , a multi-agent framework was introduced for testing web-based systems. Different agents are designed with specific roles and they collaborate with each other to perform the test. The main design goals have been to develop an effective and flexible framework that supports different types of tests and utilize different sources of information about the system under test to automate the test process. One o f t he novelt ie s of this wo r k is t he use of te s t co d e which is based on the idea of mobile code. It provides benefits like increasing the performance, and decreasing the complexity of test executer agents. Another novelty of the work is the modeler agents that use different in- formation sources for automatic test script generation. A prototype of the proposed framework has been imple- mented and is used to perform some experiments. The re- sults are promising and verify the overall design of the framework. 7. Ackno wled gements This work has been supported by a grant by Iran’s Tele- communication Research Cen ter (IT RC), which is hereb y acknowledged. 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