Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2013, 4, 1209-1220
Published Online December 2013 (
Open Access FNS
Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv.
Syrah). Extraction Process through Optimization by
Response Surface Methodology
Youssef El Hajj1,2, Espérance Debs3, Catherine Nguyen2, Richard G. Maroun1*, Nicolas Louka1
1Unité Technologies et Valorisation Alimentaire, Centre d’Analyses et de Recherche, Faculté des Sciences, Université Saint-Joseph
de Beyrouth, Beirut, Lebanon; 2INSERM, U928, Technological Advances for Genomics and Clinics Laboratory, Marseille, France;
3Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon.
Email: *
Received September 1st, 2013; revised October 1st, 2013; accepted October 8th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Youssef El Hajj et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accor-
dance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2013 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual
property Youssef El Hajj et al. All Copyright © 2013 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.
In this work, optimization of phenolic compounds (PC) and monomeric anthocyanins (MA) extraction from Syrah (Sy)
wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah) using response surface methodology was conducted. The comparisons between
two extraction mixtures, Acetone/Water (A/W) as well as Methanol/Water (M/W) and the effects of three critical vari-
ables, Extraction Time (between 8 and 88 h), Extraction Temperature (between 1°C and 35°C) and Solvent Content (be-
tween 63% and 97%), on Phenolic Compounds Yield (PCY), Monomeric Anthocyanins Yield (MAY) and the DPPH
Free Radical Inhibition Potential (DFRIP) were studied. The highest PCY was obtained in 63% A/W solvent content
after 88 h incubation at 35°C. The highest MAY was acquired in 97% M/W solvent content after 8 h incubation at 17°C.
The highest DFRIP of the extract was attained using 97% A/W solvent content after 16 h incubation at 35°C. The low
cost of this process, on economic and environmental levels, could lead to interesting applications on an industrial scale.
It could be used to obtain bioactive phytochemicals from direct material or byproducts for either therapeutic or nutri-
tional purposes.
Keywords: Phenolic Compounds; Monomeric Anthocyanins; Antiradical Scavenging Potential; Extraction
Optimization; Grape; Time; Solvent and Temperature
1. Introduction
Importance of natural antioxidants for medical and food
sectors has been underlined by numerous works [1-15].
Nowadays, many studies report increasing interest in
wine grapes such as Syrah (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah) as
source of powerful antioxidants, mainly phenolic com-
pounds (PC).
The aromatic ring, bound to a hydroxyl group, is the
basal structure common to all phenolic compounds [3].
This configuration allows radical scavenging potential
and gives phenolic compounds a multitude of bioactive
roles [4]. Furthermore, the high industrial value of these
molecules is well proven, especially due to food lipid
antioxidation [5]. Thus PC can be considered as added-
value phytochemicals of plant waste material, justifying
their isolation from the plant matrix by extraction.
Recovery of PC is commonly performed through a sol-
vent-extraction procedure but, currently, only ambiguous
data on the methods and conditions for extraction are
available and sometimes contradictory.
The aim of an extraction process should be to provide
a possible maximum yield of substances of the highest
quality (quantity of target compounds and antioxidant
potential of the extract). Just few works, on antioxidant
recovery from grapes, have targeted the optimization of
some process parameters [6]. The variables mostly stud-
ied have been: the type of extraction solvent or solvent
mixture, extraction time and extraction temperature [6].
Type of solvent has been the most investigated factor.
Acetone and methanol were reported as two of the best
*Corresponding author.
Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
solvents for extraction of PC and MA from plants [7-10].
Mixtures of solvents and water have revealed to be more
efficient in extracting phenolic constituents than the cor-
responding mono-component solvent system [11,12].
Time and temperature of extraction are important pa-
rameters to be optimized especially in order to minimize
energy cost of the process. Many authors agreed on the
fact that an increase in the working temperature favors
extraction and enhances both the solubility of the solute
and the diffusion coefficient. However, phenolic com-
pounds can be denatured beyond a certain range [2,11,
13]. More contradictories are the data available for incu-
bation time during extraction: some authors chose quite
short extraction times [11,13,14]; other long ones [2,9,
After having optimized the extraction process of Total
Phenolic Compounds (TPC) and MA from Cabernet
Sauvignon (CS) grapes in a previous study [1], our ob-
jective in this work is to optimize the extraction process
of TPC and MA from Sy grapes in addition to the deter-
mination of FRIP (Free Radical Inhibition Potential) of
the extracts. This will provide us with a better under-
standing of the extraction process parameters impact on
the quality of the extracted PC and MA. In order to
achieve our goal, we used the response surface method-
ology (RSM) with a five-level, and three-variable central
composite design. We have noticed that literature lacks
optimization studies regarding the extraction process of
TPC and MA from grapes as well as FRIP analysis of the
obtained extracts. Therefore we determined the optimal
parameters (solvent type, water concentration in the sol-
vent system, extraction time and extraction temperature)
needed to give the highest TPC, MA yields and FRIP
from Sy grapes extracts. We draw a response surface plot
of the extraction kinetics corresponding to these parame-
ters and aimed to improve the extraction to a low cost
and energy depending procedure. A solvent extraction
method was proposed with simple, no complex machin-
ery and without expensive pre-treatments of the starting
material or excessive heating. We obtained a PC rich
extracts with a high free radical scavenging potential.
These extracts could be used as additives for food pres-
ervation, as well as in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and
nutraceutical industries.
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Reagents
The solvents used for the extraction of the samples were
pure water, acetone and methanol of analytical grade
from Scharlau (Barcelona, Spain) same as Ethanol
(Merck) used for DFRIP (DPPH Free Radical Inhibition
Potential) determination. The Folin reagent (Sigma Che-
mical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) and sodium carbonate
(Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland) were used for the measure-
ment of the total phenolic compounds concentrations
using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, the calibration curve
was constructed with gallic acid (Sigma Chemical Co., St.
Louis, MO, USA). Potassium chloride (Fluka, Buchs,
Switzerland) and sodium acetate (Scharlau, Barcelona,
Spain) were used for total monomeric anthocyanin de-
termination by the pH-differential method. Resveratrol
(Sigma Chemical Co.) and DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-picryl-
hydrazyl) reagent (Sigma Chemical Co.) were used for
DFRIP determination.
2.2. Sample Preparation
Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah) were collected from
different crop areas located at different regions in the
Lebanese Bekaa valley. Harvesting took place during
summer/fall of 2010 (August till October). Grapes from
different regions, at different maturity stages and from
several localization on the vine were placed in a single
container. All batch was crushed to obtain a fine grape
paste (maximum particle size = 1 mm). The paste was
frozen at 80ºC until use. Each tube/experimental point
was subjected to a different parametrical pattern (Table
1). Extracts were then centrifuged (6000 g) and filtered
through RC membranes (0.2 µm). Samples were kept at
80ºC ready to be analyzed.
2.3. Total Phenolic Compound Determination
Total phenolic compounds were determined according to
the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent with the Micro method pre-
viously described by Andrew Waterhouse (Department
of Viticulture and Enology, University of California,
Davis, USA). The absorbance of each solution was de-
termined at 765 nm against the blank (water). A calibra-
tion curve was created by plotting absorbance vs. con-
centration of the standards (solutions of different Gallic
Acid concentrations) and the total phenols concentrations
were determined in all samples. Phenolic Compound
Yield (PCY) was calculated by transforming milligrams
of Gallic Acid Equivalents (GAE) per liter (mg GAE/L)
into grams of GAE per 100 g of grape paste or fresh
weight (g GAE/100g) which is % GAE.
2.4. Total Monomeric Anthocyanin
Monomeric anthocyanins were measured by the pH-dif-
ferential method, which relies on the structural transfor-
mation of the anthocyanin chromophore as a function of
pH, and can then be measured using optical spectroscopy
[17]. Two dilutions of each sample were prepared using
he appropriate, previously determined dilution factor: t
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Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
Open Access FNS
Table 1. Central composite arrangement for independent variables and their responses for both extraction mixtures.
Run Variables levels (coded/uncoded) A/W M/W
1a X
2b X
3c PCY (%GAE)MAY (mg/100g)DFRIP (%)PCY (% GAE) MAY (mg/100g) DFRIP (%)
1 1 (24) 1 (8) 1 (70) 0.73 99.36 63.35 0.54 104.87 54.61
2 1 (72) 1 (8) 1 (70) 0.85 82.72 45.91 0.58 94.48 45.68
3 1 (24) 1 (28) 1 (70) 0.67 77.39 60.92 0.52 96.41 46.84
4 1 (72) 1 (28) 1 (70) 0.88 54.85 49.55 0.67 93.45 46.36
5 1 (24) 1 (8) 1 (90) 0.72 91.52 57.28 0.56 115.71 56.8
6 1 (72) 1 (8) 1 (90) 0.89 82.78 40 0.61 105.43 42.95
7 1 (24) 1 (28) 1 (90) 0.59 65.35 67.48 0.51 102.82 55.58
8 1 (72) 1 (28) 1 (90) 0.81 50.42 54.77 0.75 104.47 42.73
9 α (7.63) 0 (18) 0 (80) 0.83 93.91 54.57 0.62 99.81 48.95
10 α (88.36) 0 (18) 0 (80) 0.83 56.78 65.81 0.66 92.15 44.96
11 0 (48) α (1.18) 0 (80) 0.78 90.84 67.59 0.59 50.36 50.69
12 0 (48) α (34.81) 0 (80) 0.87 33.5 48.48 0.68 79.49 47.07
13 0 (48) 0 (18) α (63.18) 0.84 81.02 56.08 0.56 90.44 51.34
14 0 (48) 0 (18) α (96.81) 0.84 80.22 76.7 0.64 111.39 47.42
15 0 (48) 0 (18) 0 (80) 0.8 82.78 54.02 0.64 102.88 49.07
16 0 (48) 0 (18) 0 (80) 0.78 80.85 56.49 0.64 103.22 49.48
17 0 (48) 0 (18) 0 (80) 0.85 79.03 54.64 0.65 102.76 46.8
18 0 (48) 0 (18) 0 (80) 0.82 81.93 50.93 0.65 104.24 48.45
PCY, Phenolic compounds Yields; MAY, Monomeric Anthocyanins Yields; DFRIP, DPPH Free Radical Inhibition Percentage; % GAE, Percentage Gallic Acid
Equivalent; A/W, Acetone/Water; M/W, Methanol/Water. aTime (h); bTemperature (˚C); cSolvent Content (%).
once with potassium chloride buffer at 0.025 M and pH
1.0 and the other with sodium acetate buffer at 0.4 M and
pH 4.5. The dilutions were equilibrated for 15 min. The
absorbance of each dilution was measured at the
vis-max and at 700 nm against blank cell filled with dis-
tilled water. The absorbance (A) of the diluted sample
was calculated as follows:
700-max 700
H1 pH4.5
vis vis
  (1)
The monomeric anthocyanin pigment (MAP) concen-
tration in the original sample was calculated using the
following formula:
mg L
MAPMWDF 1000molALA  (2)
where MW and molA are the molecular weight and the
molar absorptivity, respectively of the pigment cyanid-
ing-3-glucoside used as reference; MW = 449.2 g/mole
and molA = 26900 mg1·l1·cm1. DF is the dilution fac-
tor. Milligrams of MA (Monomeric Anthocyanin) per
liter of extract (mg/L) were then transformed into Mono-
meric Anthocyanin Yield (MAY) which is milligrams
per 100 grams of grape paste or fresh weight (mg/100g).
2.5. DPPH Free Radical Inhibition
Potential Determination
Antiradical potential of the extracts was assessed ac-
cording to the DPPH assay, which is based on the ability
of antioxidants to interact with the radical DPPH de-
creasing its absorbance at 517 nm. 1 mg of Resveratrol
was dissolved in 1 ml of Ethanol (Merck) to form the 1
mg/ml positive control stock solutions. The grape sample
extracts and the positive control solutions were diluted
with Ethanol (Merck) to obtain a concentration for each
sample and for the positive control at 100 µg/l. 3.9 mg of
DPPH powder (Sigma Chemical Co.) were dissolved in
200 ml methanol to form a 0.1 mM DPPH solution wich
can be stored at 4ºC. 315.2 mg of Tris-HCl were dis-
solved in 40 ml of water and the pH was elevated to 7.4
Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
with NaOH solution (10 mM) to obtain a Tris-HCl (50
mM, pH 7.4) buffer.
A mix of 50 µl of the different sample and positive
control dilutions, 450 µl of the Tris-HCl buffer and 1.5
ml of the DPPH solution were incubated for 30 minutes
at room temperature then the absorbance was read at 517
DFRIP of the original sample was calculated using the
following formula:
res sres
AAA  (3)
where Ares is the absorbance of the solution containing
DPPH after inhibition of its free radicals by resveratrol,
and As is the absorbance of the solution containing DPPH
after inhibition of its free radicals by the grape extract
2.6. Experimental Design
In this response surface methodology study, a rotatable
central composite design was used to evaluate the main
effects of the factors: extraction time (X1), extraction
temperature (X2), and solvent content (degree or per-
centage) (X3) and their interaction on total phenolic
compounds, monomeric anthocyannins yields and DPPH
Free Radical Inhibition Potential obtained from grapes
(Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah) using Acetone or Methanol
separately as extraction solvents. Eighteen experiments
(Table 1) were performed per extraction solvent mixture
including four experiments as the repeatability of the
measurements at the center of the experimental domain.
All the factors levels are reported in Table 2. Data
pertaining to three independent, and two response, vari-
able were analyzed to get a multiple regression equation:
33 23
11 11
nn nnnnmnm
nn nmn
Yb bXbXbXX
 
 
  (4)
where Y is the predicted response, Xn and Xm are the
coded values of the factors, b0 is the mean value of re-
sponses at the central point of the experiment; and bn, bnn
and bnm are the linear, quadratic and interaction coeffi-
Table 2. Independent variables and their levels used for
central composite rotatable design.
Independent variables SymbolCoded variable levels
α 1 0 +1+α
Extraction time (h) X1 7.64 24 48 7288.36
Extraction temperature (˚C) X2 1.18 8 18 2834.82
Solvent degree (%) X3 63.18 70 80 9096.82
cients, respectively. Analysis of the coefficients of re-
gression models was carried out using an ANOVA table
to find the significance of each coefficient (Table 3).
This significance was illustrated using Pareto charts (Fig-
ure 1). The significance of Lack of fit for each extraction
model is shown in Table 4. The process was optimized
using response surface methodology for two independent
variables at a time. The third parameter was fixed at zero
level, the response surface graphs gave values of inde-
pendent variables allowing the optimization of the proc-
ess, considering that all the independent variable condi-
tions can be identified for maximum PCY, MAY yields
and DFRIP (Figures 2 and 3). The optimum experimen-
tal conditions were deduced from this study. Table 5
shows the best time, temperature and solvent degree
where the highest PCY, MAY and DFRIP are obtained
using A/W or M/W.
Table 3. Test of significance effect for each independent
variable, quadratic and interaction effect between variables.
(A parameter is significant if Pi < 0.05).
X1a 0.04630.00020.0185 0.0001 0.00080.0022
X2b 0.77920.00010.5357 0.0007 0.00190.0439
X3c 0.70490.02340.0274 0.0013 0.00010.674
X12d0.74110.06170.3929 0.0134 0.01960.3028
X1X2e0.56620.07750.2022 0.0004 0.002 0.0659
X1X30.80410.04280.8683 0.0088 0.08910.0139
X22 0.68690.00090.8709 0.0079 0.00000.476
X2X30.46390.15370.0359 0.3081 0.10560.1887
X32 0.85390.32160.0222 0.0008 0.00080.271
aTime, bTemperature, cSolvent Content, dQuadratic effect of time, eInterac-
tion effect between Time and Temperature.
Table 4. Validation of the model showed by the responses
lack of fit values.
Lack of fit
Sum of squares Df f ratio P value
PCY 0.052 5 11.68 0.0351
MAY 135.83 5 10.38 0.0412 A/W
DFRIP930.545 5 34.82 0.0074
PCY 0.0119 5 72 0.0025
MAY 1260.14 5 557.79 0.0001 M/W
DFRIP54.558 5 7.85 0.0601
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Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
Open Access FNS
Figure 1. Standardized Pareto charts. Analysis shown for PCY (a); MAY (b) and DFRIP (c) using A/W and for PCY (d);
MAY (e) and DFRIP (f) using M/W. The variables are: X1, time; X2, temperature; X3, solvent content; X1X1, X2X2 and X3X3,
quadratic effect of time, temperature and solvent content, respectively; X1X2, X1X3 and X2X3, interaction effect between time
and temperature, time and solvent content and temperature and solvent content, respectively. The columns/parameters ex-
ceeding the vertical bar are statistically significant with more than 95% of confidence.
Figure 2. PCY response surface plots. Three-dimensional expressions by response surface plots of PCY, using A/W ((a), (b),
and (c)) or M/W ((d), (e), and (f)) as extraction mixtures are shown. The three-dimensional graphs were plotted between two
independent variables (temperature and Solvent Content; (a), and (d), time and temperature; (b), and (e), and Time and Sol-
vent Content; (c), and (f)) while the remaining independent variable (time; (a), and (d), Solvent Content; (b), and (e), and
Temperature; (c) and (f)) was kept at its zero level. The colored areas at the bottom of each graph indicate the iso-responses
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Optimal Yields and Antioxidant Activity
Response surface methodology was used to determine
the parameters for optimal levels of PC and MA yields
(PCY and MAY) and those for optimal antioxidant po-
tential of the extracts (DFRIP) (Equations (1), (2) and (3),
respectively). The corresponding independent variables
and their levels are shown in (Table 2, Equation (4)).
Using RSM, Table 1 gives the value of the three re-
Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
Figure 3. MAY response surface plots Three-dimensional expressions by response surface plots of MAY, using A/W ((a), (b),
and (c)) or M/W ((d), (e), and (f)) as extraction mixtures are shown. The three-dimensional graphs were plotted between two
independent variables (Temperature and Solvent Content; a, and d, Time and Temperature; (b), and (e), and Time and Sol-
vent Content; (c), and (f)) while the remaining independent variable (Time; (a), and (d), Solvent Content; (b), and (e), and
Temperature; (c) and (f)) was kept at its zero level. The colored areas at the bottom of each graph indicate the iso-responses
Table 5. Optimum experimental conditions for maximal extraction yields and values of the corresponding responses.
Optimum condition Extraction yield
A/W as extraction mixture M/W as extraction mixture
Time (h) Temperature (˚C) Solvent content (%) Time (h)Temperature (˚C)Solvent content (%)A/W M/W
PCY 88.36 34.8 63.18 88.36 34.81 94.88 0.94% GAE 0.82% GAE
MAY 7.69 9.13 63.18 7.64 16.51 96.5 107.53 mg/100g 123.94 mg/100g
DFRIP 16.06 34.82 96.82 7.64 5.72 96.82 76.37% 62.36%
sponses: PCY, MAY and DFRIP in A/W and M/W mix-
tures. The optimized levels of the parameters were as
follows: for PCY, 63.18% acetone in water, 88.36h of
extraction incubation and at 34ºC; for MAY, 96.5%
methanol in water, 7.64 h of extraction incubation and at
16.51ºC; for DFRIP, 96.82% acetone in water, 16.06 h of
extraction length and at 34.82ºC (Table 5).
In many works similar to this one, optimizations of the
PC extraction parameters (extraction time [12,15-18],
extraction temperature [2,19] and extraction solvent [20])
were done using different plant matrices. We looked to
compare response optimums as an attempt to relate our
study to previous ones, even though a complete correla-
tion will not be possible due to differences in the starting
material, the diversity of the PC in each plant as well as
the antioxidant profile of the extract and the change-
ability of the extraction process. Our work showed rela-
tively high PCY of 0.94% GAE of fresh weight (grape
paste), fair yields of MA: 123.94 mg/100g and our ex-
tract showed high antioxidant potential translated in a
higher optimum level of DFRIP: 76.37% (Table 5). In
literature, total PC yields were of lower levels compared
to our study, as Spigno and De Faveri, (2007) [2] ob-
tained a PCY of 0.27% GAE from powdered red grape
pomace and of 0.33% GAE from red grape stems, Re-
villa et al. (1998) [8] obtained 0.51% GAE of PCY from
fresh grapes and 0.25% GAE from fresh red grape skins,
Cruz et al. (2004) [19] got 0.22% GAE of PCY from
Open Access FNS
Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology 1215
distilled grape pomace and Benvenuti et al., (2004) [21]
yielded 0.88% GAE from black berries. MAY in litera-
ture were very close to ours; Revilla et al. (1998) [8]
obtained 111 mg/100g from entire fresh grapes, and Fan
et al. (2008) [22] had 152 mg/100g from dried sweet
potato. In a previous work, antioxidant potential of ex-
tracts obtained (by classic or carbon maceration) did not
exceed 50% [16].
3.2. Response Surface Model Design
The experimental values of PCY, MAY and DFRIP ob-
tained in A/W or M/W are shown in Table 1.
The values for the coefficient of determination (R2)
were 46.83%, 97.1%, 29.71%, 81.51%, 64.06% and
78.11% for the experimental design of PCY, MAY and
DFRIP in A/W mixture and of the same constituents in
M/W mixtures, respectively. The value of R2 for MAY
(0.971) extracted by A/W mixture, is very close to 1, and
indicates a high degree of correlation between the ob-
served and predicted values. Whereas the values of R2 for
PCY and DFRIP in M/W mixture are reasonably close to
1, indicating reasonable agreement of the corresponding
models with the experimental results.
A significant lack of fit (P < 0.05) was found in all
models corresponding to PCY and MAY by A/W and
M/W extractions and to DFRIP in A/W extraction condi-
tion. This shows no fit of all five models to real condi-
tions, which means that the manipulator errors are negli-
gible compared to the errors induced by the model (cal-
culated from the repetitions at the field center), in con-
trast no significant lack of fit (P > 0.05) was in the model
corresponding to DFRIP in M/W extraction condition.
From all the above we can assume that the used model is
considered as valid (Table 4).
3.3. Yields and Antioxidant Activity Are
Affected by Parametrical Variation
Table 3 shows the significance of each parameter when
using the ANOVA test for the analysis of the regression
models coefficients. The effect of a parameter is consid-
ered as statistically significant when histograms cross the
vertical line, translating the threshold of significance of
95%. According to Figure 1 and Table 3, and in the field
of variation of the process parameters, the results showed
that Time had a significant linear (X1) effect (P < 0.05)
on PCY, MAY and DFRIP after extraction by both A/W
and M/W mixtures. On another side, Temperature had a
significant linear (X2) effect on PCY, MAY and DFRIP
in the presence of Acetone in the extraction mixture and
on MAY in presence of A/W. Solvent content (X3) linear
effect (P < 0.05) was significant on MAY extracted by
both A/W and M/W mixtures, on PCY extracted by M/W
and on DFRIP extracted by A/W.
The levels of independent variables for optimal extrac-
tion conditions of PC, MA and for DFRIP in A/W or
M/W extraction mixtures were expressed in three dimen-
sions using response surface graphs plotted between two
independent variables while the remaining third inde-
pendent variable was kept at zero level (Figures 2-4).
3.3.1. Total Phenolic Compounds
Response surface plots show the effect of each parameter
on the responses (Figures 2-4). From the shape of the
surface plot it can be noticed that Time affected signifi-
cantly PCY, in both Acetone (A/W) (Figures 2(b) and
(c)) and methanol (M/W) (Figures 2(d), (e), and (f)) ex-
traction systems. A significant increase of PCY with the
extraction length is translated into a clear steepness in the
inclination of the plot ascent in Figures 2(b), (c) and (f).
Thus, the extraction time parameter has a positive and
significant effect on PCY. Some studies in literature were
in accordance with what we found. Pekic et al. (1998)
[15] noticed an increase in the yield of a group of the PC,
the proanthocyanidins with the increase of extraction
time to 24 h after undergoing an extraction from dried
seeds of grape pomace, the same increasing effect in
Spigno et al. (2007) [6] was also observed on powdered
grape pomace total phenolics after 24 h of extraction
process. Lapornik et al. (2005) [16] observed an increase
in total phenolics with the extraction time from grape
pomace obtained after classic maceration using just water
or 70% ethanol as extractants, but also (and in disagree-
ment with what we found) a decrease in total phenolics
from this same grape material using 70% methanol as
extractant was noticed.
Throughout literature, temperature is shown to be one
of the most critical variables to be affecting the release of
phenolic compounds from grape matrix [2,6,9,19], due to
an increase in the coefficient of diffusion and solubility.
In accordance most authors found an increase in the
amount of total extracted phenols [2,13] while heating. In
contrast, in the range of our study measurements a sig-
nificant effect (P < 0.05) of temperature variation on
PCY was shown in M/W extraction mixtures (Figures
2(d) and (e)), but not in A/W (Figures 2(a) and (b)). The
corresponding plots (Figures 2(a) and (d)) are dome
shaped, showing that at the fixed time level (48 h) a
maximal value of PCY has been reached in the range of
our measurements, and that an increase in the extraction
temperature will increase PCY until the value of 0.85%
GAE and 0.65% GAE, in acetonic (Figure 2(a)) and
methanolic extracts (Figure 2(d)).
The effect of solvent content in water on PCY showed
to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) in A/W (Figures
(a) and 2(b)) and M/W (Figures 1(d) and 2(e)). In ac- 1
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Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
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Figure 4. DFRIP response surface plots. Three-dimensional expressions by response surface plots of DFRIP, using A/W ((a),
(b), and (c)) or M/W ((d), (e), and (f)) as extraction mixtures are shown. The three-dimensional graphs were plotted between
two independent variables (Temperature and Solvent Content; (a), and (d), Time and Temperature; (b), and (e), and Time
and Solvent Content; (c), and (f)) while the remaining independent variable (Time; a, and d, Solvent Content; (b), and (e),
and Temperature; (c) and (f) was kept at its zero level. The colored areas at the bottom of each graph indicate the iso-re-
sponses zones.
cordance with literature, our results showed that the op-
timal PCY were obtained using A/W and not M/W as the
extraction mixture.
Literature studies on extractions from grape materials
showed that aqueous acetone was a better mixture for
extracting PC (which had an overall unpolar character)
than aqueous methanol [23].
3.3.2. Monomeric Anthocyanins
Figures 3(b), (c), (e) and (f) show plots with a clear
steepness in the inclination of their profile, which can be
translated into a significant decrease of MAY with the
extraction time. Thus this parameter had a negative sig-
nificant effect on MAY.
Lapornik et al. (2005) [16] showed a decrease in total
anthocyanins with water extractions after a long extrac-
tion time similarly to what appeared in our study, but an
increase in anthocyanins was noted using 70% ethanol
and methanol as extractants.
In accordance to what was said previously, we noticed
a statistical (P < 0.05) and negative influence of tem-
perature on MA yields in both A/W (Figures 3(a) and
(b)) and M/W (Figures 3(d) and (e)) mixtures; in fact,
the corresponding plots showed a significant tendency in
MAY towards higher temperatures (35ºC - 37ºC). Our
samples subjected to extraction temperature between 1ºC
and 17ºC showed higher MAY than samples extracted at
temperatures around 35ºC. This could be explained by
conformational changes or degradation of monomeric
anthocyanins at higher temperatures or by color change
and co-pigmentation, which is an interaction and cou-
pling of the anthocyanins with other components making
them trapped and undetectable by usual tests.
We chose in our study to consider the temperature
margins in which were extracted, at the same time, both
grape compound groups (PC and MA) without subjecting
them to degradation. In the same context, literature
showed temperature to be one of the major degradation
factors of the anthocyanins along with oxygen and photo
degradation [24]. In addition to this and according to
Vatai and Skerget, (2009) [25] a relatively low extraction
temperatures (20ºC) were more suitable than high tem-
perature (60ºC) for extracting higher MA yields from
Cabernet and Merlot grapes.
Zhou and Yu [23], showed that methanol was better
than acetone or water for MAY extraction [8,16]. In ac-
cordance with this observation, our results showed that
the optimal MAY was obtained using M/W and not A/W.
MAY was affected significantly (P < 0.05) by both the
acetone and methanol contents in water (Figures 1(b)
and (e), Figures 3(a) and (d)). According to literature,
MA are better extracted using more polar solvents like
Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology 1217
methanol than by other organic solvents. It is also well
described that methanol and alcoholic solvents are better
extractants than water for anthocyanins. Our study
showed a negative effect of acetone content in the A/W
mixture on the MA yields (Figures 3(a), and (c)), mean-
ing that MA are more affine to the water part of the mix-
ture, in accordance to the previous assumptions. The
same comment could be given for the positive effect of
methanol content on MAY, in the M/W mixture (Figures
3(d) and (f)). We can conclude that the affinity of sol-
vents to MAY is as follows: methanol is the best, fol-
lowed by water then acetone.
3.3.3. Antioxidant Activity
Figures 4(b), (c), (e) and (f) show plots with a clear
steepness in the inclination of their profile, which can be
translated into a significant decrease of DFRIP with the
extraction time. Thus this parameter had a negative sig-
nificant effect on the antioxidant activity.
In addition to that and in contrast to our study other
authors described an increase in the antioxidant potential
of PC extracts [16]. In those works these increases were
described after undergoing extraction not longer than 2 to
3 h. The short times of extraction might explain this be-
havior. The very long extraction time (up to 88 h) used in
our study, might be responsible for the loss in the anti-
oxidant potential translated by the decrease in DFRIP. It
is well known that at this level we can observe, in func-
tion of time, a competition between two phenomena;
extraction v/s oxidation.
Additionally, temperature showed a significant and
negative effect on the antioxidant potential (DFRIP) of
the extract in the presence of methanol as extraction
mixture (M/W) (Figures 4(d) and (e)). This loss of anti-
oxidant potential could be explained by a degradation
process of the phenolics taking place in the presence of
methanol at higher extraction temperatures. In literature
and in disagreement with what we found, some studies
showed an increase in the antioxidant potential of the
extract with higher extraction temperatures [13], while
others showed the exact decreasing effect [16]. This di-
chotomy in the results could be explained by a double
effect that temperature could produce on PC; first it
could promote a better extraction of antioxidants from
the matrix, and second could cause degradation of those
antioxidants, decreasing by this the overall antiradical
Some authors show that antioxidant potential of the
extract was better preserved in the presence of unpolar
solvents like acetone [26,27]. Higher values were noticed
as compared to those obtained by Rajha et al. (2013) [28]
for phenolic compounds water extracts. In accordance
with this, our results showed that DFRIP optimal level
was obtained with Acetone (Table 5).
3.4. Simultaneous Response Optimization
In the previous section of this work we designated the
parameters in order to extract optimum yields of PC, MA
and the best DFRIP of the extract. In this part we show
simultaneously, by the desirability function, how the
three responses could be affected by the parameters
(Figure 5). It can be seen that PCY, MAY and DFRIP
concentric circles, converge mostly towards different
regions in the superposition plots. Opposite localization
of the optimum PCY, MAY and DFRIP are observed on
most of the plots of Figure 5. This emphasizes that PC
need long extraction time to reach a maximum yield
while on the contrary, MA are extracted in an optimal
way in the first hours of the extraction process. Plots (a),
(d), (c), and (f) also show how PCY are maximized at a
high range extraction temperature, while MAY and
DFRIP showed best values at low extraction tempera-
tures. High methanol content in the solvent mixture (near
100%) gave the best values for all three responses (Fig-
ures 5(d)-(f)). This was the case as well for DFRIP in
A/W but low Acetone percentages in water (near 63%)
were better for PCY and MAY (Figures 5(a)-(c)). This
divergence in optimal parameters for each response
shows that PCY, MAY and DFRIP cannot be maximized
in the same extract. Nevertheless, we can guide the ex-
traction process to obtain the best yield or the best anti-
oxidant potential as the plots show (Figure 5, green
marks). Thus, the parameters will be compromised be-
tween PCY, MAY and DFRIP. In some specific cases,
these parameters could be favored towards PCY, MAY
or even DFRIP depending on the final application of the
extracted compounds.
4. Conclusions
Hereby, we attempted to explore the field of antioxidants
and their extraction from grapes. Keeping in mind the
variability of the techniques and the grape matrices due
to soil and season climate, we proposed here a model that
could be applied for industrial purposes. Our major find-
ings lead us to suggest that extracting or optimizing the
extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidants like
anthocyanins from Sy grapes can be done easily, without
heavy or expensive machinery and could be environ-
mentally friendly. We propose as well that multiple re-
sponse optimizations could be used to define the opti-
mum area which can lead to choose the convenient ratio
between PCY and MAY in addition to favoring between
yields of antioxidants and the antiradical potential of the
extract. We showed that aqueous Acetone is better than
Methanol and/or water in extracting total PC and in pre-
serving the antioxidant potential of the extract, but
Methanol seemed to be more suitable in the extraction of
MA followed by water than Acetone. In parallel, the ex-
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Antioxidants from Syrah Grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah). Extraction Process
through Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
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Figure 5. Desirability analysis. Superposition plots, showing the best experimental parameters (Time, Temperature, and Sol-
vent Content) that maximizes PCY, MAY and DFRIP at the same time are shown. In A/W ((a), (b), and (c)) and M/W ((d), (e),
and (f)) extraction mixtures, the contours graphs were plotted between two independent variables (Temperature and time;
(a), and (d), Solvent Content and Time; (b), and (e), and Solvent Content and Temperature; (c), and (f)) while the remaining
independent variable (Solvent Content; (a), and (d), Temperature; (b), and (e), and Time; (c), and (f)) was at its zero level.
The green mark shows the “middle way” parameters that compromise between PCY and MAY.
traction time effect showed to be significant on the grape
phenolic yields; MA were fast to extract from Sy grapes,
and 8 h as extraction time gave higher yields than longer
time, while extraction yielded the maximum of PC after
88 h. Longer extraction times contributed in decreasing
the antioxidant properties of the extract. We demon-
strated as well that the extraction temperature had a sig-
nificantly negative effect on the MA extraction and on
the antioxidant potential of the extract and low extraction
temperature (10ºC) yielded more MA and gave more an-
tioxidant potential to the extract than high extraction
temperature (35ºC).
Finally, complementary studies are needed in order to
solve the problem concerning preservation of the anti-
oxidant capacity of a grape extracts, and to be able to
fully understand the effect of parameters such as extrac-
tion time, temperature and solvent content on the extrac-
tion process. Future work should take into consideration
larger intervals of the extraction parameters, in order to
be able to enhance the quantity and the quality of the
extracted compounds. All the combined data obtained
through an optimal extraction strategy could lead to the
production of pure natural antioxidant molecules. These
could be used for the quality improvement of several
industrial products such as cosmetics, pharmaceutics and
5. Acknowledgements
This project was funded by the Research Council of
Saint-Joseph University-Lebanon (Project FS20). The
authors are grateful to Joseph Yaghi and Nada El Darra
for technical assistance.
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