Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJAC
Table 3. Content of fluconazole in formulations 1 L – 6 L,
and the percent compared to the declared content.
Formulation Fluconazole content
(% w/v)
Percent (%) of the
declared value
1 L 0.90 100.47
2 L 0.94 103.94
3 L 0.89 99.24
4 L 0.88 97.54
5 L 0.93 103.66
6 L 0.90 99.99
The usual acceptability limits set by pharmaceutical
industry and regulatory bodies for recovery are (100 ±
5)%, or if set more stringently (100 ± 2)% allowing for
analytical error, with RSD maximum of 2.0%. The re-
sults of this recovery study (Table 3) for each formula-
tion were inside these limits. Moreover, when consider-
ing all six formulations, the lowest recovery was 98.79%
(2 L), and the highest 101.77% (5 L), thus it was within
more stringent boundary range of (100 ± 2)%.
7.6. Content Determination
The concentration of fluconazole was determined in all
six formulations, and the results are shown in Table 3.
The content of the formulations assayed by previously
validated spectrophotometric method was in the accept-
able limit range (100 ± 5)% compared to the declared
value (0.9%).
8. Conclusions
The matrix of fluconazole formulation medium, being
organic solution with large amounts of acrylic polymer
and plasticizer, caused problems with the extraction of
the active substance. The only possible way to obtain
clear solutions was by drying the nail lacquer (i.e.
evaporation of the solvent), and then extracting the flu-
conazole from thus formed solid films over the double
area of filter-paper, serving here also as a supporting
medium for the film itself. Overlapping effect of the ma-
trix on UV-spectrum of fluconazole was removed by
derivative spectrophotometry, i.e. by recording first de-
rivative spectra of the nail lacquer extracts.
This method was validated for all six tested formula-
tions, and the validation parameters were specificity,
linearity, repeatability, intermediate precision, accuracy
(recovery). Method is inexpensive, simple, nontoxic, i.e.
ecologically acceptable and can be used for the assay of
fluconazole from this type of formulations.
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