Effect of 24-Epibrassinolide on Growth of in Vitro Shoot Tips of Different Yam (Dioscorea Spp.) Species
It has been demonstrated in numerous species that
modifying the PGR composition of the recovery medium
can have a dramatic effect on regrowth of cryopreserved
plant material [1].
Notably, alteration of post-cryopreservation culture
media with PGRs and their application at various stages
of growth recovery was crucial for regeneration of shoot
tips and formation of in vitro plantlets in D. alata and D.
bulbifera [5,7]. A recent report showed that the addition
of vitamin E, vitamin C or both vitamins together, which
have antioxidant properties, at different steps of the pro-
tocol (pre- and/or post-cryopreservation) had a positive
effect on regrowth of cryopreserved blackberry shoot tips
In view of the potential of the PGR 24-epibrassinolide
in reducing oxidation, which has been shown in this
work, experiments will be performed to test its effect on
regrowth of cryopreserved yam shoot tips using the five
accessions employed in this study.
5. Acknowledgements
This work has received financial support from ARCAD,
a flagship programme of Agropolis Fondation (Montpel-
lier, France) (I. Engelmann-Sylvestre). The assistance of
Giuseppe Barraco for performing the statistical analysis
of results is acknowledged.
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