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Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 230-235 doi:10.4236/am.2011.22025 Published Online February 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions Concerning Differential Monomials* Hui Huang, Bin Huang College of Mathematics, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha, China E-mail: huang.liuyuan@163 .com Received October 21, 2010; revised December 6, 2010; accepted December 11, 2010 Abstract Considering the uniqueness of meromorphic functions concerning differential monomials ,we obtain that, if two non-constant meromorphic functions f z and g z satisfy 1, 1, nn kk E ffE gg , where k and n are tow positive integers satisfying 3k and 11n, then either 12 , cz cz zz f ce gce where 1 c, 2 c, c are three constants, satisfying 12 12 1 n cc c or f tg for a constant t such that 11 n t . Keywords: Meromorphic Function, Sharing Value, Uniqueness 1. Introduction and Main Results In this paper we use the standard notations and terms in the value distribution theory [1]. Let f z be a nonconstant merom orop hi c funct i on on the complex plane C. Define ,0Eafzf za, where a zero point with multiplicity m is counted m times in the set. If these zero points are only counted once, then we deno te the set by ,Eaf . Let k a pos- itive integer. Define () ,0,,1,.0 i k Eafzfz aiikstfz , where a zero point whit multiplicity m is counted m times in the set. Let f z and g z be two nonconstant meromor- phic functions. If ,,Eaf Eag, then we say that f z and g zshare the value CM; if ,,Eaf Eag, then we say that f z and g z share the value IM. Additional, we denote by , k Nrf the counting function for poles of f z with multiplicity k , and by k N the corresponding one for which multiplicity is not counted. Let , k Nrf be the counting function for poles of f z with multiplicityk, and by , k Nrf the corresponding one for which multiplicity is not counted. Set (2 ,, , k k N rfNrfNNrf, Similary, we have the notation: 1 , k Nr f , 1 , k Nr f , 1 ,, k Nr f 1 ,, k Nr f 1 , k Nr f . If 1, 1,Ef Eg, we de- note by 11 1 ,1 Nr f the counting function for com- mon simple 1-points of both f z and g z where multiplicity is no t counted. In 1998, Wang and Fang [2] (cf. [3]) proved the fol- lowing therem. Theorem A Let f z be a transcendental mero- morphic function, and n, k be tow positive integers with 1nk . Then 1 k n f has infinitely many zeros. It is interesting to establish the unicity theorem cor- responding to the above result. In 2002, Fang [4] ob- tained the following result. Theorem B Let , f g be tow nonconstant entire function, and n, k be tow positive integers with 24nk. If k n f and k n g share 1 CM, then either 1cz z f ce, 2cz z g ce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satisfying 2 12 11 kn k cc c , or ftg for a constant t such that 1 n t. Recently, Bhoosnurmath and Dyavanal [5] extended Theorem B to the meromorphic case, as follows. Theorem C Let ,fg be tow nonconstant meromor- *This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation o f China (Grant No. 11071064) and Hunan Provincial Department of Edu- cation, P.R. of China (No. 05C268). H. HUANG ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 231 phic function, and n, k be tow positive integers with 38nk. If k n f and k n g share 1 CM, then either 12 , cz cz zz fcegce where 1 c,2 c,care three constants, satisfying 2 12 11 kn k cc c, or ftg for a constant t such that 1 n t. Let 1k, 1 1 1n f nF and 1 1 1n g nG in Theorem C. Then 1nn f FF and 1nn Gg GG . We see that the following result, which is proved by Yang and Hua [6], is a direct consequence of Theorem C. Theorem D Let f z and g z be two noncons- tant meromorphic functions, and 11n an integer. If n f fand n g gshare 1 CM, then either 1cz z f ce, 2cz z g ce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satis- fying 12 12 1 n cc c or ftg for a constant t such that 11 n t. In this paper, we will extend the above result as fol- lows. Theorem 1 Let f z and g z be two noncons- tant meromorphic functions, 3k, 11n be tow positive integers. If 1, 1, nn kk EffEgg , then ei- ther 12 , cz cz zz fcegce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satisfying 12 12 1 n cc c or ftg for a constant t such that 11 n t. Theorem 2 Let f z and g z be two noncons- tant meromorphic functions, 13n be a positive in- teger. If 22 1, 1, nn EffEgg , then the conclusion of Theorem 1 holds. Theorem 3 Let f z and g z be two noncons- tant meromorphic functions, 19n be a positive in- teger. If 11 1, 1, nn Eff Egg , then the conclusion of Theorem 1 holds. 2. Some Lemmas For the proof of our results, we need the following lem- mas. Lemma 1 [7]. Let f be a nonconstant meromorphic function,and let 01 ,,, n aa a be finite complex numbers such that 0 n a . Then 11 110 , ,, nn nn Trafa fafa nT r fSr f Lemma 2 [6]. Let f z and g z be two non- constant meromorphic functions, 6n be a positive integer, if 1 nn ffgg then either 1cz z f ce, 2cz z g ce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satis- fying 12 12 1 n cc c . Lemma 3 [8]. Let f be a nonconstant meromorphic function, k a positive integer, then 11 ,,,, k NrNrkNrf Srf f f . Lemma 4 [9]. Let f and g be two nonconstant meromorphic functions,and let k be a positive integer. If 1, 1, kk EfEg, then one of the following cases must occur: 2222 22 11 11 1111 ,, ,,, ,,, 11 111 ,(,),,, 111 kk TrfTrgNrfNrNrg NrNrNr fgfg NrNrNrSrf Srg fff (1) 11 ,where 0, are tow constants. bgab fab bga b (2) Lemma 5. Let f and g be two nonconstant me- romorphic functions, 6n be a positive integer, set n F ff , n Ggg , if 11bGab FbGa b (2.1) where 0ab are two constants, then either 1cz z f ce , 2cz z g ce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satis- fying 12 12 1 n cc c or f tg for a constant t such that 11 n t . Proof. By Lemma 1, we get '' ,,, ,,2,, 2,, nn TrFTrffTrfTrfnTrfTrfSrf nTrfSrf (2.2) H. HUANG ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 232 ,,, ,,, 1 ,,,,, 1 ,,,,, 1 ,,, ,, nnn nn n nTrfTrf SrfNrf mrf Srf Nrf fNrfmrffmrSrf f TrffTrf Nrf NrSrf f TrFTrfNrfNrSrf f (2.3) So, 1 ,1,,, ,TrFnTrf Nrf NrSrf f (2.4) Thus, by (2.2 ) and (2.3) , we ge t ,,SrF Srf. Similarly, we get ,1,, 1 ,, TrGnTrg Nrg Nr Srg g (2.5) ,,SrG Srg It is clear that the inequality ,,Trf Trg or ,,Trg Trf holds for a set of infinite measure of r. Without loss of generality, we may suppose that ,,TrfTrg, holds for rI, where I is a set with infinite measure. Next we consider five cases. Case 1. ,0,1abb , If 10ab , then by the 2.1 we known: 11 ,, 1 1 NrNr ab FGb By the Nevalinna second fundamental theorem and lemma 3, we have ' 11 ,,, ,, 1 1 11 ,, ,, 11 11 ,, ,,, , 11 1 ,, ,,2,, TrGNrG NrNrSrG ab GGb NrG NrNrSrg GF Nrg NrNrNrNrSrg ggf f Nrg NrNrNrfNrSrg gg f 1 ,,,3,, 1 4(,),,, TrgNrgNrTrfSrg g TrgNrgN rSrg g By 6n and (2.5), we get ,,Trg Srg, for rI, a contradiction. If 10ab, by (2.1 ) w e can obtain: 1 1 bG FbG We see that: 1 ,, 1 NrF NrGb Combining the Nevalinna second fundamental theo- rem and lemma 3, we have H. HUANG ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 233 11 ,,, ,, 1 1 ,,,, 111 ,, ,,, 1 ,,,,, 1 2(,),,, TrGNrGNrNrSrG GGb NrG NrNrF Srg G Nrg NrNrNrSrg gg f Trg NrgNrTrfSrg g TrgNrgN rSrg g By 6n and (2.5), we get ,,Trg Srg, rI , a contradiction. Case 2. ,1abb, So 1 a FaG We can get 1 ,, 1 NrF NrGa , similarly as Case 1, it is impossible. Case 3. ,0abb, So 1Ga Fa . If 10a , then F G, so nn f fgg . It follows that: 11 11 11 nn nn fg ffggFC GC nn , where C is a constant. We state that C is zero. If not, one we can get that from the Nevalinna second fundamental theorem and lemma 1. 1 111 111 1, ,, 11 ,, ,, 1 11 ,, ,, 11 ,, ,, 3, , nTrgT rGSrg NrG NrNrSrg GG NrG NrNrSrg GF Nrg NrNrSrg gf Trg Srg Because 6n, we can get ,,Trg Srg, for rI , which is impossible. So C is zore. Then 11 F G , it gives that 11nn f g , so , f tg where t is constant satisfying 11 n t. Case 4. ,0,1abb , from (2.1) we can get 11bG FbG 1 ,(,)NrF NrG , similarly as Case 1, it is impossible. Since 0a , now we consider the following case. Case 6. 1ab It yields 1FG , that is: 1 nn ffgg . By the Lemma 2, we can get 12 , cz cz zz f ce gce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satisfying 12 12 1 n cc c . Now the proof of Lemma 5 is completed. 3. Proof of Theorems Proof of theorem 1: Noticing that 3k, we have 11 (1 (1 11 1 ,, , 11 1 11 ,, 11 1111 ,, 2121 11 ,,1 22 kk NrNrNr FG F Nr Nr FG Nr Nr FG TrFTrGO By lemma 4, we can get 2222 2222 11 ,,2,,,,,, 11 2,,,,, , T rFT rGNrNrFNrNrGSrFS rG FG NrNrF NrNrGSrfSrg FG (3.1) H. HUANG ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 234 Because: 2222 11 11 ,,, ,2,,2, n n NrN rFNrN rffNrNrNrf Fff ff (3.2) and 22 111 ,,2,,2,NrNrGNrNrNrg Ggg (3.3) By (3.1)-(3.3) and lemma 3, we can get: 1111 ,,22,2,,2,2, ,,, 1111 4,4, 2,, 4,4,2,, 11 5, 5,, TrF TrGNrNrfNrNrNrgNrSrfSrg ffgg NrNrfNrSrfNrNrgNrSrg ffgg NrNrf NrS ff 11 ,5,5,,, 11 9,,,, 9,,,, rfNrNrgNrSrg gg T rfNrfNrSrfT rgN rgNrSrg fg (3.4) By 9nand (2.4), (2.5) we obtain ,,,,T rfT rgSrfSrg, which is impossi- ble. Therefor e, by lemma 4 11bgab fbga b , where 0a, b are tow constants, it follows by lemma 5 then either 12 , cz cz zz f ce gce where 1 c,2 c,c are three constants, satisfying 12 12 1 n cc c or f tg for a constant t such that 11 n t. The proof of Theorem 1 is complete. Proof of theorem 2: We can see clearly: (3 (3 11 11 11111 ,,,,, 11 12121 11111 1 ,,,,,, 21212 2 NrNrNrNrN r FG FFG NrNrTrFTrGSrfSrg FG By lemma 4, we can get: 2222 (3 (3 11 ,,2,, ,, 11 ,,,, 11 TrFTrGNrN rFNrN rG FG Nr NrSrfSrg FG (3.5) Considering ' (3 ' ' 1111 11 ,,,,,,, 1222 2 11 1 ,,,,2,, 2 FF N rNrNrSrfNrNrF Srf FFF F NrNrNrfSrfTrf Srf ff (3.6) Similarly, we can get (3 1 ,2,, 1 Nr TrgSrg G (3.7) By from (3.4)-(3.7), we can get 11 ,,11,,,,11 ,,,,TrFTrGTrfNrfNrSrfTrg NrgNrSrg fg H. HUANG ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 235 Since 13n and (2.4), (2.5), we can get ,,,,T rfT rgSrfSrg impossible The proof of Theorem 2 is complete. Proof of theorem 3: Since: 11 11 111 ,, ,, 11 121 111 1 ,,,,, 212 2 NrNrN rNr FG FF N rTrFTrGSrfSrg G We can see clearly from lemma 4 that: (2 (2 2222 (2 (2 2222 11 11 ,,2,, ,,,, 11 ,, 11 11 2,, ,,,, 11 ,, T rFTrGNrNrFNrNrGNrNr FG FG SrF SrG Nr NrFNr NrGNrNr FG FG Srf Srg (3.8) Considering (2 11 ,,,,,,, 1 11 ,,,,4,, FF N rNrNrSrfNrFNrSrf FFF F NrNrNrf SrfTrf Srf ff (3.9) Similarly, we can get (2 1 ,4,, 1 Nr TrgSrg G (3.10) By from (3.8)-(3.10), we can get 11 ,,17.,,,17 .,,,TrFTrGTrfNrfNrSrfTrgNrgNrSrg fg Since 19n and (2.4), (2.5), we can get ,,,,T rfT rgSrfSrg , impossible The proof of Theorem 3 is complete. 4. References [1] L. Yang, “Value Distribution Theory,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993. [2] Y. F. Wang and M. L. Fang, “Picard Values and Normal Families of Meromorphic Functions with Multiple Ze- ros,” Acta Mathematica Sinica (N.S), Vol. 14, No. 1, 1998, pp. 17-26. [3] H. H. 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