Construction of Wind Turbine Bearing Vibration Monitoring and Performance Assessment System 437
so that the user can predict the best replacement timing
of the abnormal component in advance, and grasp the
usability and maintenance cost. The cond ition monitoring
and prediction system of wind turbine bearing integrates
three functional modules. Firstly, the real-time bearing
performance assessment module retrieves current bearing
vibration signal from wind turbine database and adopts
the LR algorithm to access current CV value. Then, it
transfers CV value back to the database. Secondly, when
the CV historical data of bearing performance are accu-
mulated to a sufficient number, the ARMA algorithm is
adopted to predict the future variation trend of bearing
performance in accordance with known CV historical
data of bearing performance and assure if the predicted
performance is lower than the threshold value. Then, it
transfers relevant predicted data back to the database.
Thirdly, when the identification for reason of bearing
performance redu ction is required, the SVM algorithm is
adopted to determine the fault classification through re-
trieving bearing vibration signal at fault interval from
wind turbine database. Then, it transfers fault condition
data and corresponding records back to the database in
order to strengthen the completeness of bearing fault
condition database, which not only can modify the coef-
ficient correctness of LR algorithm, but also can be used
as the reference for operation parameter adjustment and
modification of follow-up design.
7. Acknowledgements
The financial support provided by Bureau of Energy
(Grant No.102 -D 01 0 5) is gratefully acknowledged.
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