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Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 189-195 doi:10.4236/am.2011.22021 Published Online February 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM On the Distribution of Type II Errors in Hypothesis Testing Skip Thompson Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Radford University Radford, USA E-mail: Received October 16, 2010; revised November 26, 2010; accepted November 30, 2010 Abstract When a statistical test of hypothesis for a population mean is performed, we are faced with the possibility of committing a Type II error by not rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact the population mean has changed. We consider this issue and quantify matters in a manner that differs a bit from what is commonly done. In particular, we define the probability distribution function for Type II errors. We then explore some interesting properties that we have not seen mentioned elsewhere for this probability distribution function. Finally, we discuss several Maple procedures that can be used to perform various calculations using the dis- tribution. Keywords: Complementary Error Function, Hypothesis Testing, Power Curves, Power Surfaces, Type II Errors 1. Introduction Both the probability of committing a Type I error and the probability of committing a Type II error must be considered when a statistical test of hypothesis of a population mean is performed. There is a vast lite- rature dealing with the role of each type of error. Both [1] and [2] contain useful discussions and references to the relevant literature. For a given sample size, it is possible to calculate and control directly; but it is not possi- ble to calculate since the new population mean is not known. Various techniques have been developed to quantify the role of Type II errors. A particularly good description of these techniques may be found in [1]. For example, operating-characteristic curves are often used to estimate sample sizes needed to keep the probability of a Type II error below a prescribed level. Similarly, the power of a test is used to assess the ability of a test to detect changes in the population mean. For a given sam- ple size, it is cu stomary to postulate a new value (or sev- eral new values) for the population mean and compute using each such mean. The size of then gives an indication whether the sample size is adequate. In this paper we will maintain the spirit of this ap- proach but we will quantify Type II errors using a dif- ferent perspective. In Section 2, we will briefly review Type II errors. We will use u to denote the proba- bility of a Type II error if the new population mean is equal to u. In Section 3, we will go a bit further and convert u into a probability distribution uu and explore properties of this distribution. In Section 4, we will illustrate how the distribution can be used to answer interesting questions that are usually addressed using operating curves and power curves and how it may be used to quantify conventional wisdom regarding Type II errors. By converting u into a probability distri- bution, we will find that these questions can be addressed in a systematic and convenient manner. 2. Type II Errors In this section we review Type II errors briefly. A de- tailed discussion of Type II errors (and hypoth esis testing in general) can be found in any mathematical statistics text, for example, [2 ]. We assume that th e parent po pula- tion of interest is normally distributed with standard deviation . If is the significance level for a two tailed test, the null hypothesis 0 uu will not be re- jected for a sample of size n if the sample mean x is such that the standardized statistic 0 x u zn falls in the interval S. THOMPSON Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 190 00 ,uL uL nn where L denotes the inverse standard normal value determined by the right tail of size 2 . We will use the complementary error function to facilitate our discussion. This function is defined as 2 0 2 erfc1 xt x edt (1) We note the following useful properties of the complementary error function. lim erfc0 xx (2) lim erfc2 xx (3) 2 erfc erfc x e xdx xx (4) The cumulative distribution function for the standard normal distribution can be expressed using the comple- mentary error function as 22 11 erfc 2 2 2 xt edt x (5) The probability of a Type II error is equal to 2 1 2 2 1 2 Mu t Mu uedt (6) where 1 M and 2 M are the u-based standardized va- lues defined by 0 2,1 uL nu Mu n (7) so that 2 1 () () 1erfc 2 2 M u M u ut (8) The probability of a Type II error approaches a maxi- mum limiting value 1 as 0 uu. Furthermore, a bit of reflection shows that u is symmetric about 0 u. We define a probability distribution for u as fol- lows. Let 2 1 () () 1erfc 2 2 Mu Mu Ttdu (9) The probability distribution is then u u uT (10) Of course, in any practical tests of hypothesis, the new population mean u is not a random variable. We are being cavalier and regarding it as such simply for the purposes of analyzing the properties of uu . Quan- tities obtained by integrating uu can be interpreted simply as the fraction of all possible new population means that yield Type II errors of various sizes. 3. Distribution Properties of Type II Errors In this section we will explore several important and interesting properties of the uu distribution. Property 1. We claim that T , interestingly enough, is equal to the length of the 1 confidence interval about 0 u, that is, 2TL n (11) When the integral in Equation (11) is expanded, there results an expression with fifteen terms. (Refer to [3] for the actual expression and simplification.) Due to Equa- tions (2)-(4), all but two eight terms approach 0 as 2 u and 1 u since 1 M u and 2 M u approach as u. Th e remaining two nonzero terms are 0101 erfc 22 2 LL uuuu nn n nn and 0101 erfc 22 2 LL uuuu nn n nn The arguments in the erfc factors approach as 1 u; so each factor approaches 2. Therefore, 0101 2 22 2 2 uL nuuL nu Tnn n Ln as claimed. As a matter of interest, we give also a more conventional proof (based on the standard normal rather than the complementary error function) of the fact that 2uduL n . Indeed, S. THOMPSON Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 191 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 22 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 12 2 1222 2 uu Lx n uu L n wL x wL wL x wL xx x udue dxdu edxdw n edwdx n x Lex Ledx n Ledx n LL nn Property 2. Given values 1 u and 2 u, we have 2 2 11 12 1erfc 2 2 Mu u uMu puu utdu T so that 2 1 12 21 1erfc erfc 222 u u puu u MuMudu T which in turn is equal to 2 1 00 1erfc erfc 222 u u LL uu uu nn du T nn Breaking this integral into two, using the substitutions 2 i M u x , and using Equation (4), we see that 22 2 21 12 2 11 2 12 2 2 2 erfc 2 erfc Mu x Mu Mu x Mu e puu uxx nT e xx (12) Equation (12) allows us to work with the probability distribution uu using the erfc function without the need to integrate it directly. Property 3. If we use Equation (3) and Property 1, and we let 1 u, we find that the contribution of the two terms 1i M u is 1. We thus obtain a convenient representation for the cumulative distribution function for uu 1 2 2 2 2 1erfc() 2 Mu x Mu pxu e xx nT (13) Property 4. For a given value of p in 0,1 , denote by L u and R u the values of u for which up with L R uu . (We refer to these values as the left and right inverses of p, respectively.) In this case, Equation (13) can be expressed in a simpler form that more clearly shows the dependence on p and L: 22 21 1 12 2 22 1 1 erfc 22 1 2 LL L L Mu Mu Mu p puuuM u L ee L (14) Indeed, using Equation 13 shows that L pxu is equal to 1 2 2 2 2 1 erfc 22 L L Mu x Mu e xx nT (15) Expanding this expression using Property 4 and Equa- tion (11) yiel ds 22 21 22 11 22 1 1 erfc 22 22 erfc 22 1 22 LL LL LL Mu Mu Mu Mu L Mu Mu ee L We can rewrite the factor containing the two values of erfc as 22 1 121 erfc erfc 22 2 erfc 222 LL L LLL Mu MuMu MuMu Mu Since L up , the first parenthesized term is equal to 2p. The second parenthesized term is equal to 2L. Making these substitutions and simplifying esta- blishes Equati o n (1 4) . Property 5. The mean of this distribution is equal to 0 u due to symmetry. The standard distribution is equal to 2 13L n (16) S. THOMPSON Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 192 For values of in the range 0.01 to 0.10, 2 13L ranges from approximately 1.5 to 2. The size of this factor accounts in part for the rounded shape of uu . To establish this property, we start with the integral 02 0 2u u uu udu T We obtain a complicated antiderivative with twenty-six terms. (Refer to [3 ] for the actual expression and simpli- fication.) However, grouping terms and using Equations (2) and (3) sh ow that all but two of the terms approach 0 as 1 u . The two grouped terms that do not approach 0 as 1 u are 1 310 10 1lim erfcerfc 222 u u uLsu uLs Ls Ls ss and 1 33 10 10 1lim erfcerfc 622 u uu Lsuu Ls Ls Ls ss In both grouped terms 10 1 erfc 0as 2 uu Lsu s and 10 1 erfc 2as 2 uuLs u s Making these substitutions and simplifying leads to 0222 0 213 u u uuudu sL T (17) as claimed. Property 6. Working with the second derivative of uu shows that the inflection points of uu occur when 0* 2 s uu t L where * t is the unique positive solution of 22 22 0. tt tetLLe (Refer to [3] for details.) We note that * t is in the interval 22 2,3LL for ln 53L. Property 7. Given an interval 12 ,uu that we sus- pect contains the new population mean, the average pro- bability of a Type II error for this interval is equal to 12 21 Tpuu u uu Customarily, u is calculated for a particular va- lue of the population mean or for a few particular values. This simple property provides an interval-oriented ver si on of u . By dropping the factor of T , we can obtain similar average values for uu . Property 8. Given a probability level p, the probabi- lity that u does not exceed p is equal to *2 L up u pp udu (18) where L up is the left inverse of L pup . To see this, first note that we can calculate * pp using Property 4. Suppose * p is constructed using two sets of population parameters 00 ,u , and 0 n, and 11 ,u , and 1 n. The definition of 1 L M u and 2 L M u and the fact that 01 01LL uup leads to 01 01 01 1 0 L L uu uu n n Solving for 1 L u in terms of 0 L u and substituting the results into Property 4 for the second set of parameters shows that the corresponding terms in Property 4 are equal for the two sets of parameters so that *, 0 pp *,1 pp. * p is thus a function of p and (via L). * p quantifies intrinsically the well-known difficulty of obtaining Type II errors within prescribed levels due to the roundedness of u . Property 9. A slight extension of Property 8 is possible. Given two probability levels 1 p and 2 p with 12 pp , the probability that u will be between these values is equal to 1 ,2,1,2 ,1 2 beta_cdfbeta_cdf LLLL p uuuu T (19) where ,1 L u and ,2 L u are the left inverses of 1 p and 2 p, respectively. 4. Using u and uu The Maple Computer Algebra System [4] can be used to illustrate various calculations required to address ques- tions of interest. Relevant calculations are implemented in a Maple worksheet [3] and several auxiliary work- sheets that are available from the author’s web site. In the procedures discussed here, beta_erfc is the function defined by Equation 8 and beta_cdf is the cumulative probability distribution function defined by Equation (13). fsolve is the Maple nonlinear equation solver. It should be noted that the actual procedures in [3] are a bit more complicated due to the need for error checking and the need to deal with numerical difficulties caused by the effects of floating point calculations; but we won’t fuss about the details here. Interested readers may wish to consider implementing similar procedures using their fa- S. THOMPSON Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 193 vorite statistical computing package. The uses of u are well known [2]. For example, given a particular value 1 u for the new population mean we can calculate the probability 1 u of a Type II error using Equation (8) or we can perform the calcula- tion as usual using Equation (6). Furthermore, given an in- terval 12 ,uu that we suspect contains the new popula- tion mean, we can calculate the average probability of a Type II error for this interval using Property 7. Power curves and operating-characteristic curves [1] are often used to help determine appropriate sample sizes to obtain Type II error probabilities of different sizes. Such a curve is the graph of 1 obtained using various sample sizes. Rather than generate a set of one-dimen- sional operating-characteristic curves in the usual fashion we can consider u as a function of u and n and plot the surface 1,un or the surface the ,un as in the following abbreviated code segment. beta_PADN := x -> 0.5*erfc(-x/sqrt2); beta_PUNN := (u,n) -> beta_PADN ((u0-u)/(sigma/sq rt(n))+L) - beta_PADN((u0-u)/(sigma/sqrt(n))-L); plot3d(1-beta_PUNN(u,n),u=U1..U2,n=4..50,axe s=boxed, grid=[51,51]); The surface can be rendered in various ways. Figure 1 depicts a power surface for a typical set of population parameters. By working with the surface contours and cross sectional slices, we can obtain the information usu- ally obtained by using one-dimensional power curves. In particular, we can study the question of determining the sample sizes required to yield Type II errors of various sizes. To see how we might proceed, consider the follow- ing example. Suppose th e popu lation p ar ameter s ar e0 u 74 and 30 . Further suppose we wish to use a signi- ficance level 0.01 . We would like to determine the minimum sample size that yields a Type II error equal to 0.2 when the new population mean is equal to 85. While it is simple enough to solve the nonlinear equation min ,0.02un , we can use the power surface to esti- mate min n as accurately as desired. Figure 2 shows the portion of the surface for which ,0.2un . If we follow the surface around the bottom for 85u until reaching the contour curve for85,uwe see that a sam- ple size between 85 and 90 will suffice. Solving the cor- responding nonlinear equation shows that min 87.n For this example, min 87nagrees with the usual two-tailed estimate [2] and this approach is applicable to other types of tests in which a simple estimate is not readily avai- lable. The usefulness of this approach is enhanced due to the fact the u surface can be generated quickly with- out the need to perform tedious and time consuming in- tegrations. Also, once the surface has been generated, it Figure 1. The power surface 1, un. Figure 2. Top portion of the surface , un . can viewed and manipulated in any manner that is de- sired. Similarly, by considering u as a function of u and , we can plot the power surface 1,u as in the following abbreviated code segment. S. THOMPSON Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 194 beta_PADA := x -> 0.5*erfc(-x/sqrt2); beta_PUNA := (u,alpha) -> beta_PADA((u0-u)/(sigma/sqrt(n))+L(alpha)) - beta_PADA((u0-u)/(sigma/sqrt(n))-L(alpha)); plot3d(1- beta_PUNA(u,alpha),u=U1..U2,alpha= 0.001..0.10, axes=boxed,grid=[51,51]); Figure 3 depicts the surface obtained for a typical set of population parameters. As with Figure 1 we can use the surface contours and cross sectional slices to consider the effect of using different significance levels. For the same reason that inverse normal calculations are needed when working with a normal distribution, we need to be able to invert uu to find the value of p u for which p px up. The following procedure can be used to perform this task. It uses fsolve to find u given that beta_cdfpu. beta_cdf_inv := proc(p) # Calculate the inverse of beta_cdf. local eqn, u, up: global beta_cdf, U1, U2 , u0: u := 'u': up := 'up': if (p = 0.5) then u := u0: return(u); fi: if (p < 0.5) then eqn := beta_cdf(up) = p: fsolve(eqn, {up}, U1..u0): assign(%): else eqn := beta_cdf(up) = p: fsolve(eqn, {up}, u0..U2): assign(%): fi: u := up: return(u): end proc: Given a particular probability p, we can perform an inverse calculation to find the values 0L uu and 0R uu for which LR uup in much the same way as in the above inversion of uu . R u can be calculated as in the following procedure. arcpR := proc(p) local eqn, ustar, u: global beta_erfc, U2, u0: ustar := 'ustar': u := 'u': eqn := beta_erfc(ustar) = p: fsolve(eqn, {ustar}, u0..U2): assign(%): u := ustar: return(u): end proc: Figure 3. The power surface 1, un. A similar procedure arcpL can be used to ca lculate L u. Of course, only one of the procedures is actually needed due to symmetry. L uand R usatisfy 0 2. R L uuuNote that 00LR uu uu is precisely the amount by which the population mean u must change in one direction or the other in order that the probability of a Type II error does not exceed p. Once the values L up and R up are available, we know that u will not exceed p if L uu or R uu. Suppose we wish to calculate the probability * pp this will happen. Property 8 allows us to do so. As examples, suppose 0.2p . Then 0.01 yields *0.04p while 0.05 yields *0.06p and 0.10 yields *0.09p . In the latter case, we then can say there is a 9% chance of committing a Type II error that does not exceed 20%, that is to say, 9% of all possible values for the new population mean yield a Type II error not exceeding 20%. Although * p is smaller than for most cases of interest its size is easily explained by the rounded shape of uu . If p is small enough that L u and R u dif- fer significantly from 0 u, the area of the region under uu between L u and R u can be nearly one. Since this area is * 1p , * p tends then to be near zero. Inter- preted in another way, the tails whose combined size is * p can be quite small for a rounded distribution such as uu . * p serves as a measure of and a reminder that keeping the probability of a Type II error below a pre- scribed level can be quite a challenge. S. THOMPSON Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM 195 Figure 4. The curves * pp for = 0.01, 0.10, 0.25, 0.5. Figure 5. The surface *, pp . The following procedure calculates * pp. Figure 4 depicts graphs of the functions * pp (the blue curves) vs p (the brown curve) for selected significance levels 0.01,0.10,0.25,and 0.50 . The horizontal extent of each blue curve is the interval 0, 1 ; the vertical extent is the interval 0,1 . Figure 5 depicts a more de- tailed surface plot of *,pp . betastar := proc(p) # Calculate pstar, the probability that the # probability of a Type II error will not # exceed p. local eqn, ustar, u, uL, pstar: global beta_cdf, beta_e r fc, U1, u0, CL : ustar := 'ustar': u := 'u': pstar := 'pstar': uL := 'uL': eqn := beta_erfc(ustar) = p: fsolve(eqn, {ustar}, U1..u0): assign(%): uL := ustar: pstar := 2*beta_cdf(uL): return(pstar): end proc: An interval oriented variant of * pp can provide additional information. Given two probability levels 1 p and 2 p with 12 01pp , suppose we wish find the probability that the size of a Type II error will be between these values. In this case, Property 9 allows us to calculate this probability. A procedure for performing the necessary calculations can be found in [3]. 5. Summary This paper investigated the probability distribution for Type II errors. Several interesting properties of the distri- bution were obtained. These properties can be used to obtain the same information as that obtained using other commonly used methods. In addition, the properties allo w us to quantify several thorny issues in precise ways. The manner in which this can be done was discussed and il- lustrated using selected Maple procedures for working with the distribution. 6. Acknowledgements The author is indebted to an anonymous referee and to the AM staff for several suggestions which improved the exposition of this paper significantly. 7. References [1] D. C. Montgomery, “Statistical Process Control,” John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991. [2] D. S. Wackerly, W. Mendenhall, and R. L. Scheaffer, “Mathematical Statistics with Applications,” Duxbury Press, 1996. [3] S. Thompson, “Maple Worksheets for Investigating Type II Errors,” 2010. ml [4] Maplesoft, Waterloo Maple Inc., Waterloo, 2010. |