M. W. Huellner et al. / Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2 (2013) 479-483
suggest inspecting and cleaning the ear on a short-term
basis before referring the patient to the MRI examination,
especially during follow-up after cholesteatoma surgery
and in patients known to produce retention of dry ceru-
minal wax in their ear canal. A possible group of patients
at risk of such a false-positive finding are those with in-
sufficient or narrow meatoplasties, as the complete radi-
cal cavity can only be overseen poorly, and cleaning of
debris remains a problem. The number and frequency of
second look operations after canal wall-up procedures
has markedly declined after the introduction of non-EP
DW MRI which may be performed 1 - 1½ years after
initial surgery to exclude residual cholesteatoma behind a
reconstructed intact tympanic membrane.
Since DWI images have a low spatial resolution al-
most without anatomic landmarks in the temporal bone, a
high-reso lution T2-weighted sequence is requir ed to cor-
relate DWI findings with the patient’s anatomy. A de-
layed post-gadolinium T1-weighted sequence is not
needed for the detection of cholesteatoma as it does not
yield significant increase in sensitivity or specificity if
obtained in addition to a non-EP DWI sequence [11].
One cannot rely on diffusion signal alone, as false-posi-
tives may occur in certain conditions. In case of a nega-
tive non-EP DWI sequence, an axial T1-weighted se-
quence with and without gadolinium should be obtained
additionally to rule out other pathologies like inflamma-
tion or tumor. The prevalence of both cholesteatoma and
inflammation is seen quite frequently since the cho-
lesteatoma may block the antrum and lead to sterile in-
flammatory changes in the mastoid mucosa, or the cho-
lesteatoma sac may be infected and the miscellaneous
bacterial flora induces an inflammatory response in the
middle ear.
The primary diagnosis of cholesteatoma is based on
the typical otoscopic findings. A high level of suspicion
is required for diagnosis in post-operative patients with
an intact and reconstructed tympanic membrane and ca-
nal wall, in patients with a supra- or infralabyrinthine
extension of the cholesteatoma, being not accessible by
simple otoscopy, and in previously operated ears with a
narrowed canal entrance, complicating the inspection of
the cavity. Radiological imaging helps to confirm the
diagnosis, provides a differential diagnosis and facilitates
surgical planning. Non-EP diffusion MRI can be used to
identify and localize cholesteatoma with high sensitivity
and specificity [5,7]. False-negative results can be ob-
tained in foci smaller than 2 - 5 mm [1,9,1 0]. False-posi-
tive results may be caused by scar tissue [3,8], bone
powder [10] and keratinous material embedded in the
debris of the radical cavity. The imaging gold standard
remains non-EP DWI [1,6,9,12]. Echo-planar DWI should
be abandoned. For anatomic correlation, a high-resolu-
tion T2-weighted image is required. If the non-EP DWI
signal does not suggest cholesteato ma, T1-weighted non-
enhanced and gadolinium-enhanced sequences should be
added to differentiate inflammatory tissue or tumor from
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