Vol.5, No.11, 1829-1834 (2013) Health http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/health.2013.511246 Description of socioeconomic and demographic profile of young women vulnerable to infection by human papillomavirus and risk behavior in a school in Rio de Janeiro Maria Cristina de Melo Pessanha Carvalho1,2*, Ana Beatriz Azevedo Queiroz3, Maria Aparecida Vasconcelos Moura3 1Researcher Center Women’s Health, School of Nursing Anna Nery, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; *Corresponding Author: mcrismelo4@hotmail.com 2Federal Hospital Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 3Department of Maternal-Child Nursing, Researcher Center Women’s Health, School of Nursing Anna Nery, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Received 24 August 2013; revised 25 September 2013; accepted 8 October 2013 Copyright © 2013 Maria Cristina de Melo Pessanha Carvalho et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ABSTRACT Background: HPV is one of the main sexually transmitted diseases, especially among the fe- male population. This is an important etiologic agent for the development of cervical intraepi- thelial lesions and cervical cancer. It is consid- ered a public health problem, since young wo- men are the most vulnerable group to this virus. Therefore, it is import ant that the socioeconomic and demographic profile of these women and their risk behaviors are known, so that it is pos- sible to contribute in reducing infection occur- rences in the studied population. Objectives: To describe the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and investigate the behavioral sexual-affective aspects of risk of adolescents and young students from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil when tackling HPV infection. Methods: A group composed by 128 individuals susceptible to HPV—clas sified a s adolescent women a nd young women who are students at a high school in one unity of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The studied period was from May to November. A quantitative descriptive approach was used, in which data were highlighted in variables, divi- ded into economic, demographic and behaviora l characteristics. Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and organized by descriptive sta- tistics performed by simple frequency (%). Re- sults: The age range of the young women who have the possibility of being infected with HPV was from 15 to 25. The focused family income among these young women was up to 2 mini- mum wages. The risk behavior detec ted in 37.5% of adolescent women and in 43.8% of young women is that these women never used con- doms in sexual intercourse. Conclusion: The re- search showed that the studied women are vul- nerable due to risk behavior practices that may lead to the virus acquisition. More focuses on educational actions of preventive measures re- garding HPV infection should be emphasized, favoring a lower incidence of human papillo- mavirus infection and cervical cancer. Keywords: Women’s Health; HPV; Risk-Takin g 1. INTRODUCTION Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that infects the epithelial cells of the skin and mucosa, being one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the female population. This infection occurs preferentially in the genital organs, as the vulva, vagina, uterine cervix, penis and perianal areas and oropharynx. Thanks to the molecular biology techniques, the association between HPV and cancer has been increasingly investigated. There are over 100 viral types and subtypes, and some of these viruses may cause lesions, which, if not treated, may evolve to cancer [1]. HPV is grouped in viral sub- Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. C. de Melo Pessanha Carvalho et al. / Health 5 (2013) 1829-1834 1830 types of low-risk (6, 11, 42, 43 and 44) and high-risk (16, 18, 31, 33, 34, 35, 39, 45, 46, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 70), thereby establishing the relationship between per- sistent infection by HPV with some viral types and cer- vical cancer. Thus, in 95% of cases, HPV is associated to cervical cancer [2]. The highest prevalence of this infec- tion is among adolescent and young women, from 15 to 25, which causes this group to be considered as the one of higher vulnerability to HPV [3]. Early initiation of sexual activity and multiple partners are some behav ioral factors that lead this population segment to a greater su- sceptibility [3]. Adding to that, there are the environ- mental and individual factors, which, together with HPV virus, modulate the risk of transition from infection to malignancies, including genetic susceptibility, immune and nutritional condition, tobacco use, multiparity, infec- tions by other sexually transmitted agents—such as HIV, chlamydia trachomatis and herpes type 2 [4]. However, studies have reported that there are still b ar- riers that prevent young people to adopt effective pre- ventive measures against this infection, since big chal- lenges are found in the difficulty of the adolescent to understand himself as vulnerable and make decisions and act in order to face this infection and other sexually transmitted diseases [5]. In this scenario, it is necessary to know the characteristics of this populational group, indicating their behaviors and attitudes that make them vulnerable to the infection [6]. Studies on this topic be- come relevant when building strategies of assistance that may reduce the chain of transmission of HPV and con- sequently morbimortality through precursor lesions and cervical cancer. From these arguments, this study aims to describe the socioeconomic demographical characteris- tics and to investigate the behavioral sexual-affective aspects of risk in adolescents and young students from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil against HPV infection. 2. METHODS This is a descriptive study with quantitative analysis, held in a high school (public school) of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Such study had, as participants, 128 young women enrolled in the referred school, aged be- tween 15 and 25 years. The sample was divided in two groups: adolescent women (AW) and young women (YW). The first group was composed by adolescent wo- men in the age group from 15 from 19 and the second group by young women from 20 to 25. This division was partially grounded in the chronological limits of adoles- cence, as defined by World Health Organization (WHO), which are from 10 to 19. For young people, this limits are from 20 to 24, which division is used mainly for sta- tistical and political purposes. As inclusion criteria, this study had adolescents and young people who were not infected by HPV, and had as exclusion criteria ages be- low 15 and above 25. To collect data, we used a form with the purpose of tracing the socioeconomic and de- mographic profile of the sample and raising the sex- ualaffective behaviors that may lead these young women to contract HPV. The data was divided in two blocks of variables: identification data in which were highlighted variables such as age, ethnicity, education, marital status, family inc ome; the second block dealt with the ch aracter- istics related to risk behavior variables: beginning of sexual activity, number of partners in the last year, con- dom use and type of sexual activity. The sampling was determined by non-probability sampling technique by convenience, after the confirmation that the studied ones did not have HPV. At school the students were subjected to individual interviews between the months of May and November of 2012, to respond to the form in private lo- cal to ensure the privacy of the individuals. Data was entered into an Excel spreadsheet and organized by de- scriptive statistics performed by simple frequency (%), and were subsequently inserted in tables for easy visu- alization of the results. The analysis was performed by percent calculation and organization by variables of each group. The study was submitted to the Comitê de Ética da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery (Ethics Commit- tee of Anna Nery Nursing School)/Hospital-Escola São Francisco de Assis (Teaching Hospital São Francisco de Assis)/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), being approved by record number 030/2011. The recommendations of Resolution number 196/96 of the Conselho Nacional de Saúde (Na- tional Health Council) Brazilian document that com- prises standards and rules for the development of human research. Also, as recommended, the data was collected only after signing the Free and Clarified Consent Form and the Assent Form, signed by the responsible for stu- dents under 18. 3. RESULTS The study included 128 subjects: 64 adolescent women and 64 young women. The age between 20 and 22 was most representative among both gr oups. The white group predominated among women vulnerable to HPV, repre- sented by 53% of adolescent women. As for education level, only 25.1% of adolescent women and 18.6% of young women remained in high school, with a reduc- tion in the number of women enrolled in the last year. In terms of marital status, there was a significant number of bachelor adolescent women with partner, represented by 56.25%—being him a boyfriend or a casual partner. However, 46.8% of young women are married , and often it is not an officially legal marriage, but guided by the choice of living in a consensual union with the partner. In contrast, 53.1% of respondents said they did not have a partner at the time of the interview. In this study, the Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. C. de Melo Pessanha Carvalho et al. / Health 5 (2013) 1829-1834 1831 variable family income predominated among adolescent women between 3 and 4 minimum wages. This fact was different among young women with 43.7% of them with fami liar income up to 2 minimu m wages. As for charac- teristics related to sexual-affective behavior, Table 1 shows that 31.25% of adolescent women and 37.5% of young women had between 4 and 5 partners in the last year. On the issue of condo m use, only 15.6% of adoles- cent women and 9.3% of young women assert they al- ways use a condom during sexual intercourse. The type of sexual intercourse preferred by adolescent women was vaginal sex and oral/vaginal sex was preferred by 31.25% of young women. In the variable beginning of sexual activity, it was observed that the age group be- tween 14 and 17 was predominant in both groups— 43.7% in the adolescent women and 37.5% in the young women. Ta bl e 1. Risk behavioral characteristics in young women vul- nerable to infection by human papillomavirus. Variable AW YW n % n% Number of partners (last year) 0 - 1 partner 24 37.8 1015.6 2 - 3 partner 12 18.7 1625.1 4 - 5 partner 20 31.2 2437.5 Above 5 partners 08 12.2 1421.8 Condom usage Only in the first relation 16 25.1 1218.7 Always 10 15.6 069.30 Sometimes 14 21.8 1828.2 Never 24 37.5 2443.8 Type of performed sex Vaginal sex 11 34.4 0618.7 Oral/vaginal sex 04 12.5 1031.2 Anal/vaginal sex 06 18.8 0515.6 Oral sex 03 9.30 026.25 Anal sex 08 25.0 0928.2 Início de vida sexual 9 - 13 years old 12 18.7 1015.6 14 - 17 years old 28 43.7 2437.5 18 - 21 years old 16 25.1 2031.3 22 - 25 years old 8 12.5 1015.6 AW: Adolescent women; YW: Young women. 4. DISCUSSION Given the description of the young women attending a school unit that have the possibility of being infected with HPV, Table 2 illustrates a predominance of ages between 17 and 22. There is a decline from 23 years old and above. This age group is more prone to be infected by the virus because studies show that one of the major risk factors is age—and there is a prevalence among young women up to 24 years old [7,8]. It is noteworthy that this prevalence peak among these women is due to a higher level of switching of partners and early sexual initiation [9]. HPV infection affects young women at the start of sexual activity, being a transient phenomenon— for that, it declines spontaneously in most cases [10]. Table 2. Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of young women vulnerable to infection by human papillomavi- rus. Variables AW YW n % n% Age group 15 - 16 15 46.8 17 - 19 17 53.2 20 - 22 1959.4 23 - 24 1340.6 Ethnic group Black 06 9.50 1218.7 Medium brown 24 37.5 3046.8 White 34 53.0 1828.2 Brazilian natives 0 0 046.25 Education level High school (first year) 13 40.6 1443.7 High school (second year) 11 34.3 1237.5 High school (third year) 08 25.1 0618.8 Marital status Single without partner 24 37.5 1015.6 Single with partner 36 56.2 2437.6 Married/consensual union 04 6.25 3046.8 Family income Up to 2 MW 26 40.6 2843.7 Between 3 and 4 MW 32 50.0 2437.6 Above 5 MW 06 9.40 1218.7 AW : Adolescent Woman; YW: Young Wom an; MW: Minimum Wage. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. C. de Melo Pessanha Carvalho et al. / Health 5 (2013) 1829-1834 1832 As for ethnicity, scarce literature mentions the asso- ciation of ethnicity/color with a predisposition to HPV infection. The present study indicates that white women predominated among adolescents; between young wo- men the medium brown had greater prominence, with a total of 46%. That confir ms the study by Pereyra et al., in which it is referred that more than half of the cases of cervical cancer due to infection by HPV is co nstituted by nonwhite women [11]. It was observed that the black ethnicity was associated with the prevalence and inci- dence of HPV carcinogenic infection, but it was not a significant risk factor for infection [12]. However, an- other study indicates that the increased risk of HPV in- fection in black women is attributed not to genetics, but to socioeconomic characteristic. [13]. In terms of educatio n level, the dropping-out of young women before completing high school was emphasized. Many of them stop attending high school. Many of these young women are confronted with events in their lives that prevent them from continuing their studies—for example, inclusion in the labor market or early preg- nancy. It is noticed that the studied individuals are vul- nerable when there is a hindrance to improve the knowl- edge of a cognitive mechanism when facing situations that may favor the acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases. Still the sub-information is also considered as one of the main barriers to be overcome in the control of sexually transmitted diseases, especially when it comes to the human papillomavirus, because the lack of educa- tion influences the risk p erceptio n ; and th e non-provid ing of attitudes to prevent HPV suggests the association of lower education with higher prevalence of HPV infection [14,15]. With regard to the marital status of these young wo- men, more than half of the adolescents are unmarried with partne r, and on ly 6.25% are married or are living in a consensual union. This fact illustrates that these women may be vulnerable to HPV virus, independently of ap- propriate sexual behavior or sexual risk behavior. Some studies show that having a steady partner establishes a condition of defenselessness to the virus since condom use is discarded after the relationship becomes stable [16]. This fact may occur by reason of trust or even by submission to the partner when it comes to discussing the continuity of usage of condom in sexu al intercourse [17]. Regarding family income of the analyzed vulnerable to HPV women, it is clear that incomes are still low among the subjects of study and that few women live with incomes superi or to two MW. The results s how tha t some adolescents have a higher income than the other group by reason of living with their parents and/or family, by whom they are still supported. However, in what re- fers to non-adolescent women, many of them no longer live with their families and are now inserted in the labor market, being responsible for their own sustenance or must support their families, and that interferes in the learning process. It is assumed that this is a vulnerable population when the low incomes lead to social ine- qualities, hindering the access to necessary information to prevent sexually transmitted diseases [18]. Several studies show that the number of partners among women is a relevant factor because de multiplic- ity of partners is a major risk factor for acquiring HPV infection [13, 19]. As for the present study there is a vari- ety of partners especially among young women. Thus, the studied women with more than three partners are sub- mitted to a vulnerable situation when there is a frequent exchange of partners, allowing unsafe sexual behavior and consequently a major chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, especially when condom is not used. The increased number of sexual partners during the life of the studied women also favors different sexual prac- tices that may lead to a greater possibility of HPV infec- tion. Age difference between the couple may also in- crease the risk [20]. However, other than literature indi- cates, the survey also illustrated that 37.8% of adoles- cents only had one partner in the last year. This fact may lead to the absence of protective measures, as it involves a long-term relationship and the adolescent stops using condoms. Data suggests that the number of women who do not use condoms is still high, favoring a greater exposure to the human papilloma virus, because 37.5% of adole- scents and 43.8% of young women said they never used condoms. This information is relevant when it is known that these women are in a situation of vulnerability to HPV, since they are exposed to beliefs, gender inequali- ties and are passive to the partner, becoming dependent on him to condom usage. The use of condoms among women is a subject that is related to sexual-affective re- lationship, because the type of relationship that young people establish—of great affection or only casual sex— is a contributing factor to the decision to use condom or not [17]. There is a difficulty among the studied women to use condom when they are faced with negotiating about con dom usage with their partners, either for fear of losing the partner or insecurity in the relationship. Thus, it is clear that condom usage is linked to intimacy between partners. Some reasons are associated with this behavior, like: only having sex with a partner that the woman trusts, disliking condom usage because it would diminish plea- sure in intercourse or because the studied woman thinks she will not have any disease [21]. The age group that prevailed in this research about sexual initiation was between 14 and 17, a result that agrees with the study by Martins et al., wherein from a total of 8649 women, 74% reported that the first inter- Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. C. de Melo Pessanha Carvalho et al. / Health 5 (2013) 1829-1834 1833 course occurred between the ages of 14 and 20 [22]. This is an important fact when the early onset of sexual ac- tiveity is one of the factors for contracting HPV. This is due to the fact that young cells are more receptive to in- fection by human papillomavirus and to the fragility of the uterine cervix in the initiation of sexual life [23,24]. Adding to that there is a relation between the early onset of sexual activity and an increased risk of infection with HPV due to the augmentation of time of exposure, lead- ing to a larger risk of being infected with the virus [25]. In terms of sexual preferences among young women, even predominating the choice for vaginal sex, there was also a prominence for anal sex. The incidence of anal cancer associated to HPV among women has shown an increase of 40% in recent years [26]. This may be linked to socio-cultural factors that may be decisive in the be- havior of these women, since family, education level and access to media and social networks are important sources of information and influence the behavior of these women, especially when it comes to sexual behave- ior. Adding to that, there is the fact that the studied women are vulnerable, since during intercourse there is an exchange of sexual fluids, which directly relates to the transmission of various microorganisms, such as HPV, HIV and other STDs, depending on the performed sexual practice [27]. As for oral sex—also mentioned by young women—there is a significant evolution for squamous cell carcinoma in the oropharynx area, basis of the tongue and palatine tonsils, associated with HPV [28]. This condition can be worsened with modifiable risk factors for cancer such as smoking and alcohol consump- tion [29]. This situation determines the vulnerable cond i- tion of these women, finding themselves in a situatio n of defenselessness concerning the virus. 5. CONCLUSION From the results, it was possible to identify that these young woman students that have the possibility of being infected with HPV are inserted into a profile of low so- cioeconomic conditions, especially when these women interrupt the cycle of learning, characterized by dropping out of school, which interferes in the seizure of infor- mation and in the understanding of the importance of preventive meas ures. The results showed that high school students are in a situation of vulnerability due to their risk behaviors, primarily by low adherence to condom usage, in addition to th e multip licity of partners. It can be seen that according to the profile of the socioeconomic and demographic level and also of some risk behaviors, there are important factors that may lead to the acquisi- tion of HPV. 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