Plasma Levels of Angiotensin-Converting Enzymes 1 and 2 and AGTR2 (T1247G and A5235G) Gene
Polymorphisms Are Associated to Breast Cancer Progression
general, ECA1 seems to be associated with advanced
stages of the disease and, on the other hand, the ACE2
seems to be more associated with the early stages, giving
it a protector status against cancer. These ACEs plasma
levels data here presented, combined to other recent ob-
servations that Ang-(1-7) attenuates lung cancer metasta-
sis, has a protective effect by inhibiting cell proliferation
[11-16] and that genetic polymorphisms of the RAS com-
ponents are associated with gynecological cancer risk
and progression [17,18], give another piece of evidence
that the RAS may be associated with breast cancer.
Correlation between peptidases plasma levels and his-
tological grade has a different pattern. In the variable
histological grade, an inversion was observed, i.e., high
levels of ACE1 is associated with the early stages (grades
1 and 2) and high levels of ACE2 is associated with the
advanced stage (grade 3) of the disease. This can be un-
derstood as some kind of feedback for recovering the
patient from the pathological condition, if one has ex-
treme concentrations of circulating enzymes.
5. Conclusions
Our results show that ACE enzymes can be related to
worsening or improvement of breast cancer, as well as,
of other types of cancer.
Therefore, the use of enhancers or inhibitors of these
enzymes in cancer therapy should be considered, espe-
cially when there are little therapeutic options available
(triple-negative breast cancer, for example) or when they
are administered in an adjuvant regimen with other anti-
neoplastic compounds.
6. Acknowledgements
We thank Sao Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP)
for the financial support.
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