Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
even extend south further. This could help to explain
why the ITCZ apparently migrates south (Figures 2,3).
3. Conclusions
As is well-known, the necessary conditions for TC gene-
sis are not equally important and, among them dynamical
factors such as low level vorticity and vertical wind shear
play a more important role than thermodynamic factors
such as SST and moist instability [30-32]. This study
shows that, warmer SSTs in the WNP can cause fewer
TCs, that is, warmer SSTs are only one of the necessary
conditions and so do not definitely lead to an increase in
TC numbers. This may be attributed to the heterogeneous
effects of complicated patterns of SSTs on RV as implied
by the second law of thermodynamics. This paper further
also suggests that low level vorticity associated with
ITCZ variations should be a fundamental factor for TC
genesis. Based on the analyses in this paper, a new way
of understanding the mechanism responsible for the cau-
sality between SSTs and TC occurrence frequency over
the WNP is then suggested. The WNP is only used as an
example in this study and the methodology illustrated
herein should be universal.
4. Acknowledgements
This work has been jointly supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (40875029,
41075048, 40633016, and 40975036), 973 Program
(2009CB421500) and the Basic Research Project of the
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese
Academy of Meteorological Sciences (2008LASWZI01).
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