Journal of Computer and Communications, 2013, 1, 9-13 Published Online October 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCC
Protein-Protein Interac ti on Extraction Based on Convex
Combination Kernel Function
Peng Chen, Jianyi Guo, Zhengtao Yu, Sichao Wei, Feng Zhou, Xin Yan
1The School of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China; 2Key
Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China.
Received August 2013
Owing to the effect of classified models was different in Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) extraction, which was made
by different single kernel functions, and only using single kernel function hardly trained the optimal clas sif ied model to
extract PPI, this paper presents a strategy to find the optimal kernel function from a kernel function set. The strategy is
that in the kernel function set which consists of different single kernel functions, endlessly finding the last two kernel
functions on the performance in PPI extraction, using their optimal kernel function to replace them, until there is only
one kernel function and it’s the final opti mal kernel f unction . Finall y, ex tracting PPI using th e classif ied model made by
this kernel function. This paper conducted the PPI extraction experiment on AIMed corpus, the experimental result
shows that the optimal convex combination kernel function this paper presents can effectively improve the extraction
performance than single kernel function, and it gets the best precision wh ich reach es 65.0 among the similar PPI extra c-
tion systems.
Keywords: Protein-Protein Interaction; Support Vector Machine; Convex Combination Kernel Function
1. Introduction
That the presented protein entities exist interaction rela-
tion of the article in biomedical field is called Protein-
Protein Interaction. PPI is vital for knowing the single
proteins and the organization of the entire biological
process. Recently, PPI becomes an important and hot
task in biomedical field. There is a surge of research in-
terest in PPI.
Early studies on PPI ex traction mostly employ the ma-
chine learning method, it includes the convolution kernel
based method [1-3] and feature based method [4-7]. The
main difference of these two methods is the way they get
their high dimension matrixes. The convolution kernel-ba-
sed method expresses the sentence as string [2], tree [1],
graph [3] or other structured ways, and determine the
high dimension matrix by counting the number of same
substructure in two sentences. The feature based method
needs select features firstly, Miyao, Y. et al. [5] employ-
ed three syntactic analysis methods and made syntactic
information as the feature, Liu B et al. [6] used depen-
dent information as features, Bui Q-C et al. [7 ] used key-
words as the feature. When features have been determin-
ed, the method expresses the sentence as feature vector,
then gets the high dimension matrix mapping by com-
mon kernel functions. For the high computation comple-
xity, the convolution kernel based method or the compo-
site method which includes the convolution kernel-based
method is not adaptive in the practical PPI extraction
system. The feature based method which can get the high
dimension matrix at a high rate of speed becomes the
mainstream. What calls for special atten tion is that in the
feature-based method, the high dimension matrix is the
only information in getting the classified model by train-
ing, so the selection of the kernel function is crucial in
PPI extraction. Niu Y et al. [4] and Bui Q -C et a l. [7] re-
spectively used a linear kernel function and radial basis
function (RBF Kernel) as the kernel function. The effect
of classified models was different in PPI extraction, which
was made by different single different kernel functions,
and only using single kernel function hardly trained the
optimal classified model to extract PPI.
For the above problem, this paper presents a strategy
that finds the optimal kernel function from a single ker-
nel function set consists of some single kernel functions.
On the basis of corpus pretreatment, selection features
and getting high dimension matrixes by mapping from
different single kernel functions, then achieving their
classified models by training. The next step is that en-
dlessly finding the last two kernel functions on the per-
formance in PPI extraction, using their optimal kernel
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction Based on Convex Combination Kernel Function
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCC
function to replace them, until there is only one kernel
function and it’s the final op timal kernel function. Finally,
extracting PPI using the classified model made by this
kernel function. This paper conducted the PPI extraction
experiment on AIMed corpus, the experimental result
shows that the optimal convex combination kernel func-
tion this paper presents can effectively improve the ex-
traction performance than single kernel function.
2. The PPI Extraction Method Based on
Convex Combination Kernel Function
2.1. Preprocessing
Protein entity recognition is the basis of the PPI extrac-
tion work. This paper uses AIMed corpus which has been
labeled protein entities, and therefore don’t consider is-
sues related to protein entity recognition. We have to
pretreat AIMed corpus before select features.
In order to avoid the interference of PPI extraction by
the protein text information, we use PROT1, PROT2
respectively to represent the first protein and the se-
cond protein in the sentence, the rest of the protein
are expressed as PROT.
Using OAOD (One Answer per Occurrence in a Do-
cument) principle processes the relationship of pro-
tein, that is, each occurrence of protein relations from
the corpus are considered to be unique.
2.2. Feature Selection
Location Information
Location information expresses proteins position in a
sentence, using the location of “P” of protein PROT1 or
Local context information
Local context information includes left word of the
first protein entity and number of other protein on the left
side of the entity, and right word of the second protein
entity and number of other protein on the right side of the
entity, as well as words between the first protein entity
and the second protein entity and number of other protein
entity. Because multiple words provide similar informa-
tion, the number of words will be divided into four levels:
no word, one word, two words, greater than or equal to
three words. In addition protein context of speech may
also contain information on the interactions between the
protein, we extract three words of speech before and after
each prot e i n in the protein pair.
Keywords information
In the extraction of protein interaction relations, some
special keyword provides important information. In this
paper, use a list of key words which provided by [10] to
structure keyword dictionary. We take the number of
keywords as features, and the same, divided into no
keyword, a keyword, greater than or equal to two key-
word as feature.
Interactions sentence information
Interactions sentence information indicates whether
there are other protein pairs in the sentence with protein
Phrase syntax information
Phrase syntactic tree reflects the grammatical structure
of sentences and can express semantic information over
long distances. For example“PROT1, PROT and PROT2
levels were statistically greater in patients.”Phrase syn-
tactic tree is shown in Fig ure 1. The phrase syntactic
features selected specifically:
Syntactic tree feature 1: the common root class of two
Syntactic tree feature 2: the number of nodes forms the
first protein to the root protein
Syntactic tree feature 3: the number of nodes forms the
second pr ot e in to the root prot e in
Dependent information
Dependent information can be revealed of the relation
of long-distance dependencies in the sentence, and can
avoid noise arising from the unstructured characteristics.
In [6] it proves that the dependent information as charac-
teristics can effectively improve the effect of PPI extrac-
tion. For example Collectively, PROT1 is yet another
functional ligand for PROT2.Dependent information is
shown in Figure 2. Observed dependency information,
whether there is dependence between protein entity and
in [10] it presented the keyword may provide information
for PPI extraction, therefore we add two features on the
basis of Liu et al. [6] raised the dependency information
feature, respectively:
Dependent information feature 1: Whether there is a
direct de pendenc y PR OT1 and key word.
Dependent information feature 2: Whether there is a
direct de pendenc y PR OT2 and key word.
2.3. The Optimal Convex Combination Kernel
Before looking for optimal combination kernel function
Figure 1. An instance of the phrase syntactic tree.
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction Based on Convex Combination Kernel Function
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCC
Figure 2. An instance of the dependent information.
is convex, the first thing you need is to get the PPI per-
formance of each single kernel function. Under the above
feature selection strategy, then we can convert all in-
stances to feature matrixes. In order to obtain different
PPI extraction performance of the single kernel function,
the high dimension matrixes are obtained by different
feature matrixes mapping from single kernel function,
the high dimensional matrix after training can obtain the
different classification models. Finally using the test cor-
pus and we can achieve the PPI extraction of each single
kernel function.
For convex combination kernel function, the determi-
nation of convex combination ratio parameter is a very
important problem. Suppose there are n kinds of kernel
function, such as k1, …, kn. The convex combination
kernel (CCK, Convex Combination Kernel) function
consists by the n kinds of single kernel functions is
shown in type (1).
is called the convex combination
ratio parameter,
CCKa k
If the convex combination parameter selection may
have m, the computational complexity is O (mn). If the
parameter selection of the range is 0 to 1, step length is
0.1, and there ar e four kinds of kernel functions, that is to
say, m is 11, n is 4, and there are 14641 times you will
need to experiment to determine the optimal parameters
of kernel function, Obviously, O (mn), such a huge com-
putational complexity is unacceptable in practical appli-
cation. Aiming at this problem, this paper presents some
principles constantly looking for two kinds of kernel
function is the optimal convex combination kernel func-
tion instead of these two kinds of kernel function strategy,
for a variety of kernel function is the optimal kernel
function is convex combination. This strategy can be de-
creased from computational complexity O (m * (n 1)),
under the condition of just to find the optimal convex
combination kernel function only needs 33 experiments.
As for kernel function with the worst performance for the
principle, to obtain the optimal algorithm of convex com-
bination kernel function is shown in Figure 3.
The optimal convex combinati on kernel functi on generation algor it hm
Algorithm input: N kinds of kernel function is a collection of PPI ex-
traction performance F, F = {Fi, i = 1,2.,n.}
Algorithm output: The optimal kernel function is convex combina-
tion(Optimal Convex Combination Kernel, OCCk)
Algorithm steps:
candidate1mi n(F )
F=F-min (F )
F=F-min (F )
F=F+Optima l (cand idate1,candidat e2)
if number(F)=1
then Return Optima l (candidate1,candidate2)
Number (F) is the numbe r o f F i in F
min (F) is the minimum value in F
Optimal (k1, k2) is the Optimal kernel function from k1,k2
Figure 3. The optimal convex combination kernel function
generation algorithm.
3. Experiment and Results
This Paper uses AIMed corpus as the experimental data.
AIMed is the corpus of PPI extraction used most fre-
quently. It contains 225 MEDLINE abstracts, there are
177 abstracts contain PPI instance, and 48 abstracts does
not contain the PPI instance, referring to 4084 proteins
entities. After preprocessing, this paper removes 59 au-
tocorrelation PPI instances, retains 154 nested instances.
Finally, there are 1000 positive instances and 4084 nega-
tive instances. In [11,12], they verified that the SVM
classification model have better effect in PPI extraction,
therefore, this paper also uses the SVM as a machine
learning method. In addition, in order to facilitate com-
parison with other experiments, the paper uses 10 times
the cross validation method. This paper uses precision,
recall and F1 Value to evaluate the r e sult.
3.1. Experimental Method
The paper sets up three groups of experiments:
Experiment 1 will test different kernel functions for
the same characteristics in terms of PPI extraction
performances are different. Experiment will get all
the PPI extraction performance of the single kernel
function, and sort them, then search for the optimal
preparation convex combination kernel function. This
paper uses three kinds of single kernel function in-
cluding: Radial Basis Function, Polynomial Kernel
Function, Linear kernel. Respectively, such as type
(2), (3), (4), where x and y are two arbitrary dimen-
sion vector.
( )
( )
,exp ||
Kxyx y= −−
( )
( )
Kxyxy= ⋅
Experiment 2 will compare three optimal convex
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction Based on Convex Combination Kernel Function
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCC
combination principle of kernel function to find the
best, and verify that the proposed model of optimal
classification of convex combination kernel function
training is better than single kernel function training
out of classification model. Principle 1: Find two
worst performances for the optimal kernel function is
convex combination to replace the original kernel
function. Principle 2: look for two performances best
optimal convex combination of nuclear function to
replace the original kernel function. Principle 3: look
for a better performance and a worst performance op-
timal kernel function is convex combination to re-
place the original kernel function.
Experiment 3 will compare other systems in PPI ex-
3.2. Experimental Results and Analysis
Extraction performance of different single kernel
Table 1 shows that between the RBF kernel, poly-
nomial kernel function and linear kernel function, RBF
kernel function gets the best performance in PPI extrac-
tion. The results of this sort will prepare future experi-
ments. At the same time, Table 1 also shows that differ-
ent kernel functions on the same characteristics have d if-
ferent PPI extraction performance.
Compared with different principles for finding the
optimal kernel
Table 2 shows that, in accordance with the strategy
that finding the optimal convex combination kernel from
two worst kernels and using this optimal kernel instead
of them can get the best PPI extraction performance. But
in accordance with the strategy that finding the optimal
convex combination kernel from two best kernels and
using this optimal kernel instead of them can get the
worst PPI extraction performance. In addition, PPI ex-
traction performance of each principle is higher than
RBF kernel, which gets the best PPI extraction perfor-
mance in all single kernels.
Compa re d with othe r sy s t e ms
Table 3 shows that, first ly, the proposed method gets
the best precision at 65% in all feature based systems,
and its F1 Value is close to 60. Niu et al. [4] is using a
linear kernel, Bui et al. [7] using the RBF kernel function.
They both use single kernel function. Compared to the
single kernel function, the convex combination kernel
function can increase the PPI extraction precision. Se-
condly, the F1 value on the feature based method has
surpassed it on convolution kernel based method, fur-
thermore, the feature based method is much faster than
the convolution kernel based method, so the feature-bas-
ed method will become the mainstream in the future re-
search in PPI extraction.
Table 1. PPI Extraction performance on different single
kernel functions.
Kernel method P/% R/% F1/%
KRBF 56.8 51.3 53.9
Kpolynomial 53.2 49.6 51.3
Klinear 51.2 45.0 50.6
Table 2. PPI Extraction performance on different prin-
Principle method P/% R/% F1/%
Principle 1 (two best performance) 58.2 52.4 55.1
Principle 2 (two worst performance)
65.0 55.3 59.8
Principle 3 (one best one worst) 57.3 53.9 55.5
KRBF 56.8 51.3 53.9
Table 3. Compared with other systems.
System P/% R/% F1/%
Feature-based method
This paper proposed 65.0 55.3 59.8
Miyao et al. [5] - - 59.5
Liu et al. [6] 63.4 44.1 52.0
Niu et al. [4] 43.2 70.2 53.5
Bui et al. [7] 55.3 68.5 61.2
Convolution kernel-based method
Qian et al. [1] 59.1 57.6 58.1
Kim et al. [2] 61.4 53.3 56.6
Airola et al. [3] 52.9 61.8 56.4
Composite kernel method
Sætre et al. [8] 64.3 44.1 52.0
Sætre et al. [9] - - 64.2
4. Conclusion
In this paper, in accordance with the principle which is
searching for the optimal kernel function for two single
kernel functions with the worst performance instead of
the two of kernel functions. We find the optimal concen-
tration of convex combination kernel function in the
kernel function set which is composed of RBF kernel,
polynomial kernel function and linear kernel function
three single-core kernel function. Experiments on AIMed
corpora, with this optimal convex combination of kernel
function trained classifier model can improve perfor-
mance of the PPI extraction compared to single kernel
function classification model, and obtained the highest
accuracy rate of 65.0% in the same system. In the next
step’s work, we will look for more effective features, and
find out other work to solve a single kernel function li-
mitation in the PPI extraction method based on the cha-
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction Based on Convex Combination Kernel Function
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCC
racteristic method.
5. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant Nos.
61175068, No.6126041.
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