Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2013, 4, 407-413
Published Online November 2013 (
Open Access JSIP
Centerline Extraction for Image Segmentation Using
Gradient and Direction Vector Flow Active Contours
Shuqun Zhang1, Jianyang Zhou2
1Department of Computer Science, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, New York, USA; 2Department of Elec-
tronic Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
Received September 19th, 2013; revised October 19th, 2013; accepted October 26th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Shuqun Zhang, Jianyang Zhou. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this paper, we propose a fast centerline extraction method to be used for gradient and direction vector flow of active
contours. The gradient and direction vector flow is a recently reported active contour model capable of significantly
improving the image segmentation performance especially for complex object shape, by seamlessly integrating gradient
vector flow and prior directional information. Since the prior directional information is provided b y manual line draw-
ing, it can be inconvenient for inexperienced users who might have difficulty in finding the best place to draw the direc-
tional lines to achieve the best segmentation performance. This paper describes a method to overcome this problem by
automatically extracting centerlines to guide the users for providing the right directional information. Experimental re-
sults on synthetic and real images demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.
Keywords: Image Segmentation; Active Contours; Gradient Vector Flow; Direction Vector Flow
1. Introduction
Image segmentation is to separate an object of interest
from the rest of an image. It is one of the most important
and yet difficult problems in image processing and com-
puter vision, which has been addressed by many algo-
rithms, among which, active contours, also known as
snakes, have been extensively studied and used since
they were first introduced by Kass et al. [1]. Active con-
tours are dynamic curves modeled to evolve towards the
object boundary by minimizing some given functional
energy. Since designing external force is the key for the
performance of active contours, many external forces have
been proposed [2-7] such as Cohen and Cohen’s balloon
force [2], Park and Chung’s virtual electric field [3], Xie
and Mirmehdi’s magnetostatic field [4], Sum and Ch eu ng ’s
boundary vector field [5], Li and Acton’s vector field
convolution [6], and Xu and Prince’s gradient vector
flow (GVF) field [7]. Among them, the GVF is the most
widely investigated external force field, which is com-
puted as a diffusion of the gradient vectors of image edge
map. The GVF field has the advantages of larger capture
range and the ability of pushing the fronts of active con-
tours into concave boundaries over the traditional exter-
nal force. Due to these advantages and being easily ex-
tended, many works have followed the original GVF mo-
del to further improve the performance. For example, the
generalized GVF [8] improved the convergence of active
contours to long, thin boundary indentations [8]. Xie et al.
[9] modified the GVF, so it can be more robust to image
noise. Ray et al. [10] incorporated the motion direction
into the GVF model for tracking rolling leukocytes. The
GVF field has been also modified by considering the
directional information of image edge to make active
contours discern the image edge with different directions
Prior information is important for image segmentation
algorithm development if it is available and can be inte-
grated into the algorithm. In the past, various priors such
as object shape, size, po sition, and motion direction have
been incorporated to improve the performance of active
contour models. However, since these priors are usually
not easily obtained or estimated for all images, they are
useful only for some particular types of images or appli-
cations. Recently, a general method for providing prior
directional information was proposed [12], which is im-
plemented simply by drawing a few directional lines to-
wards the desired evolving direction after the normal
Centerline Extraction for Image Segmentation Using Gradient and Direction Vector Flow Active Contours
contour initialization step. Correspondingly, a novel ex-
ternal force called gradient & direction vector flow (G &
DVF) [12] was developed to seamlessly integrate the
GVF field and the direction vector field produced by the
directional lines drawn by a user. This is a very simple
method for providing prior information and can be used
for any images. It has been also demonstrated that the G
& DVF field can significantly improve the performance
of the GVF model on segmenting images with complex
object shape, and can alleviate the requirement that the
ini tial contour must be very close to the true object bound-
ary in order to obtain a good performance. However,
since the directional information is provided by user mouse
clicks, it is inconvenient particularly for those inexperi-
enced users who might not be able to find the best place
to draw the directional lines on the image for the algo-
rithm to be effective. This paper proposes a method to
automatically extract centerlines of objects and concaves,
which can be used to guide the users where the direc-
tion lines shou ld be drawn on the image to obtain the best
segmentation performance. The feasibility of the pro-
posed method is demonstrated by experiments tested on
both synthetic and real images.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
2 reviews the related active contour models and describes
the proposed centerline extraction method. Then, the
experimental results and discussion are provided in Sec-
tion 3. Finally, we present our conclusions and future
2. Method
2.1. Classical Active Contour
The classical active contour [1] is usually modeled as a
dynamic curve x(s) = [x(s), y(s)], s[0,1], that evolves
from an appropriate initial position to the object bound-
ary by minimizing the following energy functional
   
AC Ext
where α and β are positive weighting parameters. The
first and second terms are the internal energy and ex-
ternal energy, which are used to regularize the smooth-
ness of the curve x and attract the curve x toward the
object boundary, respectively. The function EExt in the
external energy is usually defined as the negative inten-
sity of the image edge map f, which is computed by first
smoothing the image I with a Gaussian kernel followed
by a gradient to enhance the boundaries as
 
Ext ,, ,,ExyfxyGxyI xy
 
where Gσ(x, y) denotes a Gaussian filter with standard
deviation σ. The minimization of EAC can be achieved by
evolving the front of the active contour dynamically as a
functio n o f p arameter s and artificial time t given by
tststst E
 
 
xxx , (3)
where the first term and the second term are generally
called the internal force and the external force, respec-
tively. The classical active contour has poor p erformance
in image segmentation, and thus many improvements
have been proposed, among which the GVF has received
many attentions.
2.2. Gradient Vector Flow
The GVF is an external force proposed to overcome the
two main drawbacks of the traditional active contours:
limited capture range and poor convergence to concave
boundary. It substitutes the traditional external force
in Equation (3) with the GVF field v(x, y) = [u(x,
y), v(x, y)], which is derived from the diffusion of the
gradient vectors of the image edge map, and is set to
minimize the following energy functional
22 2
GVF dd.Ef
vvvfxy (4)
In Equation (4), the first term in the integrand is used
to smooth the vector field v, and has the effects of mak-
ing the force field robust to image noises and enlarging
the capture range of the force field, while the second
term is the data fidelity term that keeps v being equal to
the gradient vector of the edge map f where the magni-
tude of f is relatively large. µ is the smoothness regu-
larization parameter.
The GVF field can be obtained by solving the follow-
ing Euler-Lagrange equation
 
 vvv f
which is derived from the variational minimization of the
energy functional EGVF with respect to v.
2.3. Gradient and Direction Vector Flow
Although the GVF has some improvement over the clas-
sical active contour, it still has poor performance in seg-
menting images with complex object sh apes. Prior infor-
mation such as object shape, location and size are very
useful in further improving the image segmentation per-
formance, but they are usually limited to some particular
images or applications. A much more general, simple and
effective way for providing prior is to give the correct
evolving direction to active contours. Based on this ob-
servation, we recently proposed a new external force
called G&DVF [12] to further help the GVF active con-
tour converge to the correct object boundary by integrat-
ing the GVF and prior directional information, in which
the directional information is obtained by drawing a few
Open Access JSIP
Centerline Extraction for Image Segmentation Using Gradient and Direction Vector Flow Active Contours 409
directional lines to point to the direction that the front of
active contour should evolve. The proposed G & DVF
minimizes the following energy functional
v (6)
where EGVF and EDVF denote the GVF functional and the
direction vector flow (DVF) functional that is generated
by the directional lines, respectively. The functional EDVF
is defined as
DVF dd,Ex
where w is the DVF filed obtained by drawing a direc-
tion line in the image, and represented as
 
, if , is on
, otherwise,
ba ab
where a and denote the starting and th e end poin t of the
directional line , respectively. If multiple lines are
needed, we can simply add the corresponding direction
vector fields together.
The DVF functional in Equation (7) is designed to
keep v being equal to w where the norm of w is relatively
large. The influence of the directional lines on the exter-
nal force field v is controlled by the parameter η. The G
& DVF field can be obtained by solving the following
Euler-Lagrange equation
 
 vvvww (9)
The gradient decent of Equation (9) can be obtained by
 
 vvv vww
with parameterizing the descent direction by an artificial
time t > 0. The solution of Equation (10) can be obtained
when the iterative process of the gradient decent is at the
steady state.
Figure 1 shows an example of the usage and effec-
tiveness of the G & DVF. The object to be segmented is
a synthetic swirl shape image as shown in Figure 1(a).
Figures 1(b) and (c) give the segmentation results of the
GVF and G & DVF, respectively. It is seen from Figure
1(b) that the GVF active contour cannot conform to the
object boundary from the circle-shaped initialization out-
side of the object. The contour is stuck at the entry of the
object. The rolling concave in the object is too difficult
for the GVF active contour to handle. However, if we
simply place three short lines inside the rolling concave
pointing inward as shown in Figure 1(a), the G & DVF
can easily move the initial contour into the rolling con-
cave, as shown in Figure 1(c).
2.4. Centerline Extraction for G & DVF
The G & DVF has been proven to provide much better
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. Demonstration of the usage and effectiveness of
the G & DVF: (a) The image to be segmented; (b) Front
propagation of the original GVF active contour; (c) Front
propagation of the G & DVF active contour; (d) The ex-
tracted centerlines and the produced directional lines.
performance than the GVF and other active contour mo d-
els, especially when dealing with complex object shapes
and weak-edge-leakage [12]. However, it is inconvenient
in the sense that the DVF field is produced by user d raw-
ing lines. An inexperienced user may have difficulty in
finding the best place to draw the lines to achieve the
best performance. Since the G & DVF will have the best
segmentation performance if the lines are drawn along
the centerline of the object or concave, it would be con-
venient if the centerline is provided to the user. Hence
here we propose to extract the centerlines automatically
to help users in using G & DVF active contours, which is
based on the method for detecting saddle/stationary poin ts
[13] and curve skeletons [14].
It is well known that the GVF field is a slowly va rying
field that diffuses from the object boundary toward its
center. It has the property that it is smooth in most image
domain, except at the ridge of an object and the center of
a concave, and along the strong image edge. To extract
centerlines of an object or concave, we can utilize the
magnitude of the gradient of GVF field, i.e.,
which is approximated to zero where the GVF field is
smooth, and has a relatively large value in other places.
Therefore, we can discern the centerlines as well as the
edge points from other smooth GVF field by checking
the value of
yv. Since we are interested in ex-
tracting centerlines only, we need to further remove the
edges after separating the smooth area. To achieve this,
Open Access JSIP
Centerline Extraction for Image Segmentation Using Gradient and Direction Vector Flow Active Contours
an edge indicator function
xyf xy can
be used to multiply with the magnitude of the gradient of
GVF field since the edge function is very small when the
pixel at (x, y) is on the strong edge and has a value of 1 in
other places. In summary, centerlines can be extracted by
first calculating the product of the magnitude of the gra-
dient of GVF field and the edge indicator function,
 
,,,k xygxyxyv, (11)
then normalizing it to [0, 1],
  
 
max min
kxy k
kxy kk
and finally comparing with a threshold
 
if kx yT
where T is a pre-set threshold between 0 and 1. In Equa-
tion (12), q is the field strength taking a value between 0
and 1, which can be used to control the centerline strength.
Morphological operations such as opening can be applied
to process the threshold result
xy B (14)
where B is a structuring element, and “o” denotes a
morphological opening operation. If necessary, thinning
or skeleton algorithm can be further used to make the
extracted lines thinner. Once the centerlines are extracted,
the G & DVF users will know where the best place is to
draw the directional lines and generate the DVF field.
That is, the users can just simply follow the detected cen-
terlines to draw the directional lines. As an example, Fig-
ure 1(d) shows the centerline extraction result from Fig-
ure 1(a) using the proposed method described above,
where lines outside the object support has been removed.
The required directional lines (shown in red color) for the
G & DVF can be easily obtained based on Figure 1(d),
which are similar to the lines shown in Figure 1(a).
It is noted that the proposed method has very low com-
putational complexity since it simply utilizes the already
computed GVF for centerline extraction and there is no
much extra calculation needed.
3. Experimental Results
To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method,
we present experiments tested on both synthetic and real
images. The image size is 120 × 120 pixe ls for the tested
synthetic image, while is 240 × 240 pixels for the tested
real image. In the experiments, the edge maps for com-
puting the force fields are normalized to the range [0, 1].
The parameters α = 0.8, β = 0.0, and µ = 0.2 were chosen
for both the G & DVF and the GVF, and η = 1.5 for the
G & DVF. The field strength q = 1 is used. The GVF and
G & DVF active contours use the same circle-shaped ini-
tializations in each of our experiments, which are not plac-
ed in the neighbor h ood of t he d e s i r ed obje c t b oundar y.
Figure 2 shows an experiment tested on a synthetic
“S” shape image. The original image is shown in Figure
2(a). The two semi-closed concaves formed in the “S”
shape are difficult for the original GVF field to handle
and the contour is usually stuck at the entries. This can
be seen from Figure 2(b) that shows the segmentation
result using the original GVF model. The failure of seg-
mentation using the original GVF is because there are
some GVF field vectors pointing outward at the entry of
the semi-closed concave as shown in Figure 2(c), which
prevents the front of the GVF active contour moving into
the semi-closed concave boundary. For better segmenting
the “S” sh ape image, we can use the G & DVF and dr aw
two directional lines at the entries of the two semi-closed
concaves as shown in Figure 2(e) to force the field vec-
tor to point inward. The field vector change from out-
ward to inward is demonstrated in Figure 2(d), which
shows the G & DVF field vectors at the entry of the
semi-closed concave. The changing of field vector direc-
tion helps the front of the G & DVF active contour exact-
ly propagate into the semi-closed concave as shown Fig-
ure 2(f). The two drawn lines shown in Figure 2(e) ac-
tually can be extracted using the proposed method. Fig-
ure 2(g) shows the detection result of the centerlines us-
ing the proposed method. Given Figure 2(g), the G &
DVF users will know where exactly to draw the direction
lines, simply following the centerlines as shown in Fig-
ure 2(h). Alternatively we can also automatically pro-
duce a line by finding the two end points of a detected
Another experiment was performed on a real corpus-
callosum MRI image as shown on Figure 3(a). The ac-
tive contour is initialized at one end of the corpus-callo-
sum. We expect that the front of the active contour mov es
into a hooked con cave for exactly co nforming to th e cor-
pus-callosum boundary. The segmentation result using
the original GVF model is given in Figure 3(b), where
the GVF field obviously cannot drive the front of the
GVF active contour to move into the hooked concave,
and the front of the GVF active contour stops moving at
the beginning of the hooked concave. With the G & DVF
active contour, simply drawing three directional lines on
the image will assist the curve evolution, as shown in
Figure 3(c). The corresponding segmentation result by
the G & DVF is shown in Figure 3(d). It successfully
drives the front of the active contour to the correct object
boundary from the circle-shaped initialization. The ob-
tained different results for these two models can be ex-
plained from their vector fields as shown in Figures 3(e)
and (f), where the GVF field vectors point to many dif-
Open Access JSIP
Centerline Extraction for Image Segmentation Using Gradient and Direction Vector Flow Active Contours 411
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
Figure 2. Experime ntal results of a synthetic “S” image: (a)
The original synthetic image; (b) Front propagation of the
original GVF active contour; (c) and (d) The GVF field and
the G & DVF field within the dashed area of (a), respec-
tively; (e) Two directional lines drawn on the image for the
G & DVF model; (f) Front propagation of the G & DVF
active contour; (g) The extracted centerlines; (h) The direc-
tional lines produced on the obtained centerlines.
ferent directions while the G & DVF field vectors point
to the same direction because of the force from the three
lines. Again we can generate the needed direction lines
using the proposed method. The detected centerlines are
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
Figure 3. Experimental results of a corpus-callosum MRI
image: (a) The corpus-callosum MRI image; (b) Front pro-
pagation of the GVF active contour; (c) Three directional
lines drawn on the image for the G & DVF model; (d) Front
propagation of the G & DVF active contour; (e) The GVF
field of a small area in the middle of the corpus-callosum; (f)
The G & DVF field of the same area of the corpus-callosum
as in (e); (g) The extracted centerlines; (h) The directional
lines produced on the obtained centerlines.
shown in Figure 3(g), and the direction lines can then be
obtained from the detected centerlines, as shown in Fig-
ure 3(h).
Open Access JSIP
Centerline Extraction for Image Segmentation Using Gradient and Direction Vector Flow Active Contours
Figure 4 shows another experiment tested on a real
hand image. It is shown in Figure 4(b) that, the GVF
active contour cannot conform to the semi-closed con-
cave formed by the fingers, while by simply adding a
directional line at the entry of the concave, as shown in
Figure 4(a), the G & DVF active contour can converge
to the exact hand boundary. The directional line can be
generated based on the centerline of the concave, which
is extracted using the proposed method and shown in
Figure 4(d).
In the proposed method, the centerline strength can be
controlled by changing the value of the field strength q in
Equation (12). To stu dy the effect of the field str ength on
the centerline strength, we vary the value of q and apply
Equation (12) on the corpus-callosum MRI image given
in Figure 3(a). The results are obtained as shown in
Figure 5. It is obviously seen that decrementing the field
strength q will enhance the centerline strength.
4. Conclusion
The recent reported G&DVF active contour provides a
very good performance in segmenting images with com-
plex object shapes and dealing with the issue of weak-
edge-leakage. To overcome the problem that the direc-
tional information is manually provided in the G & DVF
model, this paper proposes a fast semi-automatic method
for producing directional information by extracting cen-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Experimental results of a hand image: (a) The
hand image; (b) Front propagation of the GVF active con-
tour; (c) Front propagation of the G & DVF active contour;
(d) The extracted centerlines and the overlapping direc-
tional lines.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5. Effect of the field strength q on the centerline
strength: (a) q = 1.0; (b) q = 0.8; (c) q = 0.6; (c) q = 0.4.
terlines of objects and concaves. The extracted center-
lines can effectively guide users to provide the best direc-
tional information for the G & DVF model to achieve the
best image segmentation performance. Experimental re-
sults show the feasibility of the proposed method. Future
work will develop fully automatic method for producing
the required directional lines for G & DVF active con-
5. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by a grant from National Key
Technology R&D Program of MOST of China
(2012BAI07B06) and in part by a grant (# 65394-00-43)
from The City University of New York PSC-CUNY Re-
search Award Program.
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