Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 25-28
doi:10.4236/cn.2013.51B007 Published Online February 2013 (
A Smart Home System Design Based on GSM
Rongrong Zhang, Xiaoping Zou, Wenhui Huang, Qimu-Surong
Beijing Key Laboratory for Sensor, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing, China
Received 2012
This paper introduces a mobile phone short message control method in smart home based on GSM (Global System for
Mobile communications). AT commands and the system structure is illustrated in detail. The hardware system including
STC89C51 and TC35i is presented. The software framework is also analyzed clearly in this paper. In addition, some
other potential application areas and its direction of development in future are given at last.
Keywords: GSM; Smart Home; STC89C51; Wireless Communication
1. Introduction
As the prevailing trend of IOT (Internet of Things) [1]
covering the glob al, smart home find its way in the trend.
All control and communication method dashed into this
area: GSM, WIFI, CAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee. They all try
to solve those problems in this smart world [2]. Among
these solutions, GSM has a prominent po sition as mobile
phone has been a comprehensive communicating fashion
in modern society.
GSM is a kind of digital mobile communication net-
work. It is developing rapidly in recent years. And the
short message service is an important business network
based on GSM. Its simple and efficient performance as
well as relatively low fee absorbs the customers. [3]
Moreover, the technical possibility for many types of
remote monitoring make it bound to be the most conven-
ient and welcomed way in smart home control as people
can monitor their home anytime anywhere. In this paper,
I’ll present you a wonderful smart home solution based
on GSM and explain the implementation of software and
2. System Framework
The GSM control system contains the communication
part, the control center and the object to be controlled.
Figure 1 is the system block diagram.
In this system, GSM module plays the communication
role. STC89C516RD+ bears the task of a control center.
The relay module connected to home appliances is the
object to be controlled. There are several channels of
relays on the module. Each connects to a different home
The GSM module with a smart card is responsible for
receiving text messages from the GSM network and
transmitting the short message from the local MCU
(STC89C516RD+) to the GSM network. It also receives
message command from user’s mobile and sends the cor-
responding command to the control center STC89C-
516RD+. The controller analysis the command and con-
ducts the relay to open or close the anticipated cannel,
such to open or close the related appliance. After this, the
control center indicates the GSM module to send feed-
back message to the user terminal.
3. AT Commands
MCU communicate with GSM module through AT (At-
tention Commands) [4]. AT command set is the interface
standard between TE (terminal equipment) and TA (ter-
minal adaptor), as well as between DTE (data terminal
equipment) and DCE (data circuit terminal equipment).
In the early 1990s, AT command set is only used in the
operation of modem. With a series of evolution, AT
commands are added GSM07.05 standards. Up to now,
Most of the GSM modules support this standard.
3.1. The Syntax of Basic AT Commands
Each AT command must begin with “AT” or “at”, and
end with <CR>. Four kinds of syntax are showed in Ta -
ble l.
Figure 1. The block diagram of the mobile control system.
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