Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 9-11
doi:10.4236/cn.2013.51B003 Published Online February 2013 (
Development and Design of Investigation Platform
Based on the Mobile Media
Ruonan Xing
Communication School, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China
Received 2012
Enterprise market research is mainly tend to the traditional paper investigation an d telephone interview, The traditional
survey method has wasted a lot of human material and financial resources, it also isn’t beneficial to statistical analysis
and survey efficiency is low, so it brings a lot of inconvenience to the enterprise. This paper designs survey platform for
the industry based on the analysis of the present Internet survey situation and with the help of the existing network
platform characteristic. This platform uses the Ajax and ASP. NET3.5 technology, it is suitable for online survey, vot-
ing, electing and testing. It redu ces the burden of management and statistics wo rk and improve the quality of the indus-
try survey.
Keywords: Investigation Platform; Industry; Ajax; Mobile Phone
1. Introduction
With the increasing popularity of the computer network
in people's daily life, it possible for the Internet a wide
range of survey. Enterprise grasps the market channel
information and user demand through the Internet survey,
it not only save survey costs but also make a quick un-
derstanding of a thread information. But the survey also
exist defects, if respondents are all from the internet us-
ers from computer platform, will cause the range of sur-
vey group too narrow and the results of the survey can't
represent real situation. In the development tendency of
mobile media and other multimedia terminal especially
handset media as a representative, those network plat-
forms based on compute are in the soup.[1] In order to
solve these problems, the author designed a B/S structure,
based on ASP technology development of general
survey system. The system uses MySQL database, make
full use of Ajax technology to improve the user experi-
ence feeling, and its intelligent d ata statistics, convenient
operation, the support of cell phone users access, have
greatly improving the in itiative of user research, meet the
demand of the market survey.
2. Present Situation of Internet Survey
Nowadays there are a lot of network surv ey systems, take
questionnaire star ( as an example, it
specially opened user registration, and user can use sur-
vey system to create, management or release question-
naire in back module after logged in, also use can dis-
tribute link of the questionnaire to respondents and get
data in back module. In addition, some web portals also
have investigation, voting and other activities; these sur-
veys are aim at user’s satisfaction, deliberate or discuss
and elect the popularity on some recent hotspot events or
activities. But few enterprise web sites has its own sur-
vey system, enterprise's investigation are still employ
traditional research method. And the most current survey
system is based on used in computer network and didn’t
expand to cell phones or other multimedia terminal ser-
vices, so the current network survey system still has
some limitations.[2 ]
3. Demand and Feasibility Analysis
3.1. Demand Analysis
With the popularization of th e information network, most
enterprises and units have advanced digital management
and construction, enterprises and units have set up their
own web site and automatic office system in succession.
At the same time, websites of enterprises or units usually
has a survey function or selection function; enterprises
get market information and user demand through the
Internet channel, and hope survey data and the competi-
tion can response the truth accurately. The premise of get
more accurate results is the users’ common participation
in group. According to this thought, we need to expand
the user group, arouse the enthusiasm of user’s active to
participate in the survey. The design of this system is
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equipped with fast, intelligent and mobile phone access
3.2. Feasibility Analysis
Based on the Ajax, the general survey platform contains
the following few basic functions, issue questionnaires,
management questionnaire, statistical survey data, lead-
ing-out Excel and printed, have functions of mobile
phone access and page have no refresh function. Tell
from the technical level, to realize the Mobile phone ac-
cess, need to add Web Service interface, add Mobile
Web Form page, and developing based on Mobile con-
trols. But the terminal of this system contains computer
network, mobile media and other multimedia terminal;
the system must be simple and easy to operate, so this
system adopt Ajax based on jQuery to improve the user’s
experience feeling.
4. System Design
4.1. Principle of System Design
General investigation platform based on the Ajax is de-
signing aimed for enterprises or unit websites. It’s just to
help enterprises or units to make a quick, accurate under-
standing of market’s or user’s information and improve
service quality, so this system have followed several
principles such as practicability, adaptability and expan-
sibility, safety and intelligent.[3]
4.2. Goal of System Desig n
General investigation platform based on the Ajax using
the B/S structure, it can be operated through the browser,
increase Web Service interface, provide interface for
mobile phone access, user can visit website and couple
back information of investigation at any time and place
through mobile phones; administrator can also manage
questionnaire, check results at any time. Used jQuery
Ajax form, choose concise and easy interface, operation
have designed more humanist, improve users' feeling of
experience, reduce burdens of server. It shows as Figure
5. Development and Implementation of
5.1. Choice of Development Tools
From side of technical and development costs of eco-
nomic, system uses Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010 as
development platform. Visual Studio is a complete de-
velopment tools which used to create Web appli-
cations, XML Web services, desktop applications and
mobile applications. Visual Basic, Visual C# and Visual
C++ are all using the same integrated development envi-
ronment (IDE), in this way can share tool, and can easily
create mixed solutions of language. In addition, the lan-
guage use Framework function, it provides key
technology of simplify the ASP Web applications and
develop XML Web services. [4] The network operating
system uses a Windows platform, so the system choice
Microsoft IIS as Internet information service manager.
5.2. System Structure Model
In order to enhance the security of the system, make a
convenient for software maintenance, improve easy ex-
tensibility of software needs, the system needs to make
full use of object-oriented design, in view of the above
consideration, industry survey platform based on Ajax
using the “three layer architecture” design, and this de-
sign is exactly fit the software principle of “high aggre-
gate, low coupling”. Let’s move to the “three layer ar-
chitecture” model: Three-tier application usually means
three layers framework is to divided the whole business
Login Answer sheet
Management Question Bank
Management Papers
Management Distributing
Network survey system
Administrator Users or Visitors
Figure 1. System struc t ur e graph.
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R. N. XING 11
User Interface
Package Presentation
Business Rule
Package Business Logic
Data Access
Package Data Access
Data Bank
Figure 2. 3-tier application relation structure graph.
application into the presentatio n layer (UI), business log-
ic layer (BLL) and data access layer (DAL). [5]The rela-
tionship structure is shown in Figure 2.
6. Conclusions
This article begins with the present situation of Internet
survey and Internet survey system, understands the de-
mand of general investigation platform based on Ajax,
then analysizes the feasib ility of the related system func-
tion and technology, chooses my SQL as database man-
agement, combined with Ajax and Web Service, and
other key technology, designs investigation platform for
the mobile media represen ted by mobile phones. But this
article still needs to be perfected in practice of this re-
search of this terminal multimedia.
[1] M. X. Huang and T. Ling, “Innovation Application of
Handheld Mobile Media Video Teaching Program,”
Modern Distance Education, Vol. 1, 2011, pp. 70-73.
[2] H. N. Chen, “On Reform and Connotation of Digital Mo-
bile Media,” TV & IP Multimedia, Vol. 4, 2008, pp.
[3] Y. Zang, “CMMB Receiving Terminal Will Become
Mobile Media Center,” Satellite TV & IP Multimedia,
Vol. 7, 2009, pp. 28-29.
[4] Microsoft MSDN Official Website, “Overview of Visual
[5] Baidu Wikipedia’s Official Website, “Overview of 3-tier
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