Contribution in Information Signal Processing for Solving State Space Nonlinear Estimation Problems 383
to high nonlinearity both in system and measurement
equations using new formulations of iterative extended
Kalman filter, 2nd order information filter and 2nd order
iterative information filter. Finally, original formulations
based on sigma point Kalman filters and divided differ-
ence information filters are considered to be completed
in the near future. It is expected in the future to apply
these information filters to integrated navigation system
based on combination between GNSS (GPS/GLONASS)
and Inertial navigation system (INS) using nonlinear
measurement equations in order to compare and confirm
that really the new formulations give more accuracy in
state estimation’s problems such as started in [29,30] and
improved by the novel formulation proposed in this work.
Finally, original formulations based on sigma point Kal-
man filters and divided difference information filters are
considered to be completed in the near future, with addi-
tional ways of research on adaptive and robust formula-
tions of information filters in very aggressive noise en-
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