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4.1. Status of Korean Training Chinese Students
The survey shows that students of 63.4% did not partici-
pate in TOPIK, the failure rate is 35.6%, which indicates
that most students did not take the test, the majority
failed even though they participated in. Nowadays, TO-
PIK has been a necessary condition for admission and
scholarship, but the realization degree on TOPIK is not
enough, therefore there is an urgent need to improve rea-
lization degree on TOPIK. In addition, average points of
Korean language proficiency is 2.91 (±0.86) in the re-
sults of this study, which indicates that indicating Korean
language proficiency is poor. It is necessary for students
to have systematic training before they study aboard. The
best way i s to participate in TOPIK in do mestic and ful l y
prepare. Also Korea should establish a variety of educa-
tional models for students abroad and carry out Korean
training via a wide range of Korean education systems.
For example, different categories of listening, speaking
and writing curriculums should be established. Various
activities to experience Korean culture should be orga-
nized. The assigned principle of one Korean student to
one Chinese student in bedroom should be taken into
account. In this way, Chinese students can chose differ-
ent educations according to their need. They unkno-
wingly learn Korean in their daily lives so that the y can
faster and more effectively improve their Korean lan-
guage proficiency.
4.2. Adaptation to University Life
In this study, the average residence period of investiga-
tion objects is 7 months, the average point of adaptation
to university life is 2.78 ( ±0.43). This result supports the
point of view that students have lowest adaptation to
university life [9] when they have lived for 7 - 12 months.
Therefore, Korean training Chinese students whose
adaptation to university life in the beginning period of
study should be paid attention to. Language and envi-
ronment are all strange to them in this period, various
measures should be carried out to help them improve
their adaptation ability so that they can successfully
adapt to university life and then achieve the desired study
4.3. Affect Factors on Adaption to University
This study shows that on the basis of the degreed order-
ing of affect factors on adaptation to university life from
big to small. They are Korean language proficiency, lo-
neliness, physical symptoms, self-efficacy, and accultu-
ration stress, respectively. Among these factors, Korean
language proficiency, loneliness, physical symptoms
directly affect adaptation to university life. In addition,
self-efficacy and acculturation stress have indirect effect
on adaptation to university life. This result supports the
point of view that Korean language proficiency is higher
and adaptation to university life is higher [4], loneliness
is stronger and stress is higher[2], physical symptoms
appear more frequently and stress is higher, and then,
self-efficacy decrease more, adaptation ability become
lower [6].
When students move from a familiar environment to
another unfamiliar environment, firstly, they have to
adapt the language before adapting to university life.
Secondly, they have to accomplish psychology and phy-
sical adaptation. Accordingly, Korean language, physical
symptoms, loneliness and other direct stress sources
should be paid attention to, also stress sources unders-
tood and evaluated by self-efficacy and other factors
should be paid attention to. Different Korean education
modes should be used. Psychological consulting rooms
should be created, regular physical examination should
be conducted to reduce acculturation stress and enhance
self-efficacy, and these interventions above-mentioned
can efficiently improve adaptation ability to university
This study shows that five factors explain 78% va-
riables of affect factors on adaption to university life, this
value is higher than 48% in [2]. It indicates that the used
theoretical framework of combination of Roy’s adapta-
tion theory and Lazarus & Folkman’s theory of stress-
appraise-coping in this study is valid. Not only is ad-
vantages of a Roy theoretical and Lazarus & Folkman
theoretical exerted, but also disadvantages of Roy theory
is eked out. Affect factors on adaption to university life
of Korean training Chinese students in Korea are ana-
lyzed from many different points of vi e w.
This study shows that social support and stress inter-
ventions do not affect adaption to university Life [6],
which is different from the point of view that social sup-
port is higher [6] and taken positive stress interventions
to adaption is higher, however, taken negative stress in-
terventions to adaption is lower [8]. It is recommended
that further study is supposed to be researched.
5. Conclusion
Although effect factors on adaption to university life are
complicated, they have certain logic. When interventions
for improving adaptation of Korea training Chinese stu-
dents in Korean are carried out, s tressors n amely Korean
language proficiency, physical symptoms, loneliness, etc.
should be paid attention to. Also, their understanding and
evaluation, etc. of stressors should be regarded, which is
awareness level of unfamiliar environment. Through the