A. Papadopoulos / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 3 (2013) 314-320 319
that these optimal efficiencies are homogenous functions
of c and
: ˆh
and ˆm
are, in fact, homogenous due
to the transformation of Equation (2) into Equation (8),
which is the ideal form of U
. Furthermore, since ˆh
and ˆm
are inverses of the exponents in Equation (1),
the different models of U
exclusively arise from the
different values of ˆh
and ˆm
I thank the reviewers for providing comments that improved this
manuscript. I was employed at Texas Tech University, where I inde-
pendently wrote this manuscript and derived all of the results. Support
for this work was provided in part by National Science Foundation
award DEB-0616942 to Sean H. Rice.
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