American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 4, 46-53 Published Online October 2013 ( Comparative Balancing of Non-Redox and Redox Electrolytic Systems and Its Consequences Anna Maria Michałowska-Kaczmarczyk1, Tadeusz Michałowski2* 1Department of Oncology, The University Hospital in Cracow, Cracow, Poland 2Department of Analytical Chemistry, Technical University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland Email: * Received May 31, 2013; revised July 1, 2013; accepted August 15, 2013 Copyright © 2013 Anna Maria Michałowska-Kaczmarczyk, Tadeusz Michałowski. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ABSTRACT In this paper, it is proved that linear combination 2·f(O) − f(H) of elemental balances: f(O) for O and f(H) for H is line- arly independent on charge and elemental/core balances for all redox systems of any degree of complexity; it is the primary form of the Generalized Electron Balance (GEB), -GEB =2OHprf f , considered as the Approach II to GEB. The Approach II is equivalent to the Approach I based on the principle of common pool of electrons. Both Ap- proaches are illustrated on an example of titration of acidified (H2SO4) solution of H2C2O4 with KMnO4. It is also stated, on an example of titration of the same solution with NaOH, that 2·f(O) − f(H) is a linear combination of charge and elemental/core balances, i.e. it is not an independent balance when related to the non-redox system. These properties of 2·f(O) − f(H) can be extended on redox and non-redox systems, of any degree of complexity, i.e. the linear independ- ency/dependency of 2·f(O) − f(H) on other balances related to a system in question is a criterion distinguishing redox and non-redox systems. The GEB completes the set of (charge and concentration) balances and a set of expressions for independent equilibrium constants needed for modeling the related redox system. Keywords: Electrolytic Systems; Redox Systems; GEB; GATES 1. Introduction Before 1992, the principle of formulation of a complete set of balances related to a redox system was unknown; except k concentration balances and charge balance, the k + 2-th balance, completing the set of equations with k + 2 variables, was needed. All the trials [1-13] made after 1960s to find the missing equation were unsuccessful. Those trials were slavishly related to the stoichiometric reaction notations, involving only two pairs of species participating in redox reaction; the species different from those involved in the reaction notation were thus omitted in considerations. What is more, the charge balance and concentration balances for accompanying substances were also omitted. Theoretical considerations were re- lated to virtual cases, not to real, electrolytic redox sys- tems. In conclusion, all authors of those papers did not have any idea on how to resolve correctly the problem in question. The principle of the formulation of the k + 2-th equation, completing k + 1 equations composed of k concentration balances and charge balance, was devised in 1992 by Michałowski in a totally mature form, known presently as the Approach I to Generalized Electron Balance (GEB). This Approach is based on a card game principle, with electron-active elements as “players”, electron-non-active elements as “fans”, and electrons as “money” (cash), constituting a common pool of electrons. The common pool of electrons is ascribed to players, whereas the fans’ cashes are untouched. The species in the related systems are considered in their natural form, i.e., as hydrates in aqueous media. For the species of i-th kind, 2, we apply the notation HO i z ii Xn , i z iii Nn , where ni ≥ 0, Ni is a number of these entities. The Ap- proach I was formulated by Michałowski within the Gen- eralized Approach to Electrolytic Systems (GATES). The GATES provides a comprehensive, compatible and con- sistent knowledge on thermodynamics of electrolytic redox and non-redox systems, referred to aqueous and non-aqueous media. The formulation of GATES, with GEB concept referred to redox systems, is denoted brief- ly as GATES/GEB. The first works on GATES, with the *Corresponding author. C opyright © 2013 SciRes. AJAC
A. M. MICHAŁOWSKA-KACZMARCZYK, T. MICHAŁOWSKI 47 Approach I to GEB, were published in 1994 [14-16], and followed by other papers [17-23]. Later on, Michałowski devised the Approach II to GEB. The Approach II to GEB, presented first in [24] and then in other issues [25-30], is based on a linear combi- nation 2·f(O) − f(H) of the balances: f(O) for oxygen (O) and f(H) for hydrogen (H) related to redox systems; the balance 2·f(O) − f(H) is considered as the primary form of GEB in redox systems -GEB =2OHprf f . The pr-GEB is linearly independent on charge balance and other concentration balances in any electrolytic re- dox system (aqueous and non-aqueous media), whereas in any non-redox system the 2·f(O) − f(H) is dependent on those balances. This property is thus the basis for a distinction between redox and non-redox electrolytic sys- tems. The Approach II is fully equivalent to the Appro- ach I. However, the fundamental advantage of the Ap- proach II (in context with the Approach I) to GEB is that none prior knowledge on oxidation degrees of elements in complex species of definite elemental composition and charge is needed. This property of the Approach II to GEB is advantageous/desired, inter alia, for redox sys- tems where radical and ion-radical species are formed [31-35]. The Approach I can be considered as a “short” version of GEB applicable in the cases where calculation of oxidation degrees of all elements in a system is easy. The Approach II to GEB can be formulated for static (batch) and dynamic (titration) systems. In any titration, a titrant (T) is added into titrand (solution titrated, D) and a D + T system is thus formed. It is assumed that the D + T system and the subsystems (D and T) are closed (sub) systems, separated from the environment by diathermal walls; any flow of a matter between the environment and the system and its subsystems is not possible. The dia- thermal walls enable the related process (i.e., titration) to be carried out under isotheral conditions; constancy of temperature is one of the conditions assuring constancy of the related equilibrium constants values. Such titration is an approximation of a real titration. The GEB is principally formulated for the systems where none nuclear transformations (involved with , −, + radioactive decay, electron capture, and radiation) of elements occur, although its extension on such systems is also possible. In this paper, the systems with stable iso- topes are considered. From a mathematical viewpoint, the GEB formulated for any (static or dynamic) redox system is the equation linearly independent on charge and concentration bal- ances. The GEB is fully compatible with these balances related to the system in question. This compatibility, re- sulting from the “common root” principle, is directly seen from the viewpoint of the Approach II to GEB. In compliance with the thesis put in the title of this paper, we refer first to the concept of linear dependency or independency of linear algebraic equations, known from elementary algebra [36]. 2. Linear Dependency of Balances In algebra, a system of linear equations is a collection of two or more linear equations, involving the same set of variables in all the equations. The set of m linear equa- tions with k variables represented by the vector 12 , T n xxx ax has the form (T—transposition sign) 11 112211 21 122222 112 2 += = = nn nn mm mnn axax b axaxax b axa xaxb m where aij are numerical coefficients; some of the aij values can be equal zero. To facilitate further reasoning, let us consider, for simplicity, the system of m = 3 equations with n = 2 variables, T 12 , xx, i.e. a11x1 + a12x2 = b1 (1) a21x1 + a22x2 = b2 (2) a31x1 + a32x2 = b3 (3) where (1) and (2) are independent equations, i.e. D = a11a22 − a12a21 is ≠ 0. For example, let us take the equations: x1 + x2 = 3 (a11 = a12 = 1) (1a) x1 − x2 = 1 (a21 = 1, a22 = −1) (2a) x1 − 7x2 = −5 (3a) On the basis of (1a), (2a), from (4) we get D1111 20 , and then x1 = 2, x2 = 1. Multiplication of (1a) by −3, (2a) by 4 and addition of the sides of the resulting equations gives (3a), i.e., (3a) is a linear combination of (1a) and (2a). Then (3a) is not an independent equation in this collection of equations, i.e., it depends linearly on (1a) and (2a). In this paper, we apply more convenient (shorter) pro- cedure to check the dependency of linear equations. This procedure is based on obtaining the identity, equivalent to the statement that 0 = 0. For this purpose, we multiply (1a) by 3, (2a) by −4 and add the related sum to (3a) 3x1 + 3x2 = 9 (1b) −4x1 + 4x2 = −4 (2b) x1 − 7x2 = −5 (3b) Adding the Equations: (1b), (2b), (3b), we get the identity, 0 = 0 (see also Appendix). On this simple principle, we prove the linear de- Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJAC
A. M. MICHAŁOWSKA-KACZMARCZYK, T. MICHAŁOWSKI 48 pendency of elementary and core () balances relating to non-redox electrolytic systems, of different degree of complexity. On this basis, we put forward a thesis that it is a property of general nature, applicable to non-redox electrolytic systems of any degree of complexity. 2.1. A Non-Redox System (System A) V mL of T containing C mol/L NaOH + C2 mol/L CO2 is added into V0 mL of D containing H2C2O4 (C0) + H2SO4 (C0z1) + C02 mol/L CO2. V0 mL of D is composed of N10 molecules of H2C2O4·2H2O + N20 molecules of CO2 + N30 molecules of H2SO4 + N40 molecules of H2O and V mL of T is composed of N50 molecules of NaOH + N60 molecules of CO2 + N70 molecules of H2O. The follow- ing species: H2O (N1); H+ (N2, n2), OH− (N3, n3), 4 (N4, n4), (N5, n5); Na+ (N6, n6), H2C2O4 (N7, n7), HSO 2 4 SO 24 HC O (N8, n8), (N9, n9); H2CO3 (N11, n11), 3 2 24 COHCO (N12, n12), (N13, n13) are formed in the system in question. Note, for example, that N10 molecules of H2C2O4·2H2O introduce 6N10 atoms of H, 6N10 atoms of O and 2N10 atoms of C; N8 ions of 24 ·n8H2O con- tain N8 (1 + 2n8) atoms of H, N8 (4 + n8) atoms of O and 2N8 atoms of C. On this basis, one can formulate the ba- lances: 2 3 CO HC O f(H) 12 23344 5566 7788 99111112121313 103040 5070 2NN 1 2nN 1 2nN 1 2n 2Nn2NnN22nN12n 2N nN22nN12n2Nn 6N 2N 2N N 2N (4) f(O) 12233 4455 66 778899 111112121313 10 20 304050 6070 NnN1nN4nN 4 n NnN4nN4nN4n N3n N3nN3n 6N 2N4NNN2NN (5) 2f(O) − f(H) 23 4 5 7 89 1213102030 5060 – NN7N8N6N7N8N4N 5N 6N6N 4N6NN4N 11 4N20 + 4N60 = N50 = N6 (11) fo (6) Addition of (6) to charge balance (7), 6·f(SO4) (8), 6·f(C2O4) (9), 4·f(CO3) (10) and f(Na) (11) N2 − N3 − N4 − 2N5 + N6 − N8 − 2N9 − N12 − 2N13 = 0 (7) 6N30 = 6N4 + 6N5 (8) 6N10 = 6N7 + 6N8 + 6N9 (9) 4N11 + 4N12 + 4N13 (10) gives the identity, 0 = 0. 2.2. A Redox System (System B) V mL of T containing C mol/L KMnO4 + C2 mol/L CO2 is added into V0 mL of D containing H2C2O4 (C0) + H2SO4 (C01) + C02 mol/L CO2. V0 mL of D is composed of N10 molecules of H2C2O4·2H2O + N20 molecules of CO2 + N30 molecules of H2SO4 + N40 molecules of H2O and V mL of T is composed of N50 molecules of KMnO4 + N6 molecules o 0f CO2 + N70 molecules of H2O. The llowing species: H2O (N1); H+ (N2, n2), OH- (N3, n3), 4 HSO ( 2 4 SO N, n ), 4 4 (N5K+ (N6, n6), H2C2O4 (N7, n7), , n); 524 HC O (N8, n8), 24 CO 2 (N9, n9); H2CO3 (N11, n11), 3 HCO (N12, n12), 2 3 CO (N13, n13); 4 MnO (N14, n14), 2 4 MnO (N15, n15), Mn3+ (N16, n16), MnOH2+ (N17, n17), Mn2+ (N18, n18), MnOH+ (N19, n19), MnSO4 (N21, n21) are formed in the system in question. Before addition of the first por- tion of the titrant (T), the solution is heated up to ca. 80˚C; it is a metastable system at room temperature [26,28]. This system will be considered from the viewpoints of Approaches I and II to GEB. In the Approach I, Mn and C are considered as players whose electrons are balanced. The players are involved with fans in hydrates or other ·n ·n )N21 electrons. Then the following bal- ance is valid complexes. 2.2.1. Approach I to GEB Denoting atomic numbers of Mn and C by ZMn = 25 and ZC = 6, we state that N10 molecules of KMnO4 introduce N50(ZMn − 7) electrons, whereas the carbon components introduce 2(ZC − 3)N10 + (ZC − 4)N20 + (ZC − 4)N60 elec- trons to the common pool. In the resulting D + T system (solution), N7 entities H2C2O4H2O involve 2 (ZC − 3) N7 electrons, N8 entities 24 HC O8H2O involve 2 (ZC − 3) N8 electrons... N13 entities 3 CO ·n8H2O involve (ZC − 4) N13 electrons, N14 entities 4 MnO·n14H2O involve (ZMn – 7)N14 electrons, ... N21 entities MnSO4·n21H2O involve (ZMn – 2 7 2 2 C789C11121 Mn14Mn15Mn16 17 18 192110 20 6050 2Z3 NNNZ4NNN Z7Z6 Z3NN 2N N N23N 4N N7N Mn C CMn NN ZZ ZZ 3 (12) Applying the relations: The term “core”, when referred to the species in electrolytic systems, means a common group of elements of the same composition and structure; e.g., C2O4 is a common core for different oxalate clusters: H2C2O4, and ; SO4 is a common core for different sulfate clusters: , and MnSO4. 24 HC O2 24 CO 4 2 4 SO HSO Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJAC
A. M. MICHAŁOWSKA-KACZMARCZYK, T. MICHAŁOWSKI 49 Zi 33 i0iA00 10A 33 50 A01020 A 3 160A XVV10NN, CV10NN, CV10NN,CV10NN, CV 10 NN (13) in (12), we get the equation 2 C22424 24 2 C2333 2 Mn4 Mn4 32 Mn 2 Mn 4 C00C 0202 Mn 0 2Z3 HCOHCOCO Z4H COHCOCO Z7MnOZ6MnO Z3MnMnOH Z2 MnMnOHMnSO 2Z3CVZ4C VCV Z7CVVV (14) 2.2.2. Approach II to GEB We formulate the balances: f(H) 12 2334 4 5566 7788 99111112121313 14 141515161617171818 1919212110304070 2NN 1 2nN 1 2nN 1 2n 2N n2NnN22nN12n 2N nN22nN12n2Nn 2N n2N n2N nN12n2N n 12n2N n6N2N2N2N (15) f(O) 1223 34455 66 778899 1111 12121313 1414151516 161717 18 1819192121 10 20 3040 50 6070 NNn N1nN4nN4n NnN4 nN 4 nN4 n N3n N3nN3n +N4 nN4 nNnN1n NnN1 nN4n 6N2N 4N N 4N2N N 11 (16) 2345789 12131415 17 1921 1020 30 5060 2OH r-GEB – N7N8N6N7N8N4N 5N 6N 8N8NNN 8N 6N 4N6N 8N4N ff p (17) Addition of (17) to charge balance (18), 6·f(SO4) (19) and f(K) (20) 234 568 912 141516171819 13 N N2N N N2NN2N N2N3N2N2NN 0 (18) 6N30 = 6N4 + 6N5 + 6N21 (19) N50 = N6 (20) gives 789 111213 141516 17181921 1020 6050 6N N N4NNN 7N6N3NN2NNN 6N4 NN7N (21) Subtraction of (21) from ZMn·f(Mn) + ZC·f(C), i.e. C789 1112 13Mn14 Mn15Mn 16 17Mn 18 1921 C10C2060Mn 50 Z2N2N2NN NNZ N ZN ZNNZNNN Z2N ZNNZN gives C789C1112 Mn14Mn15Mn16 17 Mn181921C10 C2060Mn50 Z32N2N2NZ4NNN Z7N Z6N Z3NN Z2NNN Z32N Z4N NZ7N 13 (22) Introducing the relations (13) to (22), we get the equa- tion identical with (14); it proves the equivalency of the Approaches I and II to GEB. Equation (14) is considered as GEB for the related system. However, the equation 2 4422 2 24242 33 22 344 4000202 01 00 HOH7HSO8SO6HCO 7HCO8CO4HCO 5HCO 6CO8MnO 8MnOMnOH MnOH8MnSO6CV 4CVCV 6CV8CVVV 4 2 (23) obtained after application of the relations (13) and 3 01 030A CV10NN in (17) and any other combination of (17) with other (charge and/or elemental/core) bal- ances provides an equivalent form of GEB. For example, subtraction of (ZC − 4)·f(C) + (ZMn − 2)·f(Mn) from (12) and application of (13) gives the simplest (in terms of the number of components) form of GEB 2 22424 24 23 2 44 00 0 2HCO HCOCO 5 MnO4 MnOMnMnOH 2C V5CVVV (24) which is one of the equivalent forms of GEB, referring to the system in question. As we see, application to the re- dox system of the same procedure, i.e., linear combina- tion of the corresponding set of equations, does not led to the identity, but a new balance, independent from charge and concentration balances, is obtained. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJAC
A. M. MICHAŁOWSKA-KACZMARCZYK, T. MICHAŁOWSKI 50 3. Completing the Set of Balances s completed 2 (25) and concentration balances: The GEB, expressed e.g. by Equation (24), i by charge (see Equation (18)) HOHHSO 2 44 22 24 2433 23 44 2 2SO K HCO2 COHCO2 CO MnO2 MnO+3Mn+2 MnOH +2 MnMnOH0 f(C) 2 22424242 3 2 33 0002020 2HCO2 HCO2COHCO HCOCO2CV+CV+CVV+V (26) f(Mn) 23 2 44 40 2 MnO Mn MnOH Mn MnOHMnSOCV VV (27) f(S) (or f(SO4)) MnO 2 44 40100 HSO SO MnSOC VVV (28) The relation 0 KCVVV (see Eq (2ered as a concentratio d that the species with different co 4. Completing the Set of Equilibrium Th, charge and concentration) balances is uation 0)) is not considn balance; at de- fined C, V and V0 values, it enters as a number in the charge balance (25). It should be notice res, namely C2O4 and CO3, are involved in the same balance (26). It results from the fact that oxalate species are transformed in the System B into carbonate species, i.e., a change in the core occurs. Such a transformation does not occur in the System A, where the balances for oxalates and carbonates can be written as separate equa- tions. Constants e set of (GEB completed by interrelations between concentrations of the species entering these balances. These interrelations are expressed by a set of expressions for independent equilibrium constants. These equilibrium constants, ob- tained from tables of equilibrium constants [37-39] val- ues, are involved with non-redox: H14 2w OH 10 HOH+OHpK14 , 3 H and redox reactions: 0 where: 22424 1 pH 1.25 24 224 HCO=HHCO pK1.25 HC O10H C O 2 2424 2 2pH4.27 24 24 HC O=HCOpK4.27 CO 10HCO 233 1 pH 6.3 32 HCOH +HCOpK6.3 HCO=10H CO 2 332 2pH10.1 33 HCOHCO pK 10.1 CO 10HCO 2 442 2pH1.8 44 HSOHSOpK 1.8 SO 10HSO 32OH 1 2pH+0.23 MnOHMnOHlog K14.2 MnOH 10Mn 2O 1 pH 10.62 MnOHMnOHlog K3.4 MnOH 10Mn 22 441 2.28 22 44 MnSOMnSO logK2.28 MnSO 10MnSO 2 42 5AE 1.5078pH 2 MnO8H5eMn4HOE1.507 V 10 4 MnO Mn 2 440 E 0.56 2A 44 MnOeMnOE0.56 V MnOMnO 10 32 0 E 1.509 32A MneMnE1.509 V MnMn 10 E0.396pH A 23224 20 0.5 23 224 2H CO +2H+2e=HCO+2H OE0.386 HCOHCO 10 HlogH, AFRTln10 , F = Fara- day constant, T = temperature (K); A 16.92able (qualitative and quantita- tive) kned in these balances and equi- species, e.g. nstant, R = gas co at 298 K. All attain owledge is involv ants. Othe = librium constr 32 4 n SOi i M complexes, are unknown in literature, see [17,28]. The requirement involved with independent set of equilib- rium constants prevents receiving of contradictory equa- tions. It is assumed that the solution in the redox system is sufficiently acidified (H2SO 4) to prevent formation of MnO2, i.e. , the system is homogeneous (solution) during the titration, and thus MnO is not involved in the bal- an 2 ce (27). Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJAC
A. M. MICHAŁOWSKA-KACZMARCZYK, T. MICHAŁOWSKI 51 5. Prevention of Contradictory Equations As were stated above, GEB is fully compatible with charge and concentration balances. The balances should be arranged rightly; it means that all known species fr the system in question should be included properly a om nd ue of a defined equilibrium con- st consequently in the related balances. All more complex species should be involved in expressions for the related equilibrium constants. Tables of the equilibrium constants usually contain re- dundant and incompatible equilibrium constants values. The equilibrium constants were determined experimen- tally, then the quoted val ant may be different in different tables. For example, the pK1 value found in for acetic acid is 4.65 [37] (at I = 0.1 mol/L, without indication of temperature) and 4.76 [38] (at 25˚C, without indication of ionic strength, I). However, some hidden divergence in the equilibrium data is usually encountered in the same book. For exam- ple, in [38] we have the following values of standard potentials: E01 = 0.907 V for 22 2 linear comb f(H) for H and f(O) for O were redox systems (aqueous media), System B, respectively. It was t independent ba cording to Approach II. x sys- tems. stems, where complex organic species are con- si s (e.g. binary- so referring to el nd concentration balances, to environment. The calcula- tio e Equivalence Point Potential in Oxidation-Reduc- Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 37, No. 7, 1960, pp. 364-366. Hg2e Hg , E02 = 0.850 V for Hg2+ + 2e− = Hg, and E03 = 0.792 V for 2 2 Hg2e 2Hg . Then we get E03’ = 2E02 − E 01 = 0.793 E 03. Far greater discrepancies between equilib- rium data at the apparent abhysico- chemical data may be quoted profusely. Referring to the in this paper, one can find E01 = 1.69 V for 4 MnO + 4H+ + 3e− = MnO2 + 2H2O, E02 = 2.26 V for 2 4 MnO + 4H+ + 2e− = MnO2 + 2H2O, and E03 = 0.56 V for 2 44 MnO eMnO ; we state that E03’ = E02 − E01 = 0.57 E03. 6. Final Comments The properties of the ination 2·f(O) − f(H) of elemental balances: undance of the p systems presented referred to non-redox and denoted as System A and assumed that the composition of titrand (D) is the same, but the titrants applied were different: NaOH in the System A, and KMnO4 in the System B. In the System A (non-redox system), it was stated that 2·f(O) − f(H) is the linear combination of charge and other elemental or core balances: f(Na), f(SO4), f(C2O4) and f(CO3), i. e . 2·f(O) − f(H) are no lances in this system. In the System B (redox system) 2·f(O) − f(H) is inde- pendent on those balances. For redox systems, 2·f(O) − f(H) is the primary form of Generalized Electron Bal- ance (GEB), obtained ac These properties are valid for non-redox and redox systems of any degree of complexity. The linear depend- ency/independency property of 2·f(O) − f(H) is then a new criterion distinguishing non-redox and redo The Approach II is equivalent to the Approach I; the latter is based on the common pool of the electron prin- ciple. However, the Approach II offers special advan- tages, of capital importance, particularly when referred to redox sy dered. Namely, the knowledge of oxidation numbers of all elements and structure of the elements in these species is not needed. A known composition of all the species, expressed by their formula and external charge, provides information sufficient to formulate the related GEB. In particular, the Approach II is convenient in formulation of GEB for the systems where radicals and ion-radicals are formed. The Approach I to GEB, considered as a “short” version of GEB, is applicable for the systems where oxidation degree can easily be calculated for all elements in the redox system in question. The properties of 2·f(O) − f(H) can be extended on non-redox or redox systems of any degree of complexity. These properties can also be extended on mixed-solvent systems, where polar protic (e.g. H2O, CH3OH) or apro- tic (e.g. (CH3)2SO) solvents are involved. The terms: “oxidant” and “reductant” are not neces- sary (not applicable) in considerations on a redox system [24-28]. Different species are considered in their natural form, i.e. as solvates, e.g. hydrates in aqueous media; although the systems with mixed solvent lvent systems) were also considered [40]. The Approach II shows that GEB is based on reliable principles of the matter conservation, and—in this re- gard—it is equally robust as equations for charge and concentration balances. From this viewpoint, GEB is considered as a relatively new law of Nature, ectrolytic redox systems of any degree of complexity, namely equilibrium, metastable, non-equilibrium, mono- and poly-phase systems [28]. GEB completes the set of charge and concentration balances and a complete set of independent expressions for equilibrium constants, needed for quantitative de- scription of redox system. In summary, GEB, charge a gether with the set of independent equilibrium con- stants, provide the numerical algorithm, implemented to software packages that support advanced programming, such as MATLAB computing n procedure, based on iterative computer programs [28], enables the desired relationships to be plotted gra- phically. REFERENCES [1] A. J. Bard and S. H. Simonsen, “The General Equation for th tion Titrations,” Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJAC
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