Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 2013, 4, 549-555 Published Online October 2013 (
Determination of the Stability Studies of the Sudanese
Camel Insulin
Abdella Imam Abdella Baragob1, Waleed Hassan AlMalki1, Imran Shahid1*, Hanouf Saeed Bafhaid1,
Fatimah Abdullah Bakhdhar1, Salwa Muhamed Khojali2, Samia Abdella2
1Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, The kingdom of Saudi
Arabia; 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Email:,, *,,,,
Received August 9th, 2013, revised September 12th, 2013; accepted September 28th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Abdella Imam Abdella Baragob et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The main objective of the presented study was to characterize the stability of the Sudanese camel insulin after 6 months
of its extraction, purification and formulation from the fresh pancreatic glands of the camel, slaughtered for local and
export consumption. The stability and purity of the formulated insulin samples were compared to standard insulin sam-
ples that of the leading manufacturing companies using some analytical techniques such as HPLC, gel electrophoresis
and atomic absorption. In another part of the study, the direct transfer method was used to accomplish sterility test by
complete immersion of the insulin samples into thioglycollate and soybean medium. The data were presented as mean ±
S.E.M (standard error of means) for the comparison of zinc (mg/units) and nitrogen (in percentage) concentrations in
standard and testing camel insulin samples, respectively. Similarly, the linear equation was derived and the coefficient
factors for standard and testing insulin samples were compared to determine the peak area and the concentrations of the
camel insulin samples (mean ± S.E.M) after HPLC elution. The P value, P < 0.005, was considered statistically signifi-
cant. The stability study tests of the insulin samples (zinc and nitrogen contents, sterility, purity and potency test) reflect
clearly their equivalence to standard insulin formulations in terms of stability. The results revealed that the stability of
the various insulin samples from the camel insulin is not less than 25% of the time remaining until the preparations ex-
pire or six months earlier than the expiration date when compared to standard insulin samples.
Keywords: Analytical Techniques; Camel Insulin; Stability Studies; Shelf Life
1. Introduction
Stability is defined as the extent to which a product
retains, within specified limits, and through its period of
storage and use (i.e., its shelf-life), the same properties
and characteristics that it possessed at the time of its
manufacture [1]. There are at least five acceptable levels
of stability for any dosage form to be evaluated before
use [2]. First, Chemical stability which refers to the
conditions maintained throughout the shelf life of the
drug product and each active ingredient retains its che-
mical integrity and labeled potency within the specified
limits. Second, physical stability describes the original
physical properties including appearance, palatability,
uniformity, dissolution and suspended ability. Third,
microbiological stability which relates the effectiveness
of antimicrobial agents within the specified limits in the
dosage form. Forth, therapeutic stability which deter-
mines the therapeutic effectivity of the dosage form and
last the toxicity studies which determines the toxic
effects of a particular dosage form. Stability of insulin
matters a lot when marketed to use as a dosage form and
its potency and stability must meet certain requirements
before use. Stability of insulin is determined arbitrarily
by subjecting a sample of insulin to a number of physical
and chemical tests [3]. Similarly, insulin loses some of its
physiologic activities due to some environmental change
in storage conditions but if there is a considerable loss,
e.g., 15% or more, then such a preparation is not con-
sidered suitable for general use [4]. Traces of certain me-
tals, particularly zinc and nitrogen were found in some of
the insulin unstable preparations. Therefore, it was
assumed that the presence of these metals might be a
*Corresponding author.
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Determination of the Stability Studies of the Sudanese Camel Insulin
factor affecting deterioration of insulin either upon pro-
longed standing at room temperature or upon subjection
to a heat test [5]. The presented study describes an effort
to determine the stability studies of unknown extracted,
purified and formulated camel insulin preparations while
comparing with standard insulin preparations.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
All the chemicals and reagents used in the stability study
of insulin samples were of pharmaceutical and analytical
grades and the standard solutions, dilutions of the samples
were prepared according to the reference book procedures.
2.2. The Camel Insulin
The provision of monograph of this study applies to the
following camel insulin samples and these samples were
prepared in the laboratory according to the standard
procedures as mentioned in the reference books [6].
1) Soluble zinc insulin (soluble),
2) Insulin zinc suspension (amorphous),
3) Insulin zinc suspension (crystalline),
4) Insulin zinc suspension (mixed),
Vials of different insulin formulations (standard and
samples) were stored in a refrigerator at 4˚C and the
entire quality control tests were performed after 6 months.
We selected two subsample preparations named as “E”
and “D” from each type of testing camel insulin prepara-
tions (i.e., soluble, amorphous, crystalline and mixed).
2.3. Methods
The following quality control tests were performed to
determine the stability of the extracted, purified and for-
mulated camel insulin samples.
2.3.1. Heat Test
The main objective of the heat test is to ensure that all
insulin preparations for stability under severe conditions.
For this purpose, the standard and prepared insulin
samples were subjected to heat test. The samples were
put in a glass container and exposed to a temperature at
50˚C - 55˚C and relative humidity of 75% for 10 days.
The potency of the heated material was then compared
either with a standard insulin or with a sample of the
same preparation not exposed to the heat test. The
samples were removed from the incubator once every
day and made up to the proper dilution suitable for assay
and kept in the refrigerator [7].
2.3.2. Determination of Zinc Conte nts
The zinc contents of the standard and testing insulin
samples were determined by weighing 0.1 mg of each
sample and dissolved in 1 ml HCl (0.01 N solution) and
read at 213 nm using a hollow cathode lamp as a source
of radiation (atomic absorption). For camel insulin, we
selected two insulin samples each weighing 0.1 mg of
soluble (D,E), crystalline (D,E) amorphous (D, E) and
mixed camel insulin (D,E) respectively [8].
2.3.3. Determination of Nitrogen Content
The nitrogen content of the standard and sample insulin
samples were determined by weighing the samples and
dissolved in 10ml of sulfuric acid with 11g of catalyst for
the process of digestion, then distilled with 15 - 20 ml of
Sodium Hydroxide (40%), collected with a basic solution
and titrated against HC1 (40.0%). For camel insulin, we
selected two insulin samples each weighing 0.016 mg
and 0.02 mg of soluble (D), crystalline (D) amorphous
(D) and mixed camel insulin (D) respectively. Similarly,
two insulin samples each weighing 0.016 mg and 0.02
mg were selected from soluble (E), crystalline (E)
amorphous (E) and mixed camel insulin (E) was selected
to determine their nitrogen contents [9].
3. Study of Purity of Samples by
The purity of insulin samples was determined by gel
electrophoresis. For this purpose we used Sebia® protein
electrophoresis apparatus (Sebia cooperation, USA) and
procedure was followed according to the manufacturer’s
protocol. The standard and camel insulin samples ran
from the similar migration time showed a single band
indicating a pure insulin sample without other protein im-
purities. The serum was used as a negative control [10].
3.1. Sterility Test
The sterility test of the camel insulins samples was per-
formed in thioglycollate and the soybean medium by
using the direct transfer method to check the microbial
growth in the samples [11].
3.2. Thioglycollate Medium Test
Eight samples of thioglycollate medium each weighing
1.5mg were dissolved in 50ml of distilled water, gently
heated and sterilized in an autoclave. Cooled the media
after sterilization and added 5 ml of each four camel
insulin samples taken from soluble D,E, crystalline D,E,
amorphous D,E and mixed insulin D,E respectively,
thoroughly mixed and incubated at 30˚C - 35˚C for
overnight. Next day observed the samples for microbial
growth in the media.
3.3. Soybean Medium Test
Eight samples of soybean medium each weighing 1.5 mg
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Determination of the Stability Studies of the Sudanese Camel Insulin 551
were dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water, gently heated
and sterilized in an autoclave. Cooled the media after
sterilization and added 5 ml of each eight camel insulin
samples taken from soluble D, E, crystalline D, E, amor-
phous D, E and mixed insulin D, E respectively, tho-
roughly mixed and incubated at 20˚C - 25˚C for over-
night. Next day observed the samples for microbial grow-
th in the media.
3.4. Potency Test of Insulin Carried out by
The standard and camel insulin samples with concen-
trations of 0.1 mg/ml, were used for insulin concentration
and potency test by HPLC method [12]. The lyophilized
material was dissolved in 0.2 M ammonium phosphate,
pH 4.0, and 250 μl were applied to a reversed phase
HPLC column. An aliquot was directly counted to esti-
mate the recoveries, The HPLC separations were per-
formed with a Beckman model 332 liquid chromato-
graph equipped with a model 210 injector fitted with a
250-μl loop. The column used was a DuPont Zorbax C-8
(4.6 mm × 25 cm; 6-μm particle diameter) maintained at
40˚C by a Bioanalytical Systems LC-22A temperature
controller. Insulin was eluted from the column with a
0.2-M ammonium phosphate (pH 4.0)/acetonitrile sol-
vent system similar to that described previously and read
with run time of 10 - 15 minutes. The peak area and
capacity factors were calculated by the HPLC reading.
The concentration of insulin by the HPLC method was
reported as mean [13].
4. Discussion
Before the marketing and use of any insulin lot, its po-
tency and stability must meet certain criteria and require-
ments. As it is an established fact that the labile drugs
and vaccines if not stored under controlled conditions,
may lose its potency and stability. Stability is arbitrarily
determined by subjecting a sample of insulin to a heat
test. Insulin thus treated loses some of its physiologic
activities but if there is a considerable loss e.g., 15% or
more, then such a preparation is not considered suitable
for general use. Similarly, traces of certain metals, parti-
cularly zinc, copper, nitrogen and iron were found in
some unstable insulin preparations; and it was therefore
assumed that the presence of these metals be a factor
affecting deterioration either upon prolonged standing at
room temperature or upon subjection to a heat test. The
deterioration of insulin upon standing and stored for a
long time is a problem of considerable importance not
only to the manufacturer but to the physician and in
particular for the patients. In the presented study we
analyzed different insulin samples, extracted, purified
and prepared from Sudanese camel insulin for the
stability, low in its ash content (free of such metals as
zinc, nitrogen) and particularly for sterility and potency
test after six months of their storage.
It is apparent from the results for the zinc contents of
the testing and standard insulin preparations as shown in
Table 1 that the zinc contents are not more than the
amount stated in the individual monograph, as deter-
mined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Furthermore,
the comparison of zinc concentrations of standard and
testing insulin samples in Figure 1 showed that these
figures are in compliance with Melville et al., [7] which
demonstrated that the addition of 1mg of zinc per 1000
units neither increases the efficiency nor tends to prolong
the duration of the hypoglycemic action of insulin on the
blood sugar of normal fasting rabbits. Similarly, the
nitrogen contents of the testing insulin meet the certain
criteria as mentioned in the individual monograph and
there is no considerable difference in percent nitrogen
contents when compared to standard insulin preparations
as shown in Table 2 and Figure 2. Protein gel electro-
phoresis is a reliable and an authentication method to
determine the purity of protein samples. We used hydro-
foil electrophoresis ( Sebia cooperation, USA) to deter-
mine and compare the purity of testing insulin samples
with standard insulins according to the manufacturer
protocol as shown in Figure 3. The results of the gel
electrophoresis demonstrated clearly that the standard
and sample insulin ran at the same migration time and
appeared only as one band which indicated that the re-
sulting samples were pure insulin samples, although the
gel bands of camel insulin samples were slight weaker
compared to standard insulin samples which might an
indication that the samples had lost a little insulin po-
tency. The concentration of the insulin samples further
analyzed by HPLC method confirmed the results of gel
electrophoresis. Microbial contamination is also a po-
tential risk factor for the insulin and labile drug pre-
parations and we confirmed that the testing insulin sam-
ples are free of any contamination by sterility test. The
thioglycollate and soybean media showed no microbial
growth in the testing insulin samples after 24 hrs incu-
bation period as shown in Table 3.
The concentration of standard insulin preparations and
testing camel insulin samples is shown in Tab les 4 an d 5
respectively. Figure 4, showed the calibration curve and
corresponding linear equation relationship among
different standard insulin samples. Figure 5, represented
the HPLC elution profile for testing camel insulin
samples and reproducible doublet can be seen at
approximately 10 minutes for each sample respectively.
For camel insulin samples, the percentage of peak area
(mean ± S.E.M) was 0.281 ± 0.02%, 0.285 ± 0.01%,
0.290% ± 0.02% and 0.345 ± 0.03% respectively after 10 -
12 minutes peak while for stndard insulin preparations a
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Determination of the Stability Studies of the Sudanese Camel Insulin
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. PP
Figure 1. Comparison of zinc concentration between standard and testing camel insulin samples by atomic absorption
method. The data were presented as mean ± S.E.M. The P value, P < 0.005, was considered statistically significant.
Figure 2. Nitrogen contents of standard and testing camel insulin Samples determined by acid base titration method. The
data were presented as mean ± S.E.M. The P value, P < 0.005, was considered statistically significant.
Figure 3. Hydragel electrophoresis of standard and testing camel insulin samples. Lane 1: negative control (serum), Lane 2:
Standard insulin (soluble), Lane 3: standard insulin (crystalline), Lane 4: standard insulin (amorphous), Lane 5: standard
insulin (mixed), Lane 6: Camel insulin (soluble), Lane 7: camel insulin (crystalline), Lane 8: camel insulin (amorphous), Lane
9: camel insulin (mixed).
Determination of the Stability Studies of the Sudanese Camel Insulin 553
Table 1. Zinc contents of standard and camel insulin samples.
Standard insulin
(mg/100 unit)
Camel insulin
(mg/100 unit)
Soluble (D)
Soluble (E)
Crystalline (D)
Crystalline (E)
Amorphous (D)
Amorphous (E)
Mixed (D)
Mixed (E)
Table 2. Nitrogen contents of standard and testing camel insulin samples.
Standard Insulin Samples Weight
Titration volume
Camel Insulin
Volume (ml)
Soluble (D)
Crystalline (D)
Amorphous (D)
Mixed (D)
Soluble (E)
Crystalline (E)
Amorphous (E)
Mixed (E)
Soluble (D)
Crystalline (D)
Amorphous (D)
Mixed (D)
Soluble (E)
Crystalline (E)
Amorphous (E)
Mixed (E)
Table 3. Sterility test results of different camel insulin samples.
Thioglycollate medium Soybean medium
Camel insulin Samples
(Microbial growth) (Microbial Growth)
Soluble (D)
Crystalline (D)
Amorphous (D)
Mixed (D)
Soluble (E)
Crystalline (E)
Amorphous (E)
Mixed (E)
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
No growth
Table 4. Insulin concentration in standar d sam ple s.
Samples Conc. (mg/ml) Area (%) C.F (Coefficient factor) Units (IU/ml)
Table 5. Insulin concentration in different camel insulin samples.
Samples Conc. (mg/ml) Area (%) C.F (Coefficient factor) Units (IU/ml)
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Determination of the Stability Studies of the Sudanese Camel Insulin
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. PP
the percentage of peak area was 1.057% ± 0.03%,
2.527% ± 0.02%, 4.807% ± 0.02% and 8.117% ± 0.03%
respectively after 10 - 15 minutes peak. Figure 6,
described the comparison of coefficient factor among
standard and testing insulin samples and demonstrated
clearly low coefficient factor (P < 0.005) for camel
insulin samples an indication that the samples lost some
potency after their storage. It was also concluded from
the HPLC results that the camel insulin samples might
also lose some potency (approx. 5% - 10%) after six
month storage conditions. However, the results were
compatible as previously described and met the standard
criteria as mentioned in the individual monograph in
standard books.
Figure 6. Comparison of coefficient factor against standard
and testing insulin samples after HPLC elution. The data
were presented as mean ± S.E.M. The P value, P < 0.005,
was considered statistically significant.
5. Conclusion
This work represents the stability studies of various for-
mulated camel insulin preparations after their 6 months
storage. In conclusion, after performing various stability
tests the lose in insulin potency was not so much signifi-
cant and product use date are not later than 25% of the
time remaining until the product’s expiration date.
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