Vol.2, No.1, 34-40 (2011) Agricultural Sciences
doi:10.4236/as.2011.2 1006
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Assessment of soil quality using soil organic carbon
and total nitrogen and microbial properties in tropical
Maruf K. A. Adeboye*, Abdullahi Bala, Akim O. Osunde, Anthony O. Uzoma, Ayo J. Odofin,
Baba A. Lawal
Department of Soil Science, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author: enilewu@yahoo.com
Received 12 December 2010; revised 6 February 2011; accepted 15 February 2011
Assessment of soil quality is an invaluable tool
in determining the sustainability and environ-
mental impact of agricultural ecosystems. The
study was conducted to assess the quality of
the soils under arable cultivation, locally irri-
gated and non-irrigated, forestry plantations of
teak (Tectona grandis Lin.) and gmelina (Gme-
lina arborea Roxb.), and cashew (Anacardium
occidentale Lin.) plantation agro ecosystems
using soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total ni-
trogen (STN) and soil microbial biomass C
(SMBC) and N (SMBN) at Minna in the southern
Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Soil samples were
collected from s oil depths of 0-5 cm a nd 5-10 cm
in all the agro ecosystems and analyzed for
physical, chemical and biological properties. All
the agro ecosystems had similar loamy soil
texture at both depths. The soils have high fer-
tility status in terms of available phosphorus
and exchangeable calcium, magnesium and po-
tassium. The irrigated arable land had signifi-
cantly (P < 0.05) higher SOC and STN in both
soil depths than all the other soils due to grea ter
C inputs into the soil and fertilizer application.
The cashew plantation soil had the lowest
SMBC value of 483 mg kg-1 while teak soil had
the highest value of 766 mg kg-1 which w as sig-
nificantly (P < 0.05) different from that of the
other soils at the surface layer. At both soil
depths, in all the soils, the SMBC/SMBN ratios
were >6.6 suggesting fungal domination in all
the agroecosystems. The forestry plantation
soils had higher SMBC and SMBN as a per-
centage of SOC and STN respectively than the
cultivated arable land soils. Burning for clearing
vegetation and poor stocking of forestry planta-
tions may impair the quality of the soil. The
study suggests that the locally irrigated agro-
ecosystem soil seems to be of better quality
than the other agroecosy stem soils.
Keywords: Agroecosystems; Microbial Biomass;
Soil Organic Carbon; Soil Total Nitrogen; Tropical
Soil quality is the capacity of a soil to function within
ecosystem boundaries to sustain biological productivity,
maintain environmental quality and promote plant and
animal health and thus has a profound effect on the
health and productivity of a given ecosystem and the
environment related to it [1]. The soil organic carbon
(SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN) and soil microbial C
(SMBC) and N (SMBN) are some of the soil properties
that are used as basic indicators in assessing soil quality
The soil microbial biomass (SMB) is a small but key
component of the active soil organic matter (SOM) pool
and serves as a source and sink of soil nutrients [3]. It
has been used to understand soil nutrient dynamics and
as an ecological marker [4,5]. The SOM and STN are the
major determinants and indicators of soil quality and
fertility and are closely related to soil productivity in an
agricultural ecosystem [6,7]. The reduction of SOC and
STN will lead to adecrease in soil fertility, soil nutrient
supply, porosity and an increase in soil erosion [8].
The public concern about the issue of global climate
change has emphasized the need for developing and im-
plementing strategies of agroecosystem management
that will reduce carbon dioxide concentration in the at-
mosphere as well as improving soil fertility, SOC stor-
age and the dynamics of C stock change in agroecosys-
tems are important in evaluating the impact of agroeco-
system management on global climate change [9]. Soils
represent an important terrestrial stock of C and ap-
proximately two to three times as much as terrestrial
M. K. A. Adeboye et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 34-4 0
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
vegetation and atmosphere respectively and the C in the
SOM of agricultural land is composed of dominant ter-
restrial C stock [10,11]. Thus, the dynamics of SOC as
affected by agroecosystem to a large extent affects the
carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere as well
as even the global climate change [12,13].
Recent interest in evaluating soil quality has been
stimulated by increasing awareness that soil is a criti-
cally important component of the earth biosphere as it
functions not only in the production of food and fibre but
also in the maintenance of environmental quality as re-
lated to agroecosystem management and in formulating
and evaluating sustainable agricultural and land use poli-
cies [14]. In Nigeria, studies have been conducted on the
use of SOC, STN and SMB to evaluate effects of man-
agement practices such as legume rotation on soil fertil-
ity [15,16], but there is dearth of information on the as-
sessment of soil quality under different agroecosystems
using the SOC, STN, and SMB. The present study was
carried out to assess the quality of the soils under arable
cultivation, locally irrigated and non-irrigated, forestry
plantations of teak (Tectona grandis Lin.), and gmelina
(Gmelina arborea Roxb.) and cashew (Anacardium occi-
dentalis Lin.) plantation agroecosystems using the SOC,
STN and SMB contents of the soil in the southern
Guinea savanna of Nigeria.
2.1. Site Description
The study site was Minna (9o 14’N, 6o 30’E) in the
southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria with a gently undu-
lating plain topography. The climate is sub-humid tropi-
cal with mean annual rainfall of about 1200 mm (90% of
the rainfall is between June and August). The mean daily
temperature rarely falls below 22 ˚C with peaks of 40 ˚C
and 36 ˚C between February to March and November to
December respectively. The soils of Minna are Alfisols
(USDA) developed from basement complex rocks rang-
ing from shallow to very deep soils overlying deeply
weathered gneisses and magmitites with some underlain
by ironpan to varying depths [17].
2.2. Agroecosystems
The agroecosystem sites were the forestry plantations
of teak and gmelina and cashew plantation established
about six years ago by the Federal University of Tech-
nology, Minna, Nigeria and the nearby locally irrigated
arable and non-irrigated arable lands. Each forestry and
cashew plantations are about six hectares in size with the
cashew plantation poorly stocked. The locally irrigated
field nearby had over the years been continuously culti-
vated both in the rainy season to maize (Zea mays), yam
(Dioscorea rotundata) with fertilizer application to the
maize and in the dry season to vegetables including, okra
(Hibiscus esculentus), garden egg (Solanum melongena)
and pepper (Capsicum annum) using a nearby stream as
the source of water for irrigation. The stream runs
through residential and automobile mechanic areas and
serves as the disposal site for domestic and automobile
repair wastes. The non-irrigated arable land also near the
plantations with few scattered trees of mango (Mangif-
era indica) had been under continuous mixed cropping
with maize, okra, yam and cassava (Manihot esculentus)
over the years with minimal fertilizer application during
the rainy season only. In the dry season, the land is oc-
cupied dominantly by speargrass (Imperata cylindrica).
2.3. Soil Sampling and Analysis
Ten soil samples were collected in June, 2009, at 0-5
cm and 5-10 cm depths underneath the canopies of the
trees (about 10 cm away from the tree base) and in the
arable lands, from within the planted rows and interrow
areas with a 5 cm2 soil coring tool. Each soil sample was
a composite of four soil cores collected at north, south,
east and west coordinates. After removing visible plant
residues and pebbles, the field fresh moist soil samples
were sieved with a 2 mm mesh sieve. Part of the sample
was stored in plastic bags at 4 ˚C for soil microbial bio-
mass (SMB) determinations. The remaining part was
air-dried for determination of soil physical and chemical
properties. All measurements were conducted within
seven days of sampling. Before determination of SMB C
and N, moisture content was determined and the results
are expressed on oven-dried basis.
The soil particle size distribution was determined by
the Bouyoucos hydrometer method. Soil pH was meas-
ured in 1:2.5 soil-water suspensions with glass electrode
pH meter. Organic C was determined using the Walkley-
Black wet oxidation method [18]. Total N was deter-
mined by the Kjeldahl digestion procedure [19]. Ex-
changeable bases were determined by extraction with
neutral 1N NH4OAc. Potassium in the extract was de-
termined with flame photometer while calcium (Ca) and
magnesium (Mg) were determined using the atomic ab-
sorption spectrophotometer. Available phosphorus (P)
was extracted by Bray P1 method. The P concentration
in the extract was determined colorimetrically using the
spectronic 70 spectrophotometer. Soil microbial biomass
C and N were determined by the chloroform- fumigation
method [20].
3.1. Soil Texture, Reaction and
Exchangeable Bases
Selected physical and chemical properties of the soils
are shown in Table 1. The soils of all the agroecosys
M. K. A. Adeboye et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 34-4 0
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 1. Selected physical and chemical properties of the agroecosystems.
Agroecosystems Depth
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)Textural classpH
Available P
(mg kg-1)
Exchangeable bases
Ca K Mg
(cmol kg-1)
Arable Lands
Irrigated 0-5 681 170 149 Sandy loam6.6 27 1.57 0.30 0.23
5-10 642 193 165 Loam 6.6 26 1.83 0.36 0.20
Non-irrigated 0-5 461 300 239 Loam 5.0 21 2.61 0.15 0.35
5-10 475 285 240 Loam 5.0 22 2.63 0.64 0.33
Teak 0-5 700 200 100 Sandy loam6.5 37 7.46 0.89 3.46
5-10 721 169 110 Sandy loam6.4 22 5.29 3.34 2.48
Gmelina 0-5 700 208 92 Sandy loam6.2 20 4.87 0.48 2.83
5-10 721 169 110 Sandy loam6.9 33 2.80 1.96 2.40
Cashew 0-5 710 171 119 Sandy loam6.3 33 7.44 0.49 2.84
5-10 720 140 140 Sandy loam5.8 24 7.60 0.34 1.80
tems have similar loamy texture in surface soil, 0-5 cm
and 5-10 cm depths. This reflects the origin of the soils
from the same parent material and suggests that differ-
ences in the soils chemical and microbial properties are
due to management rather than inherent differences. The
soils reaction were slightly to moderately acidic at both
soil depths [21]. The soil of the non-irrigated arable land
had the lowest soil pH of 5.0 which was significantly (P
0.05) lower at both soil depths than that of the other
agroecosystem soils. Continuous cropping of tropical
soils with or without fertilizer application results in
acidification of the soil [22,23].
The plantation soils had significantly (P 0.05) higher
exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K) at both 0-5 cm and 5-10
cm soil depths compared to the arable land soils. These
results may be partly attributed to lower leaching losses
of the bases due to the litter under the trees and the recy-
cling of plant nutrients by the deep roots of the trees.
The occasional burning of the under storey vegetation in
the plantations can also cause liming effect of the ashes
of the burned vegetation with corresponding increase in
the exchangeable bases [24].
3.2. Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen
There was no stratification of soil organic C (SOC)
and soil total N (STN) as a function of depth in all the
soils except in the irrigated soil where the STN at 0-5 cm
depth is significantly (P 0.05) higher compared to that
of the 5-10 cm depth (Table 4) indicating that the
agroecosystem induced effect on SOC and STN extend
as far as the 15 cm soil depth which can be considered as
the surface soil. The SOC and STN values were rela-
tively high in both depths in all the soils and had the
pattern suggesting that they are intimately connected. A
significant (P < 0.01) positive relationship have been
reported between SOC and STN in different tropical
agroecosystems [15,25]. In both 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil
depths, the irrigated arable soil had significantly (P
0.05) higher amounts of SOC and STN than the other
soils (Tables 3 and 4). The increased plant biomass pro-
duced with fertilizer application, all year round cultiva-
tion and increased nutrient input through irrigation water
have probably resulted in increased returns of organic
materials to the soil in the form of decaying roots, litter
and crop residues [26,27], thus the highest SOC in the
irrigated soil. Higher SOC have been obtained with fer-
tilizer application in a savanna Alfisol in Nigeria [28].
Annual cropping reduces C loss from soils [29].
The arable agroecosystem soils at both soil depths had
higher STN than the plantation agroecosystems with
concomitant lower C/N ratio (Ta b le s 2 and 3) which is
an indication of higher degree of humification and easy
mineralization of organic N [30]. The availability of wa-
ter-soluble organic C from rhizodeposition products
which are the main energy sources for microorganisms
and enhances their activity [31] may be partly responsi-
ble for the lower C/N ratios obtained in the arable soils.
The application of inorganic fertilizers which is a ready
source of N for the microorganisms may also be respon-
sible in the low C/N ratio. Rhizodeposition is the release
of organic materials from growing roots including exu-
dates, lysates, mucigels, sloughed root cap cells and de-
caying roots [32].
3.3. Soil Microbial Properties
Values of the soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) and N
(SMBN) in all 153 the agroecosystems were signifi-
cantly (P 0.05) higher in the surface soil than at the
5-10 cm depth except SMBN in the soil under gmelina
(Table 4). These indicate the importance of this surface soil
M. K. A. Adeboye et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 34-4 0
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 2. Soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and microbial properties at 0-5 cm depth of the agroecosystems.
Agroecosystems Depth
Org. C
(g kg-1)
Total N
(g kg-1) C/N ratioSMBC
(mg kg-1)
(mg kg-1)SMBC/SMBN SMBC/Org.C
SMBN/Total N
Arable Lands
0-5 21.00*a 13.78a 1.5 693b 47.40a 14.6 3.3 0.3
Irrigated 5-10 22.40*a 14.70a 1.5 182d 27.53b 6.6 0.8 0.2
0-5 13.50c 7.09b 1.9 640c 22.71d 28.2 4.7 0.3
Non-irrigated 5-10 14.45b 6.80b 2.1 240c 18.59e 12.9 1.7 0.3
Teak 0-5 13.71c 6.28c 2.2 766a 29.25c 26.2 5.6 0.5
5-10 12.50e 5.69c 2.2 244c 23.07c 10.6 2.0 0.4
Gmelina 0-5 15.46b 6.45c 2.4 690b 40.92b 16.9 4.5 0.6
5-10 15.46b 6.45c 2.4 690b 40.92b 16.9 4.5 1.0
Gmelina 0-5 13.46c 6.45c 2.1 483d 41.28b 11.7 3.6 0.6
5-10 13.60c 5.20d 2.6 315b 21.14d 14.9 2.3 0.4
*Means in the same column that are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P 0.05 (n = 50).
Table 3. Soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and microbial properties at 5-10 cm depth of the agroecosystems
Agroecosystems Org. C
(g kg-1)
Total N
(g kg-1)
C/N ratio SMBC
(mg kg-1)
(mg kg-1)
SMBN/Total N
Arable Lands
Irrigated 22.40*a 14.70a 1.5 182d 27.53b 6.6 0.8 0.2
Non-irrigated 14.45b 6.80b 2.1 240c 18.59e 12.9 1.7 0.3
Teak 12.50e 5.69c 2.2 244c 23.07c 10.6 2.0 0.4
Gmelina 15.46b 6.45c 2.4 690b 40.92b 16.9 4.5 1.0
Cashew 13.60c 5.20d 2.6 315b 21.14d 14.9 2.3 0.4
*Means in the same column that are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P 0.05 (n = 50).
Table 4. Comparison of soil chemical and microbial properties between 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm depths in the agroecosystems.
Agroecosystems Depth
Org. C
(g kg-1)
Total N
(g kg-1)
(mg kg-1)
(mg kg-1)
Arable Lands
Irrigated 0-5 21.00a* 13.78a 693a 47.40a
5-10 22.40a 6.80b 240b 27.53b
Non-irrigated 0-5 13.50a 7.09a 640a 22.71a
5-10 14.45a 6.80a 240b 18.59b
Teak 0-5 13.71a 6.28a 766 29.25a
5-10 12.50a 5.69a 244b 23.07a
Gmelina 0-5 15.40a 6.45a 690a 40.92b
5-10 12.60a 4.71a 580b 44.78a
Cashew 0-5 13.46a 6.45a 483a 41.28a
5-10 13.60a 5.20a 315b 21.14b
*Means followed by the same letter in the same column of each agroecosystem are not significantly different at P 0.05 (n = 50)
layer, 0-5 cm depth, for microbial meditated processes
such as nutrient cycling and decomposition. Loss of this
surface soil through human or natural disturbances
would be detrimental to the functioning of these ecosys-
tems [33]. The SMBC values ranged from 483-766 mg
kg-1 at the 0-5 cm and 182-580 mg kg-1 at 5-10 cm soil
depths (Ta b l e s 2 and 3). These values are in the middle
of values of 115-1231 mg kg-1 reported by [34] and [35]
and 61-1620 mg kg-1 by [36] in other terrestrial ecosys-
tems. The values are lower than the values of 1000-
M. K. A. Adeboye et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 34-4 0
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
2000 mg kg-1 recorded in humid tropical forest in Ama-
zonia [37,38]. The soil under the cashew plantation had
the lowest value of SMBC, 483 mg kg-1, at the 0-5 cm
soil depth. The poor stocking of the plantation and the
clearing of the undergrowth by burning which resulted in
relatively low SOC, 13.60 g kg-1 may be the reason for
this result. This finding support that of [29] and [39] that
SOC loss increases and microbial biomass declines
when residues are removed by burning. The size of the
microbial biomass is mainly potentially related to C in-
puts [3].
The SMBN values obtained in this present study,
22.71-47.40 mg kg-1 at 0-5 cm and 18.59-44.78 mg kg-1
at 5-10 cm soil depths (Ta b l e s 2 and 3) are comparable
with the ranges, 25.6 --42.2 mg kg-1 reported by [40] and
20-46 mg kg-1 by [41]. At the 0-5 cm soil depth, the irri-
gated arable agroecosystem which had the highest SOC
and STN also had the highest SMBN value of 47.40 mg
kg-1 which was significantly (P 0.05) higher compared
to the other agroecosystems. The relatively higher amounts
of residues produced due to cultivation in both the rainy
and dry seasons and inorganic fertilization may be re-
sponsible for the high SMBN values. The application of
inorganic fertilizer and increased C inputs into the soil
result in increased SMBN [42,43].
The SMBC/SMBN ratio has often been used to de-
scribe the structure of the microbial community [44]. A
low SMBC/SMBN ratio indicates that the microbial
biomass contains a higher proportion of bacteria whereas
a high value suggests that fungi predominate in the mi-
crobial population [45]. The SMBC/SMBN ratios ob-
tained in this study were relatively high, >11.7 in the 0-5
cm depth and >6.6 in the 5-10 cm depths (Tables 3 and 4)
indicating the predominance of fungi in these soils. Ref-
erence [46] reported SMBC/SMBN ratios varying from
5.2 in an arable soil to 20.8 in a forest soil. The surface
soil had relatively higher ratios than the lower depth in
all the agroecosystem soils. The decline in SMBC/
SMBN ratio from the 0-5 cm to 5-10 cm soil depth may
be an indication of a shift from fungal to bacteria popu-
lation at the lower depth [47].
The SMBC and SMBN when expressed as percent-
ages of SOC and STN respectively give an estimation of
the quantities of nutrients in the microbial biomass, or-
ganic matter dynamics and substrate availability in soils
[48,44]. From available studies, [3] estimated that SMBC
accounted for 2%-5% of SOC and SMBN for 1%-5% of
STN. In both 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil depths, the SMBC
accounted for between 0.8%-5.6% of SOC while SMBN
was 0.2%-1.0% of STN (Ta b l e s 2 an d 3). The range of
SMBC as a percentage of SOC obtained in this study is
comparable to the range of 0.99%-4.30% reported for
some New Zealand soils by [48]. The SMBN as a per-
centage of STN obtained are lower than the ranges re-
ported in literature by other workers for arable, pasture
and forest agroecosystems [40,44,46]. These low values
indicate that the microbial biomass is not important as a
sink for N in these agroecosystems [46]. The SMBC as a
percentage of SOC were higher in the surface soil, 0-5
cm than 5-10 cm soil depth in all the soils. These results
may be due to greater C and N inputs, which are of a
quality stimulating greater soil microbial biomass pro-
duction, into the surface soil [48].
3.4. Correlation of Soil Organic Carbon and
Total Nitrogen and Microbial Properties
Correlation analysis of SOC, STN and SMB meas-
urements at both 0-5 cm and 5-19 cm soil depths re-
vealed significant and non-significant correlations be-
tween the variables assayed (Tabl es 5 and 6). At the 0-5
cm soil depth, SOC was strongly related (P 0.0001) to
STN (r = 0.96) and SMBN (r = 0.68) while STN was
strongly related to SMBN (r = 0.56, P 0.0001). These
results indicate that SMBN levels in the soils were de-
termined by SOC and STN at the surface soil. Numerous
other studies in terrestrial ecosystems have found strong
correlations between SMBN and STN [33,44,49,50].
Reference [33] has reported close relationship between
SMBN and SOC in shrub-steppe agroecosystem in
North America. SMBN was highly related (r = 0.84, P
0.0001) to SMBC at the 5-10 cm soil depth. These re-
sults suggest that both SMBC and SMBN are influenced
by the same factors at this soil depth. Highly significant
correlations have been reported for different terrestrial
agroecosystems by other workers [16,44,46,51]. The
SMBC had a highly significant (P 0.0001) negative
Table 5. Matrix of correlation coefficients for soil chemical
and microbial properties at 0-5 cm depth of the agroecosys-
Variables Org. C Total N SMBC SMBN
Org. C. -
Total N 0.96*** -
SMBC 0.27NS 0.18NS
SMBN 0.68*** 0.56*** 0.20NS
***Significant at P 0.0001, NS—Not significant
Table 6. Matrix of correlation coefficients for soil chemical
and microbial properties at 5-10 cm depth of the agroecosys-
Variables Org. C Total N SMBC SMBN
Org. C. -
Total N 0.99*** -
SMBC 0.53 *** 0.58***
SMBN 0.09NS 0.11NS 0.84***
***Significant at P 0.0001, NS—Not significant
M. K. A. Adeboye et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 34-4 0
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
relationship with SOC (r = 0.53) and STN (r = 0.58)
at the 5-10 cm soil depth. The microorganisms at this
lower depth are possibly subjected to stress factor of
oxygen availability. Another possible stress factor that
the microorganisms can be subjected to at this depth
could be substrate availability as a result of the higher
proportion of the soil organic matter being in the form of
humified C and inactive N that are not substrate for mi-
croorganisms. Imposition of stress factors on the micro-
bial biomass will increase its maintenance energy re-
quirement which may reduce the yield efficiency of the
biomass and increase the death rate of the biomass [51,
Arable crop cultivation in both rainy and dry seasons
with fertilizer application was a good measure in im-
proving the quality of the soil especially in terms of SOC
and STN. The surface soil, 0-5 cm, was the main site for
microbial meditated processes of nutrient cycling and
decomposition in all the agroecosystems. The clearing of
the forest undergrowth by burning and poor stocking of
plantations may impair the quality of the soil. There was
no discernable effect of the agroecosystems on the soil
microbial biomass. The microorganisms were more ac-
tive in the plantation soils due to their having more C
and N immobilized in their microbial biomass. Generally,
from this study, the SOC, STN, biomass C and N in SOC
and STN respectively all seem to be suitable diagnostic
indicator of the quality of the soil of these agroecosys-
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