T. T. Huynh et al. / Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 4 (2013) 9-15
increase in the gene expression compared to the control
group (Figure 5(b)). This protective mechanism against
Mn would ensure increased glutamate uptake from the
synaptic cleft and prevent neuroexcitation.
The above evidence supports the hypothesis that E2
can attenuate some Mn-induced toxicity in E18 astrocy-
tes. The study revealed Mn’s degree of neurotoxic effects
on astrocytes with varying concentrations. Mn level can
exceed 350 μM in the brain during toxicity, but this study
indicates a concentration starting at 100 μM can become
dangerous for astrocytes [31]. This finding is pertinent to
the growing concern of the association between delete-
rious effects of excess Mn on astrocytes and develop-
mental neurotoxicology. The Mn-induced levels of GFAP,
dehydrogenase activity, and GLT-1 could be the bridge
that connects this association. The results of this study
indicate that E2 can shield rat fetal astrocytes from some
of the cellular damage brought upon by Mn from day 18
on, but the vulnerability of younger fetal astrocytes to
Mn and possible E2 protection are unknown.
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