Journal of Informatio n Security, 2011, 2, 1-7
doi:10.4236/jis.2011.21001 Published Online January 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
SOAP-Based Security Interaction of Web Service in
Heterogeneous Platforms*
Tao Xu, Chunxiao Yi
College of Computer Science and Technology, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China
Received October 28, 2010; revised November 23, 2010; accepted December 2, 2010
With the development and application of SOA technology, security issues of Web services based on hetero-
geneous platform have become increasingly prominent. The security of SOAP message is of great impor-
tance to Web service security. In order to solve the security issue of heterogeneous platforms, a security
processing model named SIMSA (Security Interactive Model based on SOAP and Authentication) based on
SOAP and authentication is proposed in this paper. By experimental verification, the model ensures the
safety of SOAP message transmission and enhances the security of Web service in heterogeneous platforms.
Keywords: SOAP, Heterogeneous, Web Service, SIMSA, Security Interaction
1. Introduction
With the growth of the Service-oriented Architecture
(SOA) application scale, there are hundreds of services
in a large company. Different services may be deployed
to platforms from different vendors, and different ser-
vices installed in different locations have different access
rights and security policy (encryption, signature, preven-
tion of attacks, etc.). How to guarantee the security of
services has become hot spot in foreign research institu-
tions and scholars. IBM Tokyo Re search Insti t ute (Fumi ko
Satoh et al.) puts forward the best practice models and
support tools for the specific service safety profile con-
struction for the IBM Websphere Server according to
security policy using mapping rules [1]. Microsoft Re-
search in University of Cambridge (Karthikeyan Bhar-
gavan et al.) [2] publishes a security policy configur ation
guidance to help developers construct the security poli-
cies of Web service according to security requirements.
IBM Research Division in New York (Sam Weber et al.)
[3] points out that there are a large number of heteroge-
neous platforms and different platforms have many Web
Service standards and complex technologies. Even if
there is a variety of “best security practices mode”, it is
still very difficult to ensure how to ach ieve the proper se-
Although SOA has solved the Web services called in
heterogeneous platforms, and there are relevant security
standards (WS-Security) of security information exchange
between different platforms, WS-Security only gives an
abstract framework to achieve security goals, including
XML signatures, encryption, authentication and authori-
zation. As for how to u se them to achiev e th e g oa l of SOA
security, it presents a challenge both in theoretical and
technical practices [4,5].
Authentication policies and SOAP message-based se-
curity interactive study of Web services in heterogeneous
platforms have been proposed in this paper. First the se-
curity feature of heterogeneous platforms is analyzed,
and then the details of the security interaction model of
heterogeneous platform named SIMSA is given. Com-
bined with concrete application examples, user authentic-
cation during a Web service call as well as the safe han-
dling of SOAP messages in heterogeneous platforms is
achieved. The security model provides theoretical sup-
port for the security interacts of Web services in hetero-
geneous platforms and is verified by experiments. This
model ensures the security interactions of Web service
2. Security Features of Heterogeneous
SOA needs a wide rang e of interoperability between ser-
*This research is supported by grants from National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NO. 60979011) and Tianjin Research Program o
Application Foundation and Advanced Technology (NO. 09JCYBJC
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
vices. In the development of Web service’s logic func-
tionality, if the security features are designed, Web ser-
vices will become extremely complex and service per-
formance and scalability will be greatly reduced. In
terms of the analysis on the security needs and consid-
eration of a variety of security measures, it can not be
sure whether the security components are appropriately
organized and whether the system is more secure [6,7].
Security issues of Web services in SOA should be out of
service functions, and the security requirements of Web
services can be achieved through appropriate security
configuration and mechanism. In this way, it can not
only ensure the simplicity of design and call of Web ser-
vices, but also can achieve the security of SOAP mes-
saging [8,9].
An application system is usually based on a platform
such as Microsoft. NET or Apache Axis. The service
platform has its own security solution such as Micro-
soft’s WSE (Web Service Enhancement) and Axis’s of
Rampart, etc. For the same security policy such as using
certificates to sign the message, it can be achieved in the
same platform for service requester to sign the message
and service provider to do signature verification. If the
service requester and provider are in different platforms,
the security interoperability can not be guaranteed.
Each application platform has its own security mecha-
nisms and security API. When using SOA to integrate
enterprise application, services of different applications
may be deployed in different application platforms and
security requirements may be achieved by different secu-
rity policy and platform technology. Then it needs an
agent mechanism dealing with service security to pack-
age the specific realization of platform security from the
logic, so that the security SOAP information of hetero-
geneous platform can be consistently understood and
Security processing mechanisms of Web services in
heterogeneous platform provide security policy configu-
ration and security implementation method of SOAP me-
ssage [4]. Security service agents use WS-Security and
other specifications to achieve the following three aspe-
cts of security requirements of SOAP message [10,11]:
Message integrity
WS-Security takes XML signature to do digital signa-
ture for SOAP message to ensure that SOAP message
passes through intermediate nodes without being tam-
Message confidentiality
WS-Security uses XML Encryption to encrypt the
SOAP message, so that the message sender can ensure
that the contents of SOAP message can be achieved by
the intended recipient uniquely. In this way, even if SOAP
messages are listened, listeners can not extract confiden-
tial information from the messages.
Message authenticity
WS-Security introduces the concept of security to kens,
which can represent the identity of the message sender.
Combined with digital signatures, the message recipient
can confirm the legiti macy and au thenticity of th e SOAP
message sender.
3. Security Model for Heterogeneous Web
Services SIMSA
Security framework and configuration strategies for het-
erogeneous platforms are quite different. Therefore, in
order to achieve the security interaction of Web service
in heterogeneous platforms, a third-party certification ag-
ency must be added. It can complete the relevant certi-
fication according to the request of the client. After the
verification, client could send a request to call the Web
service. To ensure the safety of service call process, both
the client and Web server set the security service agent
module to conduct safe handling to SOAP messages in
the service interaction, including the signature and en-
cryption of the SOAP message. The authentication mod-
ule of client user is added to Web server, and only after
the verification can client call the Web service. In this
way, the security interactions of Web services in hetero-
geneous platforms can be achieved.
Combined with WS-Security specification, a security
model of Web services in heterogeneous platform named
SIMSA is constructed in this paper (shown in Figure 1).
SIMSA model is mainly based on the extension of SOAP
header including signature, encryption and authentication.
The various components and functions of the security
model are described as follows.
3.1. SIMSA Model Composition
UDDI Server
Its main function is to store service descriptions by
category. It can be a private registry, such as Capecon-
nect’s UDDI Registry server, or it can also be a public
registry, such as IBM Corporation and Microsoft's UDDI
Third-Party Certification Agency
It is used to verify the client’s identity information,
and only the users who pass through the authentication
can send service requests to the Web server.
WSDL Builder
It is used to describe how to use SOAP to invoke the
Web service, and its function is to generate the corre-
sponding WSDL document.
Security Service Agent
It is the core module of the model. It is respo nsible for
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 1. SIMSA Model.
the security of Web service during transmission and ach-
ieves the security requirements of the model includeing
signature and encryption of the SOAP message.
User Authentication Policy
It is also the core module of the model. It is respon se-
ble for the request verification of client’s identity, and
only authenticated users can call the appropriate Web
3.2. Third-Party Certification Agency of SIMSA
In order to provide reliable authentication information
for the Web server, SIMSA adds a third-party certifica-
tion agency. Certification agency will compare the re-
questor’s information such as usernames, passwords and
permissions and other information with that stored in the
certification database (DB in Figure 1). It can provide
users with the information needed to verify to invoke
Web services. This information is encapsulated in an en-
crypted message, and this message will be sent to the
Web server with the user’s SOAP message, waiting for
the server’s validation. In order to formally describe the
process of third-party certification agency, Table 1 de-
fines the parameters and function description.
The formal description of certification process in third-
party certification agency is shown as follows (the fol-
lowing numbers correspond to that in SIMSA):
1) Client’s security service agent sends user informa-
tion to the third-party certification agency:
2) Third-party certification agency gets the user in-
formation (including user name, password, etc.) and
Table 1. Parameter description of ce rtification.
Abbreviation Content
AC Third-party certification agency
CSP Client’s security service agent
SSP Web server’s security service agent
Message The encrypted message that third-party
certification agency return to the client’s
security service agent
Key The encryption key that third-party certifi-
cation agency uses to encrypt the Message
IDc Client ID
IDs Web server ID
PWDc Client password
SOAP(Head, Body)SOAP message
COMPARE( ) Certification agency compares requestor’s
information with that in the database
compares them with that in the database:
3) After the comparison, if properly the third-party
certification agency will return a message encrypted with
the Key, and otherwise it will reject the user’s authentic-
cation request.
CCSPSOAP Message (3)
4) The third-party certification agency sends the Key
used to e ncrypt th e Message to the Web server:
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
3.3. Web Server’s User Authentication of SIMSA
When the client’s security service agent receives the en-
crypted Message that the third-party certification agency
returns, the client can use the Message to invoke the Web
service in the server. The SOAP message that client's
security service agent sends to the Web server’s security
service agent includes the client ID and Message, and its
formal description is:
:,,CSPSSPSOAPHeadIDcMessageBody (5)
When the SOAP message including the client ID and
the Message reaches the Web server’s security service
agent, the security service agent must verify the SOAP
message whether the client has the permission to call the
Web service. In the process it will verify whether the ID
included in the Message is the same as the client claims,
if they are the same client could invoke the Web service.
A user authentication policy is designed in the server’s
security service agent for the authentication of the client
ID. The user authentication policy is shown in Figure 2.
The process of Web server’s user authentication is:
1) Extract the Key used to encrypt Message from the
SOAP message that third-party certification agency sends.
2) Extract the client ID and Message from the SOAP
message that client sends.
3) Use the Key to decrypt the Message and extract the
client ID that the Message contains.
Figure 2. User Authentication Policy.
4) Verify whether the ID that client claims is the same
as that in the Message, if they are the same, the client
will be allowed to call the Web service, otherwise au-
thentication will fail.
3.4. Security Service Agent of SIMSA Model
After the user’s request passes through the identity vali-
dation in the Web server, a connection is established be-
tween the Web server and client, and customers can call
the Web service. In order to ensure the security of Web
services exchanged between heterogeneous platforms, the
SOAP messages transmitted between the server and cli-
ent must be handled safely. The security service agent
module of SIMSA implements these security require-
ments, and it achieves security interaction of end to end
in message-level mainly through the security extension
of SOAP message. This module is to realize the signa-
ture and encryption of SOAP message. Figure 3 shows
the security service agent module of SIMSA.
To formally descript the security interaction process of
SOAP messages between heterogeneous platforms, Ta-
ble 2 defines the relevant parameters and their functions.
The simplest form of security interaction of SOAP
message is that a signed and encrypted Web service re-
quest M1 is sent to the server security service agent from
the client security service agent and corresponding to
that the server security service agent will return a re-
sponse message M2 which has been handled safely to the
client security service agent. The security interaction pro-
Table 2. Parameter description of security interaction in
heterogeneous platform.
Abbreviation Content
S,C Web server and client built on different
Cc Client certificate
Cs Server certificate
Pu(cert) Public key of cert
Pr(cert) Private key o f cert
Mes SOAP Message
S(Pr(cert), Mes) Use the private key of cert to sign the Mes
Dm The digital signature of Mes
VS(Mes, Pu(cert), Dm)Use the public key of cert to validate the
digital signature of Mes
E(Pu(cert), Mes) Use the public key of cert to encrypt the
DE(Pr(cert), Mes) Use the private key of cert to decrypt the
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 3. Security Service Agent Module.
cess of SOAP message can be formally described as:
1) Client request: encrypt and sign the request message.
:,,Pr,CSEPuCsMSCcM (6)
2) Server: verify the signature and decrypt the request
11 1
:, ,,Pr,SVSM PuCcDmDECsM (7)
3) Server response: encrypt and sign the response mes-
:,,Pr,SCEPuCcMS CsM (8)
4) Client: verify the signature and decrypt the response
22 2
:, ,,Pr,CVSMPu CsDmDECcM (9)
4. Security Interactive Example
The user authentication module and security service
agent module of the SIMSA are realized in this paper.
They implement the user authentication in heterogeneous
platforms and security extension of SOAP message dur-
ing the process of Web service interaction.
4.1. User Authentication Implementation
The client sends the request SOAP message to the third-
party certification agency. The message’s format is shown
in Figure 4, in which <authentication> shows the infor-
mation required certification agency to verify; <clien-
tID> specifies the client ID; <password> specifies client
password and <serverID> specifies server ID.
The third-party certification agency queries the data-
base to verify the client request SOAP message and after
that it returns an encrypted SOAP message including the
client ID and the encrypted Message to the client. The
message’s format is shown in Figure 5, in which <Mes-
sage> contains the encrypted information.
The third-party certification agency sends the encrypt-
tion key which is used to encrypt the Message to the
Web server. The encryption key can be used to decrypt
the Message in the user authentication security strategy
when the client calls the Web service. The SOAP mes-
sage’s format is shown in Figure 6.
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="
</ authentication>
env:Hea de
Figure 4. Client Request SOAP M essage.
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="
<Message>encrypted message…</Message>
</ ToClient>
Figure 5. SOAP message that certification agency returned
to the client.
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="
</ ToServer>
Figure 6. SOAP message that certification agency returned
to the server.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
<?xml version='1.0 ' encoding='utf-8'?>
<soaenv:Header xmlns:wsa="
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="
" soapenv:mustUnderst and="true">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://" />
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="
/2000 / 0 9/x m l dsig#r sa - sha1" />
<ds:Reference UR I="#id-8303462">
<ds:Transform Algorithm="
/2001/10/ xm l-exc-c14n#" />
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="
/2000 / 0 9/x m l dsig#sha1" />
<ds:KeyInfo Id="KeyId-11463270">
<wsse:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:wsu="http://
wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" wsu:Id="STRId-367156">
<ds:X509IssuerName>CN=Sample Client,OU=
Figure 7. Security SOAP Message.
4.2. SOAP Message Signed and Encrypted by
Security Service Agent
The SOAP message output from the server security ser-
vice agent is signed and encrypted. The signed part of the
message is shown in Figure 7. <ds:Signature> mainly
consists of three parts: <ds:SignedInfo>, <ds:Signature
Value> and <ds:KeyInfo>. <ds:SignedInfo> also contains
three parts including <ds:SignatureMethod>, <ds:Digest
Method> and <ds:DigestValue>. <ds:SignatureMethod>
indicates the algorithm that signature used; <ds:Digest
Method> indicates the algorithm need to be used to ge-
nerate the abstract data; <ds:DigestValue> specifies the
abstract data. <ds: SignatureValue > points out the sig-
nature value. <ds:KeyInfo> shows the information of the
certificate which signature uses, including the data of the
X.509 certificate and the information of the certificate p u-
blisher. <soapenv:Body> contains only one element
named <xenc:EncryptedData> which indicates the en-
crypted information. As the encrypted information is too
large, the part of the information is omitted.
From Figure 7 it can be seen that the SOAP message
has been successfully signed and encrypted which en-
sures the security of SOAP messages transmitted be-
tween different platforms.
5. Conclusions
SOA promotes the application and integration of infor-
mation technology, but the security of application and
integration is much more complex. In connection with
SOA application and integration practice, the security
issues of Web service in the SOA architecture have been
proposed. In order to solve these issues, a security inter-
active model of heterogeneous platform named SIMSA
is designed. This model realizes security requirements
during the process of calling Web services in heteroge-
neous platform. By making client authentication, signing
and encrypting SOAP message in the process of Web
service interaction in heterogeneous platform, it achieves
the security interaction of Web service in heterogeneous
platform, which greatly enhances Web service’s security
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