Journal of Information Security, 2011, 2, 50-58
doi:10.4236/jis.2011.21005 Published Online January 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Experimental Evaluation of Juniper Network’s
Netscreen-5GT Security Device against Layer4 Flood
Sanjeev Kumar, Raja Sekhar Reddy Gade
Network Security Research Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
The University of Texas–Pan American, Edinburg, USA
Received September 29, 2010; revised December 11, 2010; accepted January 15, 2011
Cyber attacks are continuing to hamper working of Internet services despite increased use of network secu-
rity systems such as firewalls and Intrusion protection systems (IPS). Recent Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attacks on Dec 8th, 2010 by Wikileak supporters on Visa and Master Card websites made headlines
on prime news channels all over the world. Another famous DDoS attacks on Independence Day weekend,
on July 4th, 2009 were launched to debilitate the US and South Korean governments’ websites. These attacks
raised questions about the capabilities of the security systems that were used in the network to counteract
such attacks. Firewall and IPS security systems are commonly used today as a front line defense mechanism
to defend against DDoS attacks. In many deployments, performances of these security devices are seldom
evaluated for their effectiveness. Different security devices perform differently in stopping DDoS attacks. In
this paper, we intend to drive the point that it is important to evaluate the capability of Firewall or IPS secu-
rity devices before they are deployed to protect a network or a server against DDoS attacks. In this paper, we
evaluate the effectiveness of a security device called Netscreen 5GT (or NS-5GT) from Juniper Networks
under Layer-4 flood attacks at different attack loads. This security device NS-5GT comes with a feature
called TCP-SYN proxy protection to protect against TCP-SYN based DDoS attacks, and UDP protection
feature to protect against UDP flood attacks. By looking at these security features from the equipments data
sheet, one might assume the device to protect the network against such DDoS attacks. In this paper, we con-
ducted real experiments to measure the performance of this security device NS-5GT under the TCP SYN and
UDP flood attacks and test the performance of these protection features. It was found that the Juniper’s
NS-5GT mitigated the effect of DDoS traffic to some extent especially when the attack of lower intensity.
However, the device was unable to provide any protection against Layer4 flood attacks when the load ex-
ceeded 40Mbps. In order to guarantee a measured level of security, it is important for the network managers
to measure the actual capabilities of a security device, using real attack traffic, before they are deployed to
protect a critical information infrastructure.
Keywords: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), TCP-SYN Flood Attack, TCP-SYN Proxy Protection,
Firewall Security, UDP Flood Attack
1. Introduction
Internet is the foremost leading media for multimedia
information exchange today. However, the ease of Inter-
net communication comes with the threat of security
attacks, which are known to disrupt such communica-
tions over Internet. As recently as Dec. 8th, 2010, the
servers of Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and several others
were brought down by the supporters of WikiLeaks us-
ing DDoS attacks [1]. On August 6th 2009, servers like
Twitter, Facebook, Live journal, Google’s Blogger and
Youtube were under DDoS attacks, where Twitter was
down for several hours [2]. According to CSI Computer
and Security Survey 2008, Firewall type of security tech-
nology was used by 94% of the organizations [3]. Many
manufacturers are designing firewalls and advanced se-
curity devices to provide increased protection for their
customers from different types of attacks. Despite wide-
spread use of firewalls to protect corporate and govern-
ment websites, the damage caused by the denial of ser-
vice attacks do not seem to have gone away completely.
The DDoS attacks, launched during Wikileaks related
events starting Dec. 8th, 2010, and the Independence Day
DDoS attacks on July 4th, 2009 launched against US and
South Korean government websites [4], are now
prompting many network managers to question the per-
formance of their firewalls, IPS or other Internet security
devices being used in defending against such DDoS at-
tacks [5-13]. In this paper, we evaluate performance of
Juniper Network’s NetScreen NS-5GT Internet security
device [14,15] to measure its effectiveness in defending
against two popular layer-4 DDoS attacks, namely the
TCP-SYN and UDP flood attacks. The rest of the paper
is organized as follows: Section 2 has a discussion on the
TCP and UDP flood attacks that are evaluated in this
paper, and the protection mechanisms offered by the Ju-
niper Network’s NS-5GT security device to protect
against these two DDoS attacks. Section 3 provides de-
tail of experimental setup, different scenarios of protec-
tion used in the experiments, and discussion on respec-
tive results. Section 4 concludes the paper.
2. Juniper’s Netscreen NS-5gt Internet
Security Device
The Juniper’s NetScreen 5GT (NS-5GT) is an Internet
Security device that combines functionalities of firewall,
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), VPN and traffic
shaping functions [14,15]. NS-5GT device is an enter-
prise class security solution designed to defend against
various security attacks including layer-4 DDoS attacks
such as TCP-SYN flood or UDP-flood attacks.
2.1. TCP-SYN Flood Attack
In this type of DDoS attack, the attacker sends a flood of
TCP-SYN packets with spoofed addresses. The server
responds with corresponding SYN-ACK packets which
are never answered with the final ACK packets.
This results in establishment of numerous half open
connections at the victim computer (Figure 1), which
causes excessive consumption of computing resources of
the victim computer. This type of DDoS attack is called
TCP-SYN flood attack. During this attack, legitimate
client connections are dropped as a result of lack of
computing resource at the victim computer.
Figure 1. TCP SYN flood attack.
2.2. Protection Provided by NetScreen NS-5GT
against TCP-SYN Based DDoS Attacks
The security device NS-5GT from Juniper Networks
provides protection against TCP-SYN based DDoS at-
tacks by using a mechanism called SYN Proxy protec-
tion method [14,15]. According to this mechanism, the
NS-5GT Internet security device is placed between the
server (that needs to be protected) and the Internet. In
this position, the NS-5GT does the proxy on behalf of the
server and participates in the initial TCP 3-Way Hand-
shake process (Figure 2) to authenticate genuine client
connections to the server.
According to this protection mechanism, first a SYN
attack threshold is set in the NS-5GT, which is an upper
limit on the number of SYN segments permitted throu gh
the device per second. If this threshold is exceeded, then
the NS-5GT starts to proxy on behalf of the server and
directly participates in 3-way handsh ake with the clients,
to establish a legitimate connection . The NS-5GT replies
with SYN_ACK to the initial SYN segments arriving
from the clients, and hence opening up a number of half
open connections. In the case of genuine client connec-
tions, the final ACK segment is sent from the client, and
upon receiving it the security device NS-5GT forwards it
to the server for establishment of a secure TCP connec-
tion. If the final ACK segment doesn’t arrive then the
half open connection at the intermediate NS-5GT device
is terminated or timed out.
2.3. UDP Flood Attack
UDP is another common Layer-4 traffic on internet.
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Figure 2. SYN Proxy protection [15].
However unlike TCP traffic, the Web-servers do not re-
ceive a lot of UDP traffic. During UDP flood attacks, a
flood of UDP packets are sent to the victim computers
either on specified ports or on random ports. The victim
computer or server processing those UDP packets replies
with valid information, if there is an applicatio n available
on the specified port, otherwise the victim computer
sends “ICMP Destination Unreachable” message to the
spoofed sender. UDP flood attacks can also consume
computing resources on the victim system besides the
bandwidth. The Juniper’s NetScreen NS-5GT security
device also has a protection feature that claims to protect
against UDP flood attacks. In this paper, we measure the
capability of the NS-5GT to defend against UDP flood
2.4. Protection Provided by NetScreen NS-5GT
against UDP-Flood Based DDoS Attacks
The NetScreen 5GT provides protection against UDP
flood attacks by monitoring the rate of incoming UDP
datagrams to the NS-5GT. The security device NS-5GT
passes the UDP datagrams only if a policy permits them.
For example, as shown in Figure 3, the UDP packet can
be targeted to a DNS server.
In the case of attack, the attacker sends a flood of UDP
datagrams to a DNS server, which rides IP packets with
spoofed source addresses. The security device protects
against this type of UDP flood attack by imp osing a limit
on the maximum rate i.e. the maximum number of UDP
datagrams that can be allowed to pass through the secu-
rity device per second. After the threshold is crossed, the
security device NS-5GT starts dropping all UDP data-
grams from all source addresses and destined to the same
subnet for the remaining second and also for the next
successive second. During this time period when the
threshold is enabled, the UDP packets from the legiti-
mate clients are also dropped. Thus the dropping of all
UDP datagrams stays in effect, as long the threshold
limit stays violated by the flood of incoming UDP pack-
3. Experimental Setup and Measurements
For experiments, an evaluation network was set up in a
controlled lab environment as shown in Figure 4, where
we launched a TCP-SYN attack and UDP flood attack to
measure the performance of Juniper’s Netscreen 5GT
Security Device. The number of client connections es-
tablished per second to the server was used as the per-
formance parameter in these experiments. In these ex-
periments, we measured the number of client connec-
tions per second against different loads of attack traffic.
To compare the effectiveness of the security device, the
performance was evaluated with and without respective
protections being enabled on the NS-5GT security device
to stop the flood attacks from reaching the server. For
this experiment, along with the Juniper Networks NS-5GT
security device, the Windows Server 2003 with Intel®
XeonTM 3GHz Processor a n d 4 GB R AM w ere used.
Figure 3. UDP flood protection method used by NS-5GT [15].
Figure 4. Experimental setup to evaluate the effectiveness of Juniper’s NT-5GT security device.
The set up in Figure 4 shows the legitimate HTTP cli-
ents that connect to the server through the security device
NS-5GT. Furthermore, the attacker’s network is used to
simulate the Distributed Denial of Attack (DDoS) attack
with the attack traffic being sent with spoofed addresses.
Since the Juniper’s NS-5GT security device system sup-
ported an interface of 100Mbps for internet traffic, the
security device was subjected to a range of layer-4 attack
traffic load up to 100Mbps.
Prior to starting the experiments, we first measure the
baseline performance of the security device NS-5GT in
supporting the maximum number of stable client connec-
tions per second in the absence of any attack traffic. In the
absence of any attack traffic, the maximum number of
stable client connection rate established with the server
through the NS-5GT security device was measured to be
600 connections per second (baseline performance of the
NS-5GT security device).
3.1. TCP SYN Attack on Server without
Protection Enabled on Juniper’s NS-5GT
Security Device
In this case, the security device NS-5GT was setup with
no proxy protection enabled against TCP-SYN attacks. A
stable connection rate of 600 legitimate client connec-
tions per second was established with the server during
the experiment. The TCP-SYN attack, with the attack
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
load varying from 10 Mbps to 100Mbps was launched on
the server with no SYN proxy protection enabled at the
NS-5GT security device. We measured the number of
connections per second formed with the end server
through the NS-5GT under different loads of TCP-SYN
flood attack (Figure 5).
Based on the experimental measurements, it was found
that the number of legitimate client connection rate was
brought down to around 176 connections/sec from the
baseline rate of 600 connections/sec under the TCP-SYN
attack load of only 15 Mbps. Furthermore, the number of
legitimate client connections was brought down to zero
when the attack load was increased to 20 Mbps. The
number of client connection rate established with the
server through the NS-5GT security device (used as a
gateway) at different attack loads is shown in Figure 5.
3.2. TCP-SYN Attack on Server with SYN-Proxy
Protection Enabled on Juniper’s NS-5GT
Security Device
In this case, the SYN Proxy protection was enabled on
the NS-5GT, with default threshold value on the number
of TCP SYN permitted through the security device. De-
spite enabling of the SYN proxy protection, we found
that the client connections rate dropped to zero at 45
Mbps of SYN flood attack traffic load as shown in Fig-
ure 6.
Based on the measurements done for the client con-
nection rate that can be su pported with and without TCP
proxy protection enabled at the Juniper’s NS-5GT secu-
rity device, such comparison is shown in Figure 7. The
green bar on the left in Figure 7 shows the number of
successful client connections formed per second without
SYN proxy protection enabled at the NS-5GT, whereas
the blue bar on the right in Figure 7 shows the number
of successful client connections formed per second with
SYN proxy protection enabled at the Juniper’s NS-5GT
security device.
On one hand, it can be seen that without SYN-proxy
protection being enabled at the NS-5GT security device,
the legitimate client connection rate fell sharply to zero
around 20 Mbps of TCP-SYN attack traffi c. On the other
hand, it can be seen that when the SYN-proxy pro tection
Figure 5. Client connection rate under different TCP-SYN attack loads with no protection enabled on NS-5GT.
Figure 6. Client connection rate under different TCP-SYN attack loads with SYN-proxy protection enabled on NS- 5GT.
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Figure 7. Connections per second compared with and without SYN Proxy protection enabled on the Juniper’s NS-5GT secu-
rity device.
was enabled at the Juniper’s NS-5GT security device, it
took 45 Mpbs of TCP-SYN attack traffic to completely
deny legitimate client connections through the Juniper’s
Netscreen 5GT security device.
Comparative study and results (Figure 7) show that the
security effectiveness provided by the Juniper’s NS-5GT
security device is very marginal in improving the client
connection rate, and almost ineffective in protecting
against TCP-SYN attacks of higher intensity exceeding
45 Mbps. It is obvious that the security device NS-5GT
from Juniper Networks is not capable enough to protect
against high intensity TCP-SYN attacks despite offering
protection features against such attacks.
3.3. UDP Flood Attack on Server without
UDP-Flood Protection Enabled on Juniper’s
NS-5GT Security Device
In this case, we study the effectiveness of the Juniper’s
security device NS-5GT in protecting against UDP flood
attack. For comparison of its protection mechanism, we
consider two scenarios to measure the effect of security
provided by the NS-5GT on the connection rate–first
scenario, when the UDP flood attack is launched without
enabling the UDP flood protection at NS-5GT. Second
scenario, when the UDP flood attack is launched after
enabling the UDP flood protection at NS-5GT. In this
section, we cover the first scenario when the security
device NS-5GT was setup with no UDP-flood protection,
and the server maintained an initial (baseline) client
connection rate of 600 connections per second during the
experiments. The UDP flood attack traffic varying from
10 Mbps to 100 Mbps in steps of 10 Mbps was sent to-
wards the server through the security device NS-5GT.
The effect of attack traffic loads on the client connection
rate was measured and plotted in Figure 8.
When the server is flooded with the spoofed UDP traf-
fic, the UDP packet received by the server processes the
packets and checks for the application on the requested
port number. If there was no application found on that
requested port then the server sends the destination un-
reachable packet as reply for the received packets.
Results in Figure 8 show that the number of client
connections dropped to half of its maximum baseline
capacity under UDP flood attack load of 35 Mbps. Fur-
thermore, without UDP flood protection on the NS-5GT
security device, no client connection could be established
under UDP att ack loa d o f 40 M bps or higher.
3.4. UDP Flood Attack on Server with UDP
Flood Protection Enabled on Juniper’s
Security Device NS-5GT
In this case, the UDP flood attack protection (Figure 3)
was enabled on the Juniper’s NS-5GT security device to
evaluate its effectiveness in mitigating the attack, and in
improving the number of client connections under UDP
flood attack conditions. In itially, in the absence of attack
conditions, the baseline client connection rate of 600
connections per second was maintained during the ex-
periment. The UDP flood attack load varying from 10
Mbps to 100 Mbps in steps of 10 Mbps was sent towards
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
the server, through the Juniper’s security device NS-5GT
gateway, in order to measure its effectiveness in pre-
venting the attack. The number of connections per sec-
ond was measured against different loads of attack.
When the UDP flood protection was enabled on the
Juniper Networks security device NS-5GT, it was found
that under an UDP attack traffic load of 30 Mbps, the
connection rate dropped from baseline connection rate of
600 connections/sec to around 373 connections /sec, i.e. a
decrease of arou nd 38% in the baseline performance.
Whereas, without such UDP flood protection being
enabled on the security device NS-5GT (Figure 8), only
97 connections/sec could be supported under the UDP
attack load of 30 Mbps i.e. around 84% decrease in the
baseline performance. The relative improvement in the
connection rate provided by the UDP protection mecha-
nism of the security device can be calculated as 46% for
the attack load of 30 Mbps. It can be seen that at lower
attack loads, there was some improvement in the connec-
tion rate provided by the security device NS-5GT, how-
ever when the UDP attack load was increased to 45Mbps
or higher, no client connections could be established i.e.
0% improvement in the connection rate despite claims of
providing protection ag ainst UDP attacks by the NS-5GT
security device.
The results show that the NS-5GT provides some pro-
tection against the UDP flood attack of lower intensity
(below 40 Mbps), however it is not effective in prevent-
ing against UDP flood attacks of higher intensity (i.e.
exceeding 40 Mbps).
Based on the measurements done for the number of
client connection rate that can be supported with and
without UDP flood protection enabled at the Juniper’s
NS-5GT security device, we show such comparison in
Figure 10. The green bars on the left in Figure 10 show
the number of successful client connections formed per
second when no UDP flood pro tection was enab led at th e
NS-5GT. Whereas the blue bars on the right in Figure 10
show the number of successful client connections formed
per second with UDP flood protection enabled at the
Juniper’s NS-5GT security device.
From Figure 10, it can be observed that without UDP
flood-protection enabled at the NS-5GT security device,
the client connection rate goes to almost zero at 35 Mbps
Figure 8. Client connections established under different UDP flood attack loads with no protection enabled on NS-5GT.
Figure 9. Client connections established under different UDP flood attack loads with UDP-protection enabled on NS-5GT.
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Figure 10. Comparison of Connection rate with and without UDP-flood protection enabled on the NS-5GT security device.
of UDP-flood attack traffic. Whereas when the UDP-flood
attack protection is enabled on the NS-5GT, the connec-
tion rate goes to zero at a little higher traffic load of 45
Mbps. The connection dro p rate is found to be somewhat
slower when the protection is enabled at the NS-5GT
security device for lower attack loads (Figure 10). Over-
all the protection provided by the security device
NS-5GT is marginal against preventio n of the UDP flood
attacks considered in this paper.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we evaluated the performance of a Juniper
Network security device NS-5GT to measure its effect-
tiveness in providing protection against Layer-4 TCP-
SYN and UDP based DDoS attacks. It was found that the
protection provided by NS-5GT was capable in defend-
ing to some extent against lower loads of TCP-SYN and
UDP based DDoS attacks, however at higher attack loads
exceeding 40 Mbps, the NS-5GT security device was not
capable of establishing client connections in the face of
such flood attacks. Despite the security protection of-
fered by the security device NS-5GT, the evaluation re-
sults showed the Juniper’s security device NS-5GT to be
of limited capability in preventing layer4 DDoS attacks.
The Juniper Network security device NS-5GT, claimed
to provide protection against TCP SYN attacks and UDP
flood attacks, however the protection was measured to be
not effective in defending against higher intensity of
such attacks exceeding 40 Mbps. Before deploying a
network security device to protect a critical information
infrastructure, it is important for the network administra-
tors to seek actual performance evaluation results from
the manufacturers to determine the actual capabilities of
the Internet security devices in prev enting against DDoS
5. Acknowledgements
This research work is based upon work supported in part
by US National Science Foundation under Grant No.
0421585. Authors would like to thank Hari Vallela-
cheruvu and Sirisha Surisetty of the networking research
lab for their helpful discussion and assistance with the
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