Journal of Information Security, 2011, 2, 28-38
doi:10.4236/jis.2011.21003 Published Online January 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
A Comparative Study of Related Technologies of Intrusion
Detection & Prevention Systems
Indraneel Mukhopadhyay1, Mohuya Chakraborty1, Satyajit Chakrabarti2
1Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India
2Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India
Received November 3, 2010; revised December 20, 2010; accepted January 10, 2011
The rapid growth of computer networks has changed the prospect of network security. An easy accessibility
condition causes computer networks to be vulnerable against numerous and potentially devastating threats
from hackers. Up to the moment, researchers have developed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) capable of
detecting attacks in several available environments. A boundlessness of methods for misuse detection as well
as anomaly detection has been applied. Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) evolved after that to resolve am-
biguities in passive network monitoring by placing detection systems on the line of attack. IPS in other
words is IDS that are able to give prevention commands to firewalls and access control changes to routers.
IPS can be seen as an improvement upon firewall technologies. It can make access control decisions based
on application content, rather than IP address or ports as traditional firewalls do. The next innovation is the
combination of IDS and IPS known as Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) capable of de-
tecting and preventing attacks from happening. This paper presents an overview of IDPS followed by their
classifications and applications. A new signature based IDPS architecture named HawkEye Solutions has
been proposed by the authors. Authors have presented the basic building blocks of the IDS, which include
mechanisms for carrying out TCP port scans, Tracero ute scan, ping scan and packet sniffing to monitor net-
work health detect various types of attacks. Real time implementation results of the system have been pre-
sented. Finally a comparative analysis of various existing IDS/IPS solutions with HawkEye Solutions em-
phasizes its significance.
Keywords: Advances of Network Security, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System, Haw-
kEye Solutions
1. Introduction
The Internet is a worldwide network of interconnected
computers enabling users to share information along
multiple channels. A computer connected to the Internet
is able to access information from a vast array of avail-
able servers and other computers by moving information
from them to former computer’s local memory. Common
uses of the Internet are Email, World Wide Web, remote
access, collaboration, streaming media and file sharing.
But nowadays malfunctions on the Web are increasing.
There are computer investment frauds, cyber crimes,
financial crimes, phishing scams, chatting (masquerading)
and crimes associated which share trading on Web.
Network Security consists of the provisions made in an
underlined computer network infrastructure and policies
adopted by the Network Administrator to protect the
network and network accessible resources from unau-
thorized access, consistent and continuous monitoring
and measurement of its effectiveness combined together.
In the last few years networking revolution has finally
come of age due to changing nature of Internet comput-
ing. However complete prevention of breaches of secu-
rity is unrealistic. Intrusion detection is the process of
monitoring the events occurring in a computer system/
network and analyzing them for signs of possible attacks,
which can lead to violations or imminent threats of vio-
lation of computer security policies, of the organization.
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is software that au-
tomates the intrusion detection process. An intrusion
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
prevention system (IPS) is software that has all the capa-
bilities of an intrusion detection system and can also at-
tempt to stop possible incidents. IDS and IPS technolo-
gies offer many of the same capabilities, and administra-
tors can usually disable prevention features in IPS prod-
ucts, causing them to function as IDSs. The co mbination
of IDS and IPS known as Intrusion Detection and Pre-
vention Systems (IDPS) is capable of detecting and pre-
venting attacks from happening. This paper presents an
overview of IDPS followed by their classifications and
applications. A new signature based IDPS architecture
named HawkEye Solutions has been proposed by the
1.1. Meaning of IDS/IPS
IDS generally do not react against occurred attacks and
usually have the state of informing administrator for oc-
currence of an intrusion and have several methods for
detecting attacks. Monitoring and analyzing network
activities, finding vulnerable parts in network and integ-
rity testing of sensitive and important data are few ex-
amples of IDS operations for intrusions detection [1].
Incidents have many causes, malware, attackers gaining
unauthorized access to systems, and authorized users of
systems who misuse their privileges or attempt to gain
additional privileges for which they are not authorized.
Many incidents are malicious in nature; many are not.
IPS on the other hand is software that has all the capa-
bilities of IDS and can attempts to stop possible incidents.
Accordingly, for brevity the term Intrus ion Detection and
Prevention Systems (IDPS) is used through out the rest of
this article to refer to both IDS and IPS technologies.
1.2. IDPS Components
Typical components of IDPS and their functionalities are
Sensor/Agent: Monitors and analyzes network ac-
tivity. The term sensor is used for IDPS that moni-
tor networks, including network-based, wireless,
and network behavior analysis technologies. The
term agent is used for host-based IDPS technolo-
Database Server: Used as a repository for event
information recorded by the sensors or agents
processed by the management server.
Management Server: Centralized device that re-
ceives; analyzes and manages event information
from the sensors/agents. It identifies events that the
sensors/agents cann o t.
Console: Provides an interface for the users and
administrators. Console software is typically in-
stalled onto standard computers providing both
administration and monitoring capabilities.
IDPS are differentiated by the types of events that they
can recognize and the methodologies that they use to
identify incidents. IDPS typically perform the following
Recording Information: Event information is usua-
lly recorded locally, and might also be sent to sep-
arate systems such as centralized logging servers,
security information and event management solu-
tions, and enterprise management systems.
Notifying Security Administrators: Alerts or alarms
occur when any of the following like-e-mails, web
pages, messages on the IDPS user interface, SNMP
traps, syslog messages, and user-defined programs,
are detected by the system. A simple notification
message includes basic information regarding an
event; administrators need to access the IDPS
Console for additional information in order to neu-
tralize them.
Producing Reports: Summarized reports of the
monitored events and/or action taken by the ad-
ministrator based on the details of the particular
1.3. Types of IDPS
IDPS perform extensive logging of data that is related to
detected events in the network. These data can then be
used to confirm the validity of alerts, investigate inci-
dents, and correlate events between the IDPS and other
logging sources [2].
Host-Based: Monitors the characteristics of a sin-
gle host and the events occurring within that host
for suspicious activity. Examples of the types of
characteristics a host-based IDPS might monitor
are network traffic, system logs, running processes,
application activity, file access and modification,
and system configuration changes. Host-based are
deployed on critical hosts such as publicly accessi-
ble servers and servers containing sensitive infor-
Network-Based: Monitors network traffic for par-
ticular network segments or devices and analyzes
the network and application protocol activity to
identify suspicious activity. It can identify many
different types of events of interest. It is mostly
deployed at a boundary between networks, virtual
private network servers, remote access servers, and
wireless networks.
Hybrid: Both host-based as well as network-based
IDPS may be used simultaneously.
Network Behavior Analysis (NBA): Examines net-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
work traffic to identify threats that generate un-
usual traffic flows, such as distributed denial of
service attacks, certain forms of malware, and pol-
icy violations. NBA systems are most often de-
ployed to monitor flows of the internal networks,
and are also sometimes deployed where they can
monitor flows between an organization’s internal
networks and external.
The organization of the paper is as follows. After the
introduction in Section 1, different techniques of intru-
sion detection is discussed in Section 2. Section 3 deals
with various types of analysis techniques performed by
IDPS. Section 4 highlights the related works that act as a
motivation for the proposed signature based IDPS archi-
tecture called HawkEye Solutions, whose architecture is
shown in Section 5. Working principle and features of
HawkEye Solutions are presented in Sections 6 and 7
respectively. Snapshots of real time implementation re-
sults are shown in Section 8. In Section 9 a comparative
analysis of various existing IDS/IPS solutions is made
with HawkEye Solutions that e mphasizes its significance.
Section 10 deals with issues and challenges faced by an
IDPS environment. Finally the article is concluded in
Section 11 with some highlight s on futu re works.
2. Techniques of Intrusion Detection
Many of the techniques used in attempting to detect in-
trusion are reviewed here in this section. The most
common ones are summarized below.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): Can be train ed
to recognize arbitrary patterns in input data, and
associate such patterns with an outcome, which can
be a binary indication of whether an intrusion has
occurred [3].
State Transition Tables: Describe a sequen ce of ac-
tions an intruder does in the form of a state transi-
tion diagram. When the behavior of the system
matches those states, an intrusion is detected [4].
Genetic Algorithms (GAs): Mimic the natural re-
production system in nature where only the fittest
individuals in a generation will be reproduced in
subsequent generations, after undergoing recombi-
nation and random change. The application of GAs
in IDS research appeared as early as 1995, and in-
volves evolving a signature that indicates intrusion
[5]. A related technique is the Learning Classifier
System (LCS), where binary rules are evolved, that
collectively recognizes patterns of intrusion.
Bayesian Network: A set of transition rules are
represented as probabilistic interdependencies in a
graphical model. Each node contains the state of
random variable and a conditio nal probability table,
which determine the probabilities of the node in a
state, given a state of its parent [6]. An advantage
of the approach is that it can deal with incomplete
Fuzzy Logic: A set of concepts and approaches de-
signed to handle vagueness and imprecision. A set
of rules can be created to describe a relationship
between the input variables and the output vari-
ables, which may indicate whether an intrusion has
occurred. Fuzzy logic uses membership functions
to evaluate the degree of truthfulness [7].
3. Types of Analysis Techniques
IDPS implementation uses a single technique or a com-
bination of two techniques among the commonly used
Code Analysis: Aims at identifying malicious ac-
tivity by analyzing attempts to execute code. For
example, code-behavior analysis can first execute
code in a virtual environment and compare its be-
havior to profiles or rules; buffer overflow detec-
tion identifies typical sequences of instructions th at
attempt to perform stack and heap buffer over-
Network Traffic Analysis and Filtering: Analyses
network, transport and application layer protocols
and include processing for common applications.
Sensors/Agents often include a host-based firewall
that can restrict incoming and outgoing traffic for
the system.
File System Monitoring: Includes a number of me-
thods, such as file integrity checking, file attribute
checking; these two methods can only determine
after-the-fact if the file has been changed. Some
sensors/agents typically those who use a small li-
brary the transparently intercepts, are able to mon-
itor all attempts to access critical files and stop at-
tempts that are suspicious. The current attempt is
compared against a set of policies regarding file
access and blocked if the type of access that has
been requested (read-write-execute) contradicts a
Log Analysis: Some sensors/agents can identify
malicious activity by monitoring and analyzing
system and application logs, which contain infor-
mation e.g., shutting down the system, starting a
service, application startup and shutdown, failures,
configuration changes.
Network Configuration Monitoring: Sensors are
able to monitor a host’s curren t network configura-
tion and detect changes to it. For example, network
interfaces being placed in promiscuous mode, ad-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
ditional TCP or UDP ports or unusual protocols
being used could indicate that the host has already
been compromised and is being configured for use
in future attacks or for transferring data.
Process Status Monitoring: Some host-based IDPSs
can monitor the status of the processes and services
running on a host; when they detect that one has
stopped, they restart automatically. This provides
protection against some forms of malware which
can sometimes disable antivirus software and the
Network Traffic Sanitization: This protection is
usually implemented by appliance-based IDPSs.
Sanitization of traffic may rebuild all requests and
responses directed to the host or coming from it,
thus neutralizing certain unusual activity, particu-
larly in packet headers and application protocol
headers. It can also reduce the amount of recon-
naissance the attackers can perform on the host, by
hiding OS fingerprints and application error mes-
Signature Based: Based on pattern matching. A
dictionary of known fingerprints is used and run
across a set of input. This dictionary contains a list
of known bad signatures, such as malicious net-
work payloads or the file contents of a worm ex-
ecutable. This database of signatures is the key to
the strength of the detection system, and its prow-
ess is a direct result of its speed. It uses network
payload signatures, as is used in network intrusion
detection systems [8]. The detection methods used
performs an evaluation of packet contents received
from the network, typically using passive capture
techniques. This can include matching signatures
based on payload contents measured by string
comparisons, application protocol analysis, or
network characteristics. Lists of unacceptable pat-
terns are compared against a list of network traffic
and alerts are issued when a match is found. The
biggest drawback to signature-based detection me-
thods is that they are reactionary; they rarely can
be used to detect a new worm.
Anomaly Based: In this model, computer behavior
is studied extensively under normal operating con-
ditions [9]. On compromise by a worm, virus, or
attacker, the system’s behavior is expected to
change. A monitoring system can detect these
changes and respond accordingly [10]. In this way,
the host is able to adapt to its normally changing
behavior while remaining responsive to new threats.
While such a system would prove to be nearly infi-
nitely adaptive the biggest challenge is the long
training time required to develop a reliable baseline
of behavior. This assumes that no anomalies occur
during this period.
4. Related Works
Easy accessibility condition in wireless networks causes
more vulnerability against wired networks. The level of
vulnerability has made it mandatory to adopt security
policies in wireless networks more now than before. In
centralized-IDPS, the analysis of data is performed at a
fixed number of locations. But in distributed-IDPS the
analysis of data is performed at a number of locations
that is commensurate to number of available systems in
the network. In ad-hoc-based wireless networks we are
forced to use distributed-IDPS because we cannot set of
fixed locations/hosts for using centralized IDS [11]. Re-
cently, new methods appear in distributed-IDS categories
known as Grid Intrusion Detection system, which uses
Grid Computing to detect intrusion packets [12].
Distributed intrusion detection is an ideal approach to
the detection of worm activities. As wo rms spread on the
network from host to host, they will quickly cover a large
network if left unchecked. As such, a disconnected set of
network-IDS monitors will generate an increasing num-
ber of alerts. However, with no central infrastructure, the
larger picture of a spreading worm will be difficult to
gain at an early enough time to contain the spread of the
worm [13].
Design of a robust security system should fulfill the
objectives of security like authenticity, confidentiality,
integrity, availability & non-repudiation. IDPS contains
modules to detect intrusion, filtering intrusion, trace-back
of intrusion origin, and prevention mechanism for theses
intrusions. This security system needs the robust auto-
mated auditing and intelligent reporting mechanism and
robust prevention techniques. The system should be di-
vided into three sub-systems:
Intrusion Detection System
Backtracking of Intrusion Source
Prevention Techniques
The components of the intrusion detection and preven-
tion system are shown in Figure 1. The rule based intel-
ligent intrusion detection and prevention model contains
a scheduler to prepare schedule to check different logs
for possible intrusions, and detectors to detect normal or
abnormal activity. If activity is normal then standard
alarming and reporting would be executed.
If abnormal activity is found then the rule engine
checks the rule to detect intrusion point and type of in-
trusion. The model also contains an expert system to
detect source of intrusion and suggests best possible
prevention technique and suitable controls for different
intrusions. This model also uses security audit as well as
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 1. Components of IDPS.
alarming and reporting mechanisms. The malicious ac-
tivity database is stored for future intrusion detection. To
detect the source by tracking, backward chaining ap-
proach is used. The rules are defined and are stored in
the Rule Engine of the system. Intrusion points & types
are passed to the expert system. Expert system evaluates
that data with known malicious activity database and
detects the source using backward chaining approach.
After detecting source, system suggests the different
prevention techniques. For this robust security system
the authors use intelligent models like expert system.
Expert systems are the most common form of Artifi-
cial Intelligence app lied today in intrusion detection sys-
tem. An expert system consists of a set of rules that en-
code the knowledge of a human “expert”. These rules are
used by the system to make conclusions about the secu-
rity-related data from the intrusion detection system.
Expert system permits the incorporation of an extensive
amount of human experience into a computer application
and then utilizes that knowledg e to identify activities that
match the defined characteristics of misuse and attack.
Expert system detects intrusions by encoding intrusion
scenarios as a set of rules. These rules replicate the par-
tially ordered sequence of actions that include the intru-
sion scenario. Some rules may be applicable to more
than one intrusion scenario. Rule-based programming is
one of the most commonly used techniques for develop-
ing expert systems. Rule based analysis relies on sets of
predefined rules that can be repeatedly applied to a col-
lection of facts and that are provided by an administrator,
automatically created by the system or both. Facts repre-
sent conditions that describe a certain situation in the
audit records or directly fro m system activity monitoring
& rules represent heuristics th at define a set of actions to
be executed in a given situation & describe known intru-
sion scenario(s) or generic techniques. The rule then fires.
It may cause an alert to be raised for a system adminis-
trator. Alternatively, some automated response, such as
terminating that user’s session, block user’s account will
be taken. Normally, a rule firing will result in additional
assertions being added to the fact base. They, in turn,
may lead to additional rule-fact bindings. This process
continues until there are no more rules to be fired. Con-
sider the intrusion scenario in which two or more unsuc-
cessful authentication attempts are made in a period of
time shorter than it would take a human to present bio-
metric info in the login information at biometric sensor.
If the rule or rules for this scenario fire, then suspicion
level of specific user can get increased. The system may
raise an alarm or report ‘freeze action’ to the named
user’s account. Account freeze would be entered into the
fact database.
The model suggested in this paper is useful to detect
the intrusion and also contains an expert system to detect
source of intrusion and suggests best possible prevention
technique and suitable controls for different intrusions.
This model also uses security audit as well as alarming
and reporting mechanisms. The malicious activity data-
base is stored for future intrusion d etection. To detect the
source by tracking, backward chaining approach is used.
The rules are defined and are stored in the Rule engine of
the system. The intelligent model uses AI and expert
system is backbone of this system.
5. Architecture of HawkEye Solutions
The architecture of HawkEye Solutions is focused on
performance, simplicity, and flexibility. The architecture
comparison between standard IDPS and HawkEye Solu-
tions is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2(a) shows the stan-
dard IDPS Architecture and Figure 2(b) shows Hawk-
Eye Solutions Architecture.
The different c omponent s of Haw kEye Solut i ons a re:
Sensors/agents monito r and analyze activities.
Management server is a centralized device which
receives and manages information from the sensors
or agents.
Database server is a repository for event informa-
tion recorded by sensors, agents, and/or manage-
ment servers.
Console provides an interface for IDPS’s users and
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) works as the primary
filter, which has the normal security software’s
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 2. Standard IDPS vs. HawkEye solutions architecture. (a) Standard IDPS architecture; (b) HawkEye solutions
loaded, but for a network it does not mean that the
network is safe from attacks. So IDPS is imple-
mented in both the DMZ and also in the network
where the sensors/agents monitor attacks. In nor-
mal IDPS the DMZ is not available.
Till date research on IPS dealt with the level of threat-
risk assessment on the attacked asset based via Hidden
Markov Model (HMM) and Fuzzy Risk Assessment [14].
But work must be done to deal with real data with better
HMM model. Kalman filter and its integration with
agents/sensor s could be a good option [15], in th is direc-
tion the authors have simulated a DoS attack and then
used a Kalman Filter to detect foreign intrusion in the
network. The filter worked on the data provided by the
network router. In the simulation it was seen that due to
the use of Kalman Filter with the in crease in the number
of observations, higher was the estimation accuracy.
Kalman filter showed a stabilized oscillation around a
constant positive value. It proved that the illegitimate
scan activities are mainly caused by a worm infection. If
the illegitimate scan traffic is caused by non-worm noise,
the traffic does-not grow exponentially, and the esti-
mated value of infection rate would either fluctuate
without any point or band of convergence, or it would
oscillate around zero.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
6. Working Principle of HawkEye Solutions
This section deals with the working principle of Hawk-
Eye Solutions. The various steps followed by HawkEye
Solutions are as follows:
An event record is created. This occurs when an
action happens; such as packets of data transmit-
ting in the network or even a file is opened or a
program is executed like the text editor like Mi-
crosoft Word. The record is written into a file that
is usually protected by the operating system trusted
computing base.
The target agent transmits the file to the command
console. This happens at predetermined time inter-
vals over a sec ure connection .
The detection engine, configured to match patterns
of misuse, processes the file.
A log is created that becomes the data archive for
all the raw data that will be used in prosecution.
An alert is generated. When a predef ined pattern is
recognized, such as access to a mission critical file,
an alert is forwarded to a number of various sub-
systems for notification, response, and storage.
The security flag/message are sent i.e. notified.
A response is generated. The response subsystem
matches alerts to predefined responses or can take
response commands from the security officer. Re-
sponses include reconfiguring the system, shutting
down a target, logging off a user, or disabling an
The alert is stored. The storage is usually in the
form of a database. Some systems store statistical
data as well as alerts.
The raw data is transferred to a raw data archive.
This archive is cleared periodically to reduce the
amount of di sk space use d.
Reports are generated. Reports can be a summary
of the alert activity.
Data forensics is used to locate long-term trends
and behavior is analyzed using both the stored data
in the database and th e raw event log archive.
The flow diagram of the steps discussed above is
shown in Figure 3. The lifecycle of an event recorded
through the proposed architecture is advantageous as
everything hap-pens in real-time. The disadvantage is
that the end users suffer from system performance deg-
7. Features of HawkEye Solutions
This section describes the various features of HawkEye
Figure 3. Flow diagram of working principle of HawkEye
Solutions that has been developed viz., Ping Scan, Trace
Route Scan, TCP Scan and Packet Sniffing.
7.1. Ping Scan
The Internet Ping command bounces a small packet off a
domain or IP address to test network communications,
and then tells how long the packet took to make the
round trip [16]. The Ping command is one of the most
commonly used utilities on the Internet by both people
and automated programs for conducting the most basic
network test, which is to test whether one computer can
reach another computer on the network, and if so the
time it takes. It works by sending a small packet of in-
formation containing an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to a
specified computer, which then sends an ECHO_REPLY
packet in return [17].
7.2. Trace Route Scan
The Trace Route scan traces the network path of Internet
routers that packets take as they are forwarded from your
computer to a destination address. The “length” of the
network connection is indicated by the number of Inter-
net routers in the trace route path. Trace routes can be
useful to diagnose slow network connections. For exam-
ple, if one can usually reach an Internet site but it is slow
today, then a trace route to that sites should show you
one or more hops with either long times or marked with
“*” indicating the time was really long.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
7.3. TCP Scan
The process of scanning TCP ports involves probing
each and every port for a specific domain name to check
the status of the ports so as to determine which ports are
open, closed or dropped. It will enable the network ad-
ministrator to also view the services by which the con-
cerned domain name is connected with the host computer
7.4. Packet Sniffing
A Sniffer is a program that eavesdrops on the network
traffic by grabbing information traveling over a network.
A packet sniffer, sometimes referred to as a network
monitor or network analyzer, can be used legitimately by
a network or system administrator to monitor and trou-
bleshoot network traffic. Using the information captured
by the packet sniffer an administrator can identify erro-
neous packets and use the data to pinpoint bottlenecks
and help maintain efficient network data transmission.
In its simple form a packet sniffer simply captures all
of the packets of data that pass through a given network
interface. Typically, the packet sniffer would only cap-
ture packets that were intended for the machine in ques-
tion. However, if placed into promiscuous mode, the
packet sniffer is also capable of capturing packets trav-
ersing the network regardless of destination.
8. Implementation Results
This section provides the real time implementation re-
sults of HawkEye Solutions for trace route scan and ab-
normal packet detection through its packet sniffing util-
Figure 4 shows the screenshot of trace route scan. On
selecting the Trace Route Scan option, a textbox appears
on the right hand panel that requests the user to enter the
IP address or URL of the destination to be traced. The
output consists of 3 columns corresponding to each rou-
ter or hop. Each of the 3 columns is a response from the
concerned router in terms of how long it took (each hop
is tested 3 times). The result of the scan is shown in the
output text box and is automatically saved into the log
file ScanTrace.txt. Figure 5 shows the screenshot of
packet sniffing utility. On selecting the Packet Sniffer
option and on clicking the Start button, the sniffing of
packets starts with the packet details and data of each
packet shown instantane ously. The information shown in
the figure includes the details of Ethernet header, IP
header and TCP/UDP header [20]. The packet sniffer also
detects the abnormal packets (if any) and the cause for
the abnormality for individual packets. The screenshot of
the result is shown in Figure 6. These are displayed
Figure 4. Screenshot of trace route scan of HawkEye solutions.
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Figure 5. Screenshot of packet sniffing utility of HawkEye solutions.
Figure 6. Screenshot of abnormal packet detection by HawkEye solutions.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
along with the total count of abnormal packets discov-
ered up to that instant. The data contained in the packet
is displayed in the hexadecimal and string format. The
result of the scan is shown in the output text box and is
automatically saved in to the log file sniffer.txt.
9. Comparative Analysis
A comparative analysis of HawkEye Solutions with other
signature-based IDS/IPS solutions like Snort Inline,
Strataguard, IntruPro IPS, and Packet Alarm [21] is made.
Table 1 shows the comparative analysis chart vis-à-vis
design parameters that include IDS as well as IPS. The
table clearly in dicates that HawkEye Solutio ns at it stands
today is able to meet some of the design parameters that
are not met by IntruPro IPS like personalized rule crea-
tion and vulnerab ilities scanner.
Features of HawkEye Solutions which scores over other
available IDS/IPS are:
Capturing packets, organized by TCP or UDP
Passively monitoring network.
Packet viewing and logging in Hex-format.
Detection of abnormal packet on comparison with
benchmark ones and stating cause of abnormality.
In case of abnormality the Source IP address can
be traced.
The Ping Scan and Packet Sniffing utility the user has a
chance of detecting an IP Spoofing. Detected IP can be
10. Issues and Challenges
Majority of the past research employed analysis was
based on data sourced from audit trails, system calls and
network traffic. In the network traffic, most research
studies looked at the packet header for analysis. Some
other research analyzed the payload. Analyzing the
packet header is prone to IP address spoofing, while
analyzing the payload is prone to data encryption. Sev-
eral papers also presented the kernel as a data source [22].
IDS assume that signatures of the malware would remain
unchanged during the malware’s lifetime at present. But
if the malware code mutates then the detector (IDS/IDPS)
cannot recognize the signature until the new signature
has been integrated with its database [23 ].
11. Conclusions
It is not realistic to accept that IDPS should be capable of
detecting all attacks and also pr event them from happen-
ing. Perfect detection and prevention is simply not an
attainable goal given the complexity and rapid evolution
in both attacks and systems. Nowadays even malware
developers are creating self mutating worms, which are
very hard to detect even for an IDPS. In this article a new
type of signature based IDPS–HawkEye Solutions has
been discussed which can detect abnormal packets, blocks
Table 1. Comparison of different IDS with HawkEye solutions vis-à-vis design parameters.
Performance Analysis of various IDS/IPS
Design Parameters Snort Inline
(IDS) Strata Guard
(IDS) IntruPro
Packet Alarm
Anomalies Detection.
Firewall Inclusion
IP Tunnels Inspection
IPv6 Support
Protection against DoS Attack
Personalized Rule Creation
Automatic Rules Actualization
Vulnerabilities Scanner
Multi-sensor Management
Secure Management (SSH/HTTPS)
Remote Management
Reports Generation
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
attacking IP addresses and generates reports. Much work
is yet to be done on this solution that shou ld fulfill mon-
itoring of network traffic, creation of per-flow packet
traces and adaptive learning of intrusion, inclusion of
firewall. It should be able to capture a wide variety of
hard-to-see protocol-bug-based attacks, SYN Flood,
Land, Teardrop, Smurf and whatever has not been in-
vented yet.
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