P. B. S. Denise et al. / Health 5 (2013) 9-13
tabolism vegetal.
The result of this research indicates differences among
hybrid and local maize commercialized in three states of
Mexico about the presence of recombinant protein (Bt-
The effectiveness of Bt maize expressing the Cry1Ab/
Cry1Ac in reducing aflatoxin contamination was not ob-
served under climatic conditions of three states of Mex-
ico, therefore, the additive effects of aflatoxins contami-
nation in maize Bt-Cry need to be further investigated in
cancer disease development.
We observed an improvement of nutrient composition
in hybrid maize with Bt proteins, and a decrease in tan-
nins content in comparison with some local varieties.
The immunological test strips for the identification of
proteins Bt-Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac are efficient and fast.
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