Synthesis, Growth, Crystal Structure and Characterization of the o-Toluidinium Picrate
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCPT
Figure 8. Fluorescence emission spectrum of OTP.
was synthesized and the single crystals of it were grown
by slow evaporation solution growth technique using
methanol as the solvent. FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR spec-
tral techniques confirm the molecular structure of OTP
and also bring forth the evidence for the prevalent charge
transfer activity in the complex salt. The single crystal
XRD study reveals that OTP crystallizes in monoclinic
crystal system with P21/c space group. UV-Vis-NIR
transmittance study shows that the attained percentage of
transmission was around 97% for OTP complex in the
region between 500 - 1100 nm. Hence the title crystal is
a good candidate for suitable optical applications. Fluo-
rescence emission study shows that OTP crystal has a
green-orange fluorescence emission.
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