Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2013, 4, 86-90
doi:10.4236/jsip.2013.43B015 Published Online August 2013 (
Combined Dictionary Learning in Facial Expression
Ziyang Zhang, Kaamran Raahemifar
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
Received April, 2013.
Dictionary learning has been applied to face recognition and gets good results. However few works applied dictionary
learning in facial expression recognition. This p aper investigates th e application of K-SVD in facial expression recog ni-
tion. Since K-SVD focuses on reconstru ction and lacks discriminant capability. It has similar classification performance
with image pixel values. To address this problem, this paper proposes a Combined Dictionary Scheme, which u ses com-
bination of separate dictionaries. This yields better performance than the original single dictionary scheme in terms of
both recognition rate and computation complexity.
Keywords: Facial expression Recognition; Dictionary Learning; K-SVD
1. Introduction
Emotion Recognition is an area that witnessed great
amount of research efforts. Driven by the prospect that
computer can fully understand human emotion and be-
having like real people in the future, researchers are try-
ing to find more and better ways to recognize human
Recognizing facial expressions from facial images is
an important part of these efforts. Gabor features have
been used in many works because of its insensitivity to
face registration and good performance in facial expres-
sion recognition. [1] Used fisher discriminant criteria to
select a subset of Gabor filters to reduce feature dimen-
sion and computation complexity, and then feed the re-
duced feature to a PCA+FLD classification scheme to
recognize facial expressions. Though there are ways to
somehow reduce the redundancy of Gabor features, it
still suffers from high dimension and large amount of
computation required. Further dimension reduction such
as PCA is needed before Gabor feature is ready for clas-
One way to overcome this disadvantage is to use
sparse representation, instead of Gabor features. Diction-
ary Learning and Sparse Representation are areas under
extensive research in recent years, which have seen
promising applications in signal compression, recon-
struction, and pattern recognition, especially face recog-
nition. However, few works were reported applying dic-
tionary learning to facial expression recognition.
Given an over-complete dictionary, various sparse
representation methods such as OMP (orthogonal match-
ing pursuit) find a sparse signal that can best represent
the original one. Though traditional DCT or various
wavelets matrix can be used as dictionary, it is reported
that better performance will result from learning diction-
aries for specific signals to be represented. K-SVD is an
iterative algorithm to build a dictionary for sparse repre-
sentation that yields good reconstruction performance
However, one drawb ack of K-SVD is that while doing
well in reconstruction, it lacks discrimination capability
to separate different classes. To solve this problem, [3]
built a dictionary for each class, and use the reconstruc-
tion error on different dictionaries to classify a new sam-
ple. [4] Proposed a modification that introduces a dis-
criminative part into the original K-SVD objective func-
tion, and by solving the new optimization problem, their
method get better results in face recognition. These pro-
posed methods all require more computation and are
more time consuming than original K-SVD.
In this work, K-SVD is investigated to learn dictionary
for facial expressions. Then OMP is applied to find
sparse representations for facial images. Simple classifi-
cation method, nearest neighbor, is used to test perform-
ance of K-SVD. To address the problem of lacking dis-
criminant information in the learned dictionary, we pro-
pose a new scheme of combined dictionary, which
achieves better recognition performance, while needs
even less computation, than original single dictionary
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Combined Dictionary Learning in Facial Expression Recognition 87
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 illustrates the preprocessing of images. Section 3 in-
troduces the K-SVD algorithms and how it can be ap-
plied to facial expression recognition. Section 4 discu sses
the experiment method and shows results of the original
single dictionary scheme. The proposed combined dic-
tionary scheme is illustrated in section 5, and the results
are given and analyzed. Section 6 draws conclusion and
talks about possible fu ture work.
2. Normalization of Faces
A practical facial expression recognition system requires
automatic detection and extraction of hu man faces. There
are many efficient ways to accomplish this task, such as
the famous Viola Jones Detector [5], which has been
implemented in the Op en CV library.
In this work, in order to focus on feature extraction
using dictionary learning, only manually extraction of
face is used. The faces then need to be normalized to
minimize the difference of lighting conditions. Similar
with the method used in [1] and [6], there are 3 steps to
obtain a normalized face:
Manually locate center of eyes and mouth, as shown
in Figure 1(a). Build an affine transform to adjust th e
3 points to fixed position. This transform may con-
sists of translation, scaling and rotation.
Apply a geometric face model to crop out the face
area, as shown in Figure 1(b).
Perform histogram equalization on the rectangular
faces obtained in step 2.
Some of the normalized faces are shown in Figure 1(c).
3. Learning Dictionary of Expressions Using
The goal of dictionary learning is to find a dictionary that
can achieve the best sparse representation of a given sig-
nal, which can be m odel e d as (1 ).
(a) Locate key points. (b) Crop Image
(c) Normalized faces.
Figure 1. Examples of face normalization.
min subject to ,i
DX YDXx (1)
,,..., M
yy y
is a matrix containing
M original signals with N dimensions; 12
is a
,,..., N
Xxx x
sparse representation matrix, with less than T
non-zero elements in each column, while
, ,...,
Ddd d
is the dictionary, which has K atoms.
K-SVD is an iterative algorithm to learn a dictionary
that minimizes the representation error in (1). Each itera-
tion consists of two steps: sparse coding and dictionary
updating [2].
In the sparse coding step, a sparse representation using
the current dictionary is calculated, using methods like
OMP, BP, or FOCUSS. The objective of this step is de-
scribed in (2).
subject to ,
for 1,2,...,M
In the dictionary updating step, for each dictionary
atom k, first find the error of current reconstruction
without that atom.
 
EYdX (3)
,:jX uses MATLAB terminology, which
represents the jth row of X.
Then select the those columns in the error matrix that
corresponding to which original signal use the atom .
:,find,: 0
kk kEEX (4)
Perform SVD (singular value decomposition) on ,
and use the resulting column of U and V to update
and its corresponding non-zero coefficients.
Repeat the two steps until certain error is satisfied or
certain number of iteration has finished. Then, use the
resulting dictionary D in sparse coding to find the final
sparse representation.
In the previous section, normalized face images have
been achieved. Arrange the pixel values of each image
into a column vector and perform K-SVD on training
samples to learn a dictionary. Some of the dictionary
atoms are shown in Figure 2. Note that the dictionary
atoms are very similar to the Eigen-faces derived from
PCA [7], so it can be regarded as a method of dimension
Since each image will have a sparse representation
based on the learned dictionary, the sparse representation
then can be used for classification or reconstruction.
From this point of view, the sparse representation can
also be regarded as feature of the input image.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Combined Dictionary Learning in Facial Expression Recognition
Figure 2. First 16 atoms in the learned dictionary.
4. Experiment Results on Single Dictionary
The learning of dictionary focuses on minimizing the
reconstruction error, and does not require class labels.
Thus, a convenient way of constructing the dictionary is
to use all the training samples to perform K-SVD. We
call this a Single Dictionary Scheme, which is the case in
most traditional works performing classification after
dictionary learning.
In our work, a simple nearest neighbor classifier is
used to test the classification performance of learned
dictionary. For each class, the mean is calculated from
the sparse representation of train ing samples. A test sam-
ple is assigned to the class, whose mean is closest to the
sample, in terms of Euclidian distance.
The test is performed on JAFFE (Japanese Female Fa-
cial Expression) database. It consists of 10 persons with
7 different expressions and has been widely used to test
various methods of facial expression recognition.
In order to find an optimal parameter set, we change
the number of atoms and sparsely constraints, and test on
randomly selected images. Figure 3 shows the results of
recognition rate and time of learning dictionaries. As the
figure shows, an increase in the number non-zero coeffi-
cients will increase the recognition rate to some certain
level, and then the recognition rate stays insensitive to
the sparsity constraint. Besides, Figure 3(b) indicates the
time consumption is mainly determined by the sparsely
constraint, with an exponential relation. Size of the dic-
tionary, which is the number of atoms, have a very small
impact on the recognition rate. Overall, the best result
comes when there are 70 atoms in the dictionary and 20
non-zero coefficients. Following experiments will use
this parameter set.
The recognition rates of the Single Dictionary Scheme
are listed in Table 1. Two test methods [8] are used here:
Cross validation randomly chose one image per person
per class as test samples, while the rest as training sam-
ples, repeat the training and testing 10 times to acquire a
mean recognition rate; Leave-one-out method use one
image as test sample and all the rest images as training
samples, repeat this procedure to test all the i mages in th e
database and find the mean recognition rate.
5. Combined Dictionary Scheme
Results from Table 1 show that sparse representations
from the learned dictionary get similar recognition rate
with original pixel values. This again indicates that
K-SVD leads to good representation, but can barely in-
crease the discriminant cap ability.
Table 1. Recognition Rate of Single Dictionary Sc he me
T es t Me th od Recognition Rate
Cross validation 84.51%
Single Dictionary SchemeLeave one out 63.85%
Cross validation 76.06%
Directly from Pixel valuesLeave one out 61.50%
Figure 3. Results on different parameter sets.
Though there are ways to include a discriminant factor
into the objective function solve the new optimization
problem and thus improve the classification performance,
they are often more time consuming to make additional
computation. One easier approach is to keep the diction-
ary learning process unchanged, and finds better ways to
reconstruct the dictionary using class information.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Combined Dictionary Learning in Facial Expression Recognition 89
Figure 4. Combined Dictionary Scheme.
As a simple way of reconstructing dictionary, the pro-
posed Combined Dictionary Scheme combine multiple
dictionaries into one. More specifically, learn dictionary
from the training samples of each single class, and com-
bine these dictionaries into a C times larger diction- ary,
as shown in Figure 4, where C is the number of classes.
Therefore, in order to keep the same dictionary size
and sparsity constraint with Single Dictionary Scheme,
the dictionaries need to be learned can have C times
smaller size and sparsity constraint. It has been discussed
from Figure 3 that the sparsity constraint (number of
non-zero coefficients) mainly determines the computa-
tion complexity in an exponential way. It can be ex-
pected that the Combined Dictionary Scheme will dra-
matically reduces the time of learning dictionaries. As in
the previous section, dictionary size of 70 and sparsity
constraint 20 are used, here for each of the 7 dictionaries,
the sizes are set to 10 and sparsity constraints are set to 3.
Once again, nearest neighbor is used to test perform-
ance. Table 2 and Table 3 compare the recognition rate
and time of computation with Single Dictionary Scheme
and an-other Gabor based algorith m in literature.
Table 2. Comparison of Recognition Rate.
Test Method Recognition Rate
Cross validation 84.51%
Single Dictionary Scheme Leave one out 63.85%
Cross validation 91.55%
Combined Dictionary
Scheme (Proposed) Leave one out 84.04%
Cross validation 83.09%
Gabor + Nearest Neighbor Leave one out -
Cross validation -
Gabor + PCA + FLD [1] Leave one out 93.90%
As shown in Table 2 and Table 3, the proposed
Combined Dictionary Scheme achieves better results
than the original Single Dictionary scheme. The
recognition rate is increased by 7 and 20 percentage,
respectively in the two test methods, while reducing the
computation complexity by approximately 3 times.
Table 3. Comparison of Computation Complexity.
Training Time* Testing Time*
Single Dictionary Scheme61.14 0.0382
Combined Dictionary
Scheme (Proposed) 16.99 0.0101
Gabor + PCA + FLD [1]99.06 1.26
*Training time refers to the average time of training 140 samples; Testing
time refers to average time of testing one sample; All times are in seconds,
acquire d from Matlab running on a desktop computer.
Though the recognition performance of dictionary
learning is not as good as Gabor+PCA+FLD [1], the av-
erage time of testing one image is more than 100 times
less. We should also note that the recog nition rate here is
based on nearest neighbor, it could be expected that the
performance would be better if more powerful classifica-
tion algorithms are used. If the same nearest neighbor
classifier is applied to Gabor feature, the recognition rate
is worse than that of dictionary learning. This indicates
that dictionary learning and sparse representation might
get more promising results in the future.
6. Conclusions
This paper investigates the application of K-SVD dic-
tionary learning in facial expression recognition. The
sparse representation of a facial image is regarded mainly
as a way of extracting features and at the same time with
low dimensions Sparse representation based on learned
dictionary directly from all training samples (Single Dic-
tionary Scheme) yields similar recognition performance
with original image pixel values. This demonstrates that
K-SVD focuses on minimizing reconstruction error, and
does not provide good discriminate capability.
In order to improve the classification performance, a
Combined Dictionary Scheme is proposed, so that the
class information can contribute to the dictionary con-
struction. First learn a separate dictionary for each class
using the corresponding samples in the training set. Then
combine them into a larger dictionary for the final train-
ing and classification. The proposed method gets better
classification performance than the traditional Single
Dictionary Scheme, in terms of both recognition rate and
computation complexity.
Though the current recognition rate is not as good as
classification systems using other features, it might be
due to the simple nearest neighbor classifier used for
testing. Also dictionary learning needs much less time to
compute than Gabor features. Since currently there are
few works applying dictionary learning to facial expres-
sion recognition, the performance would be further im-
proved in the future, if more powerful classification al-
gorithms are used.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Combined Dictionary Learning in Facial Expression Recognition
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
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