H. C. LEE 11
mentations do not exist. Similar to IEEE 802.3, basic
IEEE 802.11 MAC operates according to a listen-be-
fore-talk scheme, and is known as the DCF (Distributed
Coordination Function). It implements CSMA/CA rather
than collision detection as in IEEE 802.3. Indeed, as col-
lision cannot be detected in the radio environment, IEEE
802.11 waits for a backoff interval before each frame
transmission rather than after collisions. In addition to
DCF, the original IEEE 802.11 standard specifies an op-
tional scheme that depends on a central coordination en-
tity, the PCF (Point Coordination Function). This func-
tion uses the so called PC (Point Coordinator) that oper-
ates during the so-called contention-free period. The lat-
ter is a periodic interval during which only the PC initi-
ates frame exchanges via polling. However, the PCF’s
poor robustness against hidden nodes resulted in negligi-
ble adoption by manufacturers. Having published its first
IEEE 802.11 standard in 1997, the WG received feed-
back that many products did not provide the degree of
compatibility customers expected. As an example, often
the default encryption scheme, called WEP(Wired
Equivalent Privacy), would not work between devices of
different vendors. This need for a certification program
led to the foundation of the WECA (Wireless Ethernet
Compatibility Alliance) in 1999, renamed the WFA
(Wi-Fi Alliance) in 2003. Wi-Fi certification has become
a well-known certification program that has significant
market impact. The tremendous success in the market
and the perceived shortcomings of the base IEEE 802.11
standard provided a basis and impetus for a prolific program
of improvements and extensions. This has led to revisions
of the draft, driven by a complete alphabet of amend-
ments. Wireless LAN standards are shown in Table 1.
Although not interoperable, the DSSS and FHSS PHY
initially seemed to have equal chances in the market. The
FHSS PHY even had a duplicate in the HomeRF group
that aimed at integrated voice and data services. This
used plain IEEE 802.11 with FHSS for data transfer,
complemented with a protocol for voice that was very
similar to the Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommuni-
cations standard. Neither HomeRF nor IEEE 802.11 saw
FHSS extensions, although plans for a second-generation
Table 1. Wireless LAN products on the market.
Standard Spectrum
physical rate/Layer
2 Data rate
Tx Compatible
802.11n 2.4/5 GHz 600/100 Mbps MIMO OFDM 802.11b/g/a
802.11b 2.4 GHz 11/6-7 Mbps DSSS 802.11
802.11g 2.4 GHz 54/32 Mbps OFDM
802.11a 5.0 GHz 54/32 Mbps OFDM None
HomeRF existed that targeted at 10 Mb/s. In contrast, the
high-rate project IEEE 802.11b was started in December
1997 and boosted the data rates of the DSSS PHY to 11
Mb/s. This caused IEEE 802.11b to ultimately supersede
FHSS, including HomeRF, in the market. The first ex-
tension project, IEEE 802.11a, started in September 1997.
It added an OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Mul-
tiplexing) PHY that supports up to 54 Mb/s data rate.
Since IEEE 802.11 a operates in the 5 GHz band, com-
munication with plain IEEE 802.11 devices is impossible.
This lack of interoperability led to the formation of IEEE
802.11 g, which introduced the benefits of OFDM to the
2.4 GHz band. As IEEE 802.11 g’s extended rate PHY
provides DSSS-compatible signaling, an easy migration
from IEEE 802.11 to IEEE 802.11 g devices became
possible. While IEEE 802.11b uses only DSSS technol-
ogy, IEEE 802.11g uses DSSS, OFDM, or both at the 2.4
GHz ISM band to provide high data rates of up to 54
Mb/s. combined use of both DSSS and OFDM is
achieved through the provision of four different physical
layers. These layers coexist during a frame exchange, so
the sender and receiver have the option to select and use
one of the four layers as long as they both support it. The
four different physical layers defined in the IEEE 82.11g
PBCC and DSSS-OFDM. From the above four physical
layers, the first two are mandatory and the other two are
optional [1].
As the first project whose targeted data rate is meas-
ured on top of the MAC layer, IEEE 802.11n provides
user experiences comparable to the well known Fast
Ethernet (IEEE 802.3u). Far beyond the minimum re-
quirements that were derived from its wired paragon’s
maximum data rate of 100 Mb/s, IEEE 802.11n delivers
up to 600 Mb/s. Its most prominent feature is MIMO
(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) capability. A flexible
MIMO concept allows for arrays of up to four antennas
that enable spatial multiplexing or beam forming. Its
most debated innovation is the usage of optional 40 MHz
channels. Although this feature was already being used
as a proprietary extension to IEEE 802.11a and IEEE
802.11g chipsets, it caused an extensive discussion on
neighbor friendly behavior. Especially for the 2.4 GHz
band, concerns were raised that 40 MHz operation would
severely affect the performance of existing IEEE 802.11,
Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1), ZigBee(IEEE 802.15.4), and
other devices. The development of a compromise, which
disallows 40 MHz canalizations for devices that cannot
detect 20 MHz-only devices, prevented ratification of
IEEE 802.11n until September 2009. As a consequence
of 20/40 MHz operation and various antenna configura-
tions, IEEE 802.11n defines a total of 76 different MCSs.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the IEEE 802.11 PHY
amendments and their dependencies [2].
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