X. C. LI ET AL. 133
Some of the earliest pioneers include Goldstein [1],
whose work provided the fundamental understanding of
film cooling. Although a cylindrical hole is simple and
easy to manufacture, jet holes with diffusive exit (called
shaped holes) have been proved to perform better [2-4].
Furthermore, the shaped hole combined with compound
jet angle gives some excellent cooling performance [5].
The blowing ratio, which represents the amount of cool-
ant air in use, can affect the cooling performance [3, 6,7].
If the blowing ratio is too low, it may not be able to pro-
vide the sufficient cooling, while a very high blowing
ratio can lead to jet lift off the cooling surface and un-
necessary aerodynamic loss. Further, the blowing angle
plays a very important role too in film cooling. When the
blowing angle is too big, the jet can easily separate from
the cooling surface. On the other hand, a small blowing
angle may limit the coverage region.
Though film cooling on flat surfaces was considered in
many studies, the surface curvature also influences the
performance of film cooling. Turbine blades typically
include both convex (suction) and concave (pressure)
profiles. The local pressure and velocity on the curved
surface make the cooling more complicated. Compared
to flat plate film cooling, it was shown that the adiabatic
effectiveness was increased on convex surface while de-
creased on concave surface [8].
Other techniques are also discussed in the literature to
enhance film cooling. For example, it is found that back-
ward ramps facing upstream can almost double the cool-
ing effectiveness [9]. Due to lateral spreading caused by
trenches, film cooling is greatly enhanced by using cy-
lindrical holes embedded in transverse trenches [10].
When tiny water droplets (mist) are injected into the
coolant flow, each droplet acts as a heat sink and it flies
to downstream before it completely vaporizes. Therefore,
mist injection improves the cooling performance [11,
In conventional film cooling, the coolant is injected
generally in the same direction as the mainstream, which
can be termed forward injection. If the coolant jet is in
the opposite direction of mainstream, termed backward
injection, the strong interaction between coolant jet and
mainstream causes a significant je t momentum loss. Thus,
the jet spreads in the lateral direction, resulting in better
cooling along the span [13]. This paper presents the re-
search works on backward film cooling. It is observed that
the backward film cooling produces significantly uni-
form cooling coverage under different conditions, which
include cases on flat surface with low or high pressure
and temperature. The backward injection also performs
better in the presence of blade curvature.
2. Methodology
2.1. Numerical Simulation
Numerical method was first applied to simulate the flow
and heat transfer of film cooling at different conditions.
The commercial CFD software package, Fluent, was em-
ployed. The second-order upwind scheme is used for
spatial discretization. SIMPLE algorithm was chosen to
couple pressure and velocity. The convergence criteria of
a solution have been insured when the residual of all va-
riables is less than a specific value, 10-5 for continuity,
momentum, and turbulence, and 10-8 for ene rgy .
One problem associated with numerical simulation is
turbulence closure. In Fluent, a number of turbulence
models are available, but none of them is the best. For a
given problem some models work better than the others.
Therefore, it is important to choose the right turbulence
model. In this study, various models are tested and com-
pared with experimental results. The final selection is the
standard k- model with enhanced wall functions.
Since the standard k- model is only valid for fully tur-
bulent flow with high Reynolds number, in the region
close to the wall where the viscous force is dominant, the
flow needs to be modeled with wall functions.
Both structured and unstructured grids were used in
the computational domain for all the cases. The grids
near the cooling holes are denser when compared to
those in other regions. The boundary adaption is applied
on the cooling surface. The required number of grid
points, which is generally between 1 to 2 million, is eva-
luated through grid independence study.
2.2. Experimental Test
To validate numerical results of film cooling, an experi-
mental study was conducted by constructing a low-speed
wind tunnel (~10 m/s), which includes a driving unit,
diffuser, settling chamber, nozzle, test section, and the
exit diffuser. A Dayton blower (model no. 4TM03) is
used to feed air at atmospheric pressure and room tem-
perature into the wind tunnel. A laminator is added to
make the flow more uniform at the test section. Cooling
holes are drilled with an angle of 30 degrees to the main-
stream. The coolant flow is fed into the test section
through a compressor to the bottom of the test section
after passing a heat exchanger. The flow rate is metered
and regulated by using a flow meter (Dwyer RMC-108-
SSV). An infrared camera (FLIR 345001685) is used to
capture thermal images of test section surface. In addi-
tion, a total of 32 thermocouples thermocouples (Omega
GG-K-30-SLE) are installed on the test section surface to
measure the point temperatures. The flow distribution is
measured with a Pitot tube.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Cases at Laboratory Conditions
To explore the fundamentals of backward film cooling,
the first trial is only for a simple cylindrical hole with flat
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