C. H. Kan
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. EPE
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rotor speed is from 800 to 1200 rpm, the control voltage
vs. speed is shown in Figure 6(a); the control current vs.
speed is shown in F igure 6( b ).
As shown in Figure 6(a), the experimental data are
consistent with the calculated results based on FE analy-
sis. Obviously, the star-polygon BDFM can realize the
function of variable-speed constant-voltage constant-
frequency generation.
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4. Conclusions
This paper has presented, for the first time, a new type
rotor winding connection, named star-polygon, for
BDFM. The BDFM with “star- polygon” structure of
rotor windings has the following five characteristics: 1, It
is increased that the rotor winding distribution coefficient
which corresponding to the stator power windings; 2, A
set of rotor slot conductors is used repeatly, improving
the actual utilization of the rotor slot conductors; 3, The
choice of winding pitch is freedom; 4, The connection of
rotor winding is flexible; 5, The content of harmonic
MMFs is low. So this new type structure of rotor wind-
ings has great development prospects.
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pp. 107-110.
This work was supported by the Surface of Natural Sci-
ence Fund Program projects of Anhui Province (NO.12
08085ME62), by the Doctoral Degree in Special Re-
search Fund Program projects of hfut (NO. 2011HGBZ-
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The authors wish to thank the China Changjiang Na-
tional Shipping Group Motor Factory for the provision of
the prototype machine and fabrication of the rotor.
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Appendix phase are symmetry, the value of
is not a result of
the chosen reference point of change.
The parameters compute of
The current vectors, such as 1rd
, 2rd
and 1rs
, in-
tersect at the same node, by Kirchhoff current law, we
have 21rdrs rd
II, As shown in Figure 7.
Because of 1rdrd 2
I, we have11
. It is
can be seen from Figure 7 that
. So the
given as11
. As the rotor windings of each Figure 7. The vector of current.