M. Arad et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 76-81
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JBiSE
congestion e.g. urine output [8] and X-ray diagnosis [9].
In contrast to the hematocrit, the mean lung resistivity
value was found to be significantly different between the
two measurement phases in the CPE patients (i.e., meas-
urements taken pre- and post-treatment, p-value = 0.016).
Nevertheless, the results in this study show a significant
correlation between the changes in the measured mean
lung resistivity value by the hybrid EIT system to
changes in hematocrit level following diuretic treatment
of CPE patients (R = 0.7, p-value = 0.02). As a conse-
quence, the validity of lung resistivity measurements by
the system is further supported, and it is proposed that
bio-impedance measurements such as those taken in this
study may be a non-invasive, cost-efficient and pa-
tient-friendly supplement or alternative to other moni-
toring methods for pulmonary congestion.
This study is preliminary and consists of a small num-
ber of subjects, resulting in a large variability in the
changes of mean lung resistivity. Nevertheless, encour-
aging results in this study show a significant correlation
between the changes in the measured mean lung resistiv-
ity value by the hybrid EIT system to changes in hema-
tocrit level following diuretic treatment of CPE patients.
A follow-up large scale study that would address these
limitations would be a subject of a further research.
This work was partially supported by a grant from the ELA KODESZ
Institute for Cardiac Physical Sciences and Engineering.
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