Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2013, 4, 351-358
Published Online November 2013 (
Open Access JSIP
Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization
Tadahiko Kimoto
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Japan.
Received August 19th, 2013; revised September 15th, 2013; accepted September 24th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Tadahiko Kimoto. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Improved gray-scale (IGS) quantization is a known method for re-quantizing digital gray-scale images for data com-
pression while producing halftones by adding a level of randomness to improve visual quality of the resultant images. In
this paper, first, analyzing the IGS quantizing operations reveals the capability of conserving a DC signal level of a
source image through the quantization. Then, a complete procedure for producing a multi-level halftone image by IGS
quantization that can achieve the DC conservation is presented. Also, the procedure uses the scanning of source pixels
in an order such th at geometric patterns can be prevented from occurring in the resulting halftone image. Next, the per-
formance of the multi-level IGS halftoning is evaluated by experiments conducted on 8-bit gray-scale test images in
comparison with the halftoning by error diffusion. The experimental result demonstrates that a signal level to be quan-
tized in the IGS halftoning varies more randomly than that in the error diffusion halftoning, but not entirely randomly.
Also, visual quality of the resulting halftone images was measured by subjective evaluations of viewers. The result in-
dicates that for 3 or more-bit, in other words, 8 or more-level halftones, the IGS halftoning achieves image quality
comparable to that by the error diffusion.
Keywords: Digital Halftone; Multi-Level Halftone; Improved Gray-Scale Quantization; Error Diffusion; Subjective
1. Introduction
Digital halftoning is a technique to re-quantize a digital
image to fewer bits while preventing the image appear-
ance from being corrupted by producing continuous-
looking tones, that is, so-called halftones [1]. For in-
stance, for being printed with a black-and-white printer,
an 8-bit gray-scale image is to be re-quantized to one bit
or two possible levels. Thus, halftoning with two levels is
still indispensable in printing. Also, halftoning with more
than two levels is useful for output devices that can pro-
duce many levels, such as electro static printers and com-
pact LED displays.
Generally in a halftoning method, some kind of signal
is added to each pixel of a source image and then, the
resulting signal is re-quantized to fewer bits. These sig-
nals determine the resulting image appearance. A variety
of halftoning methods to generate the additional signals
can yield good halftone quality in the resulting images
that have bee n p r oposed.
Error diffusion is a well-known halftoning method that
can produce halfton e images of good quality. In the error
diffusion, the additional signals are generated by distrib-
uting error signals, which are the difference of a source
pixel level and the re-quantized pixel level, by a digital
filter. Thus, the resulting halftone quality depend s on the
digital filter.
The improved gray-scale (IGS) quantization [2] is re-
garded as a halftoning method where the additional sig-
nals are generated from the low-order bits of neighboring
pixels. The low-order bits in a natural scene image are
generally a random variable depending on the image
characteristics, and also, they are more random as the bit
orders are lower. Consequently, the additional signals
become a random variable with these properties.
In this paper, we consider the use of the IGS quantiza-
tion for multi-level halftoning. By evaluating the per-
formance of multi-level quantization and the visual qual-
ity of the resulting halftone images, a manner of using
the IGS halftoning instead of the error diffusion halfton-
ing is investigated .
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 defines the IGS halftoning. First, the IGS quantization
is formulated on the basis of the literature. From an
analysis of the recursion formula, it is proven that the DC
Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization
component of a source image can be conserved through
the quantization. Then, a co mplete algorith m to apply the
quantization to gray-scale images while achieving the
DC conservation is presented. In Section 3, stochastic
performance of IGS halftoning is evaluated through an
experiment conducted on 8-bit test images. The extent of
randomness of the additional signals is measured and
compared between three IGS methods and two error dif-
fusion methods. In Section 4, visual quality of IGS half-
tone images is evaluated through a subjective testing
conducted to measure image quality by the subjective
evaluations of human observers. From the result, a num-
ber of halftone bits can be yielded as good image ap-
pearance as that achieved by error diffusion that is esti-
mated. Section 5 concludes the paper.
2. IGS Halftoning
2.1. Principle of IGS Quantization
The procedure of the IGS quantization from M-bit sig-
nals to N-bit ones, , is expressed as follows.
Here, we suppose that source pix els are of M bits withou t
stating it clearly in the rest of this paper. Let
denote the n least significant bits of the binary expression
of v. Also let
n denote a value that consists of the
n most significant bits same as those of v and the other
bits of zero. Then, an M-bit value v can be expressed as
 
vU vLv
 . (1)
For an M-bit pixel value i in a scanning order,
, where T is the number of pixels in the im-
age, an M-bit value Si is defined by the recursion relation
1, 2,,iT
 (2)
where S0 is supposed to be 0. To ensure that 2
S, if
 N
, we use instead of Equation (2)
. (3)
The N-bit result of quantizing pi, denoted by
is given by the N most significant bits of Si. In other
Ni Ni
. (4)
Figure 1 shows the relationship between source lev els
and output levels of the IGS quantizer. In summary,
is given by the relation
eithe r or 1,
if 212
for in the range 0,1,,22
,if 2
for in the range 0,1,,21
if 2122.
Ni iN
Qp pk
Figure 1. Input-output level relationship of IGS quanti zer.
In this relation, for
2 and
N has two possible values,
which b o th de p e nd on i
1MN i
2.2. Mathematical Properties
A sum of the quantized pixels can be described as fol-
lows: Expressing 1i
in the form of Equation (1), then,
into Equation (2) and using
Equation (4) for
US yield the relation
iNi i
SQpS p
. (6)
The summation of each side of Equation (6) for i from
1 to T yields
Since 00S
and hence, . Substituting
the form of Equatio n (1) for ST yields the final relation:
NTN ii
. (8)
Dividing both sides of Equation (8) by T gi ves
Ni i
Qp p
represents the average of a sequence of x.
takes a value of at most 21
the first term of the left-hand side of Equation (9) can be
neglected for large T’ s ; thus, we obtain
Ni i
Qp p
. (10)
This relation means that a level of direct current (DC)
of the source image is left almost unchanged in the quan-
tized image. Also, because Equation (8) holds for any T,
the DC level changes by at the most
any pixel during the quantizing of the image. Note that
given by Equation (3) are excluded in deriving
Equation (8).
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Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization 353
2.3. Implementing of IGS Halftoning
1) Source signal range
The DC conservation described above is achieved un-
der the condition that all of are given by Equation
(2). This condition can be satisfied by limiting the input
signals of the quantizer in the range associated with
Equation (2). To limit the source pixel lev els in the range,
we apply a level transformation that maps the whole M-
bit range
onto the range
to a source image before carrying out the IGS quantiza-
tion. For simplicity of implementation, a linear mapping
is used in the transformation in this paper.
0,2 1
0,21 2
On the other hand, the level distribution in an image is
likely to be distorted due to both the above level trans-
formation and the following IGS quantization. On the
assumption both that all the pixel levels in the range
0,2 1
occur uniformly in an M-bit source image
and that
1MN i
of Equation (2) takes on equally
likely random values, it is derived from stochastic analy-
sis that in the resulting N-bit image, both the occurrence
frequency of level 0 and that of level 2
122 1
N, and those of the other levels are
12 1
Image areas of pixel levels in the range
212 ,21
are painted over in the solid
level after the IGS quantization. Such areas pos-
terized in the highest level may degrade the resulting
halftone quality. The abov e level transformation prev ents
the posterization from occurring while ensuring that the
source level is always quantized to
2) Scanning order
The scanning order in an image during the IGS quan-
tization affects the results according to the recursion rela-
tion of Equation (2). Such processing dependent on the
scanning direction is likely to produce visible artifacts in
the resulting image.
Scanning in a more complicated order than the raster
order can reduce a relation between the scanning result
and the image content [3]. Such scanning is implemented
by, for example, the Hilbert path. Figure 2 illustrates an
Figure 2. An example of Hilbert scanning path.
example of Hilbert path through a squared image with
one side of integer-power-of-2 pixels, where the path
starts at the upper-left pixel and ends at the lower-left
Figure 3 shows the system diagram of IGS halftoning
process. This diagram involves scanning the whole of a
source image once and works in point processing: For
every source pixel extracted in the scanning order, first,
the level transformation described in the preceding sec-
tion is carried out and then, the resultant pixel value is
quantized by the IGS m a nne r .
3. Stochastic Performance of IGS
3.1. Measuring Randomness of
Additional Signals
In this section, we evaluate the properties of the addi-
tional signals, that is,
of Equation (2) as a
random variable by an experiment with real images. For
a given N, let s represent a variable that produces
for i1,2,,T
and also, let s be regarded
as a random variable in the range 0,2 1
. As
measures of randomness of s, the following two quanti-
ties are used:
1) The memory-less entropy of
ss, de-
noted b y
, given by
 
Ps Ps
 (11)
Figure 3. Diagram of IGS halftoning.
Open Access JSIP
Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization
s is the probability of s.
2) The Entropy of
ss conditional on pix-
pp p, denoted by
, given by
 
is the conditional probability that, given
that a pixel level is p, a signal of level s is added to it,
p represents the occurrence probability of
level p.
These quantities are compared between the following
five methods:
1) Method IGS-RAS implements the IGS quantization
by raster scanning.
2) Method IGS-HIL implements the IGS quantization
by the Hilbert scanning described in Section 2.3 (2).
3) Method IGS-RND uses an
N-bit uniform
random number, which is actually generated by a
pseudo-random number generator with a computer, in-
stead of
in Equation (2).
4) Method EDF-FS implements the error diffusion
scheme with the error filter proposed by Floyd and
Steinberg [4].
5) Method EDF-JJN implements the error diffusion
scheme with the error filter proposed by Jarvis, Judice
and Ninke [5].
In EDF-FS and EDF-JJN, the error diffusion scheme
works to quantize M-bit pixels to N bits, 1NM
Because the additional signal that plays the role of
of Equation (2) takes on fractional values in
the error diffusion, itis to be digitized to M-bit levels in
3.2. Experimental Results
Experiments of the above methods were conducted on
256-gray scale (that is, 8M
) images with various
values of N. The source images used in the experiments
include vertical and horizontal ramp images shown in
Figures 4(a) and (b), respectively, and two natural scene
images Barbara and Lena shown in Figures 4(c) and (d),
respectively. Note that the image Barbara includes
striped regions easy to see, and Lena includes wide
smooth regions. For each given N, the source images
were transformed by the level transformation described
in Section 2.3 (1) prior to undergo ing any of the halfton-
ing methods.
Figure 5 shows the measurements of the entropy N
that were taken in performing each method by varying N
for three of the source images. As this figure shows, the
entropies in IGS-HIL are almost the same as those in
IGS-RND, and consequently, the additional signals in
IGS-HIL preserve a nearly uniform randomness for any
N as far as the memory-less entropy is concerned.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Examples of 8-bit source images of 256 by 256
pixels used in the experiments: (a) Vertical ramp with 1-
level per pixel gradation; (b) Horizontal ramp with 1-level
per pixel gradation; (c) Barbara and (d) Lena.
Figure 6 shows the measurements of the entropy N
for the three source images. The result indicates that in
the three IGS methods, the additional signals in IGS-HIL
have more randomness for source pixels than those in
IGS-RAS and less randomness than those in IGS-RND,
and also, more randomness than those in the two error
diffusion methods. In addition, we can observe a differ-
ence between the two error diffusion methods due to the
error filters; the additional signals are more constrained
in EDF-JJN than in EDF-FS.
As regards IGS-RAS, a large difference between the
measurements of the entropy of the vertical ramp image
and the entropy of th e horizontal ramp image is ob served
from Figure 6. This result demonstrates that the proper-
ties of the additional signals in IGS-RAS are apt to de-
pend on the scanning direction.
Figure 7 reveals a visual difference between the IGS
results of raster scanning and those of Hilbert scanning.
We observe that the IGS quantization yields geometrical
patterns from regions of a uniform level gradation
through the raster scanning, and the generated patterns
depend on the relation between the direction of raster
scanning and that of gradation. On the contrary, the Hil-
bert scanning is effective in inhibiting such patterns from
being produced regardless of the direction of gradation.
4. Visual Quality of Halftones
4.1. Subjective Evaluation
In this section, we consider appearances of multi-level
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Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization
Open Access JSIP
(a) (b)
Figur e 5. Entropies N
of additional signals in halftoning. (a) The vertical ramp image; (b) The horizontal ramp image; and
(c) Barbara.
(a) (b)
Figur e 6. Entr opies N
of additional signalsin halftoning. (a) The vertical ramp image; (b) The horizontal ramp image; and
(c) Barbara.
Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7. A comparison between the scanning orders in the
IGS quantization: Results from the vertical ramp image by
(a) Raster scanning and by (b) Hilbert scanning; results
from the horizontal ramp image by (c) Raster scanning and
by (d) Hilbert scanning. All the images are displayed at a
resolution of 200 pixels per inch (PPI).
halftones achieved by the IGS halftoning. Assuming
halftone images produced by EDF-FS to be of standard
quality, we compare the IGS halftone images with the
EDF-FS ones, and then, evaluate a halftone quality of the
IGS produced images from the amount of perceptible
difference. Thus, a subjective quality of multi-level half-
tones produced by each IGS method will be evaluated.
Also, the printing resolu tion is to be taken into account as
a condition of evaluation.
For measuring the above image difference by subject-
tive evaluations of human observers, the following ex-
periment was conducted by using a category-judgment
method [6]: In preparation, the halftone images each
produced from the same source image by EDF-FS and
the three IGS methods wit h a give n N were printed on the
same photographic paper with a photo printer at a print-
ing resolution of 400 dots per inch. Comparing with the
EDF-FS halftone image on the paper, the observers
evaluated each IGS halftone image from the degree of
perceptible difference between them on the scale listed in
Table 1.
Each image was evaluated by 21 observers. All the
observers, who were in their twenties, were unfamiliar
with any of the methods. The result of evaluating each
IGS image is presented by computing a mean value,
which is generally referred to as a Mean Opinion Score
(MOS), from the collected values.
4.2. Experimental Result and Discussion
Figures 8 (a) and (b) show the variations of MOS with N
for the 200-PPI halftone images of the source image
Barbara and Lena, respectively, for each IGS method
separately. The error bars in the figures illustrate the
0.95-confidence intervals of the respective MOS values.
Figure 9 shows those for the 100-PPI halftone images.
In addition, Figure 10 presents a comparison between
EDF-FS halftone images and IGS-HIL halftone images
of a resolution of 200 PPI for each N.
These figures demonstrate the properties of N-bit
halftones by the IGS quantization. The values of MOS
increase with increasing N in any IGS method, and this
means that the IGS halftone image looks closer to the
EDF-FS halftone image, and consequently, to the source
image as more levels are used in halftoning. We can ob-
serve such effect of lev el multiplicity in Figure 10. Also,
the methods IGS-RAS and IGS-HIL have almost the
same increasing properties with N. However, the curves
of IGS-RAS show more fluctuation with N than those of
Table 1. Scale used in subjective evaluations.
Value Description
3 Difference is hardly perceptible.
2 Difference is perceptible but negligible.
1 Difference is definitely observed.
Figure 8. Measurements of subjective quality of N-bit half-
tone images printed at 200 PPI: Result from (a) The source
image Barbara; (b) Lena.
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Figure 9. Measurements of subjective quality of N-bit half-
tone images printed at 100 PPI: Result from (a) the source
image Barbara; (b) Lena.
IGS-HIL. The fluctuation is probably due to the depend-
ence of IGS-RAS on scannin g di rect io n.
Let us suppose that an IGS halftone image with MOS
over 2 can be used instead of the corresponding EDF-FS
halftone image. Then, as Figures 8 and 9 show, for IGS-
HIL, the halftones of 3 or more bits
3N achieve
the MOS values larger than 2 including those in the
0.95-confidence interval. As for IGS-RND, at least 4 bits
are necessary to achieve suc h MOS v alues.
In addition, the visual quality of multi-level halftone
images including those by EDF-FS was evaluated by
subjective testing. In the ex periment, the observers chose
one or more images that look closest to the source image
in the five N-bit halftone images produced by the respec-
tive methods of IGS-RAS, IGS-HIL, IGS-RND, EDF-FS
and EDF-JJN. By using four different set of a printed
source image and the five printed halftone images, the
ratios that the halftone images by each method were
chosen in all the sets were calculated.
Figure 11 shows the variation of the ratio of each
method with N. This experimental result indicates that
EDF-FS achieves the best visual quality in the five
methods for any N-bit multi-level halftones and also that
both IGS-RAS and IGS-HIL methods increase the capa-
bility of achieving the best N-bit multi-level halftone
quality with an increase in N.
5. Conclusions
In halftoning by the IGS quantization, the resulting half
Figure 10. N-bit Halftone images of the source image Bar-
bara by EDF-FS (left column) and by IGS-HIL (right col-
umn), which are zoomed parts of the respective images: (a)
N = 1; (b) N = 2; (c) N = 3; (d) N = 4.
tones are subject to the scanning order in a source image.
Accordingly, geometric patterns are likely to be pro-
duced in areas of smooth gray levels. Such artifacts de-
grade the image quality, in particular in b i-level
Such a directional relation between a level gradient
and the scanning path can be reduced by using a compli-
cated path such as the Hilbert path. The experimental
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Multi-Level Halftoning by IGS Quantization
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Figure 11. Experimentally measured ratios of each N-bit
halftone image looking closest to the source image between
those generated by the five methods.
result demonstrated that the Hilbert scanning makes the
additional signals for the IGS quantization independent
of level gradients, and also, increases their randomness.
Consequently, the IGS halftone image by Hilbert scan-
ning looks a little grainier with high-frequency signal
components somewhat degraded than that by simple
raster scanning.
Bi-level halftone images by IGS-HIL probably look
worse than those by the error diffusion scheme. Using
multi-level halftones improves v isual quality of IGS-HIL
halftone images. By using three or more bits, that is, 8 or
more levels for a halftone level, the IGS-HIL images
look comparable to the EDF-FS images.
Such 8-level halftone images are supposed to be
printed at a resolution of one pixel per dot with a printer
of a capability of eight levels per dot. Otherwise, they
can be printed with a bi-level printer, by expressing one
8-level halftone pixel by a set of bi-level dots by using
another halftoning method such as clustered-dot ordered
dithering [7]. For instance, a set of 3 × 3 bi-level dots can
represent a 10-gray scale pixel.
The IGS quantizing is one of what we call point proc-
essing. Hence, the operation of the quantization is obvi-
ously simpler than that of the convolution of filtering in
the error diffusion. Although the IGS quantization may
be an old-fashioned method, the operational simplicity as
well as the above quality comparability to EDF-FS
makes the IGS multi-level halftoning useful in recent
image output devices.
[1] R. Ulichney, “Digital Halftoning,” MIT Press, Cambridge,
[2] R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, “Digital Image Proc-
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[3] N. D. Venkata, B. L. Evans and V. Monga, “Color Error
Diffusion Halftoning,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
Vol. 20, No. 4, 2003, pp. 51-58.
[4] R. W. Floyd and L. Steinberg, “An Adaptive Algorithm
for Spatial Grayscale,” Proceedings of the Society of In-
formation Display, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1976, pp. 75-77.
[5] J. F. Jarvis, C. N. Judice and W. H. Ninke, “A Survey of
Techniques for the Display of Continuous-Tone Pictures
on Bilevel Displays,” Computer Graphics and Image
Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1976, pp. 13-40.
[6] A. N. Netravali and B. G. Haskell, “Digital Pictures,”
Plenum, 1988.
[7] P. G. Roetling and R. P. Loce, “Digital Halftoning,” In: E.
R. Dougherty, Ed., Digital Image Processing Methods,
Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994, pp. 363-413.