Vol.3, No.1, 26-31 (2011) Health
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Comparison of base running in baseball players and
track-and-field athletes
Kazuyoshi Miyaguchi1*, Shinich Demura2, Kazuya Nagai3, Yu Uchida3
1Liberal Arts Education Center, Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichimachi, Japan; kazu1060@lapis.plala.or.jp
2Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
3Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
Received 12 October 2010; revised 28 October 2010; accepted 1 November 2010.
This study aimed to examine the relationship be-
tween sprint ability and base running of baseball
players and track-and- field (T&F) athletes, and to
identify the association between sprint ability and
running skill on base running. The subjects were 25
male university baseball players and 15 male T&F
athletes without baseball experience. The straight
sprint time of 54.8 m and 1 09.6 m (co rre spo nding to
the distance to second and home) was measured.
In the home run test, the times to reach each base
were measured. In the second base run test, the
actual running distance and 3 m section time
around the first base were measured. Base running
efficien cy was obtained by dividing the base runnin g
time by the straight sprint time. T&F athletes
showed h igher values than baseba ll players only in
the 109.6 m straight sprint time (P < 0.05, ES=1.35).
Baseball players were significantly superior to T&F
athletes in terms of base running efficiency. As for 3
m section times, baseball players showed signifi-
cant and higher values. The straight sprint time
showed significant and high correlations (r = 0.87,
0.90) between the 109.6 m run and the run home
and between the 54.8 m run and the second base
run in baseball players, but not in T&F athletes. It
was found that superior sprint ability does not al-
ways lead to good base running. In base running, it
is important to run outward to some extent. In par-
ticular, the skill acquisition of base running in 3 m
sections around the base will contribute to short-
ening base running time.
Keywords: Sprint Ability; Running Skill; Efficiency;
Baseball competition roughly con sists of four motions
of hitting, throwing, catching, and running. Above all,
running speed plays an important role because it is in-
volved in both offense and defense [1]. Especially in
offense, an individual’s base running skill greatly influ-
ences scoring. Superior base running makes up for infe-
rior batting power. If base running is inferior even if
batting power is superior, the team cannot score effec-
Base running consists of the three elements of starting,
sprint ability, and rounding the bases. Because players
must go through a base arranged in the top of the square
in base running, they are demanded to be skilled in
rounding the bases while touching the bag as well as
being able to sprint in a straight line (sprint ability).
Hence, it is important for baseball players not only to
have great sprinting ability, but also to have base running
skill. In other words, players must determine the course
by themselves while rounding the bases, suppressing the
outward trajectory and slowing down. This is a skill
peculiar to baseball, and it is very different from track
and field even t running in which the course is prescribed
beforehand [2]. Hence, we hypothesized that baseball
players have skill due to connecting in sprint ability to
base running effectively more than T&F athletes.
Usually, in base running to the second base through
the first base, it is recommended that players run straight
to about 4 m in front of the first base and then to veer 1m
outside on route to the next base. On the other hand,
Hatori [3] examined differences of base running between
groups that had baseball experience and those who did
not, and reported that the 50 m sprint showed a signifi-
cant correlation with running to second in the former
group, but not in the latter group, and that the relation-
ship of base running time with base running distance
was significantly different between both groups.
Various information has been reported on base run-
ning as stated above. However, although there are many
reports based on experiential know ledge and observa tion,
little has been reported on base running efficiency and
K. Miyaguchi et al. / Health 3 (2011) 26-31
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
base running skill with respect to sprint ability. This
study, therefore, aimed to examine the relationship be-
tween sprint ability and base running of baseball players
and T&F athletes, and to identify the effect of sprint
ability and running sk ill in base running.
2.1. Experimental Approach to the Problem
To examine the relationsh ip between sprint ability and
base running of baseball players and T&F athletes, in
this study, the straight sprint time of 54.8 m and 109.6 m
(corresponding to the distance to second and home) was
measured. Additionally, in the home run test, the times to
reach each base were measured. In the second base run
test, the actual running distance and 3 m section time
around the first base were measured. Base running effi-
ciency was obtained by dividing the base running time
by the straight spri nt time.
2.2. Subjects
The subjects were 25 male university baseball players
with at least 7 years of baseball experience or more
(mean age 19.7 ± 0.7 yr, height 1.73 ± 0.05 m, body
mass 65.8 ± 6.4 kg, and careers 10.0 ± 1.6 yr) and 15
male T&F athletes without baseball experience (mean
age 19.3 ± 1.0 yr, height 1.73 ± 0.04 m, body mass 64.8
± 5.2 kg, and careers 5.9 ± 2.4 yr). There were insignifi-
cant differences between both groups in terms of physi-
cal characteristics. The position breakdown of the base-
ball players was seven pitchers, one catcher, seven in-
fielders and eight outfielders. The breakdown according
to the events for T&F athletes were six sprinters, two
hurdlers, two jumpers, and two combined competition
athletes. Informed consent was obtained from all sub-
jects after a full explanation of the experimental study
and its procedures. This study was approved by the Hu-
man Rights Committee of Kanazawa University
2.3. Running Test
1) Straight sprint test
The straight sprint time of 54.8 m (corresponding to a
run to second base) and 109.6 m (correspond to running
home [rounding the bases]) were measured. After
warming up, the subjects started by the signal of the
starter’s gun from standing posture with jogging shoes.
In each straight sprint test, the transit time of 27.2 m,
54.8 m, and 82.2 m corresponding to the distance of
running to first-third base and 109.6 m was measured by
stopwatch (SEIKO, SEKSVAS005). In consideration of
the influence of fatigue, each run test was performed
twice after sufficient rest (15 minutes). All intra-class
correlations (ICCs) were larger than 0.86. The mean of
two trials was used for the analysis.
2) Base running test
The subjects performed running to second and run-
ning home with running shoes. From a standing posture,
they started by the signal of the starter’s gun and ran at
full speed to each distance with all effort. A timekeeper
was deployed at the first base, second base, third base
and home base for running home, and the time to pass
each base was measured. In running to second, a time-
keeper was deployed on the second base and the time to
arrive at the second base was measured. Furthermore,
the actual running distance between home and first base
and between first and second base was measured, and
the 3 m section time around the first base was measured
with a measurement device [Speed trap : Apollo] with an
infrared sensor.
The running distances from home to first base and
from first to second base were calculated as follows: the
most outside footprint was assumed as a top and it was
calculated from the total distances of two hypotenuses of
connecting top and each base (Pythagorean Theorem)
(Figure 1). Because of evaluating the 3 m section time
around the first base, the measure points of 3 m away
from the first base was set up on the home-first section
and first –second section. In running to second base, the
time for the athletes’ torso to move from the first point to
the second point was measured (Figure 2).
Each base running test was performed twice after a
sufficient rest (15 minutes). All ICCs were larger than
0.79 and there were not significant differences between
trials. In addition, the ICC of the 3 m section time in
running to second was 0.76 in the baseball players, but
0.60 in T&F athletes. The mean of two trials was used
for the analysis. The decreased rate to straight sprint in
base running time was assumed to be the base running
efficiency. In fact, this was obtained by dividing base
running time by straight sprint time. For example, the
Running distance from first to seconde+h
Running distance from home to first a+d
Figure 1. Measurement method of running distance.
K. Miyaguchi et al. / Health 3 (2011) 26-31
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
3 m
3 m
Figure 2. 3 m section around first base.
base running efficiency for running home was obtained
by dividing base running time for running home by the
109.6 m run time. In addition, each section of 0 m~27.2
m, 27.2 m~54.8 m, 54.8 m~82.2 m and 82.2 m~109.6 m
in the 109.6 m run was regarded as the first to fourth
section, and the each efficiency value was calculated by
dividing the base running time of each section by the
above section time.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
The reliability of each test was examined by ICC. The
t-test was used to reveal the mean differences for each
measurement value between baseball players and T&F
athletes. The relationship between base running time and
straight sprint time, and 3 m section time or running dis-
tance were examined using Pearson's correlation coeffi-
cient. Additionally, in running home and the 109.6 m run,
two-way analysis of variance (Two-way ANOVA) was
used to reveal the mean differences among sections (first
section, second section, third section , and fourth section)
and groups (baseball players and T&F athletes) with the
repeated measures. Tukey HSD test was used for multi-
ple comparison tests if ANOVA showed a significant
main effect. Statistical significance was set at p 0.05.
Table 1 shows the resu lts of the straight sprint test and
base running test in both groups of baseball players and
T&F athletes. As for sprint time, T&F athletes showed
higher values than baseball players only in 109.6 m run
(P < 0.05, ES = 1.35). Tab l e 2 shows the results of the
t-test to reveal the mean difference of base running effi-
ciency between both groups in running to second and
home. Baseball players were significantly superior to
Table 1. Result of the straight sprint test and base running test
for both groups.
Ta b le 2. Result of the t-test to reveal the mean difference be-
tween both groups for base running efficiency.
Mean SDMean SDES
Run to second / 54.8 m sprint1.*1.33
Run home / 109.6 m sprint1.*2.00
ES: effect size *p<0. 05
Baseball (n=25)T & F (n=15)
T&F athletes in both base running efficiencies (P < 0.05,
run to second: ES = 1.33, run home: ES = 2.00).
Table 3 shows the results of the t-test to reveal the
mean difference in running distances of every section
and the total distance between bo th groups in running to
second. Baseball players showed significant short dis-
tances in base running from first to second base and in
total distance, but not in base running distance from
home to first base. As for differences in the 3 m section
time around the first base between both groups, baseball
players showed significant and higher values and ES
(1.17) was large (baseball players: 0.86 ± 0.08 sec.
T&F athletes: 0.95 ± 0.08 sec).
Table 4 shows the results of ANOVA on the differ-
ence in base running efficiency for every section be-
tween both groups. There was no significant interaction.
Baseball players were significantly superior to T&F ath-
letes in base running efficiency. Significant differences
were found among sections and multiple comparison
tests showed that the difference of the first section was
the smallest and then the fourth section and the differ-
ence was largest for the second and the third sections.
The straight sprint time showed significant and high
correlations (r = 0.87, 0.90) between th e 109.6 m run and
the run home and between the 54.8 m run and the run to
second in baseball players, bu t not i n T&F athl et es. Table
5 shows correlations between the run to second running
distance and 3 m section time in both groups. The run to
second showed significant and high correlations with 3 m
section time in both groups. Only in baseball players did
the run to second showed significant and negative corre-
lation (r = -0.4 2) wi t h ru nni n g di st ance.
Generally, T&F athletes are superior to baseball play-
ers in straight sprint ability. In the presen t 109.6 m sprint
test, T&F athletes were faster than baseball players.
However, there was an insignificant difference between
K. Miyaguchi et al. / Health 3 (2011) 26-31
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Result of t-test to reveal the mean difference of running distance between both groups.
Baseball (n = 25) T&F (n = 15)
Mean SD Mean SD t-value ES
Home-first (m) 27.95 0.16 27.83 0.20 1.95
First-second (m) 28.14 0.27 28.68 0.31 5.50 * 1.84
Total distance (m) 56.08 0.31 56.61 0.27 4.39 * 1.47
ES: eff ect size * : p<0.05.
Table 4. Result of ANOVA on the difference in base running for every section between both groups.
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 F-value Post-hoc,HSD
Mean SD Mean SD MeanSDMeanSD F1:Group F2: Sec-
Baseball(n =
25) 1.03 0.02 1.24 0.03 F132.81 * Base-
ball<T&F 1<4<2,3
T&F(n = 15) 1.08 0.04 1.33 0.08 1.320.111.180.08F2140.15*
F3 1.44
* : p<0.05.
Table 5. Correlations between the times running to second and running distance and a 3 m section between both groups.
Baseball (n = 25) T&F (n = 15)
Runnning distan ce Section t ime Runnning distance Section time
Run to second -0.42* 0.76* 0.35 0.85*
* : p<0.05.
both groups in the 54.8 m sprint test. Because the 54.8
m sprint test is a short distance, the performance of the
acceleration phase following a start influences time
greatly. Bert et al. [4] reported that the height of a ver-
tical jump with counter movement is a useful index for
the performance of a 30 m sprint following a start. From
the characteristics of baseball, it is inferred that baseball
players have superior leg muscle power. Therefore, it is
very likely that a significant difference was not found
between both groups in the 54.8 m sprint. Tsuchie [5]
reported that persons performing sprint training techni-
cally have superior ability to maintain their own maxi-
mum sprint speed due to the low digression rate of
speed. Thus, in the case of the present subjects, it is
inferred that the difference was not found in the 54.8 m
sprint ability between both groups. In a subsequent
phase, however, the T&F athletes were superior to the
baseball players because of the ability to maintain the
maximu m spee d .
On the other hand, as for running to second and ho me,
there was no significant difference between both groups.
However, baseball players were superior to the T&F
athletes in base running efficiency. This means that when
comparing base running time with straight sprint time,
the digression rate of speed was smaller in baseball
players as compared with T&F athletes. Therefore, it is
considered that the baseball players run to the next base
effectively, or the T&F athletes could not exert sprint
ability enough while base running.
In addition, in base running efficiency for each section,
the second and third sections were the least in both
groups. For this reason, it may depend on the sudden
direction change that is demanded in addition to the
movement required when passing a base. The second
and the third sections of the 109.6 m sprint correspond to
the top speed phase from the second acceleration in
sprint race [6]. And these sections are the fastest sections
with enough acceleration.
However, in the same sections in running home, the
base runners regulate a step to go through a base, and
need to take the course of base running with enough
rounding because of advancing to the next base. Hence,
it is possible that they cannot perform the acceleration
enough or maintain the accelerated speed. From the
above reason, it is inferred that the base running effi-
ciency of the second and the third sections was low.
Only in baseball players did the straight sprint time
show a high relationship (r = 0.87 and 0.90) between the
109.6 m run and the run home and between the 54.8 m
run and the run to second. Hatori [7] reported that 50 m
sprint time showed significant and moderate correlations
(r = 0.63) with each base running time, supporting the
present results.
Because baseball players are well experienced in run-
ning to the next base while maintaining a high speed, it
is possible that straight sprint time showed high rela-
K. Miyaguchi et al. / Health 3 (2011) 26-31
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
tionship with base running time. On the other hand, al-
though T&F athletes have superior straight sprint ability
as compared with baseball players, it is inferred that be-
cause they cannot efficiently exert this sprint ability in
base running, the relationship between straight sprint
time and base running time was low.
In this study, characteristics of base running method
were examined by measuring the running distance of
running to second and the 3 m section time around the
first base. The run to second showed a high relationship
with the 3 m section time in both groups. This suggests
that the runner's skill is closely related with base runn ing
time regardless of expertise, or that the person is an in-
experienced baseball player when going through a base.
As for the 3 m section time, the baseball players were
superior to the T&F athletes (ES = 1.15). This suggests
that they can run to the next base while maintain ing their
speed because of having skillful base running technique
from experience. In contrast, the T&F athletes cannot
exert their own sprint ability enough because of insuffi-
cient base running skill.
Greg [8] stated that the followin g is impor tant fo r b ase
running: 1) When approaching the base, one must lean
one’s body to the inside of the field, using the inside and
outside edges of their feet. 2) One must maintain accel-
eration and stride length, and not to increase the number
of steps near the base. 3) One must kick the ground with
the ball of the foot and to go through the base with
swinging arms to maintain speed and power. Also Mi-
zuno [9] stated that the first base provides a role such as
the start block of track-and-field. It is likely that 3 m
section time of baseball players was fast because they
have learned the above base running technique. In the
conventional baseball playbook, going through a base
with the left foot has been recommended, but recently
there have been few reports proposing going through a
base with the right foot. Actually, many baseball players
in this study went through a base with the right foot.
From now, examining more effective base running me-
thod will be necessary.
As for the distance to second, baseball players had a
shorter distance than T&F athletes in base running dis-
tance from first to second base, but not in base running
distance from home to first base. From this, it is inferred
that the T&F athletes rounded out greatly after having
gone through first base. On the other hand, the run to
second in baseball players showed a negative correlation
with running distance. This may mean that if the base
running time is short, the runnin g distance is long.
Hatori [3] reported that the relationship between run-
ning distance and base running time was positive in
those who are inexperienced at baseball, but negative in
players with experience. The present findings supported
the above. It was suggested that running the shortest
distance is not always ideal for base running, and run-
ning the cour se with ro unding to some extent co ntributes
to shortening total distance and time as a result.
By comparing T&F athletes and baseball players, it
was found that superior sprint ability does not always
lead to good base running. It is inferred that the T&F
athletes cannot exert sprint ability with poorly-trained
base running skills whereas baseball players go through
a base smoothly and can maintain maximum speed. In
base running, it is important to run with rounding to
some extent. In particular, the skill acquisition of base
running in 3 m sections around the bases will lead to
shortening the base running time.
Professional baseball is a sport in which running
speed plays an important role. Because running speed is
the only common denominator of both offense and de-
fense, Professional Major League Baseball (MLB)
scouting agents emphasize a running speed when evalu-
ating talent [10]. However, the faster players do not al-
ways participate at the major-league level (highest level
in professional baseball). Data collected on 210 profes-
sional players in the 30- and 60- yd dash showed that the
fastest players were at the AA level (second to lowest
level in professional baseball)[11]. The above means that
the players who can use their own running speed in both
offense and defense can play a more active part in the
upper levels. Therefore, as for base running, players
must train to raise running speed. And it will be neces-
sary for coaches to measure the times of straight line
runs and base runs regularly, and give feedback to the
players about this information to confirm base running
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K. Miyaguchi et al. / Health 3 (2011) 26-31
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
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