Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 478-484 Published Online September 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
A Coding-Based Incr ementa l Tra ceback Scheme against
DDoS Attacks in MANET
Qiang Jiang, Yinan Jing*, Xiaochun Xiao, Xueping Wang
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Email: j iangqia, *,,
Received April 2013
Due to constrained resources, DDoS attack is one of the biggest threats to MANET. IP traceback technique is useful to
defend against such type of attacks, since it can identify the attack sources. Several types of traceback schemes have
been propo sed for w ired networks. Among all the existing schemes, probabilistic packet marking (PPM) scheme might
be the most promising scheme for MANET. However its performance in MANET is not as good as that in Internet. In
this paper, a new scheme based on the cod ing technique (CT) is proposed for traceback in MANET. Furthermore, a new
idea of Incremental traceback is raised to cope with the situation of incremental attack (ICT). We present the protocol
design and conduct theoretical analysis of this scheme. Additionally, we conduct experiments to compare it with the
traditional PPM scheme. The experimental results show that the new coding-based traceback scheme outperforms the
PPM scheme in MANE T.
Keywords: IP Traceback; MANET; Coding; DDoS; Incremental Traceback
1. Introduction
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of
wireless nodes that is capable of keeping the network
connected without the support of a predefined network
infrastructure or any centralized administration. Beyond
that, nodes in such a network are often mobile. MANET
is an emerging research area with practical application,
such as battlefield communication, emergency services,
disaster recovery, environment monitoring, personal area
networking, etc. However, MANET is particularly vul-
nerable to network attacks. That may be attributed to its
fundamental characteristics, such as open medium, dy-
namic topology, distributed cooperation, constrained band-
width, and limited computing resource. These properties
make it much easier to be subjected to attacks compared
to wired networks [1].
Although several types of attacks in MANETs have
been studied in the literatu re, the denial-of-service (DoS)
attack may be the most serious attack. When the attack-
traffic comes from multiple sources, it is called a distri-
buted denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. By lev e ra g ing mul-
tiple attack sources, the power of a DDoS attack is
amp l ified and the problem of defense becomes more com-
plicated. Man y facts show that DDoS attacks have brought
serious financial lo sses to Internet [2]. Furthermore, with
its constrained resources, MANET is deemed to be more
vulnerable to DDoS attacks than wired networks [3].
Additionally, it is more difficult to defend against these
DDoS attacks because of some inherent properties of
MANET, including dynamic topology and autonomous
IP traceback is one of the effective countermeasures
against DDoS attacks. It allows the victim to identif y the
attack sources even in the presence of IP spoofing. [4]
has shown traceback results which are helpful to defeat
DDoS attacks. Furthermore, a well-established traceback
system can play a key role in deterring attackers, so that
it can curb the spreading of attacks to a certain extent.
Currently, various schemes have been proposed for In-
ternet [5]. However, these existing traceback schemes
cannot be directly applied to MANET for various draw-
Among all the existing traceback schemes, Probabilis-
tic Packet Marking (PPM) schemes might be the most
promising one for traceback in MANTE, because it is
more lightweight on the network overhead and node
overhead than other schemes. However, in MANET it
does not work as well as in Internet, since it has some
drawbacks. First, the marked information might be over-
written by downstream nodes, so that the upstream nodes
information cannot be easily conveyed to the victim. In
other words, its traceback speed is not that fast to adapt
Corresponding author.
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to the dynamic changes of MANET. Second, it has to
rely on a premise that the attacking paths are static, but
this condition is hard to mee t in MANET. If we are not
able to take measures to defeat the attackers before the
paths change, all the effects made are in vain. Even though
we give a relative stable topology for PPM, we cannot
ensure it work very well [6].
In this paper, a coding-based traceback (CT) scheme is
proposed. By leveraging the coding technique, the node
information of different attacking source nodes can be
combined into one code by the intermediate nodes. Fur-
thermore, we first propose a new idea of incremental tra-
ceback to solve the problem of incr emental DDoS attack.
2. Coding-Based Traceback in MANET
The main idea of the CT scheme can be expounded as
following steps. Firstly, every node in the network will
play the role of monitor. They will monitor all the in-
coming data flows. When one suspects that its upper node
is sending attack packets, it will encode its identity in-
formation (such as IP address) with a randomly generat-
ed coefficient. Secondly, it will send this encoded value
to the suspected victim. Thirdly, the intermediate node
will receive the coding information from different in-
coming links and store them into their coding cache. Then
it will encode all those coding values. After that, it will
send the new coding value to the downstream node. Fi-
nally, if th e destination node (victim) has detected that it
is under an attack, it will decode the source node infor-
mation from those received coded values with the cor-
responding coefficien ts. Thus, it will be able to traceb ack
the attackers. The above-mentioned traceback steps are
illustrated in Figure 1.
2.1. Encoding Procedure
The encoding procedure is about two questions: what to
encode and how to enc od e?
As for the first question, there are two situations. If the
node is source node like xi, it will encode its own identity.
If th e node is an intermediate node like mi, it will encode
all the codes coming from ingress edges. We first discuss
Figure 1. The process of CT.
Besides, we will consider what to be coded will be most
suitable and when will be the b est time. As for the second
question, we propose to use the random linear coding
method, which was first described in [7]. That is each link
carries a linear co mbination o f codes fr om in c o mi n g links.
The linear coefficients for each link are independently
and randomly selected fro m a finite field. Encoding with
random numbers is a more efficient manner in a large
distributed system than with determined ones. In deter-
mine coding, every node adopts determined encoding
coefficien ts. Although it only requires a small set of coef-
ficients and costs less in carrying coefficient information,
determine coding needs to acquaint with the topological-
structure of the whole network in advance, which makes
it more complex. However, the topology of MANET is
changing dynamically, making the encoding system to be
updated with huge management overhead. Therefore, we
adopt the random linear coding method and explain how
it works in detail.
Take a network G = (V, E) as an example, where V is a
set of vertices, and E is a set of edges. As for the source
node, it will choose a random number as the encoding
coefficient. For example, x1, x2 randomly choose r11, r12
to encode with respectively and send to downstream
nodes. As for the intermediate node, it will encode the
codes from ingress edges together and generate a new
code for the egress edge. For example, m1 will encode the
c(e1) and c(e2) from ingress edges e1and e2, and then get a
new code c(e) = r21*c(e1) + r22*c(e2) for the egress edge
as shown in Figure 1.
Generally speaking, we assume there are k ingress
edges (ek) to a node, then the code generate by this node
is: .
Making this coding-based scheme practical relies on
three key ideas: random encoding, packet tagging, and
buffering. Random encoding and tagging allow this scheme
to proceed in a distributed manner. Buffering allows for
asynchronous packet arrivals and departures with arbitra-
rily varying rates, delay, and loss . The CT scheme uses a
Coding Hash Table (CHT) to record the coded informa-
tion from upstream node. Every intermediate node has
one CHT, storing the codes, with hashed MAC address
of the upstream node as the key as Figure 2 shows. Each
of the table entry contains a timestamp to record the
code’s latest access time. The hash table can be cleaned
regularly based on timestamp to make more space avail-
able for updated coded information.
In the encoding process, the intermediate node gene-
rates random numbers as encoding coefficients and en-
codes the code in the table with them. Encoding time is
used to describe the proper time an encoding operation is
triggered. Intermediate node receives a packet transmit-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Figure 2. Code Hash Table.
ted from the upstream node and determines whether it
has received information from this node or not. If it has
received and has updated the CHT, the intermediate node
will not encode this packet and does nothing to the table.
If not, the received code will be written to the CHT in the
form as Key, Code, Time Stamp. Finally, the interme-
diate node encodes all the codes in the table with ran-
domly selected coefficients.
The encoding algorithm is depicted in Algorithm 1.
2.2. Decoding P rocedure
In ad hoc networks, the generation and transmission of
the coding information is not synchronized, and links are
not stably connected. The application of random liner
coding makes it possible to calculate the global coeffi-
cient for a source node and decode with enough coded
information. The decoding can be done by Gaussian eli-
mination [8].
We assume a single attack pathwith d hops between
the attacker and the victim. is a
set of source nodes near to n attackers.
stands for the coefficient vectorw-
hich acts on xi along the path in the j round of encoding.
We can calculate the global coefficient aij in a recursion
manner, and get final code value yi:
For all the sources , we will get the
global coefficient vector . The vic-
tim receives and get the matrix as follows:
The equat ion set ca n be s olved with high pos s i bility.
2.3. Incremental Traceback
In some situation that all DDoS attack won’t occur at a
same time. The cunning attackers may adopt the strategy
to carry on their attack in creasingly to confuse the target.
Furthermore, more than one attacks may occurs in a pe-
riod of time. It is a good idea if we can take advantage of
Algorithm 1. CT encoding algorithm.
Procedure Encoding(n, w, v)
1: For each packet w to v, encoding in the node n
2: if(w.code != null) /*if the packet contains code */
3: /*decide whetherCHT record the codefrom upper node*/
4: bRecorded = SearchCHT(HashKey(w.MAC));
5: if (bRecorded == Flase) /*if not recorded*/
6: Let old= the last record in CHT for v;
7: Let new=CreateRecord(HashKey(w.MAC));
8: Let r1, r2 be two nonzero random numbers;
9: new.code = r1*old.code+r2*w.code;
10: new.TimeStamp= old .Ti meStamp= now();
11: UpdateCHT();
12: w.code = new.code;
13: else
14 Let r be a random number
15: w.code = r*n.IP;
the decoded sources to traceback the latest one. We pro-
pose a new idea of Incremental coding-based traceback
(ICT) to achieve such goal.
Since the coding system is distributed, it is impossible
to receive all necessary information at the same time and
to decode all the attack sources in a multi-source attack.
The coding procedure is asynchronous and the number of
the sources is indeterminate. It will cost much more time
and computing resources if solving out all of the sources
simultaneously in the manner of Gaussian elimination.
Hence, we require a more efficient method. It works as
follows. First, we use a collector to store the coding
coefficients and the corresponding codes in a queue. For
that the encoding is incremental, we can easily get the
first source node x with little information. Second, we
store the resolved source x in another queue andsolve the
following equations with the help of x. In this way, we
can find out the sour c es grad ua lly with fewer packets.
On the other hand, CT scheme make it possible for the
intermediate nodes to store coding messages. The fol-
lowing occurred attacks which route to the same target
through these intermediate nodes will benefit from the
stored message stated above and gain a high performance.
Thus realize incremental traceback.
3. Analysis
Before analyzing the performance, we do qualitative
compare about CT and PPM. Firstly, they differ in what
they mark. The intermediate nodes in CT will encod e the
received messages and mark them while PPM will mark
the intermediate nodes’ address and overwritten the pre-
vious ones. Thus PPM needs to cost a large number of
packets to recover the attack path. Secondly, they differ
in what they obtain. CT cares about the source address
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
rather than the attack path. It is very important in MA-
NET. With the change of topological structure, the at-
tacking paths will change as well. If we fail to recover
the paths before the change of routing, all works will be
in vain. Finally, CT scheme has a better performance in
mul ti-sources situation. According to the theory of Net-
work Coding, there will be higher transmission efficien-
cy. Therefore, the traceback speed of CT will be faster.
Generally speaking, there is much difference between CT
and PPM.
Definition 1. Convergence. It refers to the time when
it is able to traceback all the sources.
Definition 2. Convergence Time (T). The conver-
gence time of a traceback scheme is defined as the least
number of packets required for convergence.
Convergence time reflects the traceback speed. Ob-
viously, the less convergence time, the better traceback
performance. We will compare the convergence time of
PPM scheme and CT scheme by theoretical analysis.
We let d denote the length of one attack path, i.e. the
number of intermediate nodes in a single attacking path.
According to CT, the convergence time is:
( )
T dd≈+− =
According to the PPM scheme, the expected value of
the convergence time of PPM [9] is:
( )( )
( )
ET pp
Now let’s prove that the convergence time of CT is
less than that of PPM. Here, we try to find the minimum
( )
to compare with
First, we calculate the derivative
If 1
=, we get the minimum of
( )
( )
ln( )
min() 11
(1 )
(6 )
We divide
( )
min( )
by d.
( )( )( )
lnln lnln
min() //
11 1
ET dd
dd d
= =
 
 
 
The length of the path (d) is certainlylonger tha n 1, i.e.
d > 1. Obviously, the formula above would be greater
than 1. That means
( )
min() CT
. Therefore,
we come to the conclusion that the convergence time of
CT is less than that of PPM.
4. Simulation
In this section, we provide experiments to analyze the
performance of the CT scheme as well as the PPM scheme
on Glomosim 2.03 [10]. We implement PPM based on
AODV routing protocol and IR-AODV (Identity Replace-
ment based AODV) protocol [6] proposed by us, which
is a routing protocol with stable topology support. Table
1 shows some detailed experiment environment settings.
1) Performance of Traceable Ratio
Definition 3. Traceable Ratio. It is defined as the ra-
tio of the number of successful traceback to the total
number of traceback attempts.
Due to dynamic changes of topology, the traceback
performance in MANET cannot simply be evaluated by
the convergence time metric.Hence, we define a new me-
tric called traceable ratio. Figure 3(a) illustrates the tra-
ceback ratio of CT, PPM on AODV and PPM on IR-
AODV when the wireless nodes transmission range va-
ries from 150 m to 300 m. Moving speed is 10 m/s. Fig-
ure 3(b) sho ws the tr aceback r atio with different moving
speed. Here each node has a transmission range about
250 m. The marking probability of the PPM scheme is
set to 0.4. From both figures, we see that although PPM
with stable topology sup port in MANET has a better tra-
ceable ratio, it still work more badly than CT. We can see
that CT has a perfect performance. It can almost achieve
a 100% traceable ratio.
2) Performance of Traceback Convergence Time
In the following experiments, we analyze the conver-
gence time of the two schemes under different trans mis-
sion ranges and different moving speeds.
Figure 4(a) depicts the variation of convergence time
of PPM on AODV, PPM on IR-AODV and C T when we
let the transmission range vary from 125 m to 325 m with
the moving speed 10 m/s. Figure 4 depicts the variation
of convergence time of the three schemes when we let
the moving speed changing from 5 to 30 m/s with the
transmission range 250 m.
From Figure 4(a) we get the conclusion that the con-
vergence time will get shorter as the transmission range
getting larger, because there are fewer hops from the
source to the destination when the transmission range
becomes large. Furthermore, the performance of CT is
Table 1. Experiment Environment Settings.
Parameter Value
TERRAIN 1500 m × 900 m
MOBILITY MOD EL Random Way Point (pause 30 sec)
DATA-TRAFFIC CBR (packet size = 512 B)
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Figure 3. (a) and (b).
better than the other two. From Figure 4(b) we know the
changing patterns of convergence time versus different
moving speed are very much different. The convergence
time is getting smaller in CT as the nodes moving faster
and faster, while the others having adverse tendency. The
moving speed is one of the factors affecting the topology
stability. CT scheme is less affected. To the contrary, as
source nodes or the intermediate nodes moves, they carry
the related coding information as well, which may give it
more chance to connect to the destination and leads to
less consumption of necessary packets.
3) Performance of traceback for multi-source attacks
Figure 5 shows the convergence time of ICT in multi-
source attack scenarios. The proportion of attack nodes to
all the nodes change from 1% to 50% while the tran smi s-
sion range of each node is 250 m and the moving speed
10 m/s. Standard means the linear growth of convergence
time .
We firstly elaborate the convergence time in multi-
source condition. We suppose all the sources are attack-
ing at the same time and we do trace at the same time as
Figure 4. (a) and (b).
Figure 5. Convergence Time vs. Attack nodes proportion.
100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
T raceable R atio (% )
Transm ission Range (m )
05 10 15 20 25 30
T raceable R atio (% )
M oving Speed (m /s)
100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
C overgence Tim e (ln)
Transm ission Range (m)
05 10 15 20 2530 35
C overgence Tim e (ln)
M oving Speed (m /s)
-505 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Convergence Time (ln)
Partition of source nodes (%)
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
well. The sources will be traced gradually, and we defi ne
the packets needed to traceback the last attacker as the
convergence time. We can see that when the number of
sources increases several times above, the convergence
time not increase at the same way. With the help of cod-
ing during the transmission , the intermediate nodes will
combine the codes of different sources together. There-
fore, the CT scheme can fully take the benefits of coding
when tracing multiple attackers.
4) Performance of Incremental Traceback
Figure 6 depicts the convergence time of CT and ICT
in an incremental attack situation. The simulation is con-
duct in the environment of 10 m/s moving speed, 250 m
transmission ra nge, base d on A O DV.
Figure 6(a) shows the situation of two phases attack
with each phase 10 nodes. Incremental gap is the time
gap of two attacks and it changes from 5 to 30 s. From
the figure, we can come to the conclusion that the per-
formance of ICT is much better than CT. CT shows a
downward trend because when two attacks are to close,
the network will be too crowd that le ads to longer delay.
ICT shows an upward trend because with the increasing
of gap, the two attacks will tend to be independent.
Incremental overlap means the amount of sources of
two phase attacks that are overlapped. Figure 6(b) indi-
cates the relationship between incremental overlap and
convergence time. The transmission range is 250 m and
moving speed is 10 m/s. There are 20 nodes at the first
attack. The incremental overlap changes from 0% to 100%.
From the figure we can find that both CI and ICT per-
formance better with the increase of incremental overlap
and ICT is much better. ICT can achieve a good perfor-
mance brought by Incremental Traceback. If the groups
are more overlapped, better performance can be obtained
with the storage of decoded sources.
5. Related Work
The traceback technology against DDoS attacks is well
developed in Internet [6]. IP traceback techniques in wired
network can be classified into three general categories.
First are logging-based traceback schemes, such as Cen-
terTrack [12] and Hash-based IP traceback [13]. Second
are ICMP-based traceback schemes called iTrace [11].
Third are packet-marking schemes, such as the typical
Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM) [9]. However, due
to different reasons, these schemes for wired networks
are not suitable for resource constrained MANET direct-
The traceback problem in wireless ad hoc network is
first addressed by Vrizlynn L. L. Thing et al [14]. The
existing traceback schemes for wireless ad hoc networks
are mostly inherited from Internet and further modified.
They can also be classified into the same three categories
Figure 6. (a) and (b).
as those for wired networks. Based on ICMP technique,
besides iTrace-CP method proposed by Vrizlynn, Kim
studied out a scheme researching on flow characteristic.
Hotspot-based Traceback [15], CAPTRA [16], the scheme
proposed by Kim et al [17] and SWAT [18] are log-
ging-based traceback schemes for wireless network. The
above-mentioned schemes [15-18] mainly inherit from
the Hash-based approach. The researches on PPM in ad
hoc networks mainly focus on the traceback performance.
Cheng et al [19,20] try to minimize the convergence time
to reduce the influence of dynamic topology. Jin pro-
posed a new scheme called zone sampling-based track-
back (ZSBT) [21] and Yang [22] use the recorded net-
work topology snapshots to proofread the tracking results.
Das et al [23] proposed an incremental computing me-
thod to reflect the change of the topology. However, it
can only trace DoS attacks with a single attack source.
010 20 30
Convergence Time (ln)
Incremental Gap (s)
-10 010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100110
Convergence Time (ln)
Incremental Overlap (%)
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we first an alyze the existing problems when
conducting traceback against DDoS attacks in MANET,
and the problems when we apply PPM scheme to MA-
NET. To achieve the goal of high tracing efficiency, we
proposed a coding-based traceback scheme. We detail
the encoding and decoding procedures of this scheme
and analyze the traceback performance in a theoretical
way. Furthermore, we compare the performance of CT
with PPM and we can see that the performance of CT is
better than PPM in both traceable ratio and convergence
time .
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