negative predictive value in tibial arteries than for other
sectors [13]. In our study, good agreement was achieved
in all below the knee arterial segments (k ≥ 0.75; P <
0.0001); however, lower agreement was noted for
proximal segments of anterior tibialis and peroneal arter-
ies (k = 0.77 and 0.75, respectively). Also, distal portion
of SFA in Hunter canal was difficult to be evaluated. So,
we used convex probe to overcome the poor view of this
arterial segment. Nevertheless, the lowest agreement (k =
0.72) in our study was related to this segment. Although
duplex scanning has lower sensitivity and specificity in
distal segment of superficial femoral and proximal seg-
ments of anterior and posterior tibialis and peroneal ar-
teries (Table 1), it is effective for drawing arterial map-
ping and further clinical decision making.
The arterial mapping in our study helped our vascular
surgeon to be ready for possible interventional proce-
dures such as need for stenting or angioplasty at the same
time of diagnostic DSA angiography. This resulted in
less patient’s costs and necessity for second interven-
tional angiography. Moreover, the patients were satisfied
by one step intervention.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study suggests that considering excel-
lent capability of color Doppler sonography in the
evaluation of lower extremity arterial disease, color
Doppler arterial mapping is sufficient for decision mak-
ing in treatment of these patients and can reduce the rate
of diagnostic angiography.
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