Table 2. Strain %, changes periodic index (Λ) and wavelength shift (Δλ) under applied DC voltage on mPOF LPG attached
of MFC (P1)
Applied DC
Voltage, (V) Strain % Resonance Wavelength
(nm) min
at 0 V
Wavelength Changes
(nm), max
Wavelength shift,
Δλ (nm)
28-07 1500 0.067 687.3 686.958 −0.672
40-10 1500 0.096 687.3 686.572 −1.058
85-28 1500 0.205 687.3 685.958 −2.255
direction of d33 effect. Similarly it was shown in Figure
7 that peak power remains same for different voltage to
tune Bragg wavelength intensity. It represent that peak
intensity variation was not observed during application of
voltage on macro fiber composite where electric dipoles
are orient in the lateral direction and produces electro-
mechanical force due to alignment of electric dipoles
[12-14]. The Bragg peak changes are more for big di-
mension of MFC sample rather than small one at par-
ticular voltages.
4. Conclusion
This aim of this work is to make strain sensor device
using mPOF LPG mounted on flexible innovative MFC
actuators. The microstructure polymer optical fibre
(mPOF) LPG makes single mode operations in visible
wavelength window, low insertion loss, small backward
reflection, and low cost and large diameter possible high
potential for strain sensing applications. The blue shifting
of Bragg wavelength is effectively more for using either
big size of MFC or at applied higher DC voltage. They
were 0.672 nm and 2.255 nm for 28-07P1 and 85-28P1
MFC under applied 1.5 KV, respectively, keeping line
peak shape and line width unchanged with applied DC
voltage. The sensitivity of LPG can be tailored by con-
trolling microstructure design through controlling disper-
sion factor with mode matching of core and clad. This
proposes model on mPOF LPG that has strong potential
for sensor tuning device. It is simple, low-cost, flexible
and efficient for future Bragg wavelength tuning in sen-
sor device applications.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to acknowledge Council of Scientific
Industrial Research (CSIR) for financial support through
CSIR EMPOWER project OLP 0285. Akhil Raj V. L.,
Project student wishes to thanks all Research fellows of
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CG &
CRI), Kolkata 700 032 for cooperation during MS thesis
work. The Authors also wish Dr. Alexander Argyros, the
University of Sydney, Australia for providing micro-
structure long period grating (mPOF) to carry out this
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