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on Na-
T: Temperature of the fluid
C: Local skin friction coefficient
C: Specific heat at constant pressure
imensionless stream function f: D
g: Acceleration due to gravity
Gr : Grashof number
h: Derature imensionless temp
k: Fluid and solid thermal conductivities
M: Magnetic parameter
Nux: Local Nusselt number
p: Conjugate conduction parameter
Pr: Prandtl number
u, v: Velocity components
v: Dimensionless velocity cou, mponents
, : Cartesian co-ordinates
x, y: Dimensionless Cartesian co-ordinate
γ: Thermal conductivity variation paramete
Cfficient of thermal expansr
η: Dimensionless similarity variable
θ: Dimensionless temperature
μ, v: Dynamic and kinematic viscositi
ρ: Density of the fluid
σ: Electrical conductivity