Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 2013, 3, 45-48 Published Online September 2013 ( 45
Adverse Effects of Permanent Waving and Hair
Relaxation—Assessment by Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM)
Tokuya Omi1,2*, Seiji Kawana2
1Department of Dermatology, Queen’s Square Medical Center, Yokohama, Japan; 2Department of Dermatology, Nippon Medical
School, Tokyo, Japan.
Email: *
Received July 17th, 2013; revised August 16th, 2013; accepted August 23rd, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Tokuya Omi, Seiji Kawana. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Permanent waving is very popular in Japan. Polypeptide chains (main chains) form the principal components of hair,
and they are lined up longitudinally. Hair relaxation is also called straight permanent waving, and there are methods that
change curly or wavy hair into straight hair. Hair damage as a result of winding, combing, and using high-temperature
hairdressing irons is also often seen. By using scanning electron micrographs (SEM) we showed broken hairs and hair
damage caused by permanent wave solutions. The hair damage is obvious when comparisons are made with the condi-
tion of the hair surface, condition of the cuticle, etc. Hair swelling by permanent wave solutions, manipulations such as
winding, etc., inadequate rinsing with water, procedures on injured hair at the outset, etc., are considered possible rea-
sons for any of these types of injury.
Keywords: Permanent Waving; Hair Relaxation; Scanning Electron Micrographs (SEM); Hair Damage
1. Introduction
Permanent waving and hair relaxation are techniques that
are widely performed in Japan, and they are very popular.
The mechanisms by which they are performed are oxida-
tion and reduction reactions that are achieved by using
permanent wave solutions. Injuries caused by permanent
wave solutions that have been reported thus far have
been primarily irritant contact dermatitis as a result of the
oxidizing and reducing actions of permanent wave solu-
tions, and in some cases there has been allergic contact
dermatitis. There have also been hand injuries suffered
by beauticians. In this paper we outline the principles of
permanent waving and hair relaxation, and we discuss
broken hair and hair damage by permanent wave solu-
tions, using scanning electron micrographs.
2. Discussion
2.1. The Principle of Permanent Waving [1-4]
Polypeptide chains (main chains) form the principal com-
ponents of hair, and they are lined up longitudinally. Ad-
jacent main chains are connected by cysteine chains by
cysteine bonds, electrical salt bonds, hydrogen bonds,
etc., in the form of side chains, and they form a network.
The springiness and resilience of hair are achieved by
these side chains.
Permanent wave solutions have two components: solu-
tion 1 and solution 2. After using solution 1, the hair is
limp instead of springy, but after using solution 2 the
waves become set, and the hair’s original springiness is
restored. Weakening the hair’s resilience by cleaving the
side chains of the hair is the role of solution 1 (reduction
reaction), and reconnecting the side chains in their new
curved position is the role of solution 2 (oxidation reac-
tion). Waves that have continuity are formed by this se-
ries of reactions.
Representative main ingredients of solution 1 are thio-
glycolic acid, cysteine, and acetylcysteine as reducing
agents, and they cleave the cysteine bonds. The role of
solution 2 is to reconnect the cysteine bonds through the
oxidizing action of an oxidizing agent, and their active
ingredients are sodium bromate, potassium bromate, and
hydrogen peroxide. The solution 2 reaction is some-
times called “neutralization”, but the term is used in the
*Corresponding author.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCDSA
Adverse Effects of Permanent Waving and Hair Relaxation—Assessment by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
figurative sense of undoing the reaction by solution 1,
not in the chemical sense of a reaction between an acid
and a base.
In addition, because the salt bonds are strongest at pH
4.5 - 5.5, bases such as ammonia are included in solution
1 in order to weaken these bonds, and the bonds are re-
stored by removing the bases by rinsing with water. Be-
cause the hydrogen bonds are weakened by water, water
is effective as a solvent, and the bonds are restored by
drying after rinsing.
2.2. Permanent Wave Procedure [2]
The permanent wave procedure starts with a shampoo as
pretreatment. Since the purpose of the shampoo is to al-
low the permanent wave solution to act evenly by re-
moving the dust, sweat, etc., attached to the hair, using a
tonic shampoo, etc., that contains scalp stimulants, etc.,
is inappropriate. Next, damaged hair or areas of hair
where waving is not desired are protected with a cream-
type hair treatment solution.
Permanent waving is not achieved simply by exter-
nally applying permanent wave solution 1; a step in
which the hair is wound around rods according to the
degree of the wave is also necessary. The rods range in
diameter from 6 mm to 15 mm, and winding 3 times is
necessary to achieve a full wave. The choice of rods is
important, because it depends on hair quality and the
degree of the w av e.
The preparation to use for permanent wave solution 1
reaction must be selected according to hair quality and
ability to form waves. Highly alkaline preparations have
stronger ability to form waves. There are two methods of
applying solution 1, i.e., a water-winding method in
which the solution is applied to the entire head of hair
after first winding moistened scalp hair around rods, and
an application-winding method in which the hair is
wound around the rods after first applying the permanent
waving solution to the hair. Evenly applying the perma-
nent wave solution to all of the hair and not allowing the
solution to run down onto the scalp are important precau-
tions that are common to both methods. If the solution is
allowed to remain on the face or ba ck of the neck, it may
cause contact dermatitis.
The hair is rinsed with water after completion of the
solution 1 reaction. This step is essential, because many
preparations that are used as solution 1 are alkaline and
they weaken the oxidizing action of solution 2.
Next, solution 2 is applied . As stated in the “principle”
section above, the action of solution 2 is essential in or-
der to maintain the wave th at was produced with solution
1. Because the hair swells when it reacts with solution 1,
it has a high water content, and since, because of that, if
solution 2 is applied all at once, most of it trickles down,
solution 2 must be applied to the hair carefully one strand
at a time.
The permanent wave is completed by treatment with
solution 2. The rods are removed, and solution 2 is thor-
oughly rinsed away with water. The scalp as well as the
hair often becomes soft and swells as a result of the oxi-
dizing action and reducing action of the solutions, and
inadequate rinsing is a possible cause of increased dan-
druff, etc., in patients who have received a permanent
2.3. Principle and Procedures of Relaxing
Hair [5]
Hair relaxation is also called straight permanent waving,
and there are methods that change curly or wavy hair into
straight hair. Commercialization of products was permit-
ted in Japan by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law in 1985.
The principle of hair relaxation is exactly the same as the
principle of permanent waving, and the sole difference is
that in hair relaxation the winding around the rods in
permanent waving is replaced by stretching the hair out
straight with a comb. The solution 1 used for hair relaxa-
tion takes the form of a viscous cream that contains a
thickener. It also has stronger reducing power than the
permanent wave solution.
Combing is performed as the step that corresponds to
the winding step in permanent waving. More specifically,
the hair is combed out straight with a rather coarse comb.
The step in which the hair is stretched out with th e comb
after the solution 1 reaction causes a great deal of dam-
age to the hair, and caution is required because of the risk
of damaging or breaking the hair.
In 2001, a method in which an iron is used was au-
thorized as a substitute for combing, and a method in
which hair is relaxed with a high-temperature hairdress-
ing iron after the solution 1 reaction has become main-
stream. In this method the hair is treated by placing bun-
dles of hair, starting at the roots, between the flat plates
of a straight iron heated to 180˚C and sequentially sliding
the iron to the tips of the hair.
The same as in permanent waving, the hair is then
treated with solution 2 and rinsed with water.
2.4. Safety Management and Unintended Uses of
Permanent Wave Solutions
In order to ensure the safety of permanent wave solutions,
in Japan they have been designated quasi-drugs, and per-
mission for quasi-drug production and importation is re-
quired to manufacture or import permanent wave solu-
tions. Consequently, the administration, dosage, indica-
tions, and efficacy of permanent wave solutions have
been stipulated [5].
The Japan Poison Information Center receives about 20
inquiries a year regarding incidents related to misuse of
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Adverse Effects of Permanent Waving and Hair Relaxation—Assessment by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 47
permanent wave solution, and close to half of the inquir-
ies are from medical facilities [4,5]. Many of them are
the result of accidental swallowing by children or eye or
skin contact while using it. When solution 1 is acciden-
tally swallowed, patients complain of abdominal symp-
toms because of the irritant action due to the solution’s
alkalinity, and when solution 2 is accidentally swallowed,
they complain of abdominal symptoms 1 - 2 hours later,
but inducing vomiting with solution 1 is contraindicated
from the standpoint of its pha r maceutic a l pro p erties.
There have also been reports of unintended uses that
are inconsistent with the purposes of using permanent
wave solutions. About 20 years ago, a fatal case was re-
ported in a 6-month-old infant in addition to acute der-
matitis medicamentosa in a group of beauticians who
attempted to popularize an acidic permanent wave solu-
tion as being able to improve overall health and having
efficacy against trichophytosis and dermatitis when ex-
ternally applied to the who le body. Eye injuries have also
been reported as a result of permanent waving eyelashes.
At both times strong notifications calling for proper use
were issued by the Environmental Health Bureau of the
Ministry of Health and Welfare. If by chance a solution
enters the eye, solution 1 has a greater irritant action than
solution 2.
2.5. Hair Injury by Permanent Wave Solutions
As described above, permanent waving is performed on
the basis of the oxidizing action and reducing action of
permanent wave solutions [1,2], and hair damage as a
result of winding, combing, and using high-temperature
hairdressing irons is also often seen. Figures 1-4 are
scanning electron micrographs of broken hairs and hair
damage caused by permanent wave solutions. The find-
ings in healthy hair are shown in Figure 5 for reference,
and the hair damage is obvious when comparisons are
made with the condition of the hair surface, condition of
Figure 1. Broken hair as a result of a permanent wave.
Broken hair is often seen during winding after the action of
solution 1.
Figure 2. Damage as a result of a permanent wave. The
surface of the hair is shaggy, and damage to the cuticle is
also seen.
Figure 3. Broken hair as a result of hair relaxation. Hair
relaxation subjects hair to considerable stress, and when
solution 1 is applied close to the roots, many broken hairs
like these are often seen. Combing manipulations also tend
to cause hairs to break.
Figure 4. Damage as a result of hair relaxation. Insufficient
rinsing is another possible reason besides damage due to
combing or ironing after using solution 1.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCDSA
Adverse Effects of Permanent Waving and Hair Relaxation—Assessment by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JCDSA
Figure 5. Healthy hair. The surface of the hair is smooth,
and no damage to the cuticle is seen.
the cuticle, etc.
Hair swelling by permanent wave solutions, manipula-
tions such as winding, etc., inad equate rinsing with water,
procedures on injured hair at the outset, etc., is consid-
ered possible reasons for any of these types of injury.
Using a hair dryer immediately after permanent waving
is another possible cau se of hair injury [6].
2.6. Skin Injury by Permanent Wave Solutions
Almost all of the skin injuries caused by permanent wave
solutions on the basis of their oxidizing action and re-
ducing action is primary irritant contact dermatitis, and
allergic contact dermatitis is very rare [1,2].
The hairline on the forehead, behind the ears, the front-
al region, etc., are the most common sites of skin injury
in people who get a permanent wave, and diagnosis is
By contrast, injury to the hands is very common among
beauticians [7,8]. The barrier function of beauticians’
skin is reduced by the mechanical irritation of giving
shampoos daily and dilapidation due to using surface-
active agents. When their hands are exposed to irritation
by permanent wave solutions that have chemical actions
under these circumstances, beauticians develop so-called
occupational chapped hands. As a result of frequent use
of cysteine permanent wave solutions in the past, a phe-
nomenon call flaking, in which insoluble cysteine ad-
hered and exacerbated the chapping, was also often seen,
but as a result of commercialization efforts by manufac-
turers’ based on studies of the components of permanent
wave solutions, it is hardly ever seen today.
Due to similar corporate efforts, the irritant actions of
per manent wave solutions have also decreased, but, n eed-
less to say, beauticians’ hand injuries are a major prob-
Furthermore, dressing up at younger ages has become
more popular recently, and the number of parents who
want permanent waves for their children has also in-
creased. The cysteine content of children’s hair is lower,
and it is difficult to permanent wave their hair. When we
also consider the irritation caused to the skin of their
scalps, it appears better to avoid permanent waving chil-
dren’s hair as much as possible.
3. Conclusion
Almost all skin injury by permanent wave solutions is
primarily irritant contact dermatitis due to the oxidizing
action and reducing action of the permanent wave solu-
tions. Hair damage as a result of the oxidizing action of
permanent wave solution is also often seen.
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