Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2013, 1, 7-15 Published Online August 2013 (
Defect and Temperature Effects on Complex Quantum-Dot
Cellular Automata Devices
Mahfuza Khatun1, Benjamin D. Padgett2, Gabriel A. Anduwan3, Ioan Sturzu4, Douglas Tougaw5
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Center for Computational Nanoscience, Ball State University, Muncie, USA
2Cummins Engine, Inc., Columbus, USA
3Applied Physics Department, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, New Guinea
4Z-Terra, Inc., Houston, USA
5Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, USA
Received June 26, 2013; revised July 26, 2013; accepted August 15, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Mahfuza Khatun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The authors present an analysis of the fault tolerant properties and the effects of temperature on an exclusive OR (XOR)
gate and a full adder device implemented using quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) structures. A Hubbard-type Ham-
iltonian and the Inter-cellular Hartree approximation have been used for modeling, and a uniform random distribution
has been implemented for the simulated dot displacements within cells. We have shown characteristic features of all
four possible input configurations for the XOR device. The device performance degrades significantly as the magnitude
of defects and the temperature increase. Our results show that the fault-tolerant characteristics of an XOR device are
highly dependent on the input configurations. The input signal that travels through the wire crossing (also called a
crossover) in the central part of the device weakens the signal significantly. The presence of multiple wire crossings in
the full adder design has a major impact on the functionality of the device. Even at absolute zero temperature, the effect
of the dot displacement defect is very significant. We have observed that the breakdown characteristic is much more
pronounced in the full adder than in any other devices under investigation.
Keywords: Quantum-dot Cellular Automata; Thermal Effect; XOR; Full Adder; Fault-Tolerant
1. Introduction
Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is a transistorless
computing paradigm at the nanoscale. Circuit functions
are realized through cooperative quantum-mechanical in-
teractions between electrons confined in arrays of quan-
tum dots. The devices are smaller, faster, and consume
less energy than existing complementary metal-oxide-
semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The signal is pro-
pagated through Coulombic interactions and utilizes bi-
stable polarization states “0” and “1” to represent the
binary states for computation. As the computing industry
moves forward, faster and smaller devices are developed,
each more capable than the last. But the increasing den-
sity of conventional microelectronic devices at the nano-
scale generates a heat problem as well as quantum me-
chanical effects that interfere with the correct operation
of the devices.
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) has been an
active area of research since its introduction 20 years ago
[1-7]. Power gain and dissipation have been active areas
of study [8-15], as have the use of QCA cells as memory
devices [16-22]. Reversible and non-reversible clocking
of QCA devices has been studied intensively [23-29].
Other researchers have proposed molecular QCA devices,
which are predicted to work at room temperature [30-41].
Most excitingly, experimental researchers have begun to
demonstrate that these devices can be fabricated and that
they operate as predicted by theory [42,43].
Since QCA devices perform their operations and store
the results of those operations using the locations of in-
dividual electrons, there could be concern that they are
more susceptible to thermal effects and fabrication im-
perfections than conventional CMOS devices. In order to
develop a viable and usable QCA model, it is necessary
to understand the behavior and robustness of QCA de-
vices. Specifically, the effects of cell misalignment, dot
displacement, thermal effects, and other faults must be
thoroughly investigated. Several researchers have invest-
tigated the fault tolerant properties and characteristics of
QCA systems [44-70]. Wire crossings have been a par-
opyright © 2013 SciRes. JAMP
ticular area of interest as it concerns robust device opera-
tion, and several researchers have proposed ways to im-
prove or reduce the number of wire crossings in QCA
devices [71-75].
In this article, we expand on our previous work in this
area to investigate the fault-tolerant characteristics and
thermal behavior of two more complex QCA devices: the
exclusive-OR (XOR) gate and the full adder. Special
attention is paid to the wire crossings used in these com-
plex devices, and it is demonstrated that the thermal be-
havior and defect tolerance of these complex devices are
determined almost exclusively by the wire crossings they
use. In Section 2, we present the theoretical methodology
and formalism to be used, Section 3 presents the results
and discussion of those results, and these are followed by
a summary and conclusions in Section 4.
2. Theory and Methodology
An extsended Hubbard model is used to describe the be-
havior of a QCA cell. For an array of cells, either the full
Hamiltonian [61-64], or an approximation method, like
Inter-cellular Hartree Approximation (ICHA) [3], can be
used. As fully described in [65], this work will use the
ICHA method and the following Hamiltonian for a single
QCA cell (Equation (1)).
The first term of this equation represents the cost to
confine each electron to a quantum dot. In this term, the
on-site energy (E0) is set equal to 130.6 meV for a silicon
semiconductor. The second term allows for the possibil-
ity that both electrons will occupy the same site within
their cell. This comes at a high cost, though, as the
on-site charging cost (EQ) is found to be 846 meV. The
third term represents the Coulombic interactions between
the electrons in cell a and those in cell b, including the
neutralizing background charges. VQ = e2/4 π
is a fixed
parameter based on fundamental constants and the di-
electric of the material. The fourth term represents the
Coulombic interactions between the pair of electrons
within cell a. The fifth term accounts for the effects of
the driver cell, and the sixth term allows for tunneling
among the five sites that compose each cell. The tunnel-
ing coefficient, ti,j, is 0.3 meV for neighboring sites.
This representation of the Hamiltonian makes use the
second quantization representation of the creation, anni-
hilation, and number operators. This terminology pro-
vides a convenient and compact representation for the
movement and Coulombic interactions among electrons
in a many-body problem.
To use the ICHA approximation, we determine the full
Hamiltonian within the cell (H0) and then approximate its
interactions with the other cells by calculating H1 based
on a current estimate of the environment. The full Ham-
iltonian is calculated by adding these two matrices to-
cellcell cell
HH (2)
Using the canonical occupation number basis for the
Hilbert space, the matrices of second quantization opera-
tors are calculated, and the quantum averages are nu-
merically computed. Quantum averages for the number
operators are the probabilities of localization for specific
 
Tr N
kT kT
Taken together, Equations (3) and (4) allow us to de-
termine the expected value of the charge density on each
site of the cell, given a tentative estimate of the environ-
ment contained in H1. This calculation is performed for
every cell in the device, and the results of that calculation
are then used as the (somewhat less) tentative basis for a
new round of calculations. In this way, the solution is
reached by iterating until the result is self-consistent. At
that point, every cell in the device is in a state that is in
perfect agreement with the now finalized states of all the
other cells surrounding it.
In previous work, we have introduced graphical, ana-
lytical, and simulation models for the study of fault-tol-
erance characteristics of a QCA device [62-68]. A brief
description will be given in this article. Defects in a QCA
 
 
 
  
0, ,0
,, 0
,,, ,,
ˆˆˆˆ ˆ
ˆˆˆˆ ,
iQ Qi
ii ij
ij ji
ij ij
ij ijji
iji j
HEnEnnV n
nn n
taa aa
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
1, ,,1, ,Nij s
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JAMP
system can be either operational or manufacturing. The
factors contributing to operational defects include the
effects of temperature, entropy, stray charge, etc. Manu-
facturing defects can be found at both the cell and/or the
device levels. Device defects are associated with the
placement and/or orientation of entire cells. These de-
fects may consist of cell translation in a vertical or hori-
zontal direction, cell rotation in a clockwise or counter-
clockwise direction, or the complete absence of a cell
within an array. The cells may be perfect, but the way the
cells are placed may cause an error in the function. At the
cell level, the dots could be misplaced, deformed, and/or
missing. Out of many possible manufacturing defects at
the cell and device levels, we discuss the fault tolerance
properties due to dot displacement within cells on QCA
devices. As the spacing between dots is changed from
their ideal locations, the tunneling energy between them
also changes.
We have introduced a double-well potential barrier
model to obtain tunneling coefficients for fixed electron
energy [62,65]. A plot of tunneling energy as a function
of inter-dot distance was shown in [65]. The physical
parameters such as the intercellular distance (60 nm),
standard spacing between two dots (20 nm), and the di-
ameter of a dot (10 nm) are used for the entire investiga-
tion. A schematic diagram is shown in Figure 1.
A uniform random distribution technique is used to
simulate misplaced dots within the cells. In order to si-
mulate the random displacements of the dots, an ana-
lytical model has been developed based on the geometry
of the QCA model shown in Figure 2 [65]. Using the
analytical model, the new position of a dot is obtained
 (5)
Here, r0 is the original position of the dot with respect
to the origin, a is the standard distance between the two
dots in a cell and
is a random vector representing
variability in the locations of the dots. Here,
is a
dimensionless quantity defined as the displacement fac-
tor (DF). The value of this parameter determines the
amount of displacement of the dots from their ideal loca-
tions. Its value lies between zero and a maximum value
of 0.5. The value of zero corresponds to the ideal posi-
tions of the dots and the value of
= 0.5 represents the
maximum displacement, when two dots can just touch
each other. It should be mentioned here that the dots are
allowed to displace in a uniform random manner in all
cells except the driver and the output cells. In this paper,
we consider 50 values of the displacement factor (with ε
= 2000 simulation trials) for the XOR device and 20 val-
ues of the displacement factor (with
= 1000 simula-
tion trials) for the full adder.
Figure 1. A 5-dot cell layout with (a) dot dimensions and (b)
cell spacing [1-2].
Figure 2. The layout of a (a) 64-cell XOR design [3] and (b)
a 57-cell XOR design [67].
The number of displacement factors and the number of
trials used in the full adder study is reduced due to the
significant time required for each simulation.
The fault-tolerant properties are measured by a pa-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JAMP
rameter called success rate, which is defined as the ratio
of the number of successful outputs to the total number
of trials in the simulation. If the polarization of the output
cell is greater than or equal to 0.5 of the polarization of
the input cell
outinput then it is counted as a
successful run. Results are analyzed as a function of dis-
placement factors for various temperatures. The specific
displacement factor at which the device fails to operate is
defined as the breakdown displacement factor (BDF).
Therefore, the BDF is the displacement factor at which
the success rate starts to fall from its maximum value of
3. Results and Discussions
An Exclusive OR (XOR) gate is relatively simple to cre-
ate with traditional CMOS technology, but in the two-
dimensional world of QCA, device fabrication difficult-
ties arise. The Boolean logic for an XOR isCABAB,
so the device will require two inverters, two AND gates,
an OR gate, binary wires to connect the gates, and a wire
The first QCA XOR gate was designed with sixty-four
cells and is shown in Figure 2(a) [3,7]. In this article, we
summarize the results of all possible four inputs (00, 10,
01, 11) and then compare these with the results obtained
for a wire crossing. For input 00 and 10, the success rate
as a function of displacement factor are plotted for four
different temperatures, T = 0, 1, 2, and 3 K and discussed
[68]. It is observed that the general characteristics of the
XOR 01 and XOR 11 are similar to the XOR 00 and
XOR 10, respectively. Both the XOR 10 and XOR 11
fail to operate with even an infinitesimal dot displace-
ment defect at absolute zero temperature. To reduce
confusion, only the fault tolerant characteristic results are
plotted at absolute zero temperature and shown in Figure
3. The general trend of the curves of the XOR 00 and
XOR 01 are similar to the basic logic gates [68] and the
XOR 11 and XOR 01 graphs are comparable to the wire
crossing. After much investigation, the difference was
determined to be due to the inclusion of the wire crossing
in the XOR device. As mentioned earlier, to get a strong
signal from the AND gates (with a fixed 0 input) one
should put emphasis on the fact that both incoming sig-
nals from the inputs A and B must provide adequate im-
pact to override the fixed input when necessary.
If the incoming signals are not strong enough for the
AND gate to operate properly, the gate cannot produce a
strong outgoing signal for the next stage in the device.
For the XOR 00 and the XOR 01, the first input (0)
reaches the bottom AND gate by passing through the
bottom binary wire. This signal is less interfered by other
cells and components of the device. This input and the
fixed 0 input on the AND gate override whatever comes
through the crossover. Thus, the AND gate produces a
Success Rate
Displacement Factor (σ)
XOR 00
XOR 01
XOR 10
XOR 11
Figure 3. Results for the 64-cell XOR and the crossover:
Success rate as a function of displacement factor at 0 K for
all inputs.
strong signal for the next stage for computation in the
device. In this circumstance, the effect of temperature
seems to be irrelevant. We conclude that the cause of the
poor functionality for specific input configurations of the
XOR has been determined to be the wire crossing that is
in the middle of the device.
In order to improve the operation of the XOR, its de-
sign has been revised. The improved XOR device, which
is made with fifty-seven cells, is shown schematically in
Figure 2(b) [67]. The vertical path (the wire crossing) in
the middle part of the device is doubled up, and a ro-
tated-cell inverter has been incorporated to reduce the
size and the number of cells of the gate. Plots of success
rate as a function of displacement factor for all possible
inputs are shown in Figure 4(a). The general characteris-
tics of the 00 and 01 curves are similar as observed in the
previous design. Similarly, the results of 10 and 11
curves are nearly identical. These results are compared
with the results of the previous design and shown in Fig-
ure 4(b). One may notice that there is not much signifi-
cant change or improvement in the operation of the de-
vice. The BDF for the XOR 11 of the original design is
0.004 [68] and the BDF for the improved design is 0.008
at 0 K. We already reported that the BDF for the wire
crossing at 0 K is 0.015 [68].
The results indicate that the wire crossing is the weak-
est piece of the XOR design, and doubling it does not
significantly improve its performance. To construct a
functional XOR, either vertical inputs could be used to
avoid crossing signals, or the use of clocking could be
Finally, we show the fault-tolerance properties of a
single-bit full adder made with 192 cells [5,7]. The lay-
out of the design is shown in Figure 5(a). The success
rate as a function of displacement factor for the full adder
has been studied at 0 K, and these results are shown in
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JAMP
Figure 5(b). The value of the breakdown displacement
factor is approximately 0.0025, which is a very small
number. We see that the fault-tolerance characteristic due
to dot misalignment in the device is very similar to that
of XOR 11. From this investigation, we find that the fault
tolerance at absolute zero is only a few thousandths of a
Comparing the results of other devices studied by our
group, the full adder is the most vulnerable device to the
misalignment defect. Both the XOR and full adder QCA
designs are large and complex. Even at absolute zero, the
tolerance of the devices with a minute defect is very poor.
Therefore, we conclude that a revised design and signal
transfer model is needed for the large-scale complex de-
vices and hence the QCA architecture. A pipelined
clocking model for the XOR and the full adder is under
investigation and will be reported soon.
4. Summary and Conclusions
Fault-tolerance properties have been studied for XOR
Success Rate
Displacement Factor (σ)
XOR 00
XOR 01
XOR 10
XOR 11
Comparison of 57-cell XOR and 64-cell XOR at 0 K
00.1 0.20.3 0.4
Displacement Factor (σ)
Success Rate
57 XOR 0057 XOR 01
57 XOR 1057 XOR 11
64 XOR 0064 XOR 01
64 XOR 1064 XOR 11
Figure 4. Simulation results for the 57-cell XOR design: (a)
Success Rate versus Displacement Factor and (b) Com-
parison of 57-cell results with 64-cell XOR design at 0 K.
00.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Success Rate
Displacement Factor (σ)
Full -Adder at T 0 K
Figure 5. (a) The layout of a Full adder QCA made with 192
cells. Success rate rate vs. displacement factor at 0 K for the
(b) full adder with input ABCin = 111.
and full adder QCA devices. An extended Hubbard-type
Hamiltonian and Inter-cellular Hartree approximation
have been used for modeling, and a uniform random dis-
tribution has been utilized for the study of positional de-
fects within QCA cells. The robustness of a device to
fault tolerance and thermal effects is characterized by
Success Rate, which is the probability that a device will
operate correctly given a particular temperate and dis-
placement factor, and the Breakdown Displacement Fac-
tor, which is a measure of how much the dot locations
can vary before the device fails to operate properly.
A summary of success rate of all possible input con-
figurations for the XOR device has been shown for vari-
ous displacement factor values. The results are compared
with the success rate values of the wire crossing which is
one of the basic components in the large-scale device.
Results for the two input values, XOR 11 and XOR 10,
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JAMP
are comparable to the crossover. In addition, a summary
of the Breakdown Displacement Factor as a function of
temperature is shown. The Breakdown Displacement
Factor values decrease with temperature, indicating that
thermal effects compound with manufacturing imperfect-
tions to cause device failure more quickly. We conclude
from these observations that the presence of the wire
crossing (or crossover) in the middle part of the design
plays a significant role on the functionality of the device.
Attempts were made in the current work to improve
the functionality of the crossover in the XOR design.
Even with these modifications, the wire crossing still
proved to be the weak link in the design. Results of suc-
cess rate as a function of displacement factor of a single-
bit full adder have been studied at 0 K. The device is ex-
tremely sensitive to any misalignment of the dots within
the cells at absolute zero. The failure of the device is
observed at
= 0.0025 displacement factor value. It is
certain that the combined effect of temperature and dot
displacement will make the result worse. In conclusion,
we suggest that the wire crossing structure used in these
two devices is a weak component in large-scale QCA
devices. In order to improve the functionality of a large-
scale QCA device, the wire crossing structure used here
should be eliminated by the use of clocked signals. The
problem is under investigation and we plan to report the
new methods and design soon.
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