Forming Stages of Polycrystalline TiN Films Depending on the Nitrogen Concentration in Mixed Gas
Globular stage:
forming of globules
without substrate
surface wetting
(50%) and with the
one (70%, 90%)
Forming of 3D
formations with
non-ordered at
50%, 70%;
ordered at 90%
Integration of the 3D
formations with grain
substructure: without
ordering at 50%; initial
ordering at 70%; forming
of pseudoplains {100} on
surface at 90%
on of
of the film
lline 2D
island s
lline film
Forming of 3D
ordered grain (70%)
and 2D ordered
column (90%)
formations on the
continuous film
Figure 10. Stages of the TiN film forming depending on nitrogen concentration in mixed gas, film temperature, and film
heating rate. Forming of films with main cubic TiN phase by arc spraying method (50% of N2, 625 to 670 K, Vfilm heating = 12.3
K/min; 70% of N2, 625 to 680 K, Vfilm heating = 12.5 K/min; 90% of N2, 645 to 725 K, Vfilm heating = 14.2 K/min).
ume fraction of the hexagonal TiN0.3 phase and to wors-
ening of its mechanical properties.
Structuring of the films with main cubic (111) TiN
phase goes through the following stages: globular, form-
ing of 3D formations with grain substructure, integration
of the 3D formations, nucleation of polycrystalline con-
stituent of the film, forming of polycrystalline 2D islands,
forming of continuous film, forming of ordered 3D and
2D formations on the continuous film surface (Figure 10).
In summary, it was discovered that except of film
temperature film heating rate first of all effect on origin,
forming stages, and structuring of the ion-plasma TiN
films in process of the film applying.
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