American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 4, 1784-1789 Published Online September 2013 (
Potential Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on the
Flowering, Productivity and Economic Viability of Hybrid
Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under Drip
Fertigation System
Govindarasu Rajaraman1, Lakshmanan Pugalendhi2
1Department of Vegetable Crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore,
India; 2Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yethapur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Received July 1st, 2013; revised August 1st, 2013; accepted August 20th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Govindarasu Rajaraman, Lakshmanan Pugalendhi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
Drip irrigation provides an efficient metho d of fertilizer delivery and allows precise timin g and uniform distribution of
applied nutrients. Fertilizer application through drip irrigation (fertigation) can reduce fertilizer usage and minimize
groundwater pollution due to fertilizer leaching from excessive irrigation. For this purpose, field experiments were car-
ried out in the farmers’ field at Thoppur, Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, during 2010-2012 to study the effect of
spacing and fertilizer levels on the flowering, pod yield and economic viability of Bhendi Hybrid (Abelmoschus escu-
lentus L. Moench) under drip fertigation system. The treatments consisted of two spacings (M1—60 × 45 cm and M2
60 × 30 cm) and eight drip fertigation levels (S1—Drip fertigation with WSF at 125 per cent RDF + Azophosmet +
Humic acid, S2—Drip fertigation with WSF at 100 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S3—Drip fertigation
with WSF at 75 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S4—Drip fertigation with WSF at 100 per cent RDF,
S5—Drip fertigation with SF at 125 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S6—Drip fertigation with SF at 100 per
cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S7—Drip fertigation with SF at 75 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid,
S8—Drip fertigation with SF at 100 per cent RDF), and were replicated thrice in a split plot design. Results showed that
the earliest flowering (26.21 days), 50% flowering (51.31), number of flowers per plant (25.33) and highest pod yield of
596.70 g/plant, 24.91 t/ha was registered in drip fertigation at 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers as water
soluble fertilizer combination with Azophosmet and humic acid under wider spacing. The economics of the study
clearly showed that drip fertigation at 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer along
with Azophosmet and humic acid under wider spacing was found to record higher BCR of 2.99.
Keywords: Flowering; Pod Yield; Economics; Fertilizers; Spacing; Bhendi Hybrid
1. Introduction
Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) is an im-
portant vegetable crop widely grown in the world. It is
belonging to the family Malvaceae and native to Africa
and the crop comes up well in tropical and sub tropical
lowland regions of Asia, America and warmer parts of
Mediterranean region. In Bhendi, it is most desirable and
also essential to achieve the twin objective of maximum
yield and the best quality simultaneously, and this could
be achieved largely by providing the optimum plant
population per unit area and balanced nutrition under
field conditions, which could be provided by optimizing
the spacing and fertilizer levels. Obviously, these two
factors will not only enhance the productivity, but also
decide the ultimate commercial success of vegetable
crops. It is essential to provide op timum plant population
density per unit area by adjusting the spacing levels in
bhendi crop, unlike in normal spacing the plants grown
in closer spacing exhibited more vertical growth but gave
less yield and poor quality for need of sufficient space,
light, nutrient and moisture due to heavier plant popula-
tion pressure [1]. Whereas, the plants grown in the wider
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJPS
Potential Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on the Flowering, Productivity and Economic Viability
of Hybrid Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under Drip Fertigation System 1785
spacing exhibit more horizontal and continuous vegeta-
tive growth due to less population pressure per unit area
but they also give less yield per unit area [2]. However
the plants grown under normal spacing will have opti-
mum population density per unit area, which provides
optimum conditions for luxuriant crop growth and better
plant canopy area due to maximum light interception,
photosynthetic activity, assi milation and accumulation of
more photosynthates into plant system, and hence they
produce more yields with best quality traits [3]. Bhendi
responds well to the application of fertilizers and is re-
ported to be a heavy feeder of NPK. Efficient use of fer-
tilizer and water is highly critical to sustained agricul-
tural production. Drip irrigation is often preferred over
other irrigation methods because of the former’s high
water-application efficiency on account of reduced losses,
surface evaporation and deep percolation. Because of
high frequency water application, concentrations of salts
remain manageable in the rooting zone [4]. Fertilizers ap-
plied under traditional methods are generally not utilized
efficiently by the crop. In fertigation, nutrients are ap-
plied through emitters d irectly into the zon e of maximum
root activity, and consequently fertilizer-use efficiency
can be improved over conventional method of fertilizer
application. Generally crop respon se to fertilizer applica-
tion through drip irrigation has been excellent, and fre-
quent nutrient applications have improved the fertilizer-
use efficiency [5]. Bar Yosef and Sagiv [6] reported fer-
tilizer saving and increase in bhendi yield due to fertiga-
tion. For that purpose, a better understanding of the im-
pact of current practices on the crop and on losses of wa-
ter and nutrients from the root zone is necessary, which
should be obtained from a sound base of field experi-
mentation and environmental mechanics. Fertigation
through drip system is an innovative technology for
maximizing the yield. Though the cost of drip irrigation
unit was high, considering longer life period of drip irri-
gation system, the benefit accrued out of drip irrigation
will last for longer period. Fertigation involved an addi-
tional cost using water soluble fertilizers. However, the
additional cost towards WSF was largely compensated
by higher ne t return obtained by higher yield and quality
produces. High net return of bhendi could be assured by
increasing the productivity by adopting judicious man-
agement practices.
Keeping in this view, the presen t investigation was un-
der taken to assess the effect of of spacing and fertilizer
levels on the flowering, productivity and economics of
Bhendi Hybri d (COBhH1) under drip fert i g ation system .
2. Materials and Methods
A field trial was conducted to study the effect of spacing
and fertilizer levels on the flowering, productivity and
economic viability of Bhend i Hybrid (Abelmoschus escu-
lentus L. Moench) under drip fertigation system at Thop-
pur village in Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu, India
during 2010-20 12 during two Rabi and one Summer sea-
sons. The experiment was laid out in split plot design
(SPD) with three replications. Recommended dose of fer-
tilizers (NPK @ 200:100:100 kg/ha), using liquid bio
inoculant (Azophosmet @ 0.5 per cent) @ 750 ml/ha,
Liquid bio stimulant (Humic acid @ 0.4 per cent) @ 2.5
litre/ha at 15 and 30 DAS through drip irrigation. WSF
100 per cent NPK applied through drip fertigation system
and SF 100 per cent P applied as basal and 100 per cent
N and K applied through drip fertigation. The water so-
luble fertilizer sources for supplying NPK through drip
irrigation were urea, poly feed, MAP and Multi-K. The
straight fertilizer sources for supplying NK through drip
irrigation were urea and MOP and the 100 per cent P
applied as SSP as basal. Bhendi hybrid (COBhH1) was
used for the study. The treatments consisted of two levels
of spacing in main plots and eight levels of drip fertiga-
tion in sub plots. The treatments consisted spacing of M1
(60 × 45 cm) and M2 (60 × 30 cm), drip f ertig ation levels
of S1—Drip fertigation with WSF at 125 per cent RDF +
Azophosmet + Humic acid, S2—Drip fertigation with
WSF at 100 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid,
S3—Drip fertigation with WSF at 75 per cent RDF +
Azophosmet + Humic acid, S4—Drip fertigation with
WSF at 100 per cent RDF, S5—Drip fertigation with SF
at 125 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S6
Drip fertigation with SF at 100 per cent RDF + Azo-
phosmet + Humic acid, S7—Drip fertigation with SF at
75 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S8—Drip
fertigation with SF at 100 per cent RDF.The number of
days taken from sowing to the opening of first flower in
each treatment and replication was re- corded as the days
taken for first flowering and expressed in days. Total
plants in the net plot were taken in to ac- count for calcu-
lating days to 50 per cent flowering. The total number of
days taken for blooming in about 50 per cent of the
population in the net plot is recorded as days to 50 per
cent flowering. The number of flowers per plant was
counted individually from the tagged plants in each
treatment and replication. For this ten plants from each
treatment were tagged and the flowers that are bloomed
were counted periodically and w ere expressed in number.
The crop yield was computed per hectare and the total
income was worked out and expressed in Rs/ha based on
the minimum market rate which was prevalent during the
time of this experimentation. Net return was obtained by
subtracting the cost of cultivation from gross return for
each treatment and expressed in Rs/ha. The benefit cost
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJPS
Potential Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on the Flowering, Productivity and Economic Viability
of Hybrid Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under Drip Fertigation System
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJPS
ratio (BCR) was worked out by using the formula sug-
gested by Palaniappan [7]. low levels of nutrients. The plants spaced at 60 × 45 cm
recorded minimum days to flowering than closer spacing
of plants at 60 × 30 cm. Possible reason for delayed
flowering at closer spacing might be high competition
among the plants for nutrients, moisture and light [9].
The nutrients movement from source to sink would have
taken place in a consistent manner and made the nutrient
available to all plant parts for quick development of flo-
wer emergence. The result obtained in this study is in ac-
cordance with the fi ndings of Ram al i ngam [10].
Gross return Rsha
BCR Total cost of cultivation Rsha
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Flowering Characters
The flowering characters like days taken for first flower
emergence, number of days to 50 per cent flowering and
number of flowers per plant were significantly influenced
by different levels of drip fertigation along with Azo-
phosmet and humic acid (Table 1).
Among the interactions, application of 100 per cent
recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertil-
izer with Azophosmet and humic acid (M1S2) in wider
spacing recorded less number of days for 50 per cent
flowering with 51.31. This might be due to availability
optimum level of nutrients in the root zone throughout
the crop growth period. This was in line with the findings
of Takahashi et al. [8]. The presence of K in humic acid
might also be responsible for earliness to attain 50 per
cent flowering [11].
Under closer spacing there was delayed flowering.
Wider spacing (M1) registered early flowering (31.54
days), whereas in closer spacing (M2), the flowering was
noticed in 34.48 days. Application of 100 per cent rec-
ommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer
with Azophosmet and humic acid (S2) showed early
flowering with 26.57 days. In the interactions, applica-
tion of 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers as
water soluble fertilizer with Azophosmet and humic acid
(M1S2) in wider spacing recorded early flowering (26.21
days). Takahashi et al. [8] also found that optimum dose
of N, P and K rates developed flower buds sooner than
In the main plot treatments, M1 (wider spacing) re-
corded more number of flowers per plant with 22.13
when compared to M2 (closer spacing) with 17.90. Dif-
ferent levels of drip fertigation showed significant dif-
ferences among the treatments, S2 (100 per cent recom-
mended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer with
Table 1. Effect of spacing and drip fertigation on flowering characteristics and productivity of hybrid bhendi.
Flowering characteristics Yield (or) Productivity
Days taken to
first flowering Number of days to 50
per cent flowering Number of flowers
per plant Pod Yield
(g/plant) Pod Yield
M1 M
2 Mean M1 M
1 M
1M1 M
2Mean M1 M
2 Mean M1 M
S 1 26.73 29.84 28.29 55.87 59.32 57.6024.7118.8621.79596.70382.60 489.65 22.10 21.2521.68
S 2 26.21 26.94 26.57 51.31 57.49 54.4025.3320.5822.96660.63416.21 538.42 24.47 23.1223.79
S 3 32.44 35.60 34.02 63.04 65.15 64.1021.5417.2719.41484.65313.96 399.30 17.95 17.4417.70
S 4 30.49 35.21 32.85 60.12 63.07 61.6022.2618.4820.37534.21337.95 436.07 19.79 18.7819.28
S 5 28.77 32.26 30.52 57.77 60.77 59.2723.1418.7520.94572.00366.67 469.34 21.18 20.3720.78
S 6 34.18 36.91 35.54 66.35 68.64 67.4921.3517.1619.26439.96284.54 362.25 16.30 15.8116.05
S 7 37.99 39.89 38.94 68.76 72.84 70.8018.6115.6017.11318.79203.48 261.14 11.81 11.3011.56
S 8 35.53 39.19 37.36 68.00 69.63 68.8120.1016.5018.30371.83238.57 305.20 13.77 13.2513.51
Mean 31.54 34.48 33.01 61.40 64.61 63.0122.1317.9020.01497.35318.00 407.67 19.09 18.3018.04
SEd CD (0.05%)SEd CD (0.05%)SEd CD (0.05%)SEd CD (0.05%) SEd CD (0.05%)
M 0.26983 1.16103 0.16988 0.73096 0.193130.83101 5.2785722.71228 0.13876 0.59706
S 0.44869 0.91912 0.78778 1.61373 0.334940.68612 8.3237017.05078 0.29035 0.59476
M X S 0.65201 1.58736 1.05589 2.22456 0.483351.16409 12.2110730.15772 0.40839 0.94285
S X M 0.63454 1.29983 1.11408 2.28216 0.473680.97032 11.7714924.11345 0.41061 0.84112
Potential Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on the Flowering, Productivity and Economic Viability
of Hybrid Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under Drip Fertigation System 1787
Azophosmet and humic acid) registered the maximum
number of flowers per plant (22.96). Better uptake of po-
tassium by the plants in the fertigation treatment would
have helped in the transpo rt of cytokinin and metabolites
towards the sink. These results are in accordance with the
findings of Salvadore et al. [12] in tomato. Similar trend
of results ha ve bee n d oc umented by P rabhak a r et al. [13],
Meenakshi and Vadivel [14] and Kavitha [15]. This might
be due to activity of humic acid consisting of active
phenolic group that might have inh ibited oxidase activity
and promoted the prolonged persistence of IAA in plants
which might have contributed to the increased number of
flowers. Inhibition of peroxidase activity by humic acid
due to auxin breakdown promoting the number of flow-
ers was reported by Muscolo et al. [16] and Balumahen-
dran [17].
3.2. Pod Yield
Among the spacings, the maximum pod yield per plant
was noticed (Table 1) under the wider spacing M1
(497.35 g) whereas in closer spacing (M2) it was 318.00
g. The 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers as
water soluble fertilizer along with Azophosmet and hu-
mic acid (S2) showed the maximum pod yield per plant
with 538.42 g, whereas in 75 per cent recommended dose
of fertilizers as straight fertilizer with Azophosmet and
humic acid (S7) the pod yield per plant was 261.14 g.
Among the spacings, the maximum pod yield per hectare
was noticed under the wider spacing M1 (19.09 t/ha),
whereas in closer spacing (M2) it was 18.30 t/ha. Differ-
ent levels of drip fertigation showed significant differ-
ences. The 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers
as water soluble fertilizer with Azophosmet and humic
acid (S2) showed the maximum pod yield of 23.79 t/ha,
whereas minimum in 75 per cent recommended dose of
fertilizers as straight fertilizer with Azophosmet and hu-
mic acid, (S7) the pod yield per hectare was 11.56 t/ha.
The increase in yield mig ht be due to better proportion
of air-soil-water which was maintained throughout the
life period of crop in drip fertigation as reported by Ka-
dam and Karthikeyan [18]. The result of this experiment
indicated that total yield was affected by plant density.
Yield per hectare increased as plant density decreases.
Nasto et al. [19] reported that the greatest fruit yield of
sweet pepper and other plants were obtained from plants
grown at low density. Lower planting densities per unit
area produces more vigorous crops than higher popula-
tion density, but this cou ld not compensate for a reduced
number of plants per unit area. The total yield increased
with lower planting densities. This was probably due to
decrease in the number of plants per unit area, which
might contribute to the production of extra yield per unit
area leading to high yield [20].
3.3. Economic Viability
In the present study, application of 100 per cent recom-
mended dose of fertilizer as water soluble fertilizer along
with Azophosmet and humic acid under drip fertigation
at wider spacing secured the highest net return (Rs.
162840.40/ha). This resulted in the production of higher
yield per hectare with higher cost benefit ratio (Tabl e 2 ).
The treatment drip fertigation at 100 per cent recom-
mended dose of fertilizer as water soluble fertilizer along
with Azophosmet and humic acid under wider spacing
recorded the maximum BCR of 2.99. The lower BCR of
1.40 were recorded in the treatment 75 per cent recom-
Table 2. Effect of spacing and drip fertigation on economic viability of hybrid bhendi.
Economic Viability
Economic yield
(Kg/ha) Gross income
(Rs/ha) Cost of cultivation
(Rs/ha) Net return
(Rs/ha) BCR
spacing Closer
spacing Wider
spacing Closer
spacing Wider
spacing Closer
spacing Wider
spacing Closer
spacing Wider
spacing Closer
S1 22.10 21.25 220998.20 212554.6589005.5389005.53131992.67123549.12 2.48 2.39
S 2 24.47 23.12 244676.24 231223.6981835.8481835.84162840.40149387.85 2.99 2.83
S 3 17.95 17.44 179498.43 174420.0974894.7974894.79104603.6499525.30 2.40 2.33
S 4 19.79 18.78 197854.25 187744.8180860.8480860.84116993.41106883.97 2.45 2.32
S 5 21.18 20.37 148298.75 142590.8464515.9464515.9483782.81 78074.91 2.30 2.21
S 6 16.30 15.81 122211.94 118556.3463076.9563076.9559134.99 55479.39 1.94 1.88
S 7 11.81 11.30 88552.24 84783.69 60662.9660662.9627889.27 24120.73 1.46 1.40
S 8 13.77 13.25 103287.60 99403.42 62101.9562101.9541185.65 37301.47 1.67 1.60
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJPS
Potential Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on the Flowering, Productivity and Economic Viability
of Hybrid Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under Drip Fertigation System
mended dose of fertilizers as straight fertilizer along with
Azophosmet and humic acid under closer spacing in the
4. Conclusion
Thus from the present investigation, drip fertigation un-
der wider spacing in bhendi was found to be an eco-
nomically viable, technically feasible, socially acceptable
technology for maximum yield and income benefits. It
can be concluded from the foregoing discussion that drip
fertigation at 100 per cent recommended dose of fertil-
izer as water soluble fertilizer along with Azophosmet
and humic acid was utilizing the input efficiently in all
the seasons under wider spacing (60 × 45 cm).
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Potential Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on the Flowering, Productivity and Economic Viability
of Hybrid Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under Drip Fertigation System 1789
List of Abbreviations
RDF: Recommended dose of fertilizer
DAS: Days after sowing
BCR: Benefit cost ratio
NPK: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
SF: Straight fertilizer
WSF: Water soluble fertilizer
SSP: Single super phosphate
MAP: Mono ammonium phosphate
SPD: Split plot design
MOP: Muriate of potash
Rs./ha: Rupees/Hectare
Kg/ha: Kilogram /Hectare
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