Vol.5, No.9, 1012-1018 (2013) Natural Science
Contribution of soil and foliar fertilization of nitrogen
and sulfur on physiological and quality assessment
of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Beena Saeed1*, Hasina Gul2, Farman Ali1, Amir Zaman Khan2, Shazma Anwar2, Nasrullah3,
Sadia Alam4, Salma Khalid5, Alia Naz5, Hina Fayyaz7, Azra6
1Department of Agriculture, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan; *Corresponding Author: beena@awkum.edu.pk
2Department of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan
3Department of Soil Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan
4Department of Biotechnology, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan
5Department of Environmental Sciences, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan
6Department of Plant Pathology, The University of Agriculture, Mardan Campus, Pakistan
7Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan
Received 10 April 2013; revised 10 May 2013; accepted 18 May 2013
Copyright © 2013 Beena Saeed et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nitrogen and sulfur supplies have a strong in-
fluence on the physical characteristics of crop
as well as on the quality and quantity of wheat
storage proteins, which play an important role in
bread-making process. In order to evaluate the
contribution of soil and foliar fertilization of ni-
trogen and sulfur on physiological and quality
assessment of wheat, a field trail was carried out
having randomized complete block design with
four replications and eight different treatments
of nitrogen and sulfur combinations were allot-
ted to plots at different growth stages. Results
indicated that highest protein content (12.82%),
maximum moisture content (10.9%), maximum
crop growth rate and maximum absolute growth
rate were recorded when the wheat crop was
fertilized with T8 [Nitrogen @ 60 kg·ha1 at sow-
ing + 40 kg·ha1 at tillering + 10 kg·ha1 at anthe-
sis (spray) + 10 kg·ha1 after anthesis (spray)] +
[Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1 at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at
anthesis (spray) + 5 kg·ha1 after anthesis
(spray)], while control practice resulted low
moisture content, low protein, minimum crop
growth rate and low absolute growth rate.
Among physiological components of wheat cul-
tivars, leaf area index was enhanced when fer-
tilization was done with T5 (Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1
at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis + 5 kg·ha1
after anthesis). In all the recorded observations,
concerning experiment wheat cultivar Pirsabaq-
2005 showed appreciable response as compared
with other variety (Khyber-87). Thus it is possi-
ble to obtain maximum physiological traits as
well as bread-making quality of wheat through
soil and foliar application of nitrogen and sulfur.
Keywords: Absolute Growth Rate; Crop Growth
Rate; Leaf Area Index; Moisture and Protein
Cereals are an important dietary protein source through-
out the world, because they constitute the main protein
and energy supply in most countries [1]. Wheat is one of
the major cereal crops with a unique protein, which is
consumed by the humans and is grown around the world
in diverse environments. It has already been known that
gluten proteins have a primary role in wheat flour quality.
It is recognized that variation in protein contents and
composition significantly affects wheat quality with sub-
sequent influence on baking quality [2]. Nitrogen and
sulfur contents of wheat influence the bread-making qual-
ity of wheat flour [3]. Studies have shown that foliar as
well as soil application of nitrogen and sulfur on wheat at
optimum timings (during and after anthesis) has increased
grain protein contents and improved bread-making qual-
ity [4].
Nitrogen rate, type and timings of its application are
important factors to increase wheat protein contents and
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
B. Saeed et al. / Natural Science 5 (2013) 1012-1018 1013
its yield [5]. In a study, Nitrogen spraying on leaves dur-
ing 2 - 3 weeks after flowering has shown a significant
increase in grain protein contents [4]. The metabolism of
nitrogen and sulfur is closely interrelated and an optimal
N/S ratio in grain has been shown to improve bread-
making quality. Differences in nitrogen and sulfur uptake
and redistribution of nitrogen and sulfur influence pro-
tein content and composition as well as grain characteris-
tics and dough properties. The current practice of apply-
ing large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers to cereal crops
without considering sulfur requirements is becoming a
concern for crop quality. With the increased use of sul-
fur-free fertilizers in modern cropping systems and the
decrease of atmospheric sulfur emissions by industry,
sulfur has become a major limiting factor for crop pro-
duction. Research has also indicated that there is an in-
crease of grain protein from 11% to 12% by spraying of
12 kg/ha of ammonium sulphate [4]. Although wheat has
a relatively low sulfur requirement, still deficiencies have
been observed in many countries of the world [6].
Nitrogen and sulfur fertilization boosts yield compo-
nents, phenology and leaf traits. Crop biomass and crop
growth rate are dependent on the ability of the canopy to
intercept incoming photo synthetically active radiations,
which is the function of leaf area index (LAI), leaf area
duration and canopy architecture and then converts these
radiation into new biomass. Nitrogen availability influ-
ences the efficiency of assimilated mobilization to sink
during leaf senescence and thus affects leaf viability and
activity [7]. Nitrogen addition increases the leaf archi-
tecture from 7% to 19% at the lower sulfur rate, but at
the highest sulfur supply, these increments range from
20% to 35%, evidencing a clear interaction between both
nutrients [4]. Sulfur effects are evident between anthesis
and physiological maturity increasing CGR by 51% [4].
An increase in leaf photosynthesis is expected when sul-
fur supply is increased. LAI was reduced in crops grown
under nitrogen deficiency. Increases in nitrogen and sul-
fur contents of soil affect all growth stages of the crops.
For example an increase in nitrogen concentration at an-
thesis can result in an increase of LAI by as much as
62% and incoming photo synthetically active radiations
by up to 20% [8].
The present study was therefore designed to investi-
gate about contribution of soil and foliar fertilization of
nitrogen and sulfur on physiological and quality assess-
ment in two varieties of wheat.
2.1. Site Description and Experimental
Experiment was conducted at New Developmental Farm
of The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan dur-
ing 2008 and 2009. A basal dose of Phosphorus (100
kg/ha) and potassium (60 kg/ha) was applied at sowing.
Urea was applied as a source for nitrogen and ammo-
nium sulphate as a source for sulfur. Half dose of both
urea and ammonium sulphate was applied at the time of
sowing and the remaining half dose at different growth
stages. The experiment was laid out in randomized com-
plete block design having 4 replications. Subplots size
was 5 m × 3 m having 10 rows 5 m long & 30 cm apart.
Two varieties Pirsabaq-2005 & Khyber-87 were used in
the study.
2.2. Fertilizer Treatments
Details of the fertilizer treatments are as follows:
T1 Control: without fertilization
T2 Recommended dose of soil applied Nitrogen (60
kg·N/ha at sowing + 60 kg·N/ha at tillering)
T3 Soil applied Nitrogen (60 kg·N/ha at sowing + 40
kg·N/ha at tillering + 10 kg·N/ha anthesis + 10 kg·N/ha
after anthesis)
T4 Soil + foliar applied Nitrogen [60 kg·N/ha at sow-
ing + 40 kg·N/ha at tillering + 10 kg·N/ha at anthesis
(foliar) + 10 kg·N/ha after anthesis (foliar)]
T5 Soil applied Sulfur (15 kg·S/ha at sowing + 10
kg·S/ha at anthesis + 5 kg·S/ha after anthesis)
T6 Soil + foliar applied Sulfur [(15 kg·S/ha at sowing
+ 10 kg·S/ha at anthesis (foliar) + 5 kg·S/ha after anthesis
T7 Soil applied N + soil applied S (combination of
soil applied N and soil applied S)
T8 Soil and foliar applied N + soil and foliar applied
S (combination of soil + foliar applied nitrogen and soil
+ foliar applied sulfur)
The moisture content was determined by taking 5.0 g
of thoroughly homogenized sample in a previously dried
and weighted china dish. The china dish containing sam-
ple was then allowed to dry in oven at 105˚C until a con-
stant weight was obtained. Moisture content was calcu-
lated by the formula: (Final weight Initial weight/total
weight) × 100.
Protein in the sample was determined by Kjeldahl
method. The samples were digested by heating with con-
centrated sulphuric acid in the presence of digestion mix-
ture. The mixture was then made alkaline. Ammonium
sulphate thus formed was collected in 2% boric acid so-
lution and titrated against standard HCI. Total protein
was calculated by multiplying the amount of nitrogen
with appropriate factor (5.7) and the amount of protein
was calculated.
LAI (tiller1) was calculated by multiplying leaf area
tiller1 over tillers m2 and divided by 10,000.
For calculating CGR, 50 cm long row was harvested
in each sub plot. Four samples each on one month inter-
val was collected during the crop growing season from
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
B. Saeed et al. / Natural Science 5 (2013) 1012-1018
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
tillering to physiological maturity. CGR was determined
by using the formula:
mum LAI (5.1) as compared with the other variety. The
interaction effects of variety and fertilizer was also re-
corded significant. Similarly the interaction of varieties
and year was also found significant. From the means of
planned comparison of two varieties it was observed that
no fertilizer vs. fertilizers comparison showed significant
result for LAI Figure 1(a). Similarly the effects of sulfur
alone treatment was also found significant.
WW 1
AGR was derived from the CGR. AGR was deter-
mined by the formula.
It is evident from the data that crude protein contents
are significantly affected by fertilizer treatments Table 1.
The maximum crude protein contents (12.82%) were
found in those plots which were treated with T8 [Nitro-
gen @ 60 kg·ha1 at sowing + 40 kg·ha1 at tillering + 10
kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) and 10 kg·ha1 after anthesis
(spray)] + [Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1 at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at
anthesis (spray) + 5 kg·ha1 after anthesis (spray)], while
control plots showed minimum crude protein contents
(9.53%). Results showed that fertilizer treatments and
both the varieties of wheat observed non significant af-
fect on crude protein contents. Similarly no significant
differences were found among the mean values of varie-
ties on the concern parameter. However from the results
of planned comparison for crude protein it is evident that
the comparison of no fertilizer vs. fertilizer treatment
gave significant association Figure 1(b). Likewise sig-
nificant differences were found among the mean values
of recommended fertilizer vs. other fertilizer treatments
comparison. The results of planned comparison of the
2.3. Statistical Analysis
All data are presented as mean values of four repli-
cates. Data were analyzed statistically for analysis of
variance following the method of [9]. The significance of
differences among means was compared by using Least
Significance Difference Test [10].
The presented data about LAI revealed that significant
differences were found among different treatments of
sulfur and nitrogen combinations Ta ble 1 . Data showed
that highest LAI (5.01) was observed in T5 (Sulfur @ 15
kg·ha1 at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis + 5 kg·ha1
after anthesis), while the lowest LAI (3.5) was found in
T6 (Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1 at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at anthe-
sis + 5 kg·ha1 after anthesis). Pirsabaq-2005 gave maxi
Table 1. Effects of various nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer treatments on physiological and quality assessment traits of two varieties of
LAI CP (%) MC (%)
Varieties Varieties Varieties
Fertilizer Treatments PS-2005 Khyber-87 Mean PS-2005 Khyber-87 Mean PS-2005 Khyber-87 Mean
Control (CK) (T1) 6.89a 3.10fg 4.999a9.303 9.767 9.535d8.0 8.0 8.0d
Recommended dose (T2) 5.17b 3.97cde 4.577a9.799 10.059 9.929d 8.0 8.0 8.0d
Soil applied N (T3) 4.50bc 3.33efg 3.917b11.727 10.374 11.05c8.0 8.0 8.0d
Soil and foliar app l ie d N (T4) 3.82cdef 4.10cde 3.969b 12.211 11.181 11.696bc 9.0 8.75 8.9c
Soil and foliar app l ie d N (T4) 7.10a 2.92g 5.016a 12.322 11.658 11.99ab 10.0 10.0 10.0b
Soil and foliar applied S (T6) 5.19b 1.94h 3.567b12.289 12.201 12.24bc10.0 10.0 10.0b
Combination of T3 & T5 (T7) 4.21cd 3.54defg 3.883b12.335 11.825 12.08ab 10.0 10.0 10.0b
Combination of T4 & T6 (T8) 3.86cdef 3.65cdefg 3.763b 12.249 13.390 12.82a 11 . 0 10.75 10.9a
Mean 5.10 10.9a - 11 . 4 9 11. 30 - 9.25 9.18 -
2008-09 5.2a 3.06c 4.13 11 . 4 9 11.57 11. 56
2009-10 4.99a 3.58b 4.29 11.49 11.03 11.26 9.25 9.18 9.21
F 0.604 0.9058 0.126
V × F 0.855 - -
Y × V 0.4273 - -
Interactions P-Value P-Value P-Value
Y × F 0.3125 0.1000 0.1000
Y × V × F 0.1333 0.4764 0.1000
*Mean of the same category followed by different letters is significantly different (P 0.05) using LSD test; LAI = Leaf Area Index, CP = Crude Protein, MC =
Moisture Content, Y = Year, F = Fertilizer treatments; V = Variety, PS-2005 = Pirsabaq-2005, LSD = Least Significant Difference.
B. Saeed et al. / Natural Science 5 (2013) 1012-1018 1015
No Fert vs
Fert.a pplic
Vs others
S effect:
T3&T4 vs
A/S soil vs
urea soil vs
A/S +Urea
soil vs
Low N+s vs
High N+S &
High N
Planned Fertilizers Comparisons
Leaf area index
First mean
Second mean
No Fert vs
Fert.a pplic
Vs others
S effect:
T3&T4 vs
A/S soil vs
urea soil vs
A/S +Urea
soil vs
Low N+s vs
High N+S &
High N
Planned Fertilizers Comparisons
Crude protein (%
First mean
Second mean
No Fert vs
Fert.a pplic
Vs others
S effect:
T3&T4 vs
A/S soil vs
urea soil vs
A/S +Urea
soil vs
Low N+s vs
High N+S &
High N
P lanned Fertilizers Compariso ns
Moi sture co ntent (%
First mean
Second mean
Figure 1. Planned comparison of the leaf area index (a), crude
protein (b) and moisture content (c) of wheat as affected by the
rate and method of sulfur and nitrogen application.
fertilizer treatments on two varieties also proposed sig-
nificant affect of sulfur alone treatment on crude protein
Data concerning moisture contents is depicted in Ta-
ble 1 which elaborated that different fertilizer treatment
combinations reported highly significant effect on mois-
ture content of the wheat flour. Maximum moisture con-
tents (10.9%) were observed in the flour sample which
was treated with T8 [Nitrogen @ 60 kg·ha1 at sowing +
40 kg·ha1 at tillering + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) +
10 kg·ha1 after anthesis (spray)] + [Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1
at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) + 5 kg·ha1
after anthesis (spray)], while minimum moisture contents
(8%) was recorded in control. Regarding varieties maxi-
mum moisture contents were observed in Pirsabaq-2005
compared with other variety. While the interaction be-
tween fertilizer treatments and varieties showed no sig-
nificant relationship. Data from the planned comparison
of fertilizer treatments on two varieties suggested that no
fertilizer vs. fertilizer application comparison gave highly
significant effect on moisture contents Figure 1(c). Like-
wise recommended dose vs. other treatments also pro-
posed highly significant effect. Similarly from the results
of the planned comparison it is recorded that the effect of
sulfur alone treatment also observed highly significant
The concern data proposed that maximum crop growth
rate (23.3 g/m2/day) was observed from the application
of T8 [Nitrogen @ 60 kg·ha1 at sowing + 40 kg·ha1 at
tillering + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) + 10 kg·ha1
after anthesis (spray)] + [Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1 at sowing
+ 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) + 5 kg·ha1 after anthesis
(spray)], while control treatment was observed with mini-
mum growth rate (3 g/m2/day) Figure 2. It is also evident
from the data that significant differences found among the
means of interaction of crop growth rate and fertilizer
treatments. The trend gradually increased with fertilizer
application and reached to the plateau at third sampling
period and then started decreasing frequently in later
sampling periods Figure 3. The trend lines in the Figure
3 explained that maximum dry matter was accumulated
by the fertilization of soil and foliar applied nitrogen and
soil and foliar applied sulfur. Data regarding absolute
growth rate proposed that maximum AGR (2.1 g/day)
was observed from the application of T8 [Nitrogen @ 60
kg·ha1 at sowing + 40 kg·ha1 at tillering + 10 kg·ha1 at
anthesis (spray) + 10 kg·ha1 after anthesis (spray)] +
[Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1 at sowing + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis
(spray) + 5 kg·ha1 after anthesis (spray)], while control
Fertilizers Treatments
/ d ay)
Figure 2. Seasonal mean of crop growth rate (CGR) of sulfur
and nitrogen application to two different wheat cultivars (Pir-
sabaq-2005 and Khyber-87) during 2008-09 and 2009-10. 1 =
control or ck; 2 = Recommended dose of nitrogen; 3 = soil
applied nitrogen; 4 = soil and foliar applied nitrogen; 5 = soil
applied sulfur; 6 = soil and foliar applied sulfur; 7= soil applied
nitrogen + soil applied sulfur; 8 = soil and foliar applied nitro-
gen + soil and foliar applied sulfur.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
B. Saeed et al. / Natural Science 5 (2013) 1012-1018
Figure 3. Seasonal trends of mean crop growth rate (CGR) of
sulfur and nitrogen application to two wheat varieties (Pirs baq-
2005 and Khyber-87) during 2008-09 and 2009-10. 1 = control
or ck; 2 = Recommended dose of nitrogen; 3 = soil applied
nitrogen; 4 = soil and foliar applied nitrogen; 5 = soil applied
sulfur; 6 = soil and foliar applied sulfur; 7 = soil applied nitro-
gen + soil applied sulfur; 8 = soil and foliar applied nitrogen +
soil and foliar applied sulfur.
treatment was observed with minimum growth rate (1.1
g/day) Figure 4. The data also declared that significant
difference found among the means of interaction of ab-
solute growth rate and fertilizer treatments. The trend
gradually increased with fertilizer application and reached
to the peak point at third sampling period and then started
decreasing gradually in later sampling intervals Figure 5.
The trend lines in the Figure 5 explained that maximum
dry matter was accumulated by the fertilization of T8
[Nitrogen @ 60 kg·ha1 at sowing + 40 kg·ha1 at tiller-
ing + 10 kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) + 10 kg·ha1 after
anthesis (spray)] + [Sulfur @ 15 kg·ha1 at sowing + 10
kg·ha1 at anthesis (spray) + 5 kg·ha1 after anthesis
Maximum LAI was counted through growth charac-
ters i.e. plant height and flag leaf area gradually in-
creased by increasing sulfur fertilization. These results
are in line with those of [8], who observed that sulfur
fertilization enhanced LAI, The reason may be that the
increase in growth due to nitrogen fertilization attributed
to the role of nitrogen in increasing division and elonga-
tion of cells as well as activation of metabolic and pho-
tosynthesis process. Increase in nitrogen as well as sulfur
contents of the soil affects all growth stages of the wheat
crop. Such results are supported by [8], who stated that
increase in N:S concentration at anthesis stage can re-
sulted increased in LAI by as much as 62%. Similarly the
effects of sulfur alone treatment was also found signifi-
cant. It might be due to fertilizer application to wheat
specifically sulfur during various stages of development
greatly increased leaf area by delaying leaf senescence
and maintained the process of photosynthesis which greatly
1.1 1.2
1.4 1.3
1.5 1. 6
2.0 2. 1
Fertilizers Treatments
Absolute Growth Rate AGR (g/da
Figure 4. Seasonal mean of absolute growth rate (AGR) of
sulfur and nitrogen application to two different wheat cultivars
(Pirsabaq-2005 and Khyber-87) during 2008-09 and 2009-10. 1
= control or ck; 2 = Recommended dose of nitrogen; 3 = soil
applied nitrogen; 4 = soil and foliar applied nitrogen; 5 = soil
applied sulfur; 6 = soil and foliar applied sulfur; 7 = soil ap-
plied nitrogen + soil applied sulfur; 8 = soil and foliar applied
nitrogen + soil and foliar applied sulfur.
Figure 5. Seasonal trends of mean absolute growth rate (AGR)
of sulfur and nitrogen application to two wheat varieties (Pir-
sabaq-2005 and Khyber-87) during 2008-09 and 2009-10. 1 =
control or ck; 2 = Recommended dose of nitrogen; 3 = soil
applied nitrogen; 4 = soil and foliar applied nitrogen; 5 = soil
applied sulfur; 6 = soil and foliar applied sulfur; 7 = soil ap-
plied nitrogen + soil applied sulfur; 8 = soil and foliar applied
nitrogen + soil and foliar applied sulfur.
enhanced LAI.
Nitrogen and sulfur applied by foliar spray at anthesis
stage is transported and accumulated in grains, provided
support for protein synthesis. Similar results were re-
ported by [6], who suggested that a synergistic effect
between nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers is observed, sug-
gesting an interaction between the metabolism of both
the elements. Likewise significant differences were found
among the mean values of recommended fertilizer vs.
other fertilizer treatments comparison. The possible rea-
son may be due to fact that nitrogen applied as urea dis-
played maximum crude protein in wheat flour, also urea
retained in the soil for longer time resulted that plants
have more chance for uptake and hence improved the
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
B. Saeed et al. / Natural Science 5 (2013) 1012-1018 1017
crude protein contents in the flour. Matching results were
reported by [7] who proposed that nitrogen application in
the form of urea enhanced the crude protein contents in
wheat flour. The results of planned comparison of the
fertilizer treatment on two varieties also proposed sig-
nificant affect of sulfur alone treatment on crude protein
contents. Reason for the concern observation may be due
that sulfur application either as foliar spray or through
soil application modified dough mixing properties and
enhanced protein storage in grain which resulted in better
bread making characteristics. Nitrogen and sulfur appli-
cation enhanced the potential of the crop for good mois-
ture absorption which contributed in quality assessment
characters of flour. These observations are in agreement
with those of [4], who reported that wheat grown under
different nitrogen and sulfur levels produced grain with
varying protein and moisture contents. The probable rea-
son may be that when moisture contents are available
and sulfur supply is also sufficient then there is enhance-
ment in grain protein content which further improved the
flour quality. These results are similar with those of [11]
who explained very high grain protein contents can be
attained through sufficient moisture and nitrogen con-
tents availability. Sulfur has the ability to improve the
moisture contents of wheat flour which ultimately pro-
moted the rheological properties of flour. These results
are in line with those of [12] who proposed that sulfur
positively affects the development, stability, softening
and quality of dough as well as bread volume.
The calculated mean values of fertilizer treatments fit-
ted against clustered columns showed that significant dif-
ferences were recorded among the mean values of all the
fertilizer treatment for crop growth rate. It is evident
from the data that there is a consistent increased in dry
matter accumulation of the crop from sowing to physio-
logical maturity with different fertilizer treatments ap-
plication. The reason may be that crop growth rate was
increased by both nitrogen and sulfur application both as
foliar and soil application and the interaction between
both the nutrients were evident after anthesis. Addition of
nitrogen and sulfur enhanced CGR from emergence to
anthesis and then declined at later sampling intervals. It
is matching to what was reported in other studies [13],
who explained that sulfur effects were evident between
anthesis and physiological maturity increasing CGR by
51%. Therefore the positive interactions between nitro-
gen and sulfur in higher nitrogen use efficiency when the
crop had no sulfur deficiency. The probable reason may
be that there was a significant interaction between both
the nutrients for CGR, the response to nitrogen fertiliza-
tion was different depending on sulfur fertilization. The
higher the nitrogen rate the greater the effect of sulfur
addition for growth rate of crop. These results fit well
with those of [11], who reported that CGR increased be-
fore anthesis with the addition of nitrogen with some
impact of sulfur.
The mean values of fertilizer treatments drawn in col-
umn graph presented that significant differences were
recorded among the mean values of all the fertilizer
treatments for absolute growth rate. It is clear from the
data that there is a sequential increased in dry matter
accumulation of the crop from sowing to physiological
maturity with different fertilizer treatments application.
Sulfur and nitrogen fertilization increased AGR from
emergence to anthesis and then decreased at later sam-
pling periods. These results are similar to what was ob-
served in other research [14], who proposed that the AGR
was affected by the type and method of fertilizer applica-
tion during all plant growing periods. At the first growth
period from transplanting to flowering, application of
nitrogen increased AGR. The reason may be that there
was a significant association between nitrogen and sulfur
for AGR. These reports are in line with those of [15],
who observed that AGR increased with efficient utilize-
tion of radiation use efficiency as well as various nitro-
gen levels at different growth stages of wheat crop, while
control treatment was observed with minimum AGR.
From the mean of planned comparison of the two varie-
ties recorded significant association of no fertilizer vs.
fertilizer treatment. Likewise sulfur alone effect for AGR
also presented significant results.
This work proposed that foliar and soil application of
nitrogen and sulfur at various growth stages of wheat
improved the rheological properties of dough, extensibil-
ity of flour and ultimately bread making quality of wheat.
The fertilization of nitrogen and sulfur at anthesis stage
enhanced the gluten content as well as improved the
moisture absorption ability of grain. It was also con-
cluded that foliar application of nitrogen at tillering stage
influenced the leaf architecture by maximizing the LAI.
Simultaneous application of nitrogen and sulfur also
hastened the dry matter accumulation which resulted in
maximum CGR at anthesis and after anthesis stages of
The main author is thankful to Higher Education Commission (HEC)
who awarded me scholarship under Indigenous scholarship scheme for
completion of my PhD program and also provided me the opportunity
to visit China under IRSIP scholarship. My cordial thanks are also due
to Zhejiang University, China for providing services to write this
manuscript. I am also thankful to my parent institute, The University of
Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan for their support to conduct this re-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
B. Saeed et al. / Natural Science 5 (2013) 1012-1018
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
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