R. Uribarrena-Amezaga et al. / Open Journal of Gastroenterology 3 (2013) 241-248 247
rays. The isolated presence of a retro-pneumoperitoneum
not associated with pneumoperitoneum usually implies a
small perforation that normally can be managed with
absolute diet, fluid therap y and antibiotics [28]. However,
in our case the stone was impacted due to the lesser cali-
ber of the distal choledochus and despite SP, as a result
of which the decision was made to deal with both prob-
lems surgically.
In conclusion, endoscopic sphincterotomy with sphin-
cteroplasty is a simple, safe and effective procedure for
the management of choledocholithiasis with extraction
difficulties, and reduces the need for other more aggres-
sive, complex or expensive techniques.
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