Design and Simulation by HFSS of a Slim UWB PIFA Antenna
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. WJET
Figure 12. The antenna parameters before slotting the patch.
this interest of our application. In comparison with
precedent works [4-12] that have the same goal design-
ing UWB for different band groups, the designed antenna
presents a bandwidth litter but a very high gain and ra-
diation efficiency.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, a slim antenna was designed for the UWB
application with a band of 839 MHz around 8.8 GHz.
The antenna parameters are very compliant for this ap-
plication. The bandwidth was improved with a tolerable
degradation in some of antenna parameters. The designed
antenna presents very significant values of gain and ra-
diation efficiency and could be a very compliant solution
for the applications that need gain and directivity such
locating and tracking application (anti-collision vehicle
radar or imaging radar). The most important application
of the ultarwideband is the data transmission using
spread spectrum allowing high data speed without inter-
fering with conventional narrowband and carrier wave
used in the same frequency band. The designed antenna
can be used in different applications and it is then a suc-
ceeded trade-off that respects the FCC UWB require-
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