Vol.2, No.12, 1372-1376 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Comparison of gait properties during level walking and
stair ascent and des cen t wi th v ary ing loa ds
Tomohiro Demura1*, Shin-ich Demura1, Sohee Shin2
1Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan;
*Corresponding Author: tomodemu@ed.kanazawa - u.ac.jp;
2Kanazawa University Center for Innovation Venture Business Laboratory Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.
Received 1 September 2010; revised 9 September 2010; accepted 16 September 2010
This study aimed to compare gait properties
during level walking and during stair ascent and
descent with varying loads. Fifteen healthy
young men (mean age: 22.1 ± 1.6 years) walked
while holding four different loads relative to
each subject’s body mass (0, 20, 40 and 60% of
body mass: BM) on their backs. Stance time,
swing time, and double support times were se-
lected as gait parameters. All parameters
showed a maximal value during stair ascen t a nd
a minimum value during level walking. Stance
and double support times increased significan-
tly with each load during level walking and during
stair ascent and descent. In conclusion, st-
air ascent and descent creates more unstable
movement than level walking regardless of the
weight of the load. The effect of loads on gait
increases with the weight of the load and be-
comes obvious once the load exceeds 60% of
Keywords: Gait; Stair Ascent; Stair Descent; Load
Climbing up and down stairs is an important activity
in daily life and has been studied mainly from kinetic
and kinematic standpoints. I t was reported that angle and
moment of knee flexion are larger during stair ascent
than during level walking [1,2]. According to Andriacchi
et al. [1], knee flexion moment was roughly three times
larger during stair ascent and hip flexion moment was
about one and a half times larger during stair descent
than during level walking.
The movement of ascending and descending differs
considerably from level walking from a mechanical stand-
point and requires great exertion of leg strength [3,4].
Because the center of gravity move up and down. Fur-
thermore, while ascending, we must raise one foot higher
than each step. Hence, it is assumed that because a single
support time is longer during stair ascent and descent than
during level walking, a large burden is imposed on the
support leg and posture instability is increased.
In daily life, it is very popular to walk with a shopping
bag in one or both hands, which can be a heavy burden.
Until now, the issue of walking with loads has been
mainly studied from the standpoint of walking speed [5]
or energy cost [6]. According to Ghori and Luckwill [7 ],
leg muscle activity increases and the ongoing electro-
myographic activity prolongs during level walking with
loads. In add ition, by holding loads, the body’s center of
gravity is raised and walking becomes more unstable [8,
9]. As a result, to maintain gait stability, gait changes
such as a decrease in swing time [7] or an increase of
double support time [10] occur.
From the above, it is assumed that stair ascent and
descent with loads produces larger gait changes than
level walking and that more instability results. The pur-
pose of this study was to compare gait properties during
level walking and during stair ascent and descent with
varying loads.
2.1. Subjects
Fifteen healthy young men without extremity disorders
participated in this study (age : 22.1 +/1.6 years, height:
172.5 +/4.9 cm, body mass: 67.6 +/5.0 kg). Before
the measurements were taken, the purpose and procedure
of this study were explained in detail and informed con-
sent was obtained from all subjects.
2.2. Material
Gait properties were measured by a gait analysis sys-
tem (Walk Way MG-1000, Anima, Japan) in r eference to
a previous study [11]. The MG-1000 with plate sensors
can determine time, dimensions and the distance of the
T. Demura et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1372-1376
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
foot or feet when the foot touches its surface and can
measure grounding/non-grounding on the bearing sur-
face as an on/off signal. Data were recorded into a per-
sonal computer at 100 Hz.
The stairs used for the present experiment consisted of
four steps (step width: 90 cm, step height: 20 cm, tread
length: 29 cm) and was within the Japanese building
code [12] step height: under 23 cm, tread length: over 15
cm) (see Figure 1).
2.3. Protocol for Measurement
In this study, we imposed varying weight loads on the
subjects in reference to a previous study by Demura and
Demura [11] (see Figure 2). In short, the subjects walked
with four loads relative to each subject’s body mass (0,
20, 40 and 60% BM) on their backs. The trial order of
each load condition was randomized. The movement
during measurement was explained to the subjects be-
fore the measurements were taken. For stair ascent and
descent, subjects went up the stairs (four steps), and
walked straight about two meters on the stock, made a
right about-face turn, and after standing still for a few
seconds, went down the stairs (see Figure 1). To elimi-
nate the influence of fatigue, the subjects performed
each load condition twice with an enough rest. In addi-
tion, for stair ascent and descent, we used data of four
steps from the first step foot on the stair for analysis.
During level walking, subjects were instructed to walk
straight for eleven meters as normal. To eliminate a fati-
gue effect, the subjects walked under each load condition
twice with a one minute rest. In addition, we used only
the middle five meters of data excluding the first and
final three meters for analysis.
2.4. Parameters
Figure 3 shows the gait property parameters selected
in reference to a previous study Murray et al. [13]. A
mean of two trials was used for analysis. Stance time
equals the duration that the body is supported by one
foot or both feet, that is, the phase in which one foot or
both feet contact the floor. A swing time equals the dura-
tion that one foot is swinging, that is, one foot is off the
floor. This corresponds with single-legged support time.
Double support time equals the duration in which both
feet are in contact with the floor.
2.5. Data Anal ysis
Mean differences among load and movement condi-
tions for parameters were tested by repeated two-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA: load condition × move-
ment). When an interaction was significant, Bonferroni’s
method was selected for a multiple comparison. The
statistical SPSS package ver. 11.0 (SPSS, America) was
used for data analysis. The probability level of 0.05 was
indicative of statistical significance.
Table 1 shows results of two-way ANOVA for gait
parameters. A significant interaction is found in all pa-
rameters. In the results of multiple comparisons, stance
time is significantly longer in the ord er of level walking,
stair descent and ascent in all load conditions. In level
walking, it is significantly longer in the order of 0% or
20% BM, 40% BM and 60% BM. It was significantly
longer in 6 0% BM than 0% and 20% BM in stair ascent
and descent and in 60% BM than 40% BM in stair as-
Swing time is significantly longer in the order of level
walking, stair descent and stair ascent at 0% and 20%
BM, in stair ascent than stair descent at 60% BM, and in
stair ascent and descent than level walking at 40% and
60% BM. In level walking, it is significantly longer at
40% or 60% BM than 0% BM and at 40% BM than 20%
The double support time in all load conditions was
significantly longer in the order of level walking, stair
Step height
Step height
Ste p wid th
Tread length
Figure 1. The stairs used for the present experiment consisted of four steps (step width: 90 cm, step height: 20 cm, tread length: 29
T. Demura et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1372-1376
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Results of 2way-ANOVA during stair ascent and descent, and level walking with loads.
yg, g
Mean SDMean SDMean SDMean SDfactor
ascent 0.780.070.820.070.89 0.110.96 0.12F1134.18*
descent 0.700.050.740.060.80 0.100.85 0.13F218.25*
level 0.630.030.640.040.66 0.040.68 0.05F35.52*
ascent 0.470.040.470.030.48 0.050.49 0.05F155.61*
descent 0.440.040.430.040.46 0.060.47 0.06F21.17
level 0.410.010.400.010.40 0.010.40 0.02F33.57*
ascent 0.040.24 0.05F168.12*
descent 0.030.19 0.04F234.64*
level 0.010.15 0.02F36.74*
F1: movement, F2: loads, F3: interaction, * : p<0.05,
ascent: stair ascent, descent: stair descent, level: level walkin
Ti me
a ll loads: level < descent < ascent
ascent: 0%<20, 40%<60%
d e scent: 0% <20, 40, 60% 20% <60%
level : 0%<20%<40% < 60%
Ti me
a ll loads: level < descent < ascent
ascent: 0% < 40% < 60% 20% < 60%
descent: 0% < 40, 60% 20% < 60%
level: 0, 20% < 40% < 60%
Ti me
0, 20%: level < descent < ascen t
60%: descent < ascent
40, 60%: level < ascent, descent
0%BM 20%BM 40%BM60%BMANOVA
Figure 2. The va rying wei ght loads on
the subjects.
descent and ascent. In stair ascent, it is significantly
longer in 60% BM than 20% and 40% BM, and in 20%
and 40% BM than 0% BM. In stair descent, it is longer
in 20%, 40% and 60% BM than 0% BM, and in 60%
BM than 20% BM.
4.1. Effect of Loads
Subjects walked the level plane and stairs with four
loads relative to subject’s body mass (0, 20, 40 and 60%
BM). In level walking and stair ascent and descent,
stance time and double support time increased with loads.
It has been reported that energy consumption [14,15]
and the activity of erector spinae and gastrocnemial
muscles increase [10,16] while walking with loads.
Hence, walking with loads is considered to impose a
large burden on the lower limbs.
Ghori and Lu ckwill [7] rep orted that th e body’s center
of gravity is raised by holding heavy loads and that
walking becomes unstable. Consequently, a decrease in
swing time [7] and an increase in double support time [9,
10] occur to maintain a stable posture. In this study, the
swing time was unchanged in spite of an increase in
loads. However, the percentage of swing time to stride
time decreased. This change is believed to be one of the
strategies to keep a stable posture during walking.
4.2. Comparison of Level Walking, and Stair
Ascent and Descent
Meanwhile, all parameters tended to be longer in the
order of level walking, stair descent and ascent. When
walking the same distance, stair ascent and descent have
more phases which move the body’s center of gravity
more vertically than during level walking. Thus, it can
be simply considered that gait time parameters became
longer during stair ascent and descent than during level
walking due to this extra vertical movement.
Ascending requires greater time and leg strength to
raise the body on a step after the lifted leg has landed. It
is assumed that because of this, ascending the stairs
takes longer than descending them.
In addition, it was reported that an increase in double
support time is to maintain stability of walking [17-20].
Also in this study, the double support time was longer
during stair ascent and descent than during level walking.
From the above, because the burden imposed on the
body is larger during stair ascent and descent than during
level walking, ascending and descending the stairs is
considered to destabilize movement.
T. Demura et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1372-1376
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Rig htheel offLeft heel
contact Left heel
off Right heel offRight heel
Time (sec)
S ing le suppo rt ph as eS ing le suppo rt ph as e
Figure 3. The gait property parameters regarding time.
Furthermore, gait parameters regarding time increased
in all movements with loads. Th e effect of varying loads
on stair ascent and descent was similar to that on level
walking. In addition, the present results suggested that
the effect of weight loads on gait properties increases
with loads and becomes obvious at 60% BM during lev-
el walking and during stair ascent and descent. This re-
sult agrees with that in the previous study [7,21,22] that
the change in gait became clear at over 50% BM.
In conclusion, stance time, swing time and double
support time are longer in the order of level walking,
stair descent and ascent. In addition, stance time and
double support time increased with loads during level
walking and during stair ascent and descent. Ascending
and descending the stairs is more unstable compared to
level walking regardless of load weight. In addition, the
effect of loads on gait becomes obvious in loads over
60% BM during level walking and while ascending and
descending stairs.
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