J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3, 1107-1117
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.312129 Published Online December 2010 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the
Durations of Syllables
Krothapalli S. Rao, Shashidhar G. Koolagudi
School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
Email: ksrao@iitkgp.ac.in, koolagudi@yahoo.com
Received November 7th, 2010, revised November 21th, 2010, accepted December 7th, 2010.
Acoustic analysis and synthesis experiments have shown that duration and intonation patterns are the two most impor-
tant prosodic features responsible for the quality of synthesized speech. In this paper a set of features are proposed
which will influence the duration patterns of the sequence of the sound units. These features are derived from the results
of the duration analysis. Duration analysis provides a rough estimate of features, which affect the duration patterns of
the sequence of the sound units. But, the prediction of durations from these features using either linear models or with a
fixed rulebase is not accurate. From the analysis it is observed that there exists a gross trend in durations of syllables
with respect to syllable position in the phrase, syllable position in the word, word position in the phrase, syllable iden-
tity and the context of the syllable (preceding and the following syllables). These features can be further used to predict
the durations of the syllables more accurately by exploring various nonlinear models. For analying the durations of
sound units, broadcast news data in Telugu is used as the speech corpus. The prediction accuracy of the duration mod-
els developed using rulebases and neural networks is evaluated using the objective measures such as percentage of syl-
lables predicted within the specified deviation, average prediction error (µ), standard deviation (σ) and correlation
coefficient (γ).
Keywords: Prosody, Syllable Duration, Syllable Position, Syllable Context, Syllable Identity, Feed Forward Neural
1. Introduction
Human beings use durational and intonation patterns on
the sequence of sound units, while producing speech. It
is these prosody constraints (duration and intonation),
that lend naturalness to human speech. Lack of this
knowledge can easily be perceived, for instance, in the
speech synthesized by a machine. Even though human
beings are endowed with this knowledge, they are not
able to express it explicitly. But it is necessary to acquire,
represent and incorporate this prosody knowledge for
synthesizing speech from a text. Speech signal carries
information about the message to be conveyed, speaker
and language in the prosody constraints, and these pros-
ody cues aid human beings to get the message, and iden-
tify speaker and language. The prosody knowledge also
helps to overcome perceptual ambiguities. Thus, acquisi-
tion and incorporation of prosody knowledge is essential
for developing speech systems [1-3].
1.1. Manifestation of Prosody Knowledge
Prosody can be viewed as speech features associated
with larger units (than phonemes) such as syllables,
words, phrases and sentences. Consequently, prosody is
often considered as suprasegmental information. The
prosody appears to structure the flow of speech, and is
perceived as melody and rhythm. The prosody is repre-
sented acoustically by a pattern of duration and intona-
tion (F0 contour). The prosody can be distinguished at
four principal levels of manifestation [4]. They are at 1)
Linguistic intention level, 2) articulator level, 3) acoustic
realization level and 4) perceptual level.
At the linguistic level, prosody refers to relating dif-
ferent linguistic elements to each other, by accentuating
certain elements of a text. For example, the linguistic dis-
tinctions that can be communicated through prosodic
means are the distinction between question and statement,
or the semantic emphasis of an element with respect to
previously enunciated material.
At the articulator level, the prosody is physically ma-
nifested as a series of articulator movements. Thus, pro-
sody manifestations typically include variations in the
amplitudes of articulator movements, variations in air
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
pressure, and specific patterns of electric impulses in
nerves leading to the articulator musculature.
Muscle activity in the respiration system, and along
the vocal tract leads to emission of sound waves. The
acoustic realization of prosody can be observed and
quantified using acoustic signal analysis. The main
acoustic parameters bearing on prosody are fundamental
frequency (F0), intensity and duration. For example,
stressed syllables have higher fundamental frequency,
greater amplitude and longer duration than unstressed
Finally, speech sound waves enter the ear of the lis-
tener who derives the linguistic and paralinguistic infor-
mation from prosody via perceptual processing. At the
level of perception, prosody can be expressed in terms of
subjective experience of the listener, such as pauses,
length, melody and loudness.
It is difficult to process or analyze the prosody through
speech production or perception mechanisms. Hence the
acoustic properties of speech are exploited for analyzing
the prosody. In the next section we will discuss some of
the sources of knowledge that are present in the speech
1.2. Implicit Knowledge in Speech Signal
For illustration, we demonstrate some of the knowledge
sources present in speech signal. Figure 1 shows a
speech signal and its transcription, energy con- tour,
pitch contour and spectrogram.
The waveform shown in Figure 1(a) represents the
time domain representation of a speech signal, the ab-
scissa (X-axis) indicates the timing information and the
ordinate (Y-axis) indicates the amplitude of speech sam-
The transcription (Figure 1(b)) represents the se-
quence of sound units and their boundaries. This gives
Figure 1. (a) Speech signal; (b) Transcription for the utter-
ance kEndra hOm mantri srI el ke advAni ArOpinchAru;
(c) Energy contour; (d) Pitch contour and (e) wideband
information about the identities of sound units present in
the speech signal and their durations. Energy contour
(Figure 1(c)) indicates the distribution of energy in dif-
ferent regions of the speech signal, and also gives a
rough indication of the voiced and nonvoiced regions.
Pitch contour (Figure 1(d)) indicates the global and local
patterns of intonation. Global intonation pattern refers to
the characteristics of the whole sentence or phrase. A
rising intonation pattern at the global level indicates that
the sentence (phrase) is interrogative, and a declining
intonation pattern indicates a declarative sentence. Local
fallrise patterns indicate the nature of words and basic
sound units. The spectrogram (Figure 1(e)) is used to
represent the speech intensity in different frequency
bands as a function of time. In Figure 1(e), the ordinate
is the frequency axis, and the grey value indicates the
energy (intensity) of speech signal. The dark bands in the
spectrogram represent the resonances of the vocal tract
system. These resonances are also called formant fre-
quencies, which represent the high energy regions in the
frequency spectrum of a speech signal. These formant
frequencies are distinct for each sound unit. The shape of
the sequence of dark bands indicates the changes in the
shape of the vocal tract from one sound unit to the other.
Speech signal also contains information about semantics,
language, speaker identity and emotional state of the
speaker, which are difficult to represent quantitatively.
The basic goal of the paper is to identify the basic
factors and important features, which influence the dura-
tions of the sequence of sound units present in speech. It
is known that these durations depend on the linguistic
and production constraints, and expressing these con-
straints using categorical features is a difficult task [5-7].
In this paper we present the analysis of durations of
sound units with respect to phonological, positional and
contextual factors. The analysis is performed on the
broadcast news data for the Indian language Telugu. It is
the Dravidian language with the largest number of
speakers (approximately 75 million), the second most
spoken language in India after Hindi. A similar analysis
can be carried out for deriving the features required for
modeling the intonation patterns.
The paper is organized as follows: The database used
for duration analysis is described in Section 2. Computa-
tion of average durations and their deviations from the
base durations for initial and final syllables is discussed
in Section 3. Section 4 describes the analysis of durations
of syllables using positional and contextual factors. De-
tailed analysis is performed in Section 5 by categorizing
the syllables based on the size of the word and position
of the word in the utterance. In Section 6, broad observa-
tions from the duration analysis carried out in Sections
3-5, are presented. Prediction of durations of syllables
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
using rulebases and neural networks is discussed in Sec-
tion 7. Brief summary and future extensions to the paper
are presented in Section 8.
2. Speech Database
The database for this study consists of 20 broadcast news
bulletins in Telugu. These news bulletins are read by
male and female speakers. The total duration of speech
in the database is 4.5 hours. The speech signal was sam-
pled at 16k Hz and represented as 16 bit numbers. The
speech is segmented into short utterances of duration of
around 2 to 3 seconds. The speech utterances are ma-
nually transcribed into text using common transliteration
code (ITRANS) for Indian languages [8]. The speech
utterances are segmented and labeled manually into syl-
lable like units. Each bulletin is organized in the form of
syllables, words and orthographic text representations of
the utterances. Each syllable and word file contains the
text transcriptions and timing information in number of
samples. The database consists of 6,484 utterances with
25,463 words and 84,349 syllables [9,10].
In this work, we have chosen syllable as the basic unit
for the analysis. The syllable is a natural and convenient
unit for speech in Indian languages. In Indian scripts
characters generally correspond to syllables. A character
in an Indian language script is typically in one of the
following forms: V, CV, CCV, CCVC and CVCC, where
C is a consonant and V is a vowel. Syllable boundaries
are more precisely identified than phonemic segment in
both the speech waveform and in the spectrographic dis-
play [11].
3. Computation of Durations
In order to analyze the effects of positional and contex-
tual factors, syllables need to b categorized into groups
based on position and context. Syllables at word initial
position, middle position and final position are grouped
as initial syllables, middle syllables and final syllables,
respectively. Syllables next to initial syllables are grouped
as following syllables, while syllables before the final
syllables are grouped as preceding syllables. Words with
only one syllable are treated as monosyllabic words, and
the syllables are known as monosyllables. In Telugu lan-
guage the occurrence of monosyllables is very less.
To analyze the variations in durations of syllables due
to positional and contextual factors, reference duration of
the syllable is needed [12]. The reference duration, also
known as base duration, the effect of any of the factors
should be minimum. “For this analysis only the middle
syllables are considered as neutral syllables, where the
effects of positional and contextual factors are minimum.
The base duration of a syllable is obtained by averaging
the durations of all the middle syllables of that category.
In this analysis, some of the initial/final syllables have no
reference duration, because they are not available in the
word middle position. This subset of syllables is not
considered for analysis.
For analyzing the effect of positional factors, initial
and final position syllables are considered. This analysis
consists of computation of mean duration of initial/final
syllables an their deviation from their base durations.
The deviations are expressed in percentage. For analyz-
ing the gross behavior of positional factors, a set of syl-
lables is considered, whose frequency of occurrence is
greater than a particular threshold (threshold = 20) across
all bulletins. This set consists of about 60 to 70 syllables,
and is denoted as the set of common syllables. Most of
these syllables are terminated with vowels and a few are
terminated with consonants. Table 1 shows the percen-
tage deviations of durations of the initial syllables termi-
nating with vowels. Ta bl e 2 shows the percentage devia-
tions of durations of the final syllables terminating with
vowels. In these tables, the leftmost column indicates the
consonant part of the syllable (CV or CCV) and the top
row indicates the vowel part of the syllable. The other
entries in the tables represent the percentage deviations
of durations of the syllables. The blank entries in the
tables correspond to syllables whose frequency of occur-
rence is less than a threshold (threshold = 20) across all
Contextual factors deal with the effect of the preced-
ing and the following unit on the current unit. In this
analysis, middle syllables are assumed as neutral syl-
lables. Therefore, initial and final syllables are analyzed
for contextual effects. For initial syllable, only the effect
of the following unit is analyzed. For final syllable, only
the effect of the preceding syllable is analyzed. To per-
form the analysis, the following and preceding syllables
need to be identified. The percentage deviation of dura-
tion is computed for all initial and final syllables. For
each following syllable, the mean of the percentage dev-
iation of durations of all corresponding initial syllables is
computed. Likewise for each preceding syllable, the
mean of the percentage deviation of durations of all cor-
responding final syllables is computed. These average
deviations represent the variations in durations of initial
and final syllables due to their following and preceding
units, respectively. Table 3 shows the percentage devia-
tions of durations of the initial syllables due to their fol-
lowing syllables terminating with vowels. Tab le 4 shows
the percentage deviations of durations of final syllables
due to their preceding syllables terminating with vowels.
4. Analysis of Duration
Durations of the syllables are analyzed using positional
and contextual factors. The effect of positional factors is
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
analyzed by observing the durations of initial and final
syllables. The effect of contextual factors is analyzed by
observing the durations of initial and final syllables with
respect to their following and preceding syllables. The
following subsections summarize the effects of position-
al and contextual factors on syllable duration.
4.1. Positional Factors
From Ta ble 1, it is observed that most of the syllables at
word initial position have durations more than their base
durations. The percentage deviations of durations of all
the initial syllables are not uniform. They vary based on
manner of articulation, place of articulation and voicing
nature associated with the production of the syllable. At
a primary level, it is noticed that syllables with voicing
nature (consonant within a syllable is of voicing nature)
have more deviations in durations compared to their un-
voiced counterparts. Again, within the voiced and un-
voiced categories, a variation in duration is observed
based on the manner and place of articulation and on the
nature of vowel present in the syllable. From the analysis
of word final position syllables (Table 2), it is observed
that most of the syllables terminating with vowels (i.e.,
CV type) have larger duration compared to their base
duration. Bilabial stops, bilabial nasals and fricative
group of syllables do not belong to the set of common
syllables. From the final syllables of the set of common
syllables, a broad grouping can be performed based on
the vowel inside the syllable. Table 2 shows that syl-
lables with the vowel /a/ have deviations in duration be-
tween 20% and 30%, while syllables with vowel /i/ and
/u/ have about 40% to 60% deviations.
4.2. Contextual Factors
The effect of contextual factors on the initial and final
syllables is given (in the form of percentage deviations of
durations of syllables) in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.
The initial syllable duration is close to its reference dura-
tion in the case of syllables with semivowels or fricatives
in following position. The duration of initial syllable
increases by 10% to 20% of its base duration, when na-
salized syllable is the following unit. Trills and liquids
increase the duration of their preceding syllables by 25%
to 35%. Syllables with unvoiced stops at the following
position affect the durations of their preceding syllables
(initial syllables) more compared to syllables with voiced
stops at the following position.
The final syllable duration increases by 20% to 30%,
if the preceding syllable contains unvoiced stop conso-
nant or semivowel. Syllables with voiced stop conso-
nants and trills affect the duration of the following final
syllables by 30% to 40%. The final syllable duration is
increased by 45%, if liquid category syllables are in the
preceding position. Nasals in the preceding position in-
crease the duration of final syllables by approximately
30%. Fricative based syllables increase the duration of
Table 1. Percentage deviations of durations of the initial
syllables terminating with vowels. The entries in the left-
most column and top row indicate the consonant and vow el
parts of the syllable.
a Ai I u U e E o O
k 231431 20 3 14 2327
ch 32 1 3 10
t -219 2 11 29 0
p 5 2 189 2 14 24 2231
g 10345 70 67
j 3744
d 513642 24
b 71318160
bh 4048
m51 44 56 34 48 61
n 51154837 40
r 476158 60 40 8
v 40393362 40 34
s 1715
sh 19
Table 2. Percentage deviations of durations of the final syl-
lables terminating with vowels. The entries in the leftmost
column and top row indicate the consonant and vow el parts
of the syllable.
a A i Iu U e E o O
k 28 54 55
ch 90 28
T 17 54 45
t 34 25 46 53 33 12
g 18 62
j 18 54 51
D 26 84 53
d 65 49
n 22 52 44
l 17 0 58 31
y 37 -7 53
r 20 43 62
v 22
Sh 13 5
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Table 3. Percentage deviations of durations of initial syl-
lables due to their following syllables terminating with vo-
wel. The syllables indicated are following syllables. The
entries in the leftmost column and top row indicate the
consonant and vowel parts of the following syllable.
a A i I u U e E oO
k 32 -1
ch 34 36 9
T 30 19 18 21
t 58 27 28 58 17
p 21 8 49 34 22
g 30 21 29 32
j 29 10
D 16 4 17 23
d 17 9 8 15
b 12 3
bh 11
m 11 21 20 21 23 22
n 23 15 15 18
y 9 4 -1 -7
r 35 35 21 28
l 25 30 33 27 25 24 13
v 7 6 8 11 8
s 8 4 10 5 -1
Sh 3 4
Table 4. Percentage deviations of durations of the final syl-
lables due to their preceding syllables terminating with
vowel. The syllables indicated are preceding syllables. The
entries in the leftmost column and top row indicate the
consonant and vowel parts of the preceding syllable.
a A i I u U e E oO
k 11 20 21 18
ch 13 17 21 22
T 28 20 22 29
t 14 27 26 26 20
p 22 26 19 28 26 -3
g 32 22 39 41
j 37 32
D 31 23 34 39
d 35 23 29 33 29
m 31 26 28
n 28 33 30
l 41 34 52 47
y 24 27 25 28 34
r 32 32 36 33
v 18 32 28 28
s 6 8 14
Sh 8 1
the following syllables by 10%. The important contex-
tual effect observed is that syllables with unvoiced stop
consonants affect the durations of their preceding syl-
lables more compared to their following syllables, whe-
reas syllables with voiced stop consonants affect the du-
rations of their following syllables more.
5. Detailed Duration Analysis
In the analysis (Section 4), a wide range of durational
variations are observed in both initial and final syllables.
This is due to the dependency of syllable duration on size
of the word and position of the word in the utterance.
Hence, for a detailed duration analysis, the initial/final
syllables need to be categorized further based on word
size and position, and the analysis needs to be performed
separately on different categories. Analysis of durations
of the syllables with respect to position of the word and
size of the word is performed in the following subsec-
5.1. Analysis of Durations Based on Position of
the Word
To perform this analysis, words are classified into groups
based on their position in the utterance. The word posi-
tions considered for the analysis are first, middle, and
last, denoted by
Wand l
W, respectively. From each
group of words the following analysis is performed: Ini-
tial and final syllables, their adjacent syllables and their
associated durations are derived. The average deviations
of the durations of the initial and final syllables are com-
puted using positional and contextual factors. The set of
syllables present in each category above some threshold
of frequency of occurrence is used for analysis. Table 5
shows the percentage deviations of durations of initial
and final syllables present in the words at different posi-
tions in the utterance. Table 6 shows the percentage
deviations of durations of the initial and final syllables
due to their associated context (following and preceding
syllables) present in the words at different positions in
the utterance.
The following are the inferences drawn from the Ta-
ble 5:
Initial syllables present in m
W have more duration
compared to initial syllables in
W and l
Initial syllables with unvoiced consonants present
W have durations lesser than their base dura-
Initial syllables from nasal and trill categories
present in
W have greater durations compared to
other word positions.
The initial syllables terminating with long vowels
have more duration in
W, whereas the initial syl-
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
lables terminating with consonants have more dura-
tion in l
The final syllables of l
W have larger duration
compared to final syllables of
W and m
W, and
among the syllables of
Wand m
W, syllables of
W have larger durations.
In comparison with the initial syllables of l
W, the
final syllables of l
W have larger deviations in du-
The following are the inferences drawn from the Ta-
ble 6
The initial syllables present in m
Wand l
Ware more
lengthened due to their following syllables.
The final syllables of
Wand l
W are more leng-
thened compared to the initial syllables of
W and
W due to their context.
The durations of the final syllables of l
Ware more
lengthened due to their preceding syllables, com-
pared to other word positions.
5.2. Analysis of Durations Based on Size of the
In this analysis, words are categorized into groups based
on the number of syllables they contain. In this study
Table 5. Percentage deviations of durations of initial and
final syllables present in the words that occur at different
positions in the utterance.
Initial Syllables Final Syllables
First Mid Last First MidLast
a 7 46 30 Du 38 41 95
ba 47 85 51 TI 33 19 47
da 47 55 43 Tu 44 21 98
ga 94 113 77 chi 80 79 104
ka -8 43 34 du 43 29 71
na 62 54 52 ga 54 27 115
pa -25 22 13 ju 37 37 77
reN 32 49 51 ka 28 19 82
ta -29 24 17 ku 37 34 87
bA 72 59 38 la 14 9 68
dE 45 39 28 lu 49 46 88
ja 64 67 37 na 22 14 48
kAr -3 11 20 pu 18 11 72
nA 47 42 13 ra 25 8 79
rA 68 62 53 ram 10 1 14
vi 20 45 40 sha m 7 1 20
mukh 11 33 57 ta 26 22 76
rASh 17 25 26 tri 42 31 52
vam 5 -3 16
ya 35 22 97
words are classified into six groups. They are monosyl-
labic, bisyllabic, trisyllabic, tetrasyllabic, pentasyllabic
and polysyllabic words, containing of one, two, three,
four, five and more than five syllables, respectively. Mo-
nosyllabic words are not considered for analysis, since
they are very few in number. Analysis is performed sep-
arately for the other five groups. Table 7 shows the per-
centage deviations of durations of the initial syllables
and final syllables present in different word sizes. Table
8 shows the percentage deviations of durations of the
initial and final syllables due to their adjacent syllables.
The results of the analysis indicates that, the durations
of the initial and final syllables in different word sizes
are inversely related to word size. That is, the durations
of the initial/final syllables in bisyllabic words are more
compared to the durations of the initial/final syllables in
polysyllabic words. The mean durations of the final syl-
lables from various word sizes are more, compared to the
initial syllables of their corresponding categories.
The deviations of durations of the initial and final syl-
Table 6. Percentage deviations of durations of initial and
final syllables due to their adjacent syllables (following and
preceding syllables for initial and final syllables, respec-
tively) in the words that occur at different positions in the
utterance. Syllables in the first column are following syl-
lables to the initial syllables and syllables in the fifth col-
umn are preceding syllables to the final syllables.
Following Syllables Preceding Syllables
FirstMidLast First MidLast
Du 35 45 49 Da 30 27 34
TI -7 14 10 Sha 9 4 24
bhut 0 31 32 Ta 20 13 46
da 6 16 28 bhut 42 43 64
di -6 16 13 da 21 20 63
ga 40 32 22 dhA 4 2 44
ju 38 52 62 du 19 8 68
la 11 31 22 ga 14 1 43
lu 0 34 35 la 29 27 61
ma -15 35 33 ma 24 13 67
na 13 25 31 man 41 28 50
ni 6 21 8 na 28 16 49
ra 22 45 34 ni 19 66 72
ru 6 39 36 pa 36 6 41
ta 52 64 59 ra 17 23 67
va 28 27 25 ri 31 28 58
ya -4 12 14 sa 8 1 34
ta 12 13 25
tu 27 24 51
va 17 6 43
ya 29 12 63
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Table 7. Percentage deviations of durations of initial and
final syllables present in different word sizes. legend:
Tr-Tri, Te-Tetra, Pe-Penta, P-Poly.
Initial Syllables Final Syllables
Bi Tr Te Pe P Bi Tr Te PeP
a 41 37 29 27 34 Du 46 41 61 59 33
chE 13 4 3 3 3 Ti 68 54 29 31 24
ka 52 20 30 30 13 chi 93 83 94 88 82
ku 30 21 21 18 16 da 80 26 17 23-5
ma 48 52 52 51 46 gu 64 20 -1 10 24
nA 31 8 16 6 31 ka 37 24 21 23 47
na 76 71 28 51 40 la 59 17 8 1313
ni 61 45 50 38 49 nu 50 43 40 41 37
pa 28 10 0 6 2 ra 52 6 15 -618
ra 27 21 23 21 21 ru 45 24 19 15 24
sa 19 17 19 11 19 si 61 34 38 11-5
tI 22 13 4 19 8 ti 38 29 43 21 25
vi 42 35 32 33 32 ya 69 25 27 30 27
kAr 27 26 -1 -7 -7
lables due to contextual factors are less in magnitude,
compared to deviations in durations due to positional
factors. The percentage deviations of durations of the
initial syllables due to their following units are inversely
related to size of the word, whereas for the final syllables,
the deviations in durations due to their preceding units
are proportional to size of the word.
So far duration analysis is performed on the whole set
of initial/final syllables, and on the categorized ini-
tial/final syllables based on position/size of the word in
the utterance. In the analysis a large variation in duration
within each category of syllables is observed. For more
detailed analysis, there is a need to classify the syllables
further by considering the size of the word and position
of the word together. With this classification, words can
be categorized into 15 groups (3 × 5 = 15, using position
of the word 3 groups, and size of the word 5 groups).
6. Observation and Discussion
From the above analysis (Section 4 and Section 5) it is
observed that duration patterns for the sequence of syl-
lables depends on different factors at various levels. It is
difficult to derive a finite number of rules which charac-
terizes the behavior of the duration patterns of the syl-
lables. Even to fit the linear models to characterize the
durational behavior of the syllables is also difficult.
Since the linguistic features associated to different fac-
tors have complex interactions at different levels, it is
difficult to derive a rulebase or linear model to charac-
terize the durational behavior of the syllables.
To overcome the difficulty in modeling the duration
patterns of the syllables, nonlinear models can be ex-
plored. Nonlinear models are known for their ability to
capture the complex relations between the input and
output. The performance of the model depends on the
quality and quantity of the training data, structure of the
model and training and testing topologies [13]. From the
analysis carried out in sections 4 and 5, we can identify
the features that affect the duration of a syllable. The
basic factors and its associated linguistic features that
affect the durations of syllables are given in Table 9.
Nonlinear models can be developed using these features
as input and the corresponding duration as the output to
predict the durations of syllables [14-16]. Similar analo-
gy can be used for modeling the intonation patterns
Even though the list of the factors affecting the dura-
tion may be identified, but it is difficult to determine
their effect independently. This is because the duration
patterns of the sequence of sound units depend on several
factors and their complex interactions. Formulation of
Table 8. Percentage deviations of durations of initial and
final syllables due to their adjacent syllables (following and
preceding syllables for initial and final syllables, respec-
tively) present in different word sizes. Syllables in the first
column are following syllables to the initial syllables and
syllables in the seventh column are preceding syllables to
final syllables. Legend : T-Tri, Te -T et ra, Pe-Penta, P-Poly.
Following Syllables Preceding Syllables
Du 5257454430 chA 10 24 211336
Ta 25 21211316da -25 30 3032 49
da 4515 16 18 3gA 27 17 203239
di 22 -214-10 7ku -22 24 4123 33
li 51 432312 40la 28 24 474138
lu 30 262321 22ma 12 14 405662
mi 38202116-11 man 32 39 402743
nu 22719 2511nA 23 24 202033
ni 37 3516515na 11 15 303054
pu 53 1313-840ni 27 0 244358
ra 46 452543 24rA 9 26 353348
ri 3018 25 18 9ra 34 18 434068
ru 5122313927 shA 20 13 332727
si 2584 10-2vA 26 27 364349
su 124 7 80yA 19 36 352841
ta 7050476552
ti 3436272419
va 5124233122
ya 1658 1010
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Table 9. List of the factors and its associated features af-
fecting the syllable duration.
Factors Features
Syllable position in the
Position of syllable from beginning of
the phrase
Position of syllable from end of the
Number of syllables in the phrase
Syllable position in the
Position of syllable from beginning of
the word
Position of syllable from end of the
Number of syllables
Word position in the
Position of word from beginning of the
Position of word from end of the
Number of words in a phrase
Syllable identity Segments of the syllable (consonants
and vowels)
Context of the syllable Previous syllable
Following syllable
Syllable nucleus Position of the nucleus
Number of segments before the nuc-
Number of segments after the nucleus
Gender identity Gender of the speaker
these interactions in terms of either linear or nonlinear
relations is a complex task. For example, in the analysis
of positional factors (Tables 1 and 2) the deviation in the
durations include the effect of contextual factors, nature
of the syllable, word level and phrase level factors. Si-
milarly in the analysis of contextual factors, the contri-
butions of other factors are also included.
From the duration analysis one can identify the list of
features affecting the duration, but it is very difficult to
derive the precise rules for estimating the duration. The
analysis performed in this paper may be useful for some
speech applications where the precise estimation of dura-
tions is not essential. For example, in the case of speech
recognition, rule-based duration models can provide a
supporting evidence to improve the recognition rate [19].
This is particularly evident in speech recognition in noisy
environment [20]. In the case of speaker recognition,
speaker-specific duration models will give an additional
evidence, which can be further used to enhance the rec-
ognition performance [21]. Duration models are also
useful in language identification task, since the duration
patterns of the sequence of sound units are unique to a
particular language [22-24].
In the duration analysis, the numbers shown in the
tables indicate the av
These models
may not be
for Text-to-Speech (TTS)
application. In TTS synthesis, precise duration
models produce speech with
and in-
telligibility [25]. The naturalness mainly depends on the
accuracy of prosody models. The derived duration mod-
els in the paper may not be appropriate for high quality
TTS applications, but they can be useful in developing
other speech systems such as speech recognition, speaker
recognition and language identification. Precise duration
models can be derived by using nonlinear models such as
neural networks, support vector machines and classifica-
tion and regression trees. A nonlinear model will give the
precise duration by providing 1) all the factors and fea-
tures responsible for the variation in duration as input, 2)
each category of the sound unit has enough examples and
(3) the database should contain enough diversity [13].
7. Prediction of Durations
In this section, prediction performance of the duration-
models is illustrated using (a) Rulebase derived from the
manual analysis and (b) Feed forward neural network
model. For carrying out this prediction analysis, 15 news
bulletins (60,763 syllables) are used for training and 5
news bulletins (23, 586 syllables) are used for testing.
The prediction analysis using rulebase is carried out with
three different models: 1) Rulebase is derived from the
duration analysis of positional and contextual factors of
all the syllables together. 2) Rulebase derived from the
duration analysis of positional and contextual factors of
the syllables categorized based on the position of the
words. 3) Rulebase derived from the duration analysis of
positional and contextual factors of the syllables catego-
rized based on the size of the words. In each case the
rulebase is derived from the syllables of 15 news bulle-
tins, and evaluated using the syllables of 5 news bulletins.
The prediction accuracy of the duration models is ana-
lyzed using (a) % of syllables predicted within different
deviations from the actual durations and (b) objective
measures such as (i) average prediction error, (ii) stan-
dard deviation and (iii) correlation coefficient. For each
syllable the deviation (i
D) is computed as follows:
Di xi
where xi and yi are the actual and predicted durations,
respectively. The definitions of average prediction error
(µ), standard deviation (
), and linear correlation coef-
ficient (,
) are given below:
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
iiei eiy
where i
, i
yare the actual and predicted durations,
respectively, and ei is the error between the actual and
predicted durations. The deviation in error is i
d, and N
is the number of observed syllable durations. The corre-
lation coefficient is given by
,,where, .
The quantities
are the standard deviations of
the actual and predicted durations, respectively, and
Y is the correlation between the actual and predicted du-
rations. The prediction performance of the duration mo-
dels using different rulebases is given in Table 10 The
first column indicates three different rulebases derived
from the training data. The irst one indicate the rulebase
derived from the gross duration analysis (i.e., analyzing
the durations of all syllables). Second and third rulebases
are derived from the refined duration analysis (i.e., ana-
lyzing the durations of syllables based on posi tion of the
word and size of the word). Second column of the Table
10 indicates the basic influencing factors of the durations
of the sound units, with which the rule-bases are derived.
Columns 3-7, indicate the % of syllables predicted within
2%, 5%, 10%, 25% and 50% deviations from their actual
durations. Columns 8-10, indicate objective measures of
the prediction accuracy. From the results, it is observed
that the accuracy of prediction has improved by using the
rulebases derived from the syllables categorized based on
position/size of the words, compared to whole set of the
syllables. Here, in the manual analysis, the durations are
predicted separately using positional and contextual fac-
tors. Combining the positional and contextual factors in
the analysis of durations is very hard in deriving the ru-
lebase, because of the difficulty in capturing the complex
nonlinear interactions between them. Therefore, we pro-
pose a neural network model, which suppose to capture
the complex interactions among the factors as well as
their associated duration patterns.
A four layer Feed forward Neural Network (FFNN) is
used for modeling the durations of syllables. The general
structure of the FFNN is shown in Figure 2 Here the
FFNN model is expected to capture the functional rela-
tionship between the input and output feature vectors of
the given training data.
The mapping function is between the 25-dimensional
input vector and the 1-dimensional output. It is known
that a neural network with two hidden layers can realize
any continuous vector-valued function [26]. The first
layer is the input layer with linear units. The second and
third layers are hidden layers. The second layer (first hid-
den layer) of the network has more units than the input
layer, and it can be interpreted as capturing some local
features in the input space. The third layer (second hid-
den layer) has fewer units than the first layer, and can be
interpreted as capturing some global features [13,27].
The fourth layer is the output layer having one unit re-
presenting the duration of a syllable. The activation func-
tion for the units at the input layer is linear, and for the
units at the hidden layers, it is nonlinear. Generalization
by the network is influenced by three factors: The size of
the training set, the architecture of the neural network,
and the complexity of the problem. We have no control
over the first and last factors. Several network structures
were explored in this study. The (empirically arrived)
final structure of the network is 25L 50N 12N 1N, where
L denotes a linear unit, and N denotes a nonlinear unit.
The integer value indicates the number of units used in
that layer. The nonlinear units use tanh(s) as the activa-
tion function, where s is the activation value of that unit.
For studying the effect of the positional and contextual
factors on syllable duration, the network structures 14L
28N 7N 1N and 13L 26N 7N 1N are used, respectively.
The proportions of the number of units in each layer are
similar as in the earlier network. The inputs to these
networks represent the positional and contextual factors.
All the input and output features are normalized to the
range [-1, +1] before presenting them to the neural net-
work. The back propagation learning algorithm is used
for adjusting the weights of the network to minimize the
mean squared error for each syllable duration [27].
Table 10. Performance of the duration models using different rulebases. Legend: Po-Positional, Co-Contextual.
Type of rulebase Factors % of predicted syllables within dev. Objective measures
2% 5% 10% 25% 50% μ (ms) σ (ms) γ
General Po 1 5 19 51 81 45 37 0.63
Co 1 4 20 47 79 48 40 0.61
of word
Po 2 6 25 57 85 41 35 0.65
Co 1 5 24 56 83 43 37 0.62
Size of word Po 2 7 24 53 87 40 33 0.66
Co 1 5 22 56 83 44 38 0.62
Selection of Suitable Features for Modeling the Durations of Syllables
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
For studying the effect of positional and contextual
factors on syllable duration, the features associated with
the syllable position and syllable context were used sep-
arately. The features representing the positional factors
are: 1) Syllable position in the phrase (3-dimensional
feature), 2) syllable position in the word (3-dimensional
feature), 3) word position in the phrase (3-dimensional
feature), 4) syllable identity (4-dimensional feature) and
5) identity of gender. Features representing the contex-
tual factors are the identities of the present syllable, its
previous and following syllables and the identity of
gender. Altogether, we have developed three neural net-
work models 1) Model developed using only positional
features, 2) Model developed using only contextual fea-
tures and 3) Model developed using both positional and
contextual features. The prediction performance of these
three models is given in Table 11. It is observed that the
accuracy of prediction is superior for the neural network
models (see Table 11), compared to rule based models
(see Table 10). This is due to fact that the neural net
work captures the hidden interactions that are present in
the features of different levels.
Figure 2. Four layer feed forwar d ne ural network.
Table 11. Performance of the duration mode ls using neural
networks. Legend: Pos-Posi tional, Con-Contextual.
% of predicted syllables
within dev. Objective measures
% 5% 10
(ms) γ
Pos 4 11 32 61 87 32 26 0.74
Con 2 9 31 59 85 35 28 0.71
All 5 12 34 66 91 29 24 0.78
8. Summary and Conclusion
Factors affecting the durations of syllables in continuous
speech were identified. They are positional, contextual
and phonological factors. Durations were analyzed using
positional and contextual factors. In the analysis of posi-
tional factors, it was noted that the deviations in dura-
tions of the syllables depend on voicing, place and man-
ner of articulation, and nature of vowel present in the
syllable. From the analysis of contextual factors, it was
mainly observed that syllables with unvoiced stop con-
sonants affect the durations of their preceding syllables,
and syllables with voiced consonants affect the durations
of their following syllables. In the analysis, a wide range
of durational variations was observed. For detailed anal-
ysis, categorization of syllables was suggested. In this
work syllables were categorized based on size of the
word and position of the word in the utterance, and the
analysis was performed separately in each group. From
the analysis, list of various factors and its associated fea-
tures which affect the duration patterns of the sequence
of sound units were identified. Nonlinear models were
suggested for predicting the accurate durations of syl-
lables from the complex interactions of various factors at
different levels. Prediction performance of the duration
models using rulebase and neural networks was eva-
luated. It was observed that the accuracy of prediction
using neural network models was better compared to the
models derived from rulebases. This is because of the
capability of the neural networks to capture the complex
nonlinear relations across the factors influencing the du-
rations of sound units. The duration analysis can be fur-
ther extended by analyzing the factors at higher level
such as accent and prominence of syllables, part-of-
speech (syntactic factors), semantics and the emotional
state of the speaker.
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